Beispiel #1
def perform_youradminactivities(user_info, ln):
    """Return text for the `Your Admin Activities' box.  Analyze
       whether user UID has some admin roles, and if yes, then print
       suitable links for the actions he can do.  If he's not admin,
       print a simple non-authorized message."""
    your_role_actions = acc_find_user_role_actions(user_info)
    your_roles = []
    your_admin_activities = []
    guest = int(user_info['guest'])
    for (role, action) in your_role_actions:
        if role not in your_roles:
        if action not in your_admin_activities:

    if SUPERADMINROLE in your_roles:
        for action in ("runbibedit", "cfgbibformat", "cfgoaiharvest", "cfgoairepository", "cfgbibrank", "cfgbibindex", "cfgwebaccess", "cfgwebcomment", "cfgwebsearch", "cfgwebsubmiit", "cfgbibknowledge", "runbatchuploader"):
            if action not in your_admin_activities:

    return websession_templates.tmpl_account_adminactivities(
             ln = ln,
             uid = user_info['uid'],
             guest = guest,
             roles = your_roles,
             activities = your_admin_activities,
Beispiel #2
def perform_youradminactivities(user_info, ln):
    """Return text for the `Your Admin Activities' box.  Analyze
       whether user UID has some admin roles, and if yes, then print
       suitable links for the actions he can do.  If he's not admin,
       print a simple non-authorized message."""
    your_role_actions = acc_find_user_role_actions(user_info)
    your_roles = []
    your_admin_activities = []
    guest = isGuestUser(user_info['uid'])
    for (role, action) in your_role_actions:
        if role not in your_roles:
        if action not in your_admin_activities:

    if SUPERADMINROLE in your_roles:
        for action in ("runbibedit", "cfgbibformat", "cfgbibharvest", "cfgoairepository", "cfgbibrank", "cfgbibindex", "cfgwebaccess", "cfgwebcomment", "cfgwebsearch", "cfgwebsubmiit", "cfgbibknowledge", "runbatchuploader"):
            if action not in your_admin_activities:

    return websession_templates.tmpl_account_adminactivities(
             ln = ln,
             uid = user_info['uid'],
             guest = guest,
             roles = your_roles,
             activities = your_admin_activities,
Beispiel #3
def perform_display_account(req, username, bask, aler, sear, msgs, loan, grps, sbms, appr, admn, ln, comments):
    """Display a dynamic page that shows the user's account."""

    # load the right message language
    _ = gettext_set_language(ln)

    uid = getUid(req)
    user_info = collect_user_info(req)
    #your account
    if int(user_info['guest']):
        user = "******"
        login = "******" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ln)
        accBody = _("You are logged in as guest. You may want to %(x_url_open)slogin%(x_url_close)s as a regular user.") %\
            {'x_url_open': '<a href="' + login + '">',
             'x_url_close': '</a>'}
        accBody += "<br /><br />"
        bask=aler=msgs=comments= _("The %(x_fmt_open)sguest%(x_fmt_close)s users need to %(x_url_open)sregister%(x_url_close)s first") %\
            {'x_fmt_open': '<strong class="headline">',
             'x_fmt_close': '</strong>',
             'x_url_open': '<a href="' + login + '">',
             'x_url_close': '</a>'}
        sear= _("No queries found")
        user = username
        accBody = websession_templates.tmpl_account_body(
                    ln = ln,
                    user = user,

    #Display warnings if user is superuser
    roles = acc_find_user_role_actions(user_info)
    warnings = "0"
    for role in roles:
        if "superadmin" in role:
            warnings = "1"

    warning_list = superuser_account_warnings()

    #check if tickets ok
    tickets = (acc_authorize_action(user_info, 'runbibedit')[0] == 0)

    return websession_templates.tmpl_account_page(
             ln = ln,
             warnings = warnings,
             warning_list = warning_list,
             accBody = accBody,
             baskets = bask,
             alerts = aler,
             searches = sear,
             messages = msgs,
             loans = loan,
             groups = grps,
             submissions = sbms,
             approvals = appr,
             tickets = tickets,
             administrative = admn,
             comments = comments,
Beispiel #4
def perform_display_account(req, username, bask, aler, sear, msgs, loan, grps, sbms, appr, admn, ln):
    """Display a dynamic page that shows the user's account."""

    # load the right message language
    _ = gettext_set_language(ln)

    uid = getUid(req)
    user_info = collect_user_info(req)
    #your account
    if isGuestUser(uid):
        user = "******"
        login = "******" % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, ln)
        accBody = _("You are logged in as guest. You may want to %(x_url_open)slogin%(x_url_close)s as a regular user.") %\
            {'x_url_open': '<a href="' + login + '">',
             'x_url_close': '</a>'}
        accBody += "<br /><br />"
        bask=aler=msgs= _("The %(x_fmt_open)sguest%(x_fmt_close)s users need to %(x_url_open)sregister%(x_url_close)s first") %\
            {'x_fmt_open': '<strong class="headline">',
             'x_fmt_close': '</strong>',
             'x_url_open': '<a href="' + login + '">',
             'x_url_close': '</a>'}
        sear= _("No queries found")
        user = username
        accBody = websession_templates.tmpl_account_body(
                    ln = ln,
                    user = user,

    #Display warnings if user is superuser
    roles = acc_find_user_role_actions(user_info)
    warnings = "0"
    for role in roles:
        if "superadmin" in role:
            warnings = "1"

    warning_list = superuser_account_warnings()

    #check if tickets ok
    tickets = (acc_authorize_action(user_info, 'runbibedit')[0] == 0)

    return websession_templates.tmpl_account_page(
             ln = ln,
             warnings = warnings,
             warning_list = warning_list,
             accBody = accBody,
             baskets = bask,
             alerts = aler,
             searches = sear,
             messages = msgs,
             loans = loan,
             groups = grps,
             submissions = sbms,
             approvals = appr,
             tickets = tickets,
             administrative = admn
def get_user_level(uid):
    Finds and returns the aid-universe-internal numeric user level

    @param uid: the user's id
    @type uid: int

    @return: A numerical representation of the maximum access level of a user
    @rtype: int
    actions = [row[1] for row in acc_find_user_role_actions({'uid': uid})]
    return max([tu.resolve_paper_access_right(acc) for acc in actions])