Beispiel #1
    return reply.response(error)

def unbanthing(bot, cmd, msg, user, room):
    reply = ReplyObject('', True, True)
    if not user.hasRank('#'):
        return reply.response(
            'You do not have permission to do this. (Requires #)')
    if room.isPM: return reply.response("You can't unban things in PMs")
    error = room.moderation.removeBan(cmd[5:], msg)
    if not error:
        return reply.response(
            'Removed {thing} from the banlist {room}\n/modnote {user} removed {thing} from the blacklist'
            .format(thing=msg, room=room.title,
    return reply.response(error)

# Exports
handlers = {
    'c': moderationHandler,
    'chat': moderationHandler,
    'c:': timestampModerationHandler

commands = [
    Command(['moderate'], moderate),
    Command(['banuser', 'banphrase'], banthing),
    Command(['unbanuser', 'unbanphrase'], unbanthing)
def untourwl(bot, cmd, params, user, room):
    """ Independent command for removing a user from the tours whitelist.

    Reserved for room owners.

        bot: PokemonShowdownBot, the instance of PokemonShowdownBot that called this function.
        cmd: string, the command that was send.
        room: Room, the room object that the command was sent from.
        params: string, the name of the user.
        user: User, the user object of the user who sent the command.
    reply = ReplyObject('', True)
    if not user.hasRank('#'): return reply.response('You do not have permission to change this. (Requires #)')
    target = bot.toId(params)
    if not room.delFromWhitelist(target): return reply.response('This user is not whitelisted in that room.')
    return reply.response('{name} removed from the whitelist in this room.'.format(name = params))

commands = [
    Command(['leave'], leaveroom),
    Command(['allowgames'], allowgames),
    Command(['tour', '!tour'], tour),
    Command(['tourwhitelist', 'tourwl'], tourwl),
    Command(['untourwhitelist', 'untourwl'], untourwl),
    Command(['gettourwhitelist', 'gettourwl'], gettourwl)
        formatData = roomData[parts[0]]
        format = parts.pop(0)
            userData = formatData[parts[0]]
            return reply.response('{user} has played {games} and won {wins} ({winrate:.1f}% win rate)'.format(user = parts[0], games = userData['entered'], wins = userData['won'], winrate = (userData['won'] / userData['entered']) * 100))
        except IndexError:
            rankingsTable = Tournament.buildRankingsTable(formatData, format)
            if bot.canHtml(room):
                return reply.response('/addhtmlbox {}'.format(rankingsTable))
                return reply.response('Cannot show full rankings in this room')
        except KeyError:
            return reply.response('{user} has no data for {tier} in {room}'.format(user = parts[0], tier = format, room = roomTitle if roomTitle else room.title))
    except TypeError:
        return reply.response('The room {} has no data about rankings'.format(msg.split(',')[0]))
    except IndexError:
        return reply.response('No format given')
    except KeyError:
        return reply.response('The room has no data about the format {}'.format(parts[0]))

# Exports
handlers = {
    'tournament': tourHandler,
    'queryresponse': queryresponse

commands = [
    Command(['oldgentour'], oldgentour),
    Command(['tourhistory'], tourhistory),
    Command(['showranking', 'leaderboard'], getranking)
Beispiel #4
    A = res1[temp1][0] + res2[temp2][0]
    M = res1[temp1][1] + res2[temp2][1]
    temp = temp1 + " " + temp2
    x = "The stats for " + temp + " are Attack:" + str(A) + " Magic:" + str(M)
    ##    print(tempp)
    return ReplyObject(x)

