def get_vocab_label(corpus, vocab_label_tmp=None, cut_label=0): iob_labels = _get_iob_labels(corpus) cnt = Counter(_get_label_set(iob_labels)) labels = [ (w, c) for w, c in sorted(cnt.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) if c > cut_label ] say(str(labels)) return _create_vocab_label(vocab_label_tmp, iob_labels, labels)
def show_adr_chance_level(samples): total = float(len(samples)) total_agents = 0. stats = defaultdict(int) for sample in samples: stats[sample.n_agents_in_ctx] += 1 for n_agents, n_samples in stats.items(): assert n_agents > 0 total_agents += n_agents * n_samples say('\n\t SAMPLES: {:>8}'.format(int(total))) say('\n\t ADDRESSEE DETECTION CHANCE LEVEL: {:>7.2%}'.format(total / total_agents))
def load_ubuntu_corpus(path): empty_cnt = 0 raw_corpus = {} fopen = if path.endswith(".gz") else open with fopen(path) as fin: for line in fin: q_id, title, body = line.split("\t") if len(title) == 0: print q_id empty_cnt += 1 continue title = title.strip().split() body = body.strip().split() raw_corpus[q_id] = (title, body) say("{} empty titles ignored.\n".format(empty_cnt)) return raw_corpus
def show_adr_upper_bound(samples, max_n_agents): true_adr_stats = defaultdict(int) non_adr_stats = defaultdict(int) # sample.n_agents_in_lctx = agents appearing in the limited context (including the speaker of the response) for sample in samples: if sample.true_adr > -1: true_adr_stats[sample.n_agents_in_lctx] += 1 else: non_adr_stats[sample.n_agents_in_lctx] += 1 say('\n\t ADDRESSEE DETECTION UPPER BOUND:') for n_agents in xrange(max_n_agents): n_agents += 1 if n_agents in true_adr_stats: ttl1 = true_adr_stats[n_agents] else: ttl1 = 0 if n_agents in non_adr_stats: ttl2 = non_adr_stats[n_agents] else: ttl2 = 0 total = float(ttl1 + ttl2) if total == 0: ub = 0. else: ub = ttl1 / total say('\n\t\t# Cands {:>2}: {:>7.2%} | Total: {:>8} | Including true-adr: {:>8} | Not including: {:>8}'.format( n_agents, ub, int(total), ttl1, ttl2)) say('\n')
def dataset_statistics(dataset): """ :param dataset: 1D: n_docs, 2D: n_utterances, 3D: elem=(time, speaker_id, addressee_id, response1, ... , label) """ n_docs = len(dataset) n_utterances = 0 n_words = 0 n_agents = 0 max_n_agents = 0 for thread in dataset: agents = set([]) n_utterances += len(thread) for sent in thread: label = sent[-1] if label > -1: sent_len = len(sent[3+label]) else: sent_len = len(sent[3]) n_words += sent_len agents.add(sent[1]) n_agents_tm = len(agents) n_agents += n_agents_tm if max_n_agents < n_agents_tm: max_n_agents = n_agents_tm say('\nDATASET STATS\n# Docs: {:>4} | # Utterances: {:>8} | # Words: {:>8}\n'.format(n_docs, n_utterances, n_words)) say('# Agents: {:>8} | # Max agents/Doc: {:>3}\n'.format(n_agents, max_n_agents)) say('Words/Utter: {:3.2f} | Agents/Doc: {:3.2f}\n'.format(n_words/float(n_utterances), n_agents/float(n_docs)))
def show_n_samples_binned_ctx(samples): ctx_stats = defaultdict(int) for sample in samples: ctx_stats[sample.binned_n_agents_in_ctx] += 1 say('\n\t THE BINNED NUMBER OF AGENTS IN CONTEXT:') for n_agents, ttl in sorted(ctx_stats.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): say('\n\t\tBin {:>2}: {:>8}'.format(n_agents, ttl)) say('\n')