Beispiel #1
def estimateFeatureTranslation(startX, startY, Ix, Iy, img1, img2):
    X = startX
    Y = startY
    mesh_x, mesh_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(WINDOW_SIZE),
    img1_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    img2_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    mesh_x_flat_fix = mesh_x.flatten() + X - np.floor(WINDOW_SIZE / 2)
    mesh_y_flat_fix = mesh_y.flatten() + Y - np.floor(WINDOW_SIZE / 2)
    coor_fix = np.vstack((mesh_x_flat_fix, mesh_y_flat_fix))
    I1_value = interp2(img1_gray, coor_fix[[0], :], coor_fix[[1], :])
    Ix_value = interp2(Ix, coor_fix[[0], :], coor_fix[[1], :])
    Iy_value = interp2(Iy, coor_fix[[0], :], coor_fix[[1], :])
    I = np.vstack((Ix_value, Iy_value))
    A =

    for _ in range(15):
        mesh_x_flat = mesh_x.flatten() + X - np.floor(WINDOW_SIZE / 2)
        mesh_y_flat = mesh_y.flatten() + Y - np.floor(WINDOW_SIZE / 2)
        coor = np.vstack((mesh_x_flat, mesh_y_flat))
        I2_value = interp2(img2_gray, coor[[0], :], coor[[1], :])
        Ip = (I2_value - I1_value).reshape((-1, 1))
        b =
        solution = inv(A).dot(b)
        X += solution[0, 0]
        Y += solution[1, 0]

    return X, Y
Beispiel #2
def nonMaxSup(Mag, Ori):

    (yLength, xLength) = Mag.shape

    coordinates = (yLength, xLength)
    coordinates_x = coordinates[1]
    coordinates_y = coordinates[0]

    # Initialize the meshgrid
    mGridY, mGridX = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, coordinates_x),
                                 np.arange(0, coordinates_y))

    # Modify the meshgrid with orientation
    interp_location = np.add(mGridY, np.sin(Ori))
    interp_location_2 = np.add(mGridX, np.cos(Ori))
    interp_location_3 = np.subtract(mGridY, np.sin(Ori))
    interp_location_4 = np.subtract(mGridX, np.cos(Ori))

    # Interpolate and get magnitude of new points
    interp_pos = interp2(mGridX, mGridY, Mag, interp_location,
    interp_neg = interp2(mGridX, mGridY, Mag, interp_location_3,

    # New matrix created by logical operation
    Compare = np.logical_and(Mag > interp_pos, Mag > interp_neg)

    # Change into binary matrix
    Compare_int = Compare.astype(

    return Compare_int
Beispiel #3
def edgeLink(M, Mag, Ori):
    h, w = Mag.shape
    M1 = M * Mag
    mean = M1.sum() / M.sum()
    high = 1 * mean
    low = 0.2 * mean

    High = high * np.ones([h, w])
    Low = low * np.ones([h, w])

    M = M * Mag
    hpoint = np.int64(M - High > 0)
    mpoint = np.int64(High - M > 0) * np.int64(M - Low > 0)
    temp = mpoint
    E = hpoint

    lx_p = np.sin(Ori)
    ly_p = np.cos(Ori)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
    xq_p = x + lx_p
    yq_p = y + ly_p
    xq_n = x - lx_p
    yq_n = y - ly_p

    while (temp.sum() > 0):
        Pos1 = interp2(E * Mag, xq_p, yq_p) * mpoint
        Neg1 = interp2(E * Mag, xq_n, yq_n) * mpoint
        temp = 1 * np.logical_or(np.int64(Pos1 - High > 0),
                                 np.int64(Neg1 - High > 0))
        E = E + temp
        mpoint = mpoint - temp

    return E
Beispiel #4
def edgeLink(M, Mag, Ori):
    # TODO: your code here
    edgeMap = M * Mag
    updatedMap = edgeMap
    mean = np.mean(Mag)
    median = np.median(Mag)
    std_dev = np.std(Mag)
    # print("mean",mean)
    # print("median",median)
    # print("dev",std_dev)
    # low_threshold=int(max(0, (1.0 - sigma) * np.median(Mag)))
    # high_threshold=int(min(255, (1.0 + sigma) * np.median(Mag)))
    high_threshold = mean * 0.9
    low_threshold = mean * 0.65
    print("high", high_threshold)
    print("low", low_threshold)
    # high_threshold=np.mean(Mag)*0.8
    # low_threshold=np.mean(Mag)
    strongEdgeMap = (edgeMap > high_threshold) * 1
    weakEdgeMap = np.logical_and(edgeMap > low_threshold,
                                 edgeMap < high_threshold) * 1

