Beispiel #1
def create_share_comment_link(text, action):
    """Parse indicators from the text and create links for ThreatConnect share comments."""
    response = str()
    error = False

    # map the keys from the ioc finder to the indicator types expected by threatconnect (respectively)
    ioc_finder_to_threatconnect_mappings = {
        'domain': 'host',
        'email': 'emailaddress',
        'ipv4': 'address',
        'md5': 'file',
        'sha1': 'file',
        'sha256': 'file',
        'url': 'url'
    indicators = ioc_finder.find_iocs(text)

    for indicator_type in indicators:
        if indicator_type in ioc_finder_to_threatconnect_mappings:
            tc_ind_type = ioc_finder_to_threatconnect_mappings[indicator_type]

        for indicator in indicators[indicator_type]:
            response += "\n[[{}:{}]]".format(tc_ind_type, indicator)

    return response, False
def test_asn_parsing():
    s = ''
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['asns'] == []

    s = 'here is an asn: "AS8"'
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['asns'] == ['ASN8']

    s = 'here is an asn: AS8foobar'
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['asns'] == []

    s = 'as8'
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['asns'] == ['ASN8']
def test_not_parsing_authentihash():
    s = 'authentihash 3f1b149d07e7e8636636b8b7f7043c40ed64a10b28986181fb046c498432c2d4'
    iocs = find_iocs(s, parse_authentihashes=False)
    assert 'authentihashes' not in iocs
    assert iocs['sha256s'] == [
Beispiel #4
def test_file_hash_parsing():
    s = "{} {} {} {} {}".format('A'*32, 'a'*32, 'b'*40, 'c'*64, 'd'*128)
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert len(iocs['md5s']) == 1
    assert len(iocs['sha1s']) == 1
    assert len(iocs['sha256s']) == 1
    assert len(iocs['sha512s']) == 1
def test_registry_key_parsing():
    s = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows HKCC\Software\Microsoft\Windows"
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert len(iocs['registry_key_paths']) == 3
    assert 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows' in iocs['registry_key_paths']
    assert 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows' in iocs['registry_key_paths']
    assert 'HKCC\Software\Microsoft\Windows' in iocs['registry_key_paths']
Beispiel #6
def test_certificate_serial_number_issue_96():
    # see
    s = '''SolarWinds.Orion.Core.BusinessLayer.dll is signed by SolarWinds, using the certificate with serial number 0f:e9:73:75:20:22:a6:06:ad:f2:a3:6e:34:5d:c0:ed. The file was signed on March 24, 2020.'''
    observables = find_iocs(s)
    assert observables['ipv6s'] == []
    assert observables['mac_addresses'] == []
def test_url_parsing():
    invalid_urls = [
        'foo@{}.com'.format('a' * 64),
        '[email protected]',
        'foo{}.com'.format('a' * 64),

    valid_urls = [
        'https://{}.com'.format('a' * 63),
        'https://{}.{}.com'.format('a' * 63, 'a' * 63),
        'http://[email protected]',
        'http://[email protected]',
        'http://foo@{}.com'.format('a' * 63),

    iocs = find_iocs(' '.join(valid_urls))
    assert len(iocs['urls']) == 13
    # make sure domains are being parsed from the valid urls as well
    assert len(iocs['domains']) == 7

    iocs = find_iocs(' '.join(invalid_urls))
    assert len(iocs['urls']) == 0

    s = ''
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['urls'] == [
Beispiel #8
def test_url_parsing():
    for url in VALID_URLS:
        iocs = find_iocs(url)
            assert len(iocs['urls']) == 1
            assert iocs['urls'][0] == url
        except AssertionError as e:
            print('failed on url: {}'.format(url))
            raise e
def test_file_hash_parsing():
    s = 'this is a test{}'.format('a' * 32)
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['md5s'] == []

    s = 'this is a test {}'.format('a' * 32)
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['md5s'] == ['a' * 32]

    s = 'this is a test "{}"'.format('a' * 32)
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['md5s'] == ['a' * 32]

    s = 'this is a test {}.'.format('a' * 32)
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['md5s'] == ['a' * 32]

    s = '0x1a1db93766e31994507511c9c70a1dd94465cf6d'
    iocs = find_iocs(s)
    assert iocs['sha1s'] == ['1a1db93766e31994507511c9c70a1dd94465cf6d']
Beispiel #10
def mainReporter(ioc):
    engine_responses = []
    ioc_allowed = ['urls', 'domains', 'ipv4s', 'sha256s', 'sha1s', 'md5s']
    validate = find_iocs(ioc)
    analyze = {k: v for k, v in validate.items() if v and k in ioc_allowed}
    if analyze:
        for key, value in analyze.items():
            if key == ioc_allowed[0]:
                vtUrl = VTUrlReporter(value)
                urlHaus = UrlHausUrlReporter(value)
                capeUrl = CapeReporter(value)
                scanUrl = UrlScanReporter(value)
                engine_responses = vtUrl + urlHaus + capeUrl + scanUrl

            if key == ioc_allowed[1]:
                vtDom = VTUrlReporter(value)
                urlHausDom = UrlHausUrlReporter(value)
                capeDom = CapeReporter(value)
                scanDom = UrlScanReporter(value, True)
                engine_responses = engine_responses + vtDom + urlHausDom + capeDom + scanDom

            if key == ioc_allowed[2]:
                abuse = AbuseReporter(value)
                vtIp = VTIpReporter(value)
                capeIp = CapeReporter(value)
                scanIp = UrlScanReporter(value)

                engine_responses = engine_responses + abuse + vtIp + capeIp + scanIp

            if key == ioc_allowed[3]:
                malshare256 = malshareReporter(value)
                vt256 = VTHashReporter(value)
                urlHaus256 = UrlHausHashReporter(value, 'sha256_hash')
                valhalla256 = ValhallaReporter(value)
                hybrid256 = HybridReporter(value)
                cape256 = CapeReporter(value)
                engine_responses = engine_responses + malshare256 + vt256 + urlHaus256 + valhalla256 + hybrid256 + cape256

            if key == ioc_allowed[4]:
                malshare1 = malshareReporter(value)
                vt1 = VTHashReporter(value)
                hybrid1 = HybridReporter(value)
                cape1 = CapeReporter(value)
                engine_responses = engine_responses + malshare1 + vt1 + hybrid1 + cape1

            if key == ioc_allowed[5]:
                malshare5 = malshareReporter(value)
                vt5 = VTHashReporter(value)
                urlHaus5 = UrlHausHashReporter(value, 'md5_hash')
                hybrid5 = HybridReporter(value)
                cape5 = CapeReporter(value)
                engine_responses = engine_responses + malshare5 + vt5 + urlHaus5 + hybrid5 + cape5

    return engine_responses