Beispiel #1
    def test_sample(self):
        result = yield self.driver_client.initialize('some arg')

        dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.sup)
        topicname = 'SBE49 Topic'
        topic = PubSubTopicResource.create(topicname, "")

        # Use the service to create a queue and register the topic
        topic = yield dpsc.define_topic(topic)

        subscription = SubscriptionResource()
        subscription.topic1 = PubSubTopicResource.create(topicname, '')

        subscription.workflow = {

        subscription = yield dpsc.define_subscription(subscription)'Defined subscription: ' + str(subscription))

        params = {}
        params['publish-to'] = topic.RegistryIdentity
        yield self.driver_client.configure_driver(params)

        cmd1 = [['ds', 'now']]
        result = yield self.driver_client.execute(cmd1)
        self.assertEqual(result['status'], 'OK')

        yield pu.asleep(1)

        result = yield self.driver_client.disconnect(['some arg'])
    def test_sample(self):
        result = yield self.driver_client.initialize('some arg')

        dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.sup)
        topicname = 'SBE49 Topic'
        topic = PubSubTopicResource.create(topicname,"")

        # Use the service to create a queue and register the topic
        topic = yield dpsc.define_topic(topic)

        subscription = SubscriptionResource()
        subscription.topic1 = PubSubTopicResource.create(topicname,'')

        subscription.workflow = {

        subscription = yield dpsc.define_subscription(subscription)'Defined subscription: '+str(subscription))

        params = {}
        params['publish-to'] = topic.RegistryIdentity
        yield self.driver_client.configure_driver(params)

        cmd1 = [['ds', 'now']]
        result = yield self.driver_client.execute(cmd1)
        self.assertEqual(result['status'], 'OK')

        yield pu.asleep(1)

        result = yield self.driver_client.disconnect(['some arg'])
    def test_create_topic(self):
        #dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.pubsubSuper)

        dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.sup)
        # Create and Register a topic
        DHE: not sure the driver should be creating the topic; for right
        now I'll have the test case do it.
        self.topic = PubSubTopicResource.create('SBE49 Topic',"oceans, oil spill")
        self.topic = yield dpsc.define_topic(self.topic)

        print 'TADA!'
Beispiel #4
    def test_create_topic(self):
        #dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.pubsubSuper)

        dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.sup)
        # Create and Register a topic
        DHE: not sure the driver should be creating the topic; for right
        now I'll have the test case do it.
        self.topic = PubSubTopicResource.create('SBE49 Topic',
                                                "oceans, oil spill")
        self.topic = yield dpsc.define_topic(self.topic)

        print 'TADA!'
Beispiel #5
 def _configure_driver(self, params):
     Configures driver params either on startup or on command
     if 'publish-to' in params:
         self.publish_to = params['publish-to']
         logging.debug("Configured publish-to=" + self.publish_to)
         self.topicDefined = True
         self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
         self.topic = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=self.publish_to,
         self.publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self,
                                                   self.topic, 'DataObject')
         self.publisher = yield self.dpsc.define_publisher(self.publisher)
 def _configure_driver(self, params):
     Configures driver params either on startup or on command
     if 'publish-to' in params:
         self.publish_to = params['publish-to']
         logging.debug("Configured publish-to=" + self.publish_to)
         self.topicDefined = True
         self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
         self.topic = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=self.publish_to, RegistryBranch='master')
         self.publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self, self.topic, 'DataObject')
         self.publisher = yield self.dpsc.define_publisher(self.publisher)
    def test_execute(self):
        Test the execute command to the Instrument Driver
        result = yield self.driver_client.initialize('some arg')

        dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.sup)

        subscription = SubscriptionResource()
        subscription.topic1 = PubSubTopicResource.create('SBE49 Topic','')
        #subscription.topic2 = PubSubTopicResource.create('','oceans')

        subscription.workflow = {

        subscription = yield dpsc.define_subscription(subscription)'Defined subscription: '+str(subscription))

        cmd1 = [['ds', 'now']]
        #cmd1 = [['start', 'now']]
        #cmd2 = [['stop', 'now']]
        #cmd2 = [['pumpoff', '3600', '1']]
        result = yield self.driver_client.execute(cmd1)
        self.assertEqual(result['status'], 'OK')
        # DHE: wait a while...
        yield pu.asleep(1)
        #result = yield self.driver_client.execute(cmd2)
        #self.assertEqual(result['status'], 'OK')

        # DHE: disconnecting; a connect would probably be good.
        result = yield self.driver_client.disconnect(['some arg'])
Beispiel #8
    def test_execute(self):
        Test the execute command to the Instrument Driver
        result = yield self.driver_client.initialize('some arg')

        dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.sup)

        subscription = SubscriptionResource()
        subscription.topic1 = PubSubTopicResource.create('SBE49 Topic', '')
        #subscription.topic2 = PubSubTopicResource.create('','oceans')

        subscription.workflow = {

        subscription = yield dpsc.define_subscription(subscription)'Defined subscription: ' + str(subscription))

        cmd1 = [['ds', 'now']]
        #cmd1 = [['start', 'now']]
        #cmd2 = [['stop', 'now']]
        #cmd2 = [['pumpoff', '3600', '1']]
        result = yield self.driver_client.execute(cmd1)
        self.assertEqual(result['status'], 'OK')
        # DHE: wait a while...
        yield pu.asleep(1)
        #result = yield self.driver_client.execute(cmd2)
        #self.assertEqual(result['status'], 'OK')