##def hiback(robot,cmd):
##    robot.say("battledome","hi there")
##    return ReplyObject('')

commands = [
    # The easy stuff that can be done with a single lambda expression
    Command(['source', 'git'], lambda: ReplyObject(
        'Source code can be found at: {url}'.format(url=URL()), True)),
    Command(['credits'], lambda: ReplyObject(
        'Credits can be found: {url}'.format(url=URL()), True)),
    ], lambda s: ReplyObject('Owned by: {owner}'.format(owner=s.owner), True)),
    Command(['commands', 'help'], lambda: ReplyObject(
        'Read about commands here: {url}blob/master/'.format(url=
    Command(['explain'], lambda: ReplyObject(
        "BB-8 is the name of a robot in the seventh Star Wars movie :)", True)
            lambda: ReplyObject(Lines[randint(0,
Beispiel #5
def read(bot, cmd, msg, user):
    reply = ReplyObject()
    notes = bot.usernotes
    if not notes.hasMessage(
        return reply.response('You have no messages waiting')
    if not msg:
        # If the user didn't speify any amount to return, give back a single message
        return reply.response(notes.getMessages(, 1))
    if not msg.isdigit() and int(msg) < 1:
        return reply.response('Please enter a positive integer')
    return reply.response(notes.getMessages(, int(msg)))

def untell(bot, cmd, msg, user):
    reply = ReplyObject()
    notes = bot.usernotes
    if not msg: return reply.response('You need to specify a user to remove')
    if not notes.hasMessage(msg):
        return reply.response('This user has no waiting messages')
    if not notes.removeMessage(msg,
        return reply.response('You have no message to this user waiting')
    return reply.response('Message removed')

handlers = {'j': join}

commands = [
    Command(['tell'], tell),
    Command(['untell'], untell),
    Command(['read'], read)
Beispiel #6

def analysis(robot, cmd, params, user, room):
    cmd = params.split(' ')[0]
    params = params[len(cmd) + 1:]
    response = pokedex(robot, cmd, params, user, room)
    if robot.canHtml(room):
        return response.extra(
            '<br /><sub>This command also works without `analysis`, like {char}{pokemon}</sub>'
            .format(char=robot.commandchar, pokemon=cmd))
    return response

commands = [
    # The easy stuff that can be done with a single lambda expression
    Command(['source', 'git'], lambda: ReplyObject(
        'Source code can be found at: {url}'.format(url=URL()), True)),
    Command(['credits'], lambda: ReplyObject(
        'Credits can be found: {url}'.format(url=URL()), True)),
    ], lambda s: ReplyObject('Owned by: {owner}'.format(owner=s.owner), True)),
    Command(['commands', 'help'], lambda: ReplyObject(
        'Read about commands here: {url}blob/master/'.format(url=
    Command(['explain'], lambda: ReplyObject(
        "BB-8 is the name of a robot in the seventh Star Wars movie :)", True)
            lambda: ReplyObject(Lines[randint(0,
Beispiel #7

def addEvent(robot, cmd, params, user, room):
    reply = ReplyObject('', reply=True, pmreply=True)
    if not user.hasRank('#'):
        return reply.response(
            "Permission denied, only Room Owners (#) and up can use this command."

    with open('added-jobs.csv', 'a+') as jobs:
        jobs.write('{user},{job}\n'.format(, job=params))

    date, frequency, joblist = params.replace('| ', '|').split('|')
    # Validate date string format first
    if not EventScheduler.validateDateString(date):
        return reply.response(
            'Invald date format. Expected format is YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM.')

    room.scheduler.addJob(date, frequency, joblist)
    return reply.response(
        'New event scheduled for {date}, repeating every {freq} days.'.format(
            date=date, freq=frequency))

# Exports
commands = [
    Command(['initevents'], lambda s, c, p, u, r: ReplyObject(
    Command(['addevent'], addEvent)
Beispiel #8
            if not room.allowGames:
                return reply.response('This room does not support chatgames.')
            kind = 'first'
            if len(params) > 1:
                kind = params[1]
            if user.hasRank('@'):
                room.activity = Trivia(, room.title, kind)
                return reply.response('A new trivia session has started.')
            return reply.response(
                'You do not have permission to set up a trivia session')
        elif params[0] in ['stop', 'end']:
            # The trivia class will solve everything after doing this.
            room.activity.endSession = True
            room.activity = None
            return reply.response('The trivia session has been ended')

