Beispiel #1
	def _get_cells_recursive(self, outcells, data_path, bounds_xy, bounds_t, pattern, x = 0., y = 0.):
		""" Helper for get_cells(). See documentation of
		    get_cells() for usage
		lev  = bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y)
		dx   = bhpix.pix_size(lev)

		# Check for nonzero overlap
		box  = self._cell_bounds_xy(x, y, dx)
		bounds_xy = bounds_xy & box
		if not bounds_xy:

		# Check if the cell directory exists (give up if it doesn't)
		path = data_path + '/' + self._path_to_cell_base_xy(x, y, lev)
		if not os.path.isdir(path):

		# If re reached the bottom of the hierarchy
		if self._is_valid_cell_xy(x, y):
			# Get the cell_ids for leaf cells matching pattern
			xybounds = None if(bounds_xy.area() == box.area()) else bounds_xy
			sibling_cells = list(self._get_temporal_siblings(x, y, path, pattern))
			for cell_id in sibling_cells:
				# Filter on time, add bounds
				x, y, t = self._xyt_from_cell_id(cell_id)

				if t != self.t0:
					# Cut on the time component
					tival = intervalset((t, t+self.dt))
					tolap = bounds_t & tival
					if len(tolap):
						(l, r) = tolap[-1]				# Get the right-most interval component
						if l == r == t+self.dt:				# Is it a single point?
							tolap = intervalset(*tolap[:-1])	# Since objects in this cell have time in [t, t+dt), remove the t+dt point
					if len(tolap) == 0:					# No overlap between the intervals -- skip this cell
					# Return None if the cell is fully contained in the requested interval
					tbounds = None if tival == tolap else tolap
					# Static cell
					tbounds = bounds_t
					assert len(sibling_cells) == 1, "There can be only one static cell (cell_id=%s)" % cell_id

				# Add to output
				if tbounds is None:
					outcells[cell_id][xybounds] = None
				elif xybounds not in outcells[cell_id]:
					outcells[cell_id][xybounds] = tbounds
				elif outcells[cell_id][xybounds] is not None:
					outcells[cell_id][xybounds] |= tbounds
			# Recursively subdivide the four subpixels
			dx = dx / 2
			for d in np.array([(0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5)]):
				(x2, y2) = (x, y) + dx*d
				self._get_cells_recursive(outcells, data_path, bounds_xy & box, bounds_t, pattern, x2, y2)
Beispiel #2
def __part_to_xy_t(part):
    """ Internal: Used by canonicize_bounds """
    bounds_xy = Polygon.Polygon()
    bounds_t = intervalset()
    for v in part:
        if isinstance(v, Polygon.Polygon):
            bounds_xy |= v
        elif isinstance(v, intervalset):
            bounds_t |= v
            raise Exception('Incorrect part specification')

    if not bounds_xy: bounds_xy = ALLSKY
    if len(bounds_t) == 0: bounds_t = intervalset((-np.inf, np.inf))

    return (bounds_xy, bounds_t)
Beispiel #3
    def get_cells(self, bounds=None, return_bounds=False, include_cached=True):
        """ Return a list of (cell_id, bounds) tuples completely
		    covering the requested bounds.

			bounds must be a list of (Polygon, intervalset) tuples.

		    Output is a list of (cell_id, xybounds, tbounds) tuples,
		    unless return_bounds=False when the output is just a
		    list of cell_ids.
        self._include_cached = include_cached

        # Special case of bounds=None (all sky)
        if bounds == None:
            bounds = [(bn.ALLSKY, intervalset((-np.inf, np.inf)))]

        # Find all existing cells satisfying the bounds
        cells = defaultdict(dict)
        if False:
            # Single-threaded implementation
            for bounds_xy, bounds_t in bounds:
                self._get_cells_recursive(cells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, 0, 0, 1,
                self._get_cells_recursive(cells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, 0, 1, 1,
                self._get_cells_recursive(cells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, 1, 0, 1,
                self._get_cells_recursive(cells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, 1, 1, 1,
            # Multi-process implementation (appears to be as good or better than single thread in
            # nearly all cases of interest)
            pool = pool2.Pool()
            lev = min(4, self._pix.level)
            ij = np.indices(
                (2**lev, 2**lev)).reshape(2, -1).T  # List of i,j coordinates
            for cells_ in pool.imap_unordered(
                    _get_cells_kernel, (lev, self, bounds),
                for cell_id, b in cells_.iteritems():
                    for xyb, tb in b.iteritems():
                        _add_bounds(cells, cell_id, xyb, tb)
            del pool

        if len(cells):
            # Transform (x, y, t) tuples to cell_ids
            xyt = np.array(cells.keys()).transpose()
            cell_ids = self._pix._cell_id_for_xyt(xyt[0], xyt[1], xyt[2])