        # DHE: disconnecting; a connect would probably be good.
        result = yield self.driver_client.disconnect(['some arg'])
Beispiel #9
 def slc_init(self):
     self.irc = InstrumentRegistryClient(proc=self)
     self.dprc = DataProductRegistryClient(proc=self)
     self.arc = AgentRegistryClient(proc=self)
     self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
Beispiel #10
class InstrumentManagementService(BaseService):
    Instrument management service interface.
    This service provides overall coordination for instrument management within
    an observatory context. In particular it coordinates the access to the
    instrument and data product registries and the interaction with instrument

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='instrument_management',

    def slc_init(self):
        self.irc = InstrumentRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.dprc = DataProductRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.arc = AgentRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)

    def op_create_new_instrument(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Accepts a dictionary containing user inputs.
        Updates the instrument registry.
        userInput = content['userInput']

        newinstrument = InstrumentResource.create_new_resource()

        if 'name' in userInput:
   = str(userInput['name'])

        if 'description' in userInput:
            newinstrument.description = str(userInput['description'])

        if 'manufacturer' in userInput:
            newinstrument.manufacturer = str(userInput['manufacturer'])

        if 'model' in userInput:
            newinstrument.model = str(userInput['model'])

        if 'serial_num' in userInput:
            newinstrument.serial_num = str(userInput['serial_num'])

        if 'fw_version' in userInput:
            newinstrument.fw_version = str(userInput['fw_version'])

        instrument_res = yield self.irc.register_instrument_instance(

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, instrument_res.encode())

    def op_create_new_data_product(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Accepts a dictionary containing user inputs.
        Updates the data product registry. Also sets up an ingestion pipeline
        for an instrument
        dataProductInput = content['dataProductInput']

        newdp = DataProductResource.create_new_resource()
        if 'instrumentID' in dataProductInput:
            inst_id = str(dataProductInput['instrumentID'])
            int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=inst_id,
            newdp.instrument_ref = int_ref

        if 'name' in dataProductInput:
   = str(dataProductInput['name'])

        if 'description' in dataProductInput:
            newdp.description = str(dataProductInput['description'])

        if 'dataformat' in dataProductInput:
            newdp.dataformat = str(dataProductInput['dataformat'])

        # Step: Create a data stream
        ## Instantiate a pubsubclient
        #self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
        ## Create and Register a topic
        #self.topic = PubSubTopicResource.create('SBE49 Topic',"oceans, oil spill")
        #self.topic = yield self.dpsc.define_topic(self.topic)
        #logging.debug('DHE: Defined Topic')
        #self.publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self, self.topic, 'DataObject')
        #self.publisher = yield self.dpsc.define_publisher(self.publisher)

        res = yield self.dprc.register_data_product(newdp)
        ref = res.reference(head=True)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, res.encode())

    def op_execute_command(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Execute a command on an instrument.

        # Step 1: Extract the arguments from the UI generated message content
        commandInput = content['commandInput']

        if 'instrumentID' in commandInput:
            inst_id = str(commandInput['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        command = []
        if 'command' in commandInput:
            command_op = str(commandInput['command'])
            raise ValueError("Input for command not present")


        arg_idx = 0
        while True:
            argname = 'cmdArg' + str(arg_idx)
            arg_idx += 1
            if argname in commandInput:

        # Step 2: Find the agent id for the given instrument id
        agent_pid = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if not agent_pid:
            yield self.reply_err(
                msg, "No agent found for instrument " + str(inst_id))

        # Step 3: Interact with the agent to execute the command
        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=agent_pid)
        commandlist = [
        ]"Sending command to IA: " + str(commandlist))
        cmd_result = yield iaclient.execute_instrument(commandlist)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, cmd_result)

    def op_get_instrument_state(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: .
        # Step 1: Extract the arguments from the UI generated message content
        commandInput = content['commandInput']

        if 'instrumentID' in commandInput:
            inst_id = str(commandInput['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        agent_pid = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if not agent_pid:
            raise StandardError("No agent found for instrument " +

        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=agent_pid)
        inst_cap = yield iaclient.get_capabilities()
        if not inst_cap:
            raise StandardError("No capabilities available for instrument " +

        ci_commands = inst_cap['ci_commands']
        instrument_commands = inst_cap['instrument_commands']
        instrument_parameters = inst_cap['instrument_parameters']
        ci_parameters = inst_cap['ci_parameters']

        values = yield iaclient.get_from_instrument(instrument_parameters)
        resvalues = {}
        if values:
            resvalues = values

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, resvalues)

    def op_start_instrument_agent(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts an instrument agent for a type of
        if 'instrumentID' in content:
            inst_id = str(content['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        if 'model' in content:
            model = str(content['model'])
            raise ValueError("Input for model not present")

        if model != 'SBE49':
            raise ValueError("Only SBE49 supported!")

        agent_pid = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if agent_pid:
            raise StandardError("Agent already started for instrument " +

        simulator = Simulator(inst_id)

        topicname = "Inst/RAW/" + inst_id
        topic = PubSubTopicResource.create(topicname, "")