    X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(M.shape[1]), np.arange(M.shape[0]))

    OriEdge1 = Ori + (np.pi / 2)
    x1 = X + np.cos(OriEdge1)
    y1 = Y + np.sin(OriEdge1)
    OriEdge2 = Ori - (np.pi / 2)
    x2 = X + np.cos(OriEdge2)
    y2 = Y + np.sin(OriEdge2)

    edge1x = weakEdgeMap * x1
    edge1y = weakEdgeMap * y1
    edge2x = weakEdgeMap * x2
    edge2y = weakEdgeMap * y2

    strongEdgeMap_old = np.empty(strongEdgeMap.shape)
    weakEdgeMap_new = weakEdgeMap
    while True:
        side1 = weakEdgeMap_new * (interp.interp2(updatedMap, edge1x, edge1y) >
        side2 = weakEdgeMap_new * (interp.interp2(updatedMap, edge2x, edge2y) >
        sides = np.asarray(side1 + side2, dtype=bool)
        updatedMap = edgeMap + sides * high_threshold
        weakEdgeMap_new = weakEdgeMap - sides
        strongEdgeMap = np.asarray(strongEdgeMap + sides, dtype=bool)
        edge1x = weakEdgeMap_new * x1
        edge1y = weakEdgeMap_new * y1
        edge2x = weakEdgeMap_new * x2
        edge2y = weakEdgeMap_new * y2
        # print(np.sum(strongEdgeMap))
        if (strongEdgeMap_old == strongEdgeMap).all():
            return strongEdgeMap
            strongEdgeMap_old = strongEdgeMap
def nonMaxSup(Mag, Ori):
  # TODO: your code here
  return ans
Beispiel #6
def nonMaxSup(Mag, Ori):

    h, w = Mag.shape

    lx = np.cos(Ori)
    ly = np.sin(Ori)

    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
    xq_p = x + lx
    yq_p = y - ly
    xq_n = x - lx
    yq_n = y + ly

    Pos = interp2(Mag, xq_p, yq_p)
    Neg = interp2(Mag, xq_n, yq_n)

    M = np.int64(Mag - Pos > 0) * np.int64(Mag - Neg > 0)

    return M
Beispiel #7
def nonMaxSup(Mag, Ori):

    # Construct interpolation for upper point and lower point
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(Mag.shape[1]), np.arange(Mag.shape[0]))
    x_pri = x + np.cos(Ori)
    y_pri = y + np.sin(Ori)
    Mag_point1 = interp.interp2(Mag, x_pri, y_pri)
    X_pri = x - np.cos(Ori)
    Y_pri = y - np.sin(Ori)
    Mag_point2 = interp.interp2(Mag, X_pri, Y_pri)

    # Compare three matrices: Mag, Mag_point1, Mag_point2
    # Only when Mag > Mag_point1 and Mag > Mag_point2, M=1
    # if replace 1 with Mag, we will get a picture looks like Mag, but thinner
    M = np.where((Mag > Mag_point1) & (Mag > Mag_point2), 1, 0)
    # plt.imshow(M, cmap='gray')

    return M
Beispiel #8
def im_transform_2d(img, t, x=None, y=None, center=(0.0, 0.0)):
    img = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float)
    H, W = img.shape
    if x is None:
        x = np.arange(W, dtype=np.float) - center[0]
    if y is None:
        y = np.arange(H, dtype=np.float) - center[1]

    Y, X = np.meshgrid(y, x, indexing='ij')
    Xt, Yt = pt_transform_2d(t, X, Y, inverse=True)
    oimg = interp.interp2(Xt, Yt, x, y, img)
    return oimg
Beispiel #9
def edgeLink(M, Mag, Ori):

    # set the high and low threshold
    highThresholdRatio = 2.5
    lowThresholdRatio = 1.1
    Mag1 = np.copy(Mag)
    highThreshold = np.mean(M * Mag1) * highThresholdRatio
    lowThreshold = np.mean(M * Mag1) * lowThresholdRatio

