def check_transaction_permissions(uid, bibref, pid, action):
    Check if the user can perform the given action on the given pid,bibrefrec pair.
    return in: granted, denied, warning_granted, warning_denied

    @param uid: The internal ID of a user
    @type uid: int
    @param bibref: the bibref pair to check permissions for
    @type bibref: string
    @param pid: the Person ID to check on
    @type pid: int
    @param action: the action that is to be performed
    @type action: string

    @return: granted, denied, warning_granted xor warning_denied
    @rtype: string
    c_own = True
    c_override = False
    is_superadmin = isUserSuperAdmin({'uid': uid})

    access_right = _resolve_maximum_acces_rights(uid)
    bibref_status = dbapi.get_bibref_modification_status(bibref)
    old_flag = bibref_status[0]

    if old_flag == 2 or old_flag == -2:
        if action in ['confirm', 'assign']:
            new_flag = 2
        elif action in ['repeal']:
            new_flag = -2
        elif action in ['reset']:
            new_flag = 0
        if old_flag != new_flag:
            c_override = True

    uid_pid = dbapi.get_personid_from_uid([[uid]])
    if not uid_pid[1] or pid != uid_pid[0][0]:
        c_own = False

    #if we cannot override an already touched bibref, no need to go on checking
    if c_override:
        if is_superadmin:
            return 'warning_granted'
        if access_right[1] < bibref_status[1]:
            return "warning_denied"
        if is_superadmin:
            return 'granted'

    #let's check if invenio is allowing us the action we want to perform
    if c_own:
        action = bconfig.CLAIMPAPER_CLAIM_OWN_PAPERS
        action = bconfig.CLAIMPAPER_CLAIM_OTHERS_PAPERS
    auth = acc_authorize_action(uid, action)
    if auth[0] != 0:
        return "denied"

    #now we know if claiming for ourselfs, we can ask for external ideas
    if c_own:
        action = 'claim_own_paper'
        action = 'claim_other_paper'

    ext_permission = external_user_can_perform_action(uid)

    #if we are here invenio is allowing the thing and we are not overwriting a
    #user with higher privileges, if externals are ok we go on!
    if ext_permission:
        if not c_override:
            return "granted"
            return "warning_granted"

    return "denied"
def check_transaction_permissions(uid, bibref, pid, action):
    Check if the user can perform the given action on the given pid,bibrefrec pair.
    return in: granted, denied, warning_granted, warning_denied

    @param uid: The internal ID of a user
    @type uid: int
    @param bibref: the bibref pair to check permissions for
    @type bibref: string
    @param pid: the Person ID to check on
    @type pid: int
    @param action: the action that is to be performed
    @type action: string

    @return: granted, denied, warning_granted xor warning_denied
    @rtype: string
    c_own = True
    c_override = False
    is_superadmin = isUserSuperAdmin({'uid': uid})

    access_right = _resolve_maximum_acces_rights(uid)
    bibref_status = dbapi.get_bibref_modification_status(bibref)
    old_flag = bibref_status[0]

    if old_flag == 2 or old_flag == -2:
        if action in ['confirm', 'assign']:
            new_flag = 2
        elif action in ['repeal']:
            new_flag = -2
        elif action in ['reset']:
            new_flag = 0
        if old_flag != new_flag:
            c_override = True

    uid_pid = dbapi.get_personid_from_uid([[uid]])
    if not uid_pid[1] or pid != uid_pid[0][0]:
        c_own = False

    #if we cannot override an already touched bibref, no need to go on checking
    if c_override:
        if is_superadmin:
            return 'warning_granted'
        if access_right[1] < bibref_status[1]:
            return "warning_denied"
        if is_superadmin:
            return 'granted'

    #let's check if invenio is allowing us the action we want to perform
    if c_own:
        action = bconfig.CLAIMPAPER_CLAIM_OWN_PAPERS
        action = bconfig.CLAIMPAPER_CLAIM_OTHERS_PAPERS
    auth = acc_authorize_action(uid, action)
    if auth[0] != 0:
        return "denied"

    #now we know if claiming for ourselfs, we can ask for external ideas
    if c_own:
        action = 'claim_own_paper'
        action = 'claim_other_paper'

    ext_permission = external_user_can_perform_action(uid)

    #if we are here invenio is allowing the thing and we are not overwriting a
    #user with higher privileges, if externals are ok we go on!
    if ext_permission:
        if not c_override:
            return "granted"
            return "warning_granted"

    return "denied"