        # Use the service to create a queue and register the topic
        topic = yield self.dpsc.define_topic(topic)

        iagent_args = {}
        iagent_args['instrument-id'] = inst_id
        driver_args = {}
        driver_args['port'] = simulator.port
        driver_args['publish-to'] = topic.RegistryIdentity
        iagent_args['driver-args'] = driver_args

        iapd = ProcessDesc(
                'name': 'SBE49IA',
                'module': 'ion.agents.instrumentagents.SBE49_IA',
                'class': 'SBE49InstrumentAgent',
                'spawnargs': iagent_args

        iagent_id = yield self.spawn_child(iapd)
        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=iagent_id)
        yield iaclient.register_resource(inst_id)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, "OK")

    def op_stop_instrument_agent(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def op_start_direct_access(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def op_stop_direct_access(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Stops direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def get_agent_desc_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):"get_agent_desc_for_instrument() instrumentID=" +
        int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=instrument_id,
        agent_query = InstrumentAgentResourceInstance()
        agent_query.instrument_ref = int_ref

        if not agent_res:
        agent_pid = agent_res.proc_id"Agent process id for instrument id %s is: %s" %
                     (instrument_id, agent_pid))

    def get_agent_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):"get_agent_for_instrument() instrumentID=" +
        int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=instrument_id,
        agent_query = InstrumentAgentResourceInstance()
        agent_query.instrument_ref = int_ref
        # @todo Need to list the LC state here. WHY???
        agent_query.lifecycle = LCStates.developed
        agents = yield self.arc.find_registered_agent_instance_from_description(
            agent_query, regex=False)"Found %s agent instances for instrument id %s" %
                     (len(agents), instrument_id))
        agent_res = None
        if len(agents) > 0:
            agent_res = agents[0]

    def get_agent_pid_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):
        agent_res = yield self.get_agent_for_instrument(instrument_id)
        if not agent_res:
        agent_pid = agent_res.proc_id"Agent process id for instrument id %s is: %s" %
                     (instrument_id, agent_pid))
class SBE49InstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    Maybe some day these values are looked up from a registry of common
        controlled vocabulary

    def __init__(self, receiver=None, spawnArgs=None, **kwargs):
        self.connected = False
        self.instrument = None
        self.command = None
        self.topicDefined = False
        self.publish_to = None
        A translation dictionary to translate from the commands being sent
        from the agent to the actual command understood by the instrument.
        self.sbeParmCommands = {
            "baudrate" : "Baud",
            "outputformat" : "outputformat"

        self.__instrument_parameters = {
            "baudrate": 9600,
            "outputformat": 0,
            "outputsal": "Y",
            "outputsv": "Y",
            "navg": 0,
            "mincondfreq": 0,
            "pumpdelay": 0,
            "tadvance": 0.0625,
            "alpha": 0.03,
            "tau": 7.0,
            "autorun": "Y",
            "tcaldate": "1/1/01",
            "ta0": 0.0,
            "ta1": 0.0,
            "ta2": 0.0,
            "ta3": 0.0,
            "toffset": 0.0,
            "ccaldate": "1/1/01",
            "cg": 0.0,
            "ch": 0.0,
            "ci": 0.0,
            "cj": 0.0,
            "cpcor": 0.0,
            "ctcor": 0.0,
            "cslope": 0.0,
            "pcaldate": "1/1/01",
            "prange": 100.0,
            "poffset": 0.0,
            "pa0": 0.0,
            "pa1": 0.0,
            "pa2": 0.0,
            "ptempa0": 0.0,
            "ptempa1": 0.0,
            "ptempa2": 0.0,
            "ptca0": 0.0,
            "ptca1": 0.0,
            "ptca2": 0.0,
            "ptcb0": 0.0,
            "ptcb1": 0.0,
            "ptcb2": 0.0

        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs, **kwargs)

    def plc_init(self):
        self.instrument_id = self.spawn_args.get('instrument-id', '123')
        self.instrument_port = self.spawn_args.get('port', 9000)

        yield self._configure_driver(self.spawn_args)"INIT DRIVER for instrument ID=%s, port=%s, publish-to=%s" % (
            self.instrument_id, self.instrument_port, self.publish_to))

        self.iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=self.proc_supid)

        logging.debug("Instrument driver initialized")

    def plc_shutdown(self):
        yield self.op_disconnect(None, None, None)

    def isConnected(self):
        return self.connected

    def setConnected(self, value):
        self.connected = value;

    def setAgentService(self, agent):
        self.agent = agent

    def getConnected(self):
        @brief A method to get connected to the instrument device server.  Right
        now this assumes the device is connected via a TCP/IP device server.
        We probably need to come up with a more flexible way of doing this; like
        getting a connection object that abstracts the details of the protocol.
        Not sure how easy that would be with Twisted and Python.

        Gets a deferred object passes it to the InstrumentClientFactory, which
        uses it to acess callbacks.  Was trying to use this to make the
        connection process more managable.  Not sure if that's the case or  not
        @retval The deferred object.