    # construct the next edge points' coordinate
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(Mag.shape[1]), np.arange(Mag.shape[0]))

    new_ori = np.tan(-1 / (np.tan(Ori) + 0.0001))
    x_pri = x + np.cos(new_ori)
    y_pri = y + np.sin(new_ori)
    X_pri = x - np.cos(new_ori)
    Y_pri = y - np.sin(new_ori)

    # iterating until no further high threshold edge is detected
    oldNumOne = 0
    numOne = 0.1
    while (oldNumOne != numOne):
        oldNumOne = numOne

        Mag_point1 = interp.interp2(Mag1, x_pri, y_pri)
        Mag_point2 = interp.interp2(Mag1, X_pri, Y_pri)

        Mag1 = np.where((M == 1) & (Mag1 >= highThreshold), highThreshold,
                        np.where((M == 1) & (Mag1 >= lowThreshold)
                                 & ((Mag_point1 >= highThreshold) |
                                    (Mag_point2 >= highThreshold)),
                                 highThreshold, Mag1))

        numOne = np.sum(Mag1 == highThreshold)
    E = np.where(Mag1 == highThreshold, 1, 0)
    # plt.imshow(E, cmap='gray')
    return E
def estimateFeatureTranslation(startX, startY, Ix, Iy, img1, img2):

	prev_diff = float("inf")
	su,sv = 0,0

	meshy, meshx = np.meshgrid(np.arange(startY-5,startY+5), np.arange(startX-5, startX+5))
	img2_window = img2[startY-5:startY+5,startX-5:startX+5]

	while 1:
		It = img2 - img1

		pIx = interp.interp2(Ix, meshx, meshy)
		pIy = interp.interp2(Iy, meshx, meshy)
		pIt = interp.interp2(It, meshx, meshy)
		xx = np.sum(np.multiply(pIx,pIx))
		xy = np.sum(np.multiply(pIx,pIy))
		yy = np.sum(np.multiply(pIy,pIy))
		xt = np.sum(np.multiply(pIx,pIt))
		yt = np.sum(np.multiply(pIy,pIt))

		b = - np.array([xt,yt]).transpose()
		A = np.array([[xx+10e-6,xy],[xy,yy+10e-6]])
		uv = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(A),b)

		meshy,meshx = meshy+(uv[1]),meshx+(uv[0])
		newImg = interp.interp2(img1, meshx, meshy)
		diff = np.linalg.norm(img2_window - newImg)
		if (prev_diff-diff) < 10e-6:
			# return np.round(startX + su), np.round(startY + sv)
			return startX + su, startY + sv
			#return np.round(startX + uv[0]), np.round(startY + uv[1])
			su += uv[0]
			sv += uv[1]
			prev_diff = diff
def nonMaxSup(Mag, Ori):
    # TODO: your code here
	Ori[Ori<0]=np.pi+ Ori[Ori<0]





	#edgex1=np.logical_and(signal.convolve2d(M,np.asarray([[-1,1,0]]),'same')>0, signal.convolve2d(M,np.asarray([[0,1,-1]]),'same')>0).astype(int)

	edgex=np.logical_and(signal.convolve2d(Mag,np.asarray([[-1,1.1,0]]),'same')>0, signal.convolve2d(Mag,np.asarray([[0,1.1,-1]]),'same')>0).astype(int)

	edgey=np.logical_and(signal.convolve2d(Mag,np.asarray([[-1],[1.1],[0]]),'same')>0, signal.convolve2d(Mag,np.asarray([[0],[1.1],[-1]]),'same')>0).astype(int)

	#edgexy1=np.logical_and(signal.convolve2d(M,np.asarray([[0,0,-1],[0,1,0],[0,0,0]]),'same'), signal.convolve2d(M,np.asarray([[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[-1,0,0]]),'same')).astype(int)

	edgexy=np.logical_and(signal.convolve2d(Mag,np.asarray([[0,0,-1],[0,1.1,0],[0,0,0]]),'same')>0, signal.convolve2d(Mag,np.asarray([[0,0,0],[0,1.1,0],[-1,0,0]]),'same')>0).astype(int)


	edgeyx=np.logical_and(signal.convolve2d(Mag,np.asarray([[-1,0,0],[0,1.1,0],[0,0,0]]),'same')>0, signal.convolve2d(Mag,np.asarray([[0,0,0],[0,1.1,0],[0,0,-1]]),'same')>0).astype(int)



	return edge

    #X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, Mag.shape[1], 1), np.arange(0, Mag.shape[0], 1))
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(Mag.shape[1]), np.arange(Mag.shape[0]))
    Ori = +1 * Ori

