Beispiel #1
    def execute(self):

        screen_w, screen_h = screen_width(), screen_height()
        if self.max_size is None:
            self.max_size = screen_w / 2, screen_h / 3
        if self.min_size is None:
            self.min_size = screen_w / 2, screen_h / 4
        self.gui.max_size = self.max_size
        self.gui.min_size = self.min_size

        resultMap = {}
        if self.gui.findChild(name="okButton"):
            resultMap["okButton"] = OK

        if self.gui.findChild(name="cancelButton"):
            resultMap["cancelButton"] = CANCEL

        if self.gui.findChild(name="yesButton"):
            resultMap["noButton"] = NO

        if self.gui.findChild(name="yesButton"):
            resultMap["yesButton"] = YES

        ok = self.gui.execute(resultMap)
        if ok:
            return self.getOkResult()
        return self.getCancelResult()
Beispiel #2
    def execute(self):

        screen_w, screen_h = screen_width(), screen_height()
        if self.max_size is None:
            self.max_size = screen_w // 2, screen_h // 3
        if self.min_size is None:
            self.min_size = screen_w // 2, screen_h // 4
        self.gui.max_size = self.max_size
        self.gui.min_size = self.min_size

        resultMap = {}
        if self.gui.findChild(name="okButton"):
            resultMap["okButton"] = OK

        if self.gui.findChild(name="cancelButton"):
            resultMap["cancelButton"] = CANCEL

        if self.gui.findChild(name="yesButton"):
            resultMap["noButton"] = NO

        if self.gui.findChild(name="yesButton"):
            resultMap["yesButton"] = YES

        ok = self.gui.execute(resultMap)
        if ok:
            return self.getOkResult()
        return self.getCancelResult()
Beispiel #3
    def new_f(*args, **kwargs):
            return, *args, **kwargs)

        except Exception, e:
            dialog = XMLDialog(StringIO(EXCEPTION_CATCHER_XML), initial_data={"message": str(e)})
            tb = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)
            dialog.gui.findChild(name="traceback").text = "".join(tb)
            dialog.min_size = screen_width() / 2, 3 * screen_height() / 4
            dialog.max_size = screen_width() / 2, 3 * screen_height() / 4
            result = dialog.execute()
            if result == YES:
                return new_f(*args, **kwargs)
            elif result == NO:
Beispiel #4
	def new_f(*args,**kwargs):

		except Exception, e:
			dialog = XMLDialog(StringIO(EXCEPTION_CATCHER_XML),
			tb = traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)
			dialog.gui.findChild(name="traceback").text = "".join(tb)
			dialog.min_size = screen_width()/2,3*screen_height()/4
			dialog.max_size = screen_width()/2,3*screen_height()/4
			result = dialog.execute()
			if result == YES:
				return new_f(*args,**kwargs)
			elif result == NO:
Beispiel #5
def select(message="", options=[], caption="Message"):
    text = _make_text(message)
    dialog = XMLDialog(StringIO(SELECT_BOX_XML), initial_data={"message": text, "window": caption})
    dialog.size = screen_width() / 3, 2 * screen_height() / 3

    dialog.gui.findChild(name="message").max_width = screen_width() / 2 - 50
    listbox = dialog.gui.findChild(name="selection")
    listbox.items = options
    if dialog.execute():
        return listbox.selected_item
    return None
Beispiel #6
def select(message="",options=[],caption="Message"):
	text = _make_text(message)
	dialog = XMLDialog(StringIO(SELECT_BOX_XML),
	dialog.size = screen_width()/3, 2*screen_height()/3

	dialog.gui.findChild(name="message").max_width = screen_width()/2 - 50
	listbox = dialog.gui.findChild(name="selection")
	listbox.items = options
	if dialog.execute():
		return listbox.selected_item
	return None
Beispiel #7
def select(message="", options=[], caption="Message"):
    text = _make_text(message)
    dialog = XMLDialog(StringIO(SELECT_BOX_XML))
    dialog.size = screen_width() // 3, (2 * screen_height()) // 3
    dialog.gui.findChild(name="message").max_width = screen_width() // 2 - 50
    dialog.gui.findChild(name="message").text = text
    dialog.gui.findChild(name="window").title = caption