        # Now thinking I might try clientcreator since this will only be a
        # single connection.
        cc = ClientCreator(reactor, InstrumentClient, self)
        self.proto = yield cc.connectTCP("localhost", self.instrument_port)"Driver connected to instrument")

    def gotConnected(self, instrument):
        @brief This method is called when a connection has been made to the
        instrument device server.  The instrument protocol object is passed
        as a parameter, and a reference to it is saved.  Call setConnected
        with True argument.
        @param reference to instrument protocol object.
        @retval none

        self.instrument = instrument

    def gotDisconnected(self, instrument):
        @brief This method is called when a connection to the instrument 
        device server has been lost.  The instrument protocol object is passed
        as a parameter.  Call setConnected with False argument.
        @param reference to instrument protocol object.
        @retval none

        self.instrument = instrument

    def gotData(self, data):
        @brief The instrument protocol object has received data from the
        instrument.  It should already be sanitized and ready for consumption;
        publish the data.
        @param data
        @retval none
        # send this up to the agent to publish.
        logging.debug("gotData() %s Calling publish." % (data))
        self.publish(data, self.publish_to)

    def gotPrompt(self, instrument):
        This needs to be the general receive routine for the instrument driver
        #self.instrument = instrument

        Do we need some sort of state machine so we'll know what data we're
        supposed to send here?  Right now it's working without...

    def publish(self, data, topic):
        @Brief Publish the given data to the given topic.
        @param data The data to publish
        @param topic The topic to which to publish.  Currently this is not the
        topic as defined by pubsub.
        @retval none
        if self.topicDefined == True:

            # Create and send a data message
            result = yield self.dpsc.publish(self, self.topic.reference(), data)
            if result:
      'Published Message')
      'Failed to Published Message')

    def op_initialize(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.debug('In driver initialize')

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, content)

    def op_disconnect(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.debug("in Instrument Driver op_disconnect!")
        if (self.isConnected()):
            logging.debug("disconnecting from instrument")
        if msg:
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, content)

    def op_fetch_params(self, content, headers, msg):
        Operate in instrument protocol to get parameter
        @todo Write the code to interface this with something
        assert(isinstance(content, (list, tuple)))
        result = {}
        for param in content:
            result[param] = self.__instrument_parameters[param]
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, result)

    def op_set_params(self, content, headers, msg):
        Operate in instrument protocol to set a parameter. Current semantics
        are that, if there is a problem, fail as soon as possible. This may
        leave partial settings made in the device.
        @param content A dict of all the parameters and values to set
        @todo Make this an all-or-nothing and/or rollback-able transaction

        This connection stuff could be abstracted into a communications object.
        if self.isConnected() == False:
            logging.debug("yielding for connect")
            yield self.getConnected()
            logging.debug("connect returned")

        assert(isinstance(content, dict))
        logging.debug("op_set_params content: %s, keys: %s" %(str(content), str(content.keys)))
        for param in content.keys():
            if (param not in self.__instrument_parameters):
                yield self.reply_err(msg, "Could not set %s" % param)
                self.__instrument_parameters[param] = content[param]
                if param in self.sbeParmCommands:
                    if self.isConnected():
              "current param is: %s" %str(param))
                        command = self.sbeParmCommands[param] + "=" + str(content[param])
                        logging.debug("op_set_params sending %s to instrument"  %str(command))
                    logging.error("%s is not a settable parameter" % str(param))
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, content)

    def op_execute(self, content, headers, msg):
        Execute the given command structure (first element command, rest
        of the elements are arguments)
        @todo actually do something
        assert(isinstance(content, (tuple, list)))

        logging.debug("op_execute content: %s" %str(content))
        This connection stuff could be abstracted into a communications object.
        if self.isConnected() == False:
  "yielding for connect")
            yield self.getConnected()
  "connect returned")
            # DHE NOTE TO SELF: not using the addCallback anymore, but it might 
            # be a good way to implement a state machine.

        if ((content == ()) or (content == [])):
            yield self.reply_err(msg, "Empty command")
        commands = []
        for command_set in content:
            command = command_set[0]
            if command not in instrument_commands:
                logging.error("Invalid Command")
                yield self.reply_err(msg, "Invalid Command")
                logging.debug("op_execute sending command: %s to instrument" % command)
                self.command = command

                Currently sending the command from right here.  We SHOULD be
                connected at this point.
                if self.isConnected():
                    logging.error("op_execute: instrument not connected.")
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, commands)

    def op_get_status(self, content, headers, msg):
        Return the non-parameter and non-lifecycle status of the instrument.
        This may include a snippit of config or important summary of what the
        instrument may be doing...or even something else.
        @param args a list of arguments that may be given for the status
        @return Return a tuple of (status_code, dict)
        @todo Remove this? Is it even used?
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, "a-ok")

    def op_configure_driver(self, content, headers, msg):
        This method takes a dict of settings that the driver understands as
        configuration of the driver itself (ie 'target_ip', 'port', etc.). This
        is the bootstrap information for the driver and includes enough
        information for the driver to start communicating with the instrument.
        @param content A dict with parameters for the driver
        @todo Actually make this stub do something
        assert(isinstance(content, dict))
        yield self._configure_driver(content)
        # Do something here, then adjust test case
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, content)

    def _configure_driver(self, params):
        Configures driver params either on startup or on command
        if 'publish-to' in params:
            self.publish_to = params['publish-to']
            logging.debug("Configured publish-to=" + self.publish_to)
            self.topicDefined = True
            self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
            self.topic = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=self.publish_to, RegistryBranch='master')
            self.publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self, self.topic, 'DataObject')
            self.publisher = yield self.dpsc.define_publisher(self.publisher)
Beispiel #12
    def test_exampleconsumer(self):
        @Brief Example Consumer is a demonstration of a more complex data consumer.
        It uses DAP data messages and provides qaqc and event results on two
        seperate queues.
        dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.sup)
        #Create and register 3 topics!
        topic_raw = PubSubTopicResource.create("topic_raw","oceans, oil spill, fun things to do") 
        topic_raw = yield dpsc.define_topic(topic_raw)