    Xc = X + np.cos(Ori)
    Ys = Y + np.sin(Ori)

    Xc_neg = X - np.cos(Ori)
    Ys_neg = Y - np.sin(Ori)

    M_interp_pos = interp.interp2(Mag, Xc, Ys)
    M_interp_neg = interp.interp2(Mag, Xc_neg, Ys_neg)

    Magx = Mag > M_interp_pos
    Magy = Mag > M_interp_neg

    Mag1 = np.logical_and(Magx, Magy)

    return Mag1
Beispiel #12
def morph_tri(im1, im2, im1_pts, im2_pts, warp_frac, dissolve_frac):
    h1 = im1.shape[0]
    w1 = im1.shape[1]
    h2 = im2.shape[0]
    w2 = im2.shape[1]
    morphed_im = []

    for t in range(len(warp_frac)):
        warp_value = warp_frac[t]
        dissolve_value = dissolve_frac[t]

        # find triangles for intermediate image
        # print("========intermediate image=========")
        intermediate_pts = (1 - warp_value) * im1_pts + warp_value * im2_pts
        Tri = Delaunay(intermediate_pts)
        simplices = Tri.simplices

        # find the inverse of matrix A for each intermediate triangle, #inverse_matrix=#triangles
        # print("========inverse of matrix A for intermediate triangle=========")
        temp = intermediate_pts[simplices].transpose(
            (0, 2, 1))  #get coordinates of convex points
        temp_1 = np.zeros([simplices.shape[0], 3, 3])
        for t in range(len(temp)):
            temp_1[t, :, :] = np.linalg.inv(np.vstack((temp[t], [1, 1, 1])))

        # find matrix A for img 1, #matrix=#triangles
        # print("========find matrix A for img 1=========")
        temp_img1 = im1_pts[simplices].transpose((0, 2, 1))
        temp_1_img1 = np.zeros([simplices.shape[0], 3, 3])
        for t in range(len(temp_img1)):
            temp_1_img1[t, :, :] = np.vstack((temp_img1[t], [1, 1, 1]))

        # find matrix A for img 2, #matrix=#triangles
        # print("========find matrix A for img 2=========")
        temp_img2 = im2_pts[simplices].transpose((0, 2, 1))
        temp_1_img2 = np.zeros([simplices.shape[0], 3, 3])
        for t in range(len(temp_img2)):
            temp_1_img2[t, :, :] = np.vstack((temp_img2[t], [1, 1, 1]))

        # get alpha beta gamma
        # print("========homogeneous coordinators=========")
        x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w1), np.arange(h1))
        x = x.flatten()
        y = y.flatten()
        simplex = Tri.find_simplex(list(zip(
            x, y)))  # the index of triangle each pixel is in
        pt_A = temp_1[simplex]  #get interm_A_inverse for each point
        alpha = pt_A[:, 0, 0] * x + pt_A[:, 0, 1] * y + pt_A[:, 0, 2]
        beta = pt_A[:, 1, 0] * x + pt_A[:, 1, 1] * y + pt_A[:, 1, 2]
        gamma = pt_A[:, 2, 0] * x + pt_A[:, 2, 1] * y + pt_A[:, 2, 2]

        # get coordinate in im1
        # print("========get coordinate in im1=========")
        pt_A_img1 = temp_1_img1[simplex]  #get im1_A matrix for each point
        x_t_1 = pt_A_img1[:, 0,
                          0] * alpha + pt_A_img1[:, 0,
                                                 1] * beta + pt_A_img1[:, 0,
                                                                       2] * gamma
        y_t_1 = pt_A_img1[:, 1,
                          0] * alpha + pt_A_img1[:, 1,
                                                 1] * beta + pt_A_img1[:, 1,
                                                                       2] * gamma
        z_t_1 = alpha + beta + gamma
        x_t_1 = x_t_1 / z_t_1
        y_t_1 = y_t_1 / z_t_1
        im1_warped = im1.copy()
        im1_warped[:, :, 0] = np.reshape(interp2(im1[:, :, 0], x_t_1, y_t_1),
                                         [h1, w1])
        im1_warped[:, :, 1] = np.reshape(interp2(im1[:, :, 1], x_t_1, y_t_1),
                                         [h1, w1])
        im1_warped[:, :, 2] = np.reshape(interp2(im1[:, :, 2], x_t_1, y_t_1),
                                         [h1, w1])
        # print(sum(im1_warped[:,:,0] == im1[:,:,0]))
        # print(sum(im1_warped[:,:,1] == im1[:,:,1]))
        # print(sum(im1_warped[:,:,2] == im1[:,:,2]))

