def fft_worker(self): if _fft_worker_cache[0] != timeit = TimeIt(self.viewer, 'creating FFT worker') _fft_worker_cache[0] = _fft_worker_cache[1] = FFTTasks(, options=Options(fftw_threads=4)) timeit.stop() return _fft_worker_cache[1]
def runner (parser, options, args): options = Options (options) if not hasattr(parser, 'runner'): options.output_path = None if args: if len (args)==1: if options.input_path: print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % (options.input_path, args[0]) options.input_path = args[0] if options.input_path is None: parser.error('Expected --input-path but got nothing') options.input_path = fix_path (options.input_path) stack = ImageStack.load(options.input_path, options=options) images = stack.images roll_axis = dict(XY=0, XZ=1, YZ=2).get(options.projection, 0) axis_labels = ('Z', 'Y', 'X') #roll_axis = int (options.roll_axis) voxel_sizes = stack.get_voxel_sizes() resolution = ['', '', ''] title = '%s[%s]' % (os.path.basename (options.input_path), images.dtype) dr = stack.get_lateral_resolution() dz = stack.get_axial_resolution() if voxel_sizes: if dr is not None: resolution[1] = tostr(dr/voxel_sizes[1]) + 'px' resolution[2] = tostr(dr/voxel_sizes[2]) + 'px' if dz is not None: resolution[0] = tostr(dz/voxel_sizes[0]) + 'px' resolution = tuple (resolution) if roll_axis: images = numpy.rollaxis(images, roll_axis) if voxel_sizes: voxel_sizes = (voxel_sizes[roll_axis],) + voxel_sizes[:roll_axis] + voxel_sizes[roll_axis+1:] axis_labels = (axis_labels[roll_axis],) + axis_labels[:roll_axis] + axis_labels[roll_axis+1:] resolutions = (resolution[roll_axis],) + resolution[:roll_axis] + resolution[roll_axis+1:] if voxel_sizes: xlabel = '%s, resol=%s, px size=%sum, size=%sum' \ % (axis_labels[-1], resolution[-1], tostr(voxel_sizes[-1]*1e6), tostr(voxel_sizes[-1]*1e6*images.shape[-1])) ylabel = '%s, resol=%s, px size=%sum, size=%sum' \ % (axis_labels[-2], resolution[-2], tostr(voxel_sizes[-2]*1e6), tostr(voxel_sizes[-2]*1e6*images.shape[-2])) else: xlabel = '%s' % (axis_labels[-1]) ylabel = '%s' % (axis_labels[-2]) import as cm import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot from import imshow if options.invert_cmap: cmap = getattr(cm, options.cmap+'_r', options.cmap) else: cmap = getattr(cm, options.cmap, 'gray') view_3d = options.get(view_3d = 'none') if view_3d and view_3d.lower()=='none': view_3d = None if view_3d: l = [] for i,d in enumerate(view_3d.split (',')): d = d.strip() if d.lower()=='c': d = images.shape[i]//2 else: try: d = int(d) except: d = images.shape[i]//2 d = max(min(images.shape[i]-1, d), 0) l.append(d) view_3d = l def mark_image (image, c1, c2, ln, wd, mx): image[c1-wd:c1+wd+1,:ln] = mx image[c1-wd:c1+wd+1,-ln:] = mx image[:ln,c2-wd:c2+wd+1] = mx image[-ln:,c2-wd:c2+wd+1] = mx return image if view_3d: import scipy.ndimage as ndimage pyplot.rc('font', family='sans-serif', weight='normal', size=8) figure = pyplot.figure(dpi=options.get(dpi=96), figsize=(8, 8), frameon=True, facecolor='1.0', edgecolor='w') yz_scale = voxel_sizes[1] / voxel_sizes[0] zx_scale = voxel_sizes[0] / voxel_sizes[2] yx_scale = voxel_sizes[1] / voxel_sizes[2] yx_image = images[view_3d[0]].copy () zx_image = images[:,view_3d[1],:].copy () yz_image = images[:,:,view_3d[2]].T.copy() image = numpy.zeros((yx_image.shape[0] + zx_image.shape[0]+1, yx_image.shape[1]+yz_image.shape[1]+1)) wd = image.shape[0]//300 ln = max(1, image.shape[1]//20) mx = yx_image.max() def fix_image (image, scale, c1, c2, ln, wd): mx = image.max() if scale==1: mark_image (image, c1, c2, ln, wd, mx) elif scale>1: image = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(image, [scale, 1.0], order=0) mark_image (image, c1*scale, c2, ln, wd, mx) else: image = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(image, [1.0, 