            # Reorder cells to be a dict of cell: [(poly, time), (poly, time)] entries
            cells = dict(
                ((cell_id, v.items())
                 for (cell_id, (k, v)) in izip(cell_ids, cells.iteritems())))

        if not return_bounds:
            return cells.keys()
            return cells
Beispiel #4
def __part_to_xy_t(part):
    """ Internal: Used by canonicize_bounds """
    bounds_xy = Polygon.Polygon()
    bounds_t = intervalset()
    for v in part:
        if isinstance(v, Polygon.Polygon):
            bounds_xy |= v
        elif isinstance(v, intervalset):
            bounds_t |= v
            raise Exception("Incorrect part specification")

    if not bounds_xy:
        bounds_xy = ALLSKY
    if len(bounds_t) == 0:
        bounds_t = intervalset((-np.inf, np.inf))

    return (bounds_xy, bounds_t)
Beispiel #5
def get_cells_with_dets_from_exps(db,
    """ Get all cells that may contain detections from within exposures
	    listed in explist. If given, use fovradius (in degrees) as the
	    radius of the field of view of each exposure, to limit the number
	    of cells that are considered. If fovradius is None, assume the field
	    of view of each exposure may extend to the entire sky.
    explist = frozenset(explist)

    bb = {}
    ti = intervalset()
    for t, exp, lon, lat in db.query("_TIME, _EXP, _LON, _LAT from %s" %
        if exp not in explist:

        if fovradius is not None:
            tt = np.floor(t)
            #fov = bounds.beam(lon, lat, fovradius*(2./np.sqrt(3.)), npts=8) # An octagon circumscribing the FoV
            #assert fov.nPoints() == 8
            fov = bounds.beam(lon, lat, fovradius)
                bb[tt] |= fov
            except KeyError:
                bb[tt] = fov
            ti.add((t - 0.2, t + 0.2))

    if fovradius is None:
        b = [(bounds.ALLSKY, ti)]
        b = []
        for t0, fov in bb.iteritems():
            b += [(fov, intervalset((t0, t0 + 1.)))]
            #print t0, fov.area()*(180./np.pi)**2., fov.nPoints()

    # Fetch all detection table cells that are within this interval
    det_cells = db.table(det_tabname).get_cells(bounds=b)

    return det_cells
Beispiel #6
	def cell_bounds(self, cell_id):
			Return the bounding polygon and time intervalset
			for a given cell.
		x, y, t, _ = self._xyti_from_id(cell_id)
		assert _ == u0xFFFFFFFF

		bounds = self._cell_bounds_xy(x, y)
		return (bounds, intervalset((t, t+self.dt)))
Beispiel #7
    def cell_bounds(self, cell_id):
			Return the bounding polygon and time intervalset
			for a given cell.
        x, y, t, _ = self._xyti_from_id(cell_id)
        assert _ == u0xFFFFFFFF

        bounds = self._cell_bounds_xy(x, y)
        return (bounds, intervalset((t, t + self.dt)))
Beispiel #8
def get_cells_with_dets_from_exps(db, explist, exp_tabname, det_tabname, fovradius=None):
	""" Get all cells that may contain detections from within exposures
	    listed in explist. If given, use fovradius (in degrees) as the
	    radius of the field of view of each exposure, to limit the number
	    of cells that are considered. If fovradius is None, assume the field
	    of view of each exposure may extend to the entire sky.
	explist = frozenset(explist)

	bb = {}
	ti = intervalset()
	for t, exp, lon, lat in db.query("_TIME, _EXP, _LON, _LAT from %s" % exp_tabname).iterate():
		if exp not in explist:

