class TagListResource(Resource):
    """The tags list resource."""

    method_decorators = [require_api_auth(), error_handler]

    def get(self):
        """ Get a list of tags.

        Get the list of tags a user owns.
        uid = current_user.get_id()
        tags_retrieved = tags_api.get_all_tags_of_user(uid)
        tags = [TagRepresenation(t) for t in tags_retrieved]
        return map(lambda t: t.marshal(), tags)

    def delete(self):
        """Delete all tags.

        Delete all the tags a user owns.
        uid = current_user.get_id()
        return "", 204

    @require_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    def post(self):
        """Create a new tag.

        Creates a new tag and sets as owner the current user.
        json_data = request.get_json()
        v = RESTValidator(tag_post_schema)
        if v.validate(json_data) is False:
            raise TagValidationError(
                error_msg="Validation error for tag creation",
        uid = current_user.get_id()
        tag_to_create = tags_api.create_tag_for_user(uid, json_data['name'])
        tag_to_return = TagRepresenation(tag_to_create)
        return tag_to_return.marshal(), 201

    def patch(self):

    def options(self):

    def put(self):

    def head(self):
        class TestTagsResource(Resource):

            method_decorators = [require_api_auth()]

            @require_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            def get(self):
                import json
                from flask import make_response
                from invenio_ext.restful.errors import (RestfulError,
                from invenio_ext.restful import pagination

                response = None
                    endpoint = request.endpoint
                    args = request.args
                    page = int(args.get('page', 1))
                    per_page = int(args.get('per_page', 2))
                    # check values arguments and raise exceptions if any errors
                    if per_page < 0:
                        raise RestfulError(
                            error_msg="Invalid per_page: {}".format(per_page),
                    if page < 0:
                        raise InvalidPageError(
                            error_msg="Invalid page: {}".format(page),

                    # need to sort by id
                    # also assuming only one user so no need to filter
                    # user's id
                    tags_q = WtgTAGPaginationMokup()
                    p = pagination.RestfulSQLAlchemyPagination(
                        query=tags_q, page=page, per_page=per_page)
                    if page > p.pages:
                        raise InvalidPageError(
                            error_msg="Invalid page: {}".format(page),
                    tags_to_return = map(
                        lambda x: TagRepresenation(x).marshal(), p.items)

                    kwargs = {}
                    kwargs['endpoint'] = endpoint
                    kwargs['args'] = request.args
                    link_header = p.link_header(**kwargs)
                    response = make_response(json.dumps(tags_to_return))
                    response.headers[link_header[0]] = link_header[1]
                    response.headers['Content-Type'] = request.headers[
                except (RestfulError, InvalidPageError) as e:
                    exception = {}
                    exception['message'] = e.error_msg
                    exception['type'] = "{0}".format(type(e))
                    response = make_response(json.dumps(exception))
                return response
        class Test1Resource(Resource):
            # NOTE: Method decorators are applied in reverse order
            method_decorators = [

            def get(self):
                assert request.oauth.access_token
                return "success", 200

            def post(self):
                assert request.oauth.access_token
                return "success", 200

            @require_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            def put(self):
                return "success", 200
        class TestDataResource(Resource):

            method_decorators = [require_api_auth()]

            @require_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            def get(self):
                import json
                from flask import make_response
                from invenio_ext.restful.errors import (InvalidPageError)
                from invenio_ext.restful import pagination
                # Test to see that the exceptions are raised correctly
                # In it is not needed because the error_hanler
                # takes care of exceptions
                response = None
                    # test data
                    testdata = range(25)
                    endpoint = request.endpoint
                    args = request.args
                    page = int(args.get('page', 1))
                    per_page = int(args.get('per_page', 10))
                    p = pagination.RestfulPagination(page=page,
                    data_to_return = p.slice(testdata)
                    kwargs = {}
                    kwargs['endpoint'] = endpoint
                    kwargs['args'] = request.args
                    link_header = p.link_header(**kwargs)
                    response = make_response(json.dumps(data_to_return))
                    response.headers[link_header[0]] = link_header[1]
                    response.headers['Content-Type'] = request.headers[
                except InvalidPageError as e:
                    exception = {}
                    exception['message'] = e.error_msg
                    exception['type'] = "{0}".format(type(e))
                    response = make_response(json.dumps(exception))
                return response
    return error_messages

def can_access_deposit_type(type_):
    """Return True if current user can access given deposition type."""
    if type_ is None:
        default_type = deposit_default_type.get()
        type_ = default_type and default_type.get_identifier() or None
    return type_ in current_user.get('precached_allowed_deposition_types', [])

# =========
# Mix-ins
# =========
deposition_decorators = [

class InputProcessorMixin(object):

    """Mix-in class for validating and processing deposition input data."""

    input_schema = draft_data_extended_schema

    def validate_input(self, deposition, draft_id=None):
        """Validate input data for creating and update a deposition."""
        v = APIValidator()
        draft_id = draft_id or deposition.get_default_draft_id()
class RecordListTagResource(Resource):
    """This resource handles tags when it comes to records."""

    method_decorators = [require_api_auth(), error_handler]

    @require_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    def post(self, record_id):
        """Attach a list of tags to a record.