1.0/scale], order=0) mark_image (image, c1, c2/scale, ln, wd, mx) return image yx_image = fix_image(yx_image, yx_scale, view_3d[1], view_3d[2], ln, wd) zx_image = fix_image(zx_image, zx_scale, view_3d[0], view_3d[2], ln, wd) yz_image = fix_image(yz_image, yz_scale, view_3d[1], view_3d[0], ln, wd) image = numpy.zeros((yx_image.shape[0] + zx_image.shape[0]+1, yx_image.shape[1]+yz_image.shape[1]+1)) image[:yx_image.shape[0], :yx_image.shape[1]] = yx_image image[:yx_image.shape[0], yx_image.shape[1]+1:] = yz_image image[yx_image.shape[0]+1:, :yx_image.shape[1]] = zx_image image_plot = pyplot.imshow(image, interpolation=options.get(interpolation='nearest'), cmap = cmap, ) pyplot.title(title, size=11) axes = pyplot.gca() xtickdata = [(0,'0'), #(yx_image.shape[1]/2, 'X'), (yx_image.shape[1], '%.1fum' % (voxel_sizes[2]*images.shape[2]*1e6)), ( (yx_image.shape[1]+image.shape[1])/2, 'Z'), (image.shape[1]-1, '%.1fum' % (voxel_sizes[0]*images.shape[0]*1e6)), (yx_image.shape[1]*view_3d[2]/images.shape[2],'X=%spx' % (view_3d[2])), ] ytickdata = [(0,'0'), #(yx_image.shape[0]/2, 'Y'), (yx_image.shape[0], '%.1fum' % (voxel_sizes[1]*images.shape[1]*1e6)), #((yx_image.shape[0]+image.shape[0])/2, 'Z'), ( image.shape[0]-1, '%.1fum' % (voxel_sizes[0]*images.shape[0]*1e6)), (yx_image.shape[0]*view_3d[1]/images.shape[1],'Y=%spx' % (view_3d[1])), (yx_image.shape[0]+yz_image.shape[1]*view_3d[0]/images.shape[0], 'Z=%spx' % (view_3d[0])), ] xtickdata.sort () xticks, xticklabels = zip(*xtickdata) ytickdata.sort () yticks, yticklabels = zip(*ytickdata) axes.set_xticks(xticks) axes.set_xticklabels (xticklabels) axes.set_yticks(yticks) axes.set_yticklabels (yticklabels) cbar = pyplot.colorbar(shrink=0.8) def on_keypressed(event): """Callback for key press event.""" key = event.key if key == 'q': sys.exit(0) figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', on_keypressed) else: figure, subplot, image = imshow(images, title = title, #miniswhite=page.photometric=='miniswhite', interpolation=options.interpolation, cmap=cmap, dpi=options.dpi, isrgb=options.rgb, show_hist = options.histogram_bins, auto_scale = options.auto_scale) axes = figure.get_axes()[0] axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) output_path = options.get (output_path='') if output_path: pyplot.savefig (output_path) print 'wrote',output_path sys.exit(0)
def runner(parser, options, args): options = Options(options) if not hasattr(parser, 'runner'): options.output_path = None if args: if len(args) == 1: if options.input_path: print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % ( options.input_path, args[0]) options.input_path = args[0] if options.input_path is None: parser.error('Expected --input-path but got nothing') options.input_path = fix_path(options.input_path) stack = ImageStack.load(options.input_path, options=options) images = stack.images roll_axis = dict(XY=0, XZ=1, YZ=2).get(options.projection, 0) axis_labels = ('Z', 'Y', 'X') #roll_axis = int (options.roll_axis) voxel_sizes = stack.get_voxel_sizes() resolution = ['', '', ''] title = '%s[%s]' % (os.path.basename(options.input_path), images.dtype) dr = stack.get_lateral_resolution() dz = stack.get_axial_resolution() if voxel_sizes: if dr is not None: resolution[1] = tostr(dr / voxel_sizes[1]) + 'px' resolution[2] = tostr(dr / voxel_sizes[2]) + 'px' if dz is not None: resolution[0] = tostr(dz / voxel_sizes[0]) + 'px' resolution = tuple(resolution) if roll_axis: images = numpy.rollaxis(images, roll_axis) if voxel_sizes: voxel_sizes = ( voxel_sizes[roll_axis], ) + voxel_sizes[:roll_axis] + voxel_sizes[roll_axis + 1:] axis_labels = (axis_labels[roll_axis], ) + axis_labels[:roll_axis] + axis_labels[roll_axis + 1:] resolutions = (resolution[roll_axis], ) + resolution[:roll_axis] + resolution[roll_axis + 1:] if voxel_sizes: xlabel = '%s, resol=%s, px size=%sum, size=%sum' \ % (axis_labels[-1], resolution[-1], tostr(voxel_sizes[-1]*1e6), tostr(voxel_sizes[-1]*1e6*images.shape[-1])) ylabel = '%s, resol=%s, px size=%sum, size=%sum' \ % (axis_labels[-2], resolution[-2], tostr(voxel_sizes[-2]*1e6), tostr(voxel_sizes[-2]*1e6*images.shape[-2])) else: xlabel = '%s' % (axis_labels[-1]) ylabel = '%s' % (axis_labels[-2]) import as cm import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot from import imshow if options.invert_cmap: cmap = getattr(cm, options.cmap + '_r', options.cmap) else: cmap = getattr(cm, options.cmap, 'gray') view_3d = options.get(view_3d='none') if view_3d and view_3d.lower() == 'none': view_3d = None if view_3d: l = [] for i, d in enumerate(view_3d.split(',')): d = d.strip() if d.lower() == 'c': d = images.shape[i] // 2 else: try: d = int(d) except: d = images.shape[i] // 2 d = max(min(images.shape[i] - 1, d), 0) l.append(d) view_3d = l def mark_image(image, c1, c2, ln, wd, mx): image[c1 - wd:c1 + wd + 1, :ln] = mx image[c1 - wd:c1 + wd + 1, -ln:] = mx image[:ln, c2 - wd:c2 + wd + 1] = mx image[-ln:, c2 - wd:c2 + wd + 1] = mx return image if view_3d: import scipy.ndimage as ndimage pyplot.rc('font', family='sans-serif', weight='normal', size=8) figure = pyplot.figure(dpi=options.get(dpi=96), figsize=(8, 8), frameon=True, facecolor='1.0', edgecolor='w') yz_scale = voxel_sizes[1] / voxel_sizes[0] zx_scale = voxel_sizes[0] / voxel_sizes[2] yx_scale = voxel_sizes[1] / voxel_sizes[2] yx_image = images[view_3d[0]].copy() zx_image = images[:, view_3d[1], :].copy() yz_image = images[:, :, view_3d[2]].T.copy() image = numpy.zeros((yx_image.shape[0] + zx_image.shape[0] + 1, yx_image.shape[1] + yz_image.shape[1] + 1)) wd = image.shape[0] // 300 ln = max(1, image.shape[1] // 20) mx = yx_image.max() def fix_image(image, scale, c1, c2, ln, wd): mx = image.max() if scale == 1: mark_image(image, c1, c2, ln, wd, mx) elif scale > 1: image = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(image, [scale, 1.0], order=0) mark_image(image, c1 * scale, c2, ln, wd, mx) else: image = ndimage.interpolation.zoom(image, [1.0, 1.0 / scale], order=0) mark_image(image, c1, c2 / scale, ln, wd, mx) return image yx_image = fix_image(yx_image, yx_scale, view_3d[1], view_3d[2], ln, wd) zx_image = fix_image(zx_image, zx_scale, view_3d[0], view_3d[2], ln, wd) yz_image = fix_image(yz_image, yz_scale, view_3d[1], view_3d[0], ln, wd) image = numpy.zeros((yx_image.shape[0] + zx_image.shape[0] + 1, yx_image.shape[1] + yz_image.shape[1] + 1)) image[:yx_image.shape[0], :yx_image.shape[1]] = yx_image image[:yx_image.shape[0], yx_image.shape[1] + 1:] = yz_image image[yx_image.shape[0] + 1:, :yx_image.shape[1]] = zx_image image_plot = pyplot.imshow( image, interpolation=options.get(interpolation='nearest'), cmap=cmap, ) pyplot.title(title, size=11) axes = pyplot.gca() xtickdata = [ (0, '0'), #(yx_image.shape[1]/2, 'X'), (yx_image.shape[1], '%.1fum' % (voxel_sizes[2] * images.shape[2] * 1e6)), ((yx_image.shape[1] + image.shape[1]) / 2, 'Z'), (image.shape[1] - 1, '%.1fum' % (voxel_sizes[0] * images.shape[0] * 1e6)), (yx_image.shape[1] * view_3d[2] / images.shape[2], 'X=%spx' % (view_3d[2])), ] ytickdata = [ (0, '0'), #(yx_image.shape[0]/2, 'Y'), (yx_image.shape[0], '%.1fum' % (voxel_sizes[1] * images.shape[1] * 1e6)), #((yx_image.shape[0]+image.shape[0])/2, 'Z'), (image.shape[0] - 1, '%.1fum' % (voxel_sizes[0] * images.shape[0] * 1e6)), (yx_image.shape[0] * view_3d[1] / images.shape[1], 'Y=%spx' % (view_3d[1])), (yx_image.shape[0] + yz_image.shape[1] * view_3d[0] / images.shape[0], 'Z=%spx' % (view_3d[0])), ] xtickdata.sort() xticks, xticklabels = zip(*xtickdata) ytickdata.sort() yticks, yticklabels = zip(*ytickdata) axes.set_xticks(xticks) axes.