    listbox = dialog.gui.findChild(name="selection")
    listbox.items = options
    if dialog.execute():
        return listbox.selected_item
    return None
Beispiel #8
def select(message="",options=[],caption="Message"):
	text = _make_text(message)
	dialog = XMLDialog(StringIO(SELECT_BOX_XML))
	dialog.size = screen_width() // 3, (2 * screen_height()) // 3
	dialog.gui.findChild(name="message").max_width = screen_width() // 2 - 50
	dialog.gui.findChild(name="message").text = text
	dialog.gui.findChild(name="window").title = caption
	listbox = dialog.gui.findChild(name="selection")
	listbox.items = options
	if dialog.execute():
		return listbox.selected_item
	return None
def placeWidget(widget,position):
	Place a widget according to a string defining relative coordinates to screen borders.

	The position definition has to be of the form: C{"<x_pos><x_delta>:<y_pos><y_delta>"}

	C{<x_pos>} may be one of:
          - left
          - right
          - center
          - explicit

	C{<y_pos>} may be one of:
          - top
          - bottom
          - center
          - explicit

        C{explicit} means that the widgets x or y position will not be touched. The rest should be
        self explanatory.

	C{<x_delta>} and C{<y_delta>} must be of the form: +pixel_number or -pixel_number. Or comletely
        omitted. Note that the sign has to be there for for positive deltas, too.

	For brevity two shortcuts exist:
          - "explict" -> "explict:explict"
          - "automatic" -> "center:center"
	A few examples::

	@param widget: The PyChan widget.
	@param position: A position definition.

	If the position cannot be parsed a L{PyChanException} is thrown.

	if position == EXPLICIT:
	x_pos,x_delta,y_pos,y_delta = _parsePosition(position)

	x,y = widget.position
	w,h = widget.size

	if x_pos == CENTER:
		x = (screen_width()-w)/2 + x_delta

	if y_pos == CENTER:
		y = (screen_height()-h)/2 + y_delta

	if x_pos == LEFT:
		x = x_delta

	if y_pos == TOP:
		y = y_delta

	if x_pos == RIGHT:
		x = screen_width() - w + x_delta

	if y_pos == BOTTOM:
		y = screen_height() - h + y_delta

	widget.position = x,y
Beispiel #10
def placeWidget(widget, position):
	Place a widget according to a string defining relative coordinates to screen borders.

	The position definition has to be of the form: C{"<x_pos><x_delta>:<y_pos><y_delta>"}

	C{<x_pos>} may be one of:
          - left
          - right
          - center
          - explicit

	C{<y_pos>} may be one of:
          - top
          - bottom
          - center
          - explicit

        C{explicit} means that the widgets x or y position will not be touched. The rest should be
        self explanatory.

	C{<x_delta>} and C{<y_delta>} must be of the form: +pixel_number or -pixel_number. Or completely
        omitted. Note that the sign has to be there for for positive deltas, too.

	For brevity two shortcuts exist:
          - "explicit" -> "explicit:explicit"
          - "automatic" -> "center:center"
	A few examples::

	@param widget: The PyChan widget.
	@param position: A position definition.

	If the position cannot be parsed a L{PyChanException} is thrown.

    if position == EXPLICIT:
    x_pos, x_delta, y_pos, y_delta = _parsePosition(position)

    x, y = widget.position
    w, h = widget.size

    if x_pos == CENTER:
        x = (screen_width() - w) // 2 + x_delta

    if y_pos == CENTER:
        y = (screen_height() - h) // 2 + y_delta

    if x_pos == LEFT:
        x = x_delta

    if y_pos == TOP:
        y = y_delta

    if x_pos == RIGHT:
        x = screen_width() - w + x_delta

    if y_pos == BOTTOM:
        y = screen_height() - h + y_delta

    widget.position = x, y