		if fovradius is not None:
			tt = np.floor(t)
			#fov = bounds.beam(lon, lat, fovradius*(2./np.sqrt(3.)), npts=8) # An octagon circumscribing the FoV
			#assert fov.nPoints() == 8
			fov = bounds.beam(lon, lat, fovradius)
				bb[tt] |= fov
			except KeyError:
				bb[tt] = fov
			ti.add((t-0.2, t+0.2))

	if fovradius is None:
		b = [(bounds.ALLSKY, ti)]
		b = []
		for t0, fov in bb.iteritems():
			b += [ (fov, intervalset((t0, t0+1.))) ]
			#print t0, fov.area()*(180./np.pi)**2., fov.nPoints()

	# Fetch all detection table cells that are within this interval
	det_cells = db.table(det_tabname).get_cells(bounds=b)

	return det_cells
Beispiel #9
	def get_cells(self, bounds=None, return_bounds=False, include_cached=True):
		""" Return a list of (cell_id, bounds) tuples completely
		    covering the requested bounds.

			bounds must be a list of (Polygon, intervalset) tuples.

		    Output is a list of (cell_id, xybounds, tbounds) tuples,
		    unless return_bounds=False when the output is just a
		    list of cell_ids.
		self._include_cached = include_cached

		# Special case of bounds=None (all sky)
		if bounds == None:
			bounds = [(bn.ALLSKY, intervalset((-np.inf, np.inf)))]

		# Find all existing cells satisfying the bounds
		cells = defaultdict(dict)
		if False:
			# Single-threaded implementation
			for bounds_xy, bounds_t in bounds:
				self._get_cells_recursive(cells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, 0, 0, 1, 1.)
				self._get_cells_recursive(cells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, 0, 1, 1, 1.)
				self._get_cells_recursive(cells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, 1, 0, 1, 1.)
				self._get_cells_recursive(cells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, 1, 1, 1, 1.)
			# Multi-process implementation (appears to be as good or better than single thread in
			# nearly all cases of interest)
			pool = pool2.Pool()
			lev = min(4, self._pix.level)
			ij = np.indices((2**lev,2**lev)).reshape(2, -1).T # List of i,j coordinates
			for cells_ in pool.imap_unordered(ij, _get_cells_kernel, (lev, self, bounds), progress_callback=pool2.progress_pass):
				for cell_id, b in cells_.iteritems():
					for xyb, tb in b.iteritems():
						_add_bounds(cells, cell_id, xyb, tb)
			del pool

		if len(cells):
			# Transform (x, y, t) tuples to cell_ids
			xyt = np.array(cells.keys()).transpose()
			cell_ids = self._pix._cell_id_for_xyt(xyt[0], xyt[1], xyt[2])

			# Reorder cells to be a dict of cell: [(poly, time), (poly, time)] entries
			cells = dict(( (cell_id, v.items()) for (cell_id, (k, v)) in izip(cell_ids, cells.iteritems()) ))

		if not return_bounds:
			return cells.keys()
			return cells
Beispiel #10
    def get_cells(self, data_path, pattern, bounds, return_bounds=False):
        """ Return a list of (cell_id, bounds) tuples completely
		    covering the requested bounds.

			bounds must be a list of (Polygon, intervalset) tuples.

		    Output is a list of (cell_id, xybounds, tbounds) tuples,
		    unless return_bounds=False when the output is just a
		    list of cell_ids.

        # Special case of bounds=None (all sky)
        if bounds == None:
            bounds = [(bn.ALLSKY, intervalset((-np.inf, np.inf)))]

        # Find all existing cells satisfying the bounds
        cells = defaultdict(dict)
        for bounds_xy, bounds_t in bounds:
            self._get_cells_recursive(cells, data_path, bounds_xy, bounds_t,

        # Reorder cells to be a dict of cell: [(poly, time), (poly, time)] entries
        cells = dict(((k, v.items()) for k, v in cells.iteritems()))

        if False:
            # TODO: Debugging, remove when happy
            for k, bounds in cells.iteritems():
                print k, ':', str(self._xyti_from_id(k)),
                for xy, t in bounds:
                    print(xy.area() if xy is not None else None, t),
                print ''
            print len(cells)

        if not return_bounds:
            return cells.keys()
            return cells
Beispiel #11
	def get_cells(self, data_path, pattern, bounds, return_bounds=False):
		""" Return a list of (cell_id, bounds) tuples completely
		    covering the requested bounds.

			bounds must be a list of (Polygon, intervalset) tuples.