        #Create and register self.sup as a publisher
        publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self.sup, topic_raw, 'DataObject')
        publisher = yield dpsc.define_publisher(publisher)'Defined Publisher: '+str(publisher))

        # === Create a Consumer and queues - this will become part of define_subscription.
        #Create two test queues - don't use topics to test the consumer
        # To be replaced when the subscription service is ready
        queue_properties = {evt_queue:{'name_type':'fanout', 'args':{'scope':'global'}}}
        yield bootstrap.declare_messaging(queue_properties)

        queue_properties = {pr_queue:{'name_type':'fanout', 'args':{'scope':'global'}}}
        yield bootstrap.declare_messaging(queue_properties)

                              'Process Parameters':{},\
                              'delivery queues':\

        child1 = base_consumer.ConsumerDesc(**pd1)

        child1_id = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child1)

                              'Process Parameters':{}}\
        child2 = base_consumer.ConsumerDesc(**pd2)

        child2_id = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child2)

                              'Process Parameters':{}}\
        child3 = base_consumer.ConsumerDesc(**pd3)

        child3_id = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child3)

        # === End of stuff that will be replaced with Subscription method...

        # Create an example data message
        dmsg = dap_tools.simple_datamessage(\
            {'DataSet Name':'Simple Data','variables':\
                {'time':{'long_name':'Data and Time','units':'seconds'},\
                'height':{'long_name':'person height','units':'meters'}}}, \
            {'time':(101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110), \
        result = yield dpsc.publish(self.sup, topic_raw.reference(), dmsg)
        if result:
  'Published Message')
  'Failed to Published Message')

        # Need to await the delivery of data messages into the consumers
        yield pu.asleep(1)

        msg_cnt = yield child1.get_msg_count()
        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})
        msg_cnt = yield child2.get_msg_count()
        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})
        msg_cnt = yield child3.get_msg_count()
        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})

        # Publish a second message with different data
        dmsg = dap_tools.simple_datamessage(\
            {'DataSet Name':'Simple Data','variables':\
                {'time':{'long_name':'Data and Time','units':'seconds'},\
                'height':{'long_name':'person height','units':'meters'}}}, \
            {'time':(111,112,123,114,115,116,117,118,119,120), \
        result = yield dpsc.publish(self.sup, topic_raw.reference(), dmsg)

        # Need to await the delivery of data messages into the consumers
        yield pu.asleep(1)

        msg_cnt = yield child1.get_msg_count()
        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})
        msg_cnt = yield child2.get_msg_count()
        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})
        msg_cnt = yield child3.get_msg_count()
        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})
Beispiel #13
    def test_pubsub(self):

        dpsc = DataPubsubClient(self.sup)
        # Create and Register a topic
        topic = PubSubTopicResource.create('Davids Topic',"oceans, oil spill, fun things to do")        
        topic = yield dpsc.define_topic(topic)'Defined Topic: '+str(topic))

        #Create and register self.sup as a publisher
        publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self.sup, topic, 'DataObject')
        publisher = yield dpsc.define_publisher(publisher)'Defined Publisher: '+str(publisher))

        # === Create a Consumer and queues - this will become part of define_subscription.
        #Create two test queues - don't use topics to test the consumer
        # To be replaced when the subscription service is ready
        queue_properties = {queue1:{'name_type':'fanout', 'args':{'scope':'global'}}}
        yield bootstrap.declare_messaging(queue_properties)

        queue_properties = {queue2:{'name_type':'fanout', 'args':{'scope':'global'}}}
        yield bootstrap.declare_messaging(queue_properties)

                              'process parameters':{},\
                              'delivery queues':{'queues':[queue1,queue2]}}\
        child1 = base_consumer.ConsumerDesc(**pd1)

        child1_id = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child1)

        # === End to be replaces with Define_Consumer

        # Create and send a data message
        data = {'Data':'in a dictionary'}
        result = yield dpsc.publish(self.sup, topic.reference(), data)
        if result:
  'Published Message')
  'Failed to Published Message')

        # Need to await the delivery of data messages into the (separate) consumers
        yield pu.asleep(1)

        msg_cnt = yield child1.get_msg_count()
        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})

        # === Create a Consumer - this will become part of define_subscription.
                              'process parameters':{},\
                              'delivery queues':{}}\
        child2 = base_consumer.ConsumerDesc(**pd2)

        child2_id = yield self.test_sup.spawn_child(child2)

        # === End of what will become part of the subscription definition

        # Send the simple message again
        result = yield dpsc.publish(self.sup, topic.reference(), data)
        # Need to await the delivery of data messages into the (separate) consumers
        yield pu.asleep(1)

        msg_cnt = yield child1.get_msg_count()