        If a tag in the list exists in database then it is attached
        to the record else the tag is created an then it is attached
        to the record
        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        json_data = request.get_json()
        attach_tags_validator = RESTValidator(add_tags_schema)
        if attach_tags_validator.validate(json_data) is False:
            raise TagValidationError(
                error_msg="Validation error in attaching tags on record",
        uid = current_user.get_id()
        tags_just_attached = tags_api.attach_tags_to_record(
            uid, json_data['tags'], record_id)
        if len(tags_just_attached) == 0:
            return []
            return map(lambda t: TagRepresenation(t).marshal(),

    def get(self, record_id):
        """Retrieve all the attached on a record tags.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        attached_tags = tags_api.get_attached_tags_on_record(record_id)
        if len(attached_tags) == 0:
            return []
            return map(lambda t: TagRepresenation(t).marshal(), attached_tags)

    def delete(self, record_id):
        """Detach all the tags from a record.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record

    def put(self, record_id):
        """Replace all tags for a record.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record

    def head(self, record_id):
        """A HEAD request."""

    def patch(self, record_id):
        """A PATCH request."""

    def options(self, record_id):
        """A OPTIONS request."""
class RecordTagResource(Resource):
    """Handles a tag attached on a record."""

    method_decorators = [require_api_auth(), error_handler]

    def delete(self, record_id, tag_name):
        """Detach a tag from a record.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        :param tag_name: the name of the tag
        uid = current_user.get_id()
        tags_api.detach_tag_from_record(uid, tag_name, record_id)
        return "", 204

    def post(self, record_id, tag_name):
        """A POST request.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        :param tag_name: the name of the tag

    def put(self, record_id, tag_name):
        """A PUT request.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        :param tag_name: the name of the tag

    def patch(self, record_id, tag_name):
        """A PATCH request.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        :param tag_name: the name of the tag

    def options(self, record_id, tag_name):
        """A OPTIONS request.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        :param tag_name: the name of the tag

    def head(self, record_id, tag_name):
        """A HEAD request.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        :param tag_name: the name of the tag

    def get(self, record_id, tag_name):
        """A GET request.

        :param record_id: the identifier of the record
        :param tag_name: the name of the tag
class TagResource(Resource):
    """The Tag Resource."""

    method_decorators = [require_api_auth(), error_handler]

    def get(self, tag_name):
        """Get a tag.

        :param tag_name: the name of the tag to retrieve
        uid = current_user.get_id()
        tag_retrieved = tags_api.get_tag_of_user(uid, tag_name)
        tag = TagRepresenation(tag_retrieved)
        return tag.marshal()

    def delete(self, tag_name):
        """Delete a tag.

        Checks if the tag is attached to records. If True,
        the tag is attached and then is deleted.

        :param tag_name: the name of the tag to delete
        uid = current_user.get_id()
        tags_api.delete_tag_from_user(uid, tag_name)
        return "", 204

    @require_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    def patch(self, tag_name):
        """Update a tag.

        The attributes that can be updated are:
        - group name
        - group access rights
        - show_in_description
        :param tag_name: the name of the tag to update
        json_data = request.get_json()
        v = RESTValidator(tag_update_schema)
        if v.validate(json_data) is False:
            raise TagValidationError(
                error_msg="Validation for tag update failed",
        uid = current_user.get_id()
        tag_retrieved = tags_api.update_tag_of_user(uid, tag_name, json_data)
        tag = TagRepresenation(tag_retrieved)
        return tag.marshal(), 201

    def post(self, tag_name):

    def options(self, tag_name):

    def put(self, tag_name):

    def head(self, tag_name):
    return error_messages

def can_access_deposit_type(type_):
    """Return True if current user can access given deposition type."""
    if type_ is None:
        default_type = deposit_default_type.get()
        type_ = default_type and default_type.get_identifier() or None
    return type_ in current_user.get('precached_allowed_deposition_types', [])

# =========
# Mix-ins
# =========
deposition_decorators = [

class InputProcessorMixin(object):
    """Mix-in class for validating and processing deposition input data."""

    input_schema = draft_data_extended_schema

    def validate_input(self, deposition, draft_id=None):
        """Validate input data for creating and update a deposition."""
        v = APIValidator()
        draft_id = draft_id or deposition.get_default_draft_id()
        metadata_schema = deposition.type.api_metadata_schema(draft_id)