def __init__(self, recid, tab, format=None):
        self.recid = recid = tab
        self.format = format

        self.files = WebInterfaceFilesPages(self.recid) = WebInterfaceCommentsPages(self.recid, reviews=1)
        self.comments = WebInterfaceCommentsPages(self.recid)
        self.usage = self
        self.references = self
        self.keywords = self = WebInterfaceHoldingsPages(self.recid)
        self.citations = self
        self.plots = self
        self.export = WebInterfaceRecordExport(self.recid, self.format)
        self.edit = WebInterfaceEditPages(self.recid)
        self.merge = WebInterfaceMergePages(self.recid)

Beispiel #2
    def _lookup(self, component, path):
        """ This handler is invoked for the dynamic URLs (for
        collections and records)"""

        if component == 'collection':
            c = '/'.join(path)

            def answer(req, form):
                """Accessing collections cached pages."""
                # Accessing collections: this is for accessing the
                # cached page on top of each collection.

                argd = wash_urlargd(form, search_interface_default_urlargd)

                # We simply return the cached page of the collection
                argd['c'] = c

                if not argd['c']:
                    # collection argument not present; display
                    # home collection by default
                    argd['c'] = CFG_SITE_NAME

                # Treat `as' argument specially:
                if argd.has_key('as'):
                    argd['aas'] = argd['as']
                    del argd['as']

                return display_collection(req, **argd)

            return answer, []

        elif component == CFG_SITE_RECORD and path and path[0] == 'merge':
            return WebInterfaceMergePages(), path[1:]

        elif component == CFG_SITE_RECORD and path and path[0] == 'edit':
            return WebInterfaceEditPages(), path[1:]

        elif component == CFG_SITE_RECORD and path and path[0] == 'multiedit':
            return WebInterfaceMultiEditPages(), path[1:]

        elif component == CFG_SITE_RECORD and path and path[0] in ('managedocfiles', 'managedocfilesasync'):
            return WebInterfaceManageDocFilesPages(), path

        elif component == CFG_SITE_RECORD or component == 'record-restricted':
                    # let us try to recognize /<CFG_SITE_RECORD>/<SYSNO> style of URLs:
                    # check for SYSNOs with an embedded slash; needed for [ARXIVINV-15]
                    if len(path) > 1 and get_mysql_recid_from_aleph_sysno(path[0] + "/" + path[1]):
                        path[0] = path[0] + "/" + path[1]
                        del path[1]
                    x = get_mysql_recid_from_aleph_sysno(path[0])
                    if x:
                        recid = x
                        recid = int(path[0])
                    recid = int(path[0])
            except IndexError:
                # display record #1 for URL /CFG_SITE_RECORD without a number
                recid = 1
            except ValueError:
                if path[0] == '':
                    # display record #1 for URL /CFG_SITE_RECORD/ without a number
                    recid = 1
                    # display page not found for URLs like /CFG_SITE_RECORD/foo
                    return None, []

            from invenio.intbitset import __maxelem__
            if recid <= 0 or recid > __maxelem__:
                # __maxelem__ = 2147483647
                # display page not found for URLs like /CFG_SITE_RECORD/-5 or /CFG_SITE_RECORD/0 or /CFG_SITE_RECORD/2147483649
                return None, []

            format = None
            tab = ''
                if path[1] in ['', 'files', 'reviews', 'comments', 'usage',
                               'references', 'citations', 'holdings', 'edit',
                               'keywords', 'multiedit', 'merge', 'plots', 'linkbacks']:
                    tab = path[1]
                elif path[1] == 'export':
                    tab = ''
                    format = path[2]
#                    format = None
#                elif path[1] in output_formats:
#                    tab = ''
#                    format = path[1]
                    # display page not found for URLs like /CFG_SITE_RECORD/references
                    # for a collection where 'references' tabs is not visible
                    return None, []

            except IndexError:
                # Keep normal url if tabs is not specified

            #if component == 'record-restricted':
                #return WebInterfaceRecordRestrictedPages(recid, tab, format), path[1:]
            return WebInterfaceRecordPages(recid, tab, format), path[1:]
        elif component == 'sslredirect':
            ## Fallback solution for sslredirect special path that should
            ## be rather implemented as an Apache level redirection
            def redirecter(req, form):
                real_url = "http://" + '/'.join(path)
                redirect_to_url(req, real_url)
            return redirecter, []

        return None, []