        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})
        msg_cnt = yield child2.get_msg_count()
        received = msg_cnt.get('received',{})
        sent = msg_cnt.get('sent',{})
Beispiel #14
class SBE49InstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    Maybe some day these values are looked up from a registry of common
        controlled vocabulary
    def __init__(self, receiver=None, spawnArgs=None, **kwargs):
        self.connected = False
        self.instrument = None
        self.command = None
        self.topicDefined = False
        self.publish_to = None
        A translation dictionary to translate from the commands being sent
        from the agent to the actual command understood by the instrument.
        self.sbeParmCommands = {
            "baudrate": "Baud",
            "outputformat": "outputformat"

        self.__instrument_parameters = {
            "baudrate": 9600,
            "outputformat": 0,
            "outputsal": "Y",
            "outputsv": "Y",
            "navg": 0,
            "mincondfreq": 0,
            "pumpdelay": 0,
            "tadvance": 0.0625,
            "alpha": 0.03,
            "tau": 7.0,
            "autorun": "Y",
            "tcaldate": "1/1/01",
            "ta0": 0.0,
            "ta1": 0.0,
            "ta2": 0.0,
            "ta3": 0.0,
            "toffset": 0.0,
            "ccaldate": "1/1/01",
            "cg": 0.0,
            "ch": 0.0,
            "ci": 0.0,
            "cj": 0.0,
            "cpcor": 0.0,
            "ctcor": 0.0,
            "cslope": 0.0,
            "pcaldate": "1/1/01",
            "prange": 100.0,
            "poffset": 0.0,
            "pa0": 0.0,
            "pa1": 0.0,
            "pa2": 0.0,
            "ptempa0": 0.0,
            "ptempa1": 0.0,
            "ptempa2": 0.0,
            "ptca0": 0.0,
            "ptca1": 0.0,
            "ptca2": 0.0,
            "ptcb0": 0.0,
            "ptcb1": 0.0,
            "ptcb2": 0.0

        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs, **kwargs)

    def plc_init(self):
        self.instrument_id = self.spawn_args.get('instrument-id', '123')
        self.instrument_port = self.spawn_args.get('port', 9000)

        yield self._configure_driver(self.spawn_args)
            "INIT DRIVER for instrument ID=%s, port=%s, publish-to=%s" %
            (self.instrument_id, self.instrument_port, self.publish_to))

        self.iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self,

        logging.debug("Instrument driver initialized")

    def plc_shutdown(self):
        yield self.op_disconnect(None, None, None)

    def isConnected(self):
        return self.connected

    def setConnected(self, value):
        self.connected = value

    def setAgentService(self, agent):
        self.agent = agent

    def getConnected(self):
        @brief A method to get connected to the instrument device server.  Right
        now this assumes the device is connected via a TCP/IP device server.
        We probably need to come up with a more flexible way of doing this; like
        getting a connection object that abstracts the details of the protocol.
        Not sure how easy that would be with Twisted and Python.

        Gets a deferred object passes it to the InstrumentClientFactory, which
        uses it to acess callbacks.  Was trying to use this to make the
        connection process more managable.  Not sure if that's the case or  not
        @retval The deferred object.

        # Now thinking I might try clientcreator since this will only be a
        # single connection.
        cc = ClientCreator(reactor, InstrumentClient, self)
        self.proto = yield cc.connectTCP("localhost", self.instrument_port)"Driver connected to instrument")

    def gotConnected(self, instrument):
        @brief This method is called when a connection has been made to the
        instrument device server.  The instrument protocol object is passed
        as a parameter, and a reference to it is saved.  Call setConnected
        with True argument.
        @param reference to instrument protocol object.
        @retval none

        self.instrument = instrument

    def gotDisconnected(self, instrument):
        @brief This method is called when a connection to the instrument 
        device server has been lost.  The instrument protocol object is passed
        as a parameter.  Call setConnected with False argument.
        @param reference to instrument protocol object.
        @retval none

        self.instrument = instrument

    def gotData(self, data):
        @brief The instrument protocol object has received data from the
        instrument.  It should already be sanitized and ready for consumption;
        publish the data.
        @param data
        @retval none
        # send this up to the agent to publish.
        logging.debug("gotData() %s Calling publish." % (data))
        self.publish(data, self.publish_to)

    def gotPrompt(self, instrument):
        This needs to be the general receive routine for the instrument driver
        #self.instrument = instrument
        Do we need some sort of state machine so we'll know what data we're
        supposed to send here?  Right now it's working without...

    def publish(self, data, topic):
        @Brief Publish the given data to the given topic.
        @param data The data to publish
        @param topic The topic to which to publish.  Currently this is not the
        topic as defined by pubsub.
        @retval none
        if self.topicDefined == True:

            # Create and send a data message
            result = yield self.dpsc.publish(self, self.topic.reference(),
            if result:
      'Published Message')
      'Failed to Published Message')

    def op_initialize(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.debug('In driver initialize')