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) axes.set_yticks(yticks) axes.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) cbar = pyplot.colorbar(shrink=0.8) def on_keypressed(event): """Callback for key press event.""" key = event.key if key == 'q': sys.exit(0) figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', on_keypressed) else: figure, subplot, image = imshow( images, title=title, #miniswhite=page.photometric=='miniswhite', interpolation=options.interpolation, cmap=cmap, dpi=options.dpi, isrgb=options.rgb, show_hist=options.histogram_bins, auto_scale=options.auto_scale) axes = figure.get_axes()[0] axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) output_path = options.get(output_path='') if output_path: pyplot.savefig(output_path) print 'wrote', output_path sys.exit(0)
def runner (parser, options, args): options = Options (options) run_method = getattr(parser, 'run_method', 'subcommand') if'posix' and run_method == 'subprocess': print 'This script cannot be run using subprocess method. Choose subcommand to continue.' return if args: if len (args)==1: if options.input_path: print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: overwriting input path %r with %r" % (options.input_path, args[0]) options.input_path = args[0] if options.input_path is None: parser.error('Expected --input-path but got nothing') data, titles = RowFile (options.input_path).read(with_titles = True) if options.print_keys: print 'rowfile keys:' + ', '.join(data.keys()) print 'length:', len(data[data.keys()[0]] or []) return if not options.x_keys and not options.y_keys: options.x_keys = titles[0] options.y_keys = ','.join(titles[1:]) parser.save_options(options, []) if not options.x_keys or not options.y_keys: print 'No x or y keys specified for the plot.' return x_keys = [str (k).strip() for k in options.x_keys.split (',')] y_keys = [str (k).strip() for k in options.y_keys.split (',')] from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.parasite_axes import HostAxes, ParasiteAxes import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,6)) host = HostAxes(fig, [0.1, 0.1, 0.55, 0.8]) host.axis["right"].set_visible(False) fig.add_axes(host) host.set_title(options.input_path) legend_list = [] axes_ylim = [] plot_axes = [] for x_key in x_keys: x_data = data.get(x_key) if x_data is None: print 'Rowfile does not contain a column named %r' % (x_key) continue offset = 20 host.set_xlabel(x_key) for y_key in y_keys: plot_str = 'plot' if y_key.startswith('log:'): y_key = y_key[4:] plot_str = 'semilogy' y_data = data.get(y_key) if y_data is None: print 'Rowfile does not contain a column named %r' % (y_key) continue if axes_ylim: ax = ParasiteAxes(host, sharex=host) host.parasites.append(ax) #ax.axis["right"].set_visible(True) #ax.axis["right"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(True) #ax.axis["right"].label.set_visible(True) new_axisline = ax._grid_helper.new_fixed_axis ax_line = ax.axis["right2"] = new_axisline(loc="right", axes=ax, offset=(offset,0)) if plot_str=='semilogy': offset += 60 else: offset += 40 else: ax = host ax_line = ax.axis['left'] ax.set_ylabel(y_key) p, = getattr(ax, plot_str)(x_data, y_data, label = y_key) axes_ylim.append((ax, min (y_data), max (y_data))) plot_axes.append((p, ax_line)) [ax.set_ylim(mn,mx) for ax,mn,mx in axes_ylim] #[ax_line.label.set_color (p.get_color()) for p, ax in plot_axes] host.legend() def on_keypressed(event): key = event.key if key=='q': sys.exit(0) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', on_keypressed) plt.draw() output_path = options.get (output_path='') if output_path: plt.savefig (output_path) print 'wrote',output_path sys.exit(0)