Beispiel #1
def get_images(artworks_filename):
    Iterates through a JSON data file, and retrieves all images associated with
    it, and downloads them to an image directory

        artworks_filename : the filename of the JSON data file
    artworks_file = open(artworks_filename)
    artworks_data = json.load(artworks_file)

    classification_labels = {}
    nation_labels = {}
    date_labels = {}
    start_date_labels = {}
    end_date_labels = {}
    time_period_labels = {}

    i = 0
    for artwork in artworks_data:

        url = artwork['URL']
        object_id = artwork['ObjectID']
        classification = artwork['Classification']
        nation = artwork['Nationality']
        date = artwork['Date']

        start_date, end_date = process_date(date)

        if url is not None and classification is not None and len(
                nation) != 0 and date is not None:
            if classification in class_check and date in date_check and nation[
                    0] in nation_check:

                if not image_available(url):

                # Get the filename of the image using the Object ID of the image, and save the image
                # to disk.
                image_filename = 'moma_' + str(object_id).zfill(
                    padding) + '.jpg'
                # get_image(url, image_filename)

                    'moma_' + str(object_id).zfill(padding)] = classification
                nation_labels['moma_' +
                              str(object_id).zfill(padding)] = nation[0]
                date_labels['moma_' + str(object_id).zfill(padding)] = date

            if start_date is not None:
                start_date_labels['moma_' + str(object_id).zfill(
                    padding)] = Interval.range_str(start_date)
            if end_date is not None:
                end_date_labels['moma_' + str(object_id).zfill(
                    padding)] = Interval.range_str(end_date)

            if start_date is not None:
                time_period_labels['moma_' + str(object_id).zfill(
                    padding)] = Interval.time_period(start_date)

    write_labels(classification_labels, "moma_class.csv")
    write_labels(nation_labels, "moma_nation.csv")
    write_labels(date_labels, "moma_date.csv")
    write_labels(start_date_labels, "moma_start_date.csv")
    write_labels(end_date_labels, "moma_end_date.csv")
    write_labels(time_period_labels, "moma_time_period.csv")