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, content)

    def op_disconnect(self, content, headers, msg):
        logging.debug("in Instrument Driver op_disconnect!")
        if (self.isConnected()):
            logging.debug("disconnecting from instrument")
        if msg:
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, content)

    def op_fetch_params(self, content, headers, msg):
        Operate in instrument protocol to get parameter
        @todo Write the code to interface this with something
        assert (isinstance(content, (list, tuple)))
        result = {}
        for param in content:
            result[param] = self.__instrument_parameters[param]
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, result)

    def op_set_params(self, content, headers, msg):
        Operate in instrument protocol to set a parameter. Current semantics
        are that, if there is a problem, fail as soon as possible. This may
        leave partial settings made in the device.
        @param content A dict of all the parameters and values to set
        @todo Make this an all-or-nothing and/or rollback-able transaction
        This connection stuff could be abstracted into a communications object.
        if self.isConnected() == False:
            logging.debug("yielding for connect")
            yield self.getConnected()
            logging.debug("connect returned")

        assert (isinstance(content, dict))
        logging.debug("op_set_params content: %s, keys: %s" %
                      (str(content), str(content.keys)))

        for param in content.keys():
            if (param not in self.__instrument_parameters):
                yield self.reply_err(msg, "Could not set %s" % param)
                self.__instrument_parameters[param] = content[param]
                if param in self.sbeParmCommands:
                    if self.isConnected():
              "current param is: %s" % str(param))
                        command = self.sbeParmCommands[param] + "=" + str(
                            "op_set_params sending %s to instrument" %
                    logging.error("%s is not a settable parameter" %
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, content)

    def op_execute(self, content, headers, msg):
        Execute the given command structure (first element command, rest
        of the elements are arguments)
        @todo actually do something
        assert (isinstance(content, (tuple, list)))

        logging.debug("op_execute content: %s" % str(content))
        This connection stuff could be abstracted into a communications object.
        if self.isConnected() == False:
  "yielding for connect")
            yield self.getConnected()
  "connect returned")
            # DHE NOTE TO SELF: not using the addCallback anymore, but it might
            # be a good way to implement a state machine.

        if ((content == ()) or (content == [])):
            yield self.reply_err(msg, "Empty command")
        commands = []
        for command_set in content:
            command = command_set[0]
            if command not in instrument_commands:
                logging.error("Invalid Command")
                yield self.reply_err(msg, "Invalid Command")
                logging.debug("op_execute sending command: %s to instrument" %
                self.command = command
                Currently sending the command from right here.  We SHOULD be
                connected at this point.
                if self.isConnected():
                    logging.error("op_execute: instrument not connected.")
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, commands)

    def op_get_status(self, content, headers, msg):
        Return the non-parameter and non-lifecycle status of the instrument.
        This may include a snippit of config or important summary of what the
        instrument may be doing...or even something else.
        @param args a list of arguments that may be given for the status
        @return Return a tuple of (status_code, dict)
        @todo Remove this? Is it even used?
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, "a-ok")

    def op_configure_driver(self, content, headers, msg):
        This method takes a dict of settings that the driver understands as
        configuration of the driver itself (ie 'target_ip', 'port', etc.). This
        is the bootstrap information for the driver and includes enough
        information for the driver to start communicating with the instrument.
        @param content A dict with parameters for the driver
        @todo Actually make this stub do something
        assert (isinstance(content, dict))
        yield self._configure_driver(content)
        # Do something here, then adjust test case
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, content)

    def _configure_driver(self, params):
        Configures driver params either on startup or on command
        if 'publish-to' in params:
            self.publish_to = params['publish-to']
            logging.debug("Configured publish-to=" + self.publish_to)
            self.topicDefined = True
            self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
            self.topic = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=self.publish_to,
            self.publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self,
                                                      self.topic, 'DataObject')
            self.publisher = yield self.dpsc.define_publisher(self.publisher)
 def slc_init(self):
     self.irc = InstrumentRegistryClient(proc=self)
     self.dprc = DataProductRegistryClient(proc=self)
     self.arc = AgentRegistryClient(proc=self)
     self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
class InstrumentManagementService(BaseService):
    Instrument management service interface.
    This service provides overall coordination for instrument management within
    an observatory context. In particular it coordinates the access to the
    instrument and data product registries and the interaction with instrument

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='instrument_management',

    def slc_init(self):
        self.irc = InstrumentRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.dprc = DataProductRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.arc = AgentRegistryClient(proc=self)
        self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)

    def op_create_new_instrument(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Accepts a dictionary containing user inputs.
        Updates the instrument registry.
        userInput = content['userInput']

        newinstrument = InstrumentResource.create_new_resource()

        if 'name' in userInput:
   = str(userInput['name'])

        if 'description' in userInput:
            newinstrument.description = str(userInput['description'])

        if 'manufacturer' in userInput:
            newinstrument.manufacturer = str(userInput['manufacturer'])

        if 'model' in userInput:
            newinstrument.model = str(userInput['model'])

        if 'serial_num' in userInput:
            newinstrument.serial_num = str(userInput['serial_num'])

        if 'fw_version' in userInput:
            newinstrument.fw_version = str(userInput['fw_version'])

        instrument_res = yield self.irc.register_instrument_instance(newinstrument)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, instrument_res.encode())

    def op_create_new_data_product(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Accepts a dictionary containing user inputs.
        Updates the data product registry. Also sets up an ingestion pipeline
        for an instrument
        dataProductInput = content['dataProductInput']

        newdp = DataProductResource.create_new_resource()
        if 'instrumentID' in dataProductInput:
            inst_id = str(dataProductInput['instrumentID'])
            int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=inst_id, RegistryBranch='master')
            newdp.instrument_ref = int_ref

        if 'name' in dataProductInput:
   = str(dataProductInput['name'])

        if 'description' in dataProductInput:
            newdp.description = str(dataProductInput['description'])

        if 'dataformat' in dataProductInput:
            newdp.dataformat = str(dataProductInput['dataformat'])

        # Step: Create a data stream
        ## Instantiate a pubsubclient
        #self.dpsc = DataPubsubClient(proc=self)
        ## Create and Register a topic
        #self.topic = PubSubTopicResource.create('SBE49 Topic',"oceans, oil spill")
        #self.topic = yield self.dpsc.define_topic(self.topic)
        #logging.debug('DHE: Defined Topic')
        #self.publisher = PublisherResource.create('Test Publisher', self, self.topic, 'DataObject')
        #self.publisher = yield self.dpsc.define_publisher(self.publisher)

        res = yield self.dprc.register_data_product(newdp)
        ref = res.reference(head=True)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, res.encode())

    def op_execute_command(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Execute a command on an instrument.