        # get coordinate in im2
        # print("========get coordinate in im2=========")
        pt_A_img2 = temp_1_img2[simplex]  #get im2_A matrix for each point
        x_t_2 = pt_A_img2[:, 0,
                          0] * alpha + pt_A_img2[:, 0,
                                                 1] * beta + pt_A_img2[:, 0,
                                                                       2] * gamma
        y_t_2 = pt_A_img2[:, 1,
                          0] * alpha + pt_A_img2[:, 1,
                                                 1] * beta + pt_A_img2[:, 1,
                                                                       2] * gamma
        z_t_2 = alpha + beta + gamma
        x_t_2 = x_t_2 / z_t_2
        y_t_2 = y_t_2 / z_t_2
        # im2 = im1
        im2_warped = im2.copy()
        im2_warped[:, :, 0] = np.reshape(interp2(im2[:, :, 0], x_t_2, y_t_2),
                                         [h2, w2])
        im2_warped[:, :, 1] = np.reshape(interp2(im2[:, :, 1], x_t_2, y_t_2),
                                         [h2, w2])
        im2_warped[:, :, 2] = np.reshape(interp2(im2[:, :, 2], x_t_2, y_t_2),
                                         [h2, w2])
        # print(sum(im2_warped[:,:,0] == im2[:,:,0]))
        # print(sum(im2_warped[:,:,1] == im2[:,:,1]))
        # print(sum(im2_warped[:,:,2] == im2[:,:,2]))

        # cross-dissolve
        # print("========cross-dissolve=========")
        morphed = im1_warped.copy()
        morphed[:, :,
                0] = (1 - dissolve_value
                      ) * im1_warped[:, :,
                                     0] + dissolve_value * im2_warped[:, :, 0]
        morphed[:, :,
                1] = (1 - dissolve_value
                      ) * im1_warped[:, :,
                                     1] + dissolve_value * im2_warped[:, :, 1]
        morphed[:, :,
                2] = (1 - dissolve_value
                      ) * im1_warped[:, :,
                                     2] + dissolve_value * im2_warped[:, :, 2]
        # print(sum(morphed[:,:,0] == im1[:,:,0]))
        # print(sum(morphed[:,:,1] == im1[:,:,1]))
        # print(sum(morphed[:,:,2] == im1[:,:,2]))
        # print(sum(morphed[:,:,0] == im2[:,:,0]))
        # print(sum(morphed[:,:,1] == im2[:,:,1]))
        # print(sum(morphed[:,:,2] == im2[:,:,2]))
        # print(morphed.max(), morphed.min())

        # putting together the morphed images
        # print("========put together=========")

    morphed_im = np.array(morphed_im)
    return morphed_im.astype('uint8')
Beispiel #13
        # find points in Delaunay triangles
        target_face = np.zeros_like(img2, dtype=np.uint8)
        for ind, triangle in enumerate(tri.simplices):
            cartesian_coor = points[np.where(belong_to_tri == ind)]
            A = np.vstack(
                (img2_reference_points[triangle, :].T, np.array([1, 1, 1])))
            b = np.hstack(
                (cartesian_coor, np.ones([cartesian_coor.shape[0], 1])))
            barycentric_coor = np.linalg.inv(A).dot(b.T)
            img1_reference_points = np.vstack((landmarks1_trans, four_corners))
            interp_position =
                img1_reference_points[triangle, :])
            for k in range(3):
                interp_1 = interp2(img1_trans[:, :, k],
                                   np.array([interp_position[:, 0]]),
                                   np.array([interp_position[:, 1]])).T
                target_face[:, :,
                            k][cartesian_coor[:, 1],
                               cartesian_coor[:, 0]] = interp_1.reshape(-1, )
        time2 = time.time()

        # img1_reference_points = np.vstack((landmarks1_trans,four_corners))
        # plt.figure(1)
        # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img1_trans,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
        # plt.triplot(img1_reference_points[:,0], img1_reference_points[:,1], tri.simplices.copy())
        # plt.figure(2)
        # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(target_face,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
        # plt.triplot(img2_reference_points[:,0], img2_reference_points[:,1], tri.simplices.copy())
        # plt.figure(3)
        # plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img2,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))