    if cmd == 'ta':
        if not (room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Trivia)):
            return reply.response('There is no ongoing trivia session.')
        # Don't give information if wrong or right here, let Trivia deal with that
        if room.activity.tryAnswer(msg):
            if not room.activity.solver:
                room.activity.multiple = True
        return reply.response('NoAnswer')
    return reply.response('')

commands = [Command(['trivia'], triviaCommands)]
    # If the pasted team was an importable instead of packed, pack it
    if not team.startswith('|'):
        team = BattleHandler.PSPackTeam(team)
    # Double check so it actually is packed
    if not team.startswith('|'):
        return reply.response(
            "This team doesn't look like a valid packed team :(")

    meta = bot.toId(meta)
    if not meta in[meta] = []
    if not team in[meta]:[meta].append(team)
        return reply.response('I already have that team! :D')
    if not meta in
    with open('plugins/battling/teams.yaml', 'w+') as file:
    return reply.response(
        'Saved that team for you so that I can play with it :)')

commands = [
    Command(['storeteam'], acceptTeam),
    Command(['ladder'], startLaddering)
Beispiel #10
        if msg:
            return reply.response(
                '{param} is not a valid parameter for ~anagram. Make guesses with ~a'
        if room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Anagram):
            return reply.response(
                'Current anagram: {word}'.format(word=room.activity.getWord()))
        return reply.response('There is no active anagram right now')

def answer(bot, cmd, msg, user, room):
    reply = ReplyObject('', True, False, False, True, True)
    if not (room.activity and room.activity.isThisGame(Anagram)):
        return reply.response('There is no anagram active right now')
    if room.activity.isCorrect(re.sub(r'[ -]', '', msg).lower()):
        solved = room.activity.getSolvedWord()
        timeTaken = room.activity.getSolveTimeStr()
        room.activity = None
        # Save score
        Scoreboard[] = 1 if not in Scoreboard else Scoreboard[
  ] + 1
        with open('plugins/scoreboard.yaml', 'w') as ym:
            yaml.dump(Scoreboard, ym)
        return reply.response(
            'Congratulations, {name} got it{time}\nThe solution was: {solution}'
            .format(, time=timeTaken, solution=solved))
    return reply.response('{test} is wrong!'.format(test=msg.lstrip()))

commands = [Command(['anagram'], start), Command(['a'], answer)]
Beispiel #11
        return reply.response(workshop.removePokemon(msg[7:].strip()))
    elif msg == 'clear':
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can clear the team'
        return reply.response(workshop.clearTeam())
    elif msg == 'team':
        return reply.response(workshop.getTeam())
    elif msg == 'end':
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can end the workshop'
                   workshop.pasteLog(room.title, bot.apikeys['pastebin']))
        room.activity = None
        return reply.response('Workshop session ended')
    return reply.response(
        'Unrecognized command: {cmd}'.format(cmd=msg if msg else 'nothing'))

handler = {
    'c': workshopHandler,
    'chat': workshopHandler,
    'c:': timestampWorkshopHandler

commands = [Command(['workshop', 'ws'], commands)]
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can add Pokemon')
        return reply.response(workshop.addPokemon(msg[4:].strip()))
    elif msg.startswith('remove'):
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can remove Pokemon'
        return reply.response(workshop.removePokemon(msg[7:].strip()))
    elif msg == 'clear':
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can clear the team'
        return reply.response(workshop.clearTeam())
    elif msg == 'team':
        return reply.response(workshop.getTeam())
    elif msg == 'end':
        if not workshop.hasHostingRights(user):
            return reply.response(
                'Only the workshop host or a Room Moderator can end the workshop'
                   workshop.pasteLog(room.title, bot.apikeys['pastebin']))
        room.activity = None
        return reply.response('Workshop session ended')
    return reply.response(
        'Unrecognized command: {cmd}'.format(cmd=msg if msg else 'nothing'))

commands = [Command(['workshop', 'ws'], handler)]