        # Step 1: Extract the arguments from the UI generated message content
        commandInput = content['commandInput']

        if 'instrumentID' in commandInput:
            inst_id = str(commandInput['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        command = []
        if 'command' in commandInput:
            command_op = str(commandInput['command'])
            raise ValueError("Input for command not present")


        arg_idx = 0
        while True:
            argname = 'cmdArg'+str(arg_idx)
            arg_idx += 1
            if argname in commandInput:

        # Step 2: Find the agent id for the given instrument id
        agent_pid  = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if not agent_pid:
            yield self.reply_err(msg, "No agent found for instrument "+str(inst_id))

        # Step 3: Interact with the agent to execute the command
        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=agent_pid)
        commandlist = [command,]"Sending command to IA: "+str(commandlist))
        cmd_result = yield iaclient.execute_instrument(commandlist)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, cmd_result)

    def op_get_instrument_state(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: .
        # Step 1: Extract the arguments from the UI generated message content
        commandInput = content['commandInput']

        if 'instrumentID' in commandInput:
            inst_id = str(commandInput['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        agent_pid = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if not agent_pid:
            raise StandardError("No agent found for instrument "+str(inst_id))

        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=agent_pid)
        inst_cap = yield iaclient.get_capabilities()
        if not inst_cap:
            raise StandardError("No capabilities available for instrument "+str(inst_id))

        ci_commands = inst_cap['ci_commands']
        instrument_commands = inst_cap['instrument_commands']
        instrument_parameters = inst_cap['instrument_parameters']
        ci_parameters = inst_cap['ci_parameters']

        values = yield iaclient.get_from_instrument(instrument_parameters)
        resvalues = {}
        if values:
            resvalues = values

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, resvalues)

    def op_start_instrument_agent(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts an instrument agent for a type of
        if 'instrumentID' in content:
            inst_id = str(content['instrumentID'])
            raise ValueError("Input for instrumentID not present")

        if 'model' in content:
            model = str(content['model'])
            raise ValueError("Input for model not present")

        if model != 'SBE49':
            raise ValueError("Only SBE49 supported!")

        agent_pid = yield self.get_agent_pid_for_instrument(inst_id)
        if agent_pid:
            raise StandardError("Agent already started for instrument "+str(inst_id))

        simulator = Simulator(inst_id)

        topicname = "Inst/RAW/"+inst_id
        topic = PubSubTopicResource.create(topicname,"")

        # Use the service to create a queue and register the topic
        topic = yield self.dpsc.define_topic(topic)

        iagent_args = {}
        iagent_args['instrument-id'] = inst_id
        driver_args = {}
        driver_args['port'] = simulator.port
        driver_args['publish-to'] = topic.RegistryIdentity
        iagent_args['driver-args'] = driver_args

        iapd = ProcessDesc(**{'name':'SBE49IA',

        iagent_id = yield self.spawn_child(iapd)
        iaclient = InstrumentAgentClient(proc=self, target=iagent_id)
        yield iaclient.register_resource(inst_id)

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, "OK")

    def op_stop_instrument_agent(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def op_start_direct_access(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Starts direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def op_stop_direct_access(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Stops direct access mode.
        yield self.reply_err(msg, "Not yet implemented")

    def get_agent_desc_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):"get_agent_desc_for_instrument() instrumentID="+str(instrument_id))
        int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=instrument_id, RegistryBranch='master')
        agent_query = InstrumentAgentResourceInstance()
        agent_query.instrument_ref = int_ref

        if not agent_res:
        agent_pid = agent_res.proc_id"Agent process id for instrument id %s is: %s" % (instrument_id, agent_pid))

    def get_agent_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):"get_agent_for_instrument() instrumentID="+str(instrument_id))
        int_ref = ResourceReference(RegistryIdentity=instrument_id, RegistryBranch='master')
        agent_query = InstrumentAgentResourceInstance()
        agent_query.instrument_ref = int_ref
        # @todo Need to list the LC state here. WHY???
        agent_query.lifecycle = LCStates.developed
        agents = yield self.arc.find_registered_agent_instance_from_description(agent_query, regex=False)"Found %s agent instances for instrument id %s" % (len(agents), instrument_id))
        agent_res = None
        if len(agents) > 0:
            agent_res = agents[0]

    def get_agent_pid_for_instrument(self, instrument_id):
        agent_res = yield self.get_agent_for_instrument(instrument_id)
        if not agent_res:
        agent_pid = agent_res.proc_id"Agent process id for instrument id %s is: %s" % (instrument_id, agent_pid))