		    Output is a list of (cell_id, xybounds, tbounds) tuples,
		    unless return_bounds=False when the output is just a
		    list of cell_ids.

		# Special case of bounds=None (all sky)
		if bounds == None:
			bounds = [(bn.ALLSKY, intervalset((-np.inf, np.inf)))]

		# Find all existing cells satisfying the bounds
		cells = defaultdict(dict)
		for bounds_xy, bounds_t in bounds:
			self._get_cells_recursive(cells, data_path, bounds_xy, bounds_t, pattern)

		# Reorder cells to be a dict of cell: [(poly, time), (poly, time)] entries
		cells = dict(( (k, v.items()) for k, v in cells.iteritems() ))

		if False:
			# TODO: Debugging, remove when happy
			for k, bounds in cells.iteritems():
				print k, ':', str(self._xyti_from_id(k)),
				for xy, t in bounds:
					print (xy.area() if xy is not None else None, t),
				print ''
			print len(cells)

		if not return_bounds:
			return cells.keys()
			return cells
Beispiel #12
    def _get_cells_recursive(self,
        """ Helper for get_cells(). See documentation of
		    get_cells() for usage
        w2 = 1 << (lev - 1)
        x, y = (i - w2 + 0.5) * dx, (j - w2 + 0.5) * dx

        # Check for nonzero overlap
        box = self._pix._cell_bounds_xy(x, y, dx)
        bounds_xy = bounds_xy & box
        if not bounds_xy:

        # Check if the cell directory exists (give up if it doesn't)
        bmap = self._bmaps[lev]
        offs = bmap[i, j]
        if not offs:

        # If re reached the bottom of the hierarchy
        if offs > 1:
            # Get the cell_ids for leaf cells matching pattern
            xybounds = None if (bounds_xy.area() == box.area()) else bounds_xy
            next = 0
            while next != END_MARKER:
                (t, _, _, next) = self._leaves[offs]
                has_data = next > 0
                next = abs(next)
                if next != END_MARKER:  # Not really necessary, but numpy warns of overflow otherwise.
                    offs += next

                if not has_data and not self._include_cached:

                if t != self._pix.t0:
                    # Cut on the time component
                    tival = intervalset((t, t + self._pix.dt))
                    tolap = bounds_t & tival
                    if len(tolap):
                        (l, r
                         ) = tolap[-1]  # Get the right-most interval component
                        if l == r == t + self._pix.dt:  # Is it a single point?
                            tolap = intervalset(
                            )  # Since objects in this cell have time in [t, t+dt), remove the t+dt point

                    if len(
                    ) == 0:  # No overlap between the intervals -- skip this cell

                    # Return None if the cell is fully contained in the requested interval
                    tbounds = None if tival == tolap else tolap
                    # Static cell
                    tbounds = bounds_t
                    assert next == END_MARKER, "There can be only one static cell (x,y,t=%s,%s,%s)" % (
                        x, y, t)

                # Compute cell ID
                cell_id = (x, y, t)

                # Add to output
                _add_bounds(outcells, cell_id, xybounds, tbounds)
            # Recursively subdivide the four subpixels
            for (di, dj) in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
                i2 = i * 2 + di
                j2 = j * 2 + dj
                self._get_cells_recursive(outcells, bounds_xy & box, bounds_t,
                                          i2, j2, lev + 1, dx / 2)
Beispiel #13
	def _get_cells_recursive(self, outcells, bounds_xy, bounds_t, i = 0, j = 0, lev = 0, dx = 2.):
		""" Helper for get_cells(). See documentation of
		    get_cells() for usage
		w2 = 1 << (lev-1)
		x, y =  (i - w2 + 0.5)*dx, (j - w2 + 0.5)*dx

		# Check for nonzero overlap
		box  = self._pix._cell_bounds_xy(x, y, dx)
		bounds_xy = bounds_xy & box
		if not bounds_xy:

		# Check if the cell directory exists (give up if it doesn't)
		bmap = self._bmaps[lev]
		offs = bmap[i, j]
		if not offs:

		# If re reached the bottom of the hierarchy
		if offs > 1:
			# Get the cell_ids for leaf cells matching pattern
			xybounds = None if(bounds_xy.area() == box.area()) else bounds_xy
			next = 0
			while next != END_MARKER:
				(t, _, _, next) = self._leaves[offs]
				has_data = next > 0
				next = abs(next)
				if next != END_MARKER:	# Not really necessary, but numpy warns of overflow otherwise.
					offs += next

				if not has_data and not self._include_cached:

				if t != self._pix.t0:
					# Cut on the time component
					tival = intervalset((t, t+self._pix.dt))
					tolap = bounds_t & tival
					if len(tolap):
						(l, r) = tolap[-1]				# Get the right-most interval component
						if l == r == t+self._pix.dt:				# Is it a single point?
							tolap = intervalset(*tolap[:-1])	# Since objects in this cell have time in [t, t+dt), remove the t+dt point
					if len(tolap) == 0:					# No overlap between the intervals -- skip this cell
					# Return None if the cell is fully contained in the requested interval
					tbounds = None if tival == tolap else tolap
					# Static cell
					tbounds = bounds_t
					assert next == END_MARKER, "There can be only one static cell (x,y,t=%s,%s,%s)" % (x, y, t)

				# Compute cell ID
				cell_id = (x, y, t)

				# Add to output
				_add_bounds(outcells, cell_id, xybounds, tbounds)
			# Recursively subdivide the four subpixels
			for (di, dj) in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
				i2 = i*2 + di
				j2 = j*2 + dj
				self._get_cells_recursive(outcells, bounds_xy & box, bounds_t, i2, j2, lev+1, dx/2)
Beispiel #14
    def _get_cells_recursive(self,
        """ Helper for get_cells(). See documentation of
		    get_cells() for usage
        lev = bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y)
        dx = bhpix.pix_size(lev)

        # Check for nonzero overlap
        box = self._cell_bounds_xy(x, y, dx)
        bounds_xy = bounds_xy & box
        if not bounds_xy:

        # Check if the cell directory exists (give up if it doesn't)
        path = data_path + '/' + self._path_to_cell_base_xy(x, y, lev)
        if not os.path.isdir(path):

        # If re reached the bottom of the hierarchy
        if self._is_valid_cell_xy(x, y):
            # Get the cell_ids for leaf cells matching pattern
            xybounds = None if (bounds_xy.area() == box.area()) else bounds_xy
            sibling_cells = list(
                self._get_temporal_siblings(x, y, path, pattern))
            for cell_id in sibling_cells:
                # Filter on time, add bounds
                x, y, t = self._xyt_from_cell_id(cell_id)

                if t != self.t0:
                    # Cut on the time component
                    tival = intervalset((t, t + self.dt))
                    tolap = bounds_t & tival
                    if len(tolap):
                        (l, r
                         ) = tolap[-1]  # Get the right-most interval component
                        if l == r == t + self.dt:  # Is it a single point?
                            tolap = intervalset(
                            )  # Since objects in this cell have time in [t, t+dt), remove the t+dt point

                    if len(
                    ) == 0:  # No overlap between the intervals -- skip this cell

                    # Return None if the cell is fully contained in the requested interval
                    tbounds = None if tival == tolap else tolap
                    # Static cell
                    tbounds = bounds_t
                    assert len(
                    ) == 1, "There can be only one static cell (cell_id=%s)" % cell_id

                # Add to output
                if tbounds is None:
                    outcells[cell_id][xybounds] = None
                elif xybounds not in outcells[cell_id]:
                    outcells[cell_id][xybounds] = tbounds
                elif outcells[cell_id][xybounds] is not None:
                    outcells[cell_id][xybounds] |= tbounds
            # Recursively subdivide the four subpixels
            dx = dx / 2
            for d in np.array([(0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, -0.5),
                               (0.5, -0.5)]):
                (x2, y2) = (x, y) + dx * d
                self._get_cells_recursive(outcells, data_path, bounds_xy & box,
                                          bounds_t, pattern, x2, y2)