def transform_basis(nside, jones, z0_cza, R_z0):

    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    fR = R_z0

    tb, pb = irf.rotate_sphr_coords(fR, cza, ra)

    cza_v = irf.t_hat_cart(cza, ra)
    ra_v = irf.p_hat_cart(cza, ra)

    tb_v = irf.t_hat_cart(tb, pb)

    fRcza_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, cza_v)
    fRra_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, ra_v)

    cosX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRcza_v, tb_v)
    sinX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRra_v, tb_v)

    basis_rot = np.array([[cosX, -sinX],[sinX, cosX]])
    basis_rot = np.transpose(basis_rot,(2,0,1))

    # return np.einsum('...ab,...bc->', jones, basis_rot)
    return irnf.M(jones, basis_rot)
Beispiel #2
def transform_basis(nside, jones, z0_cza, R_z0):

    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    fR = R_z0

    tb, pb = irf.rotate_sphr_coords(fR, cza, ra)

    cza_v = irf.t_hat_cart(cza, ra)
    ra_v = irf.p_hat_cart(cza, ra)

    tb_v = irf.t_hat_cart(tb, pb)

    fRcza_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, cza_v)
    fRra_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, ra_v)

    cosX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRcza_v, tb_v)
    sinX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRra_v, tb_v)

    basis_rot = np.array([[cosX, -sinX], [sinX, cosX]])
    basis_rot = np.transpose(basis_rot, (2, 0, 1))

    # return np.einsum('...ab,...bc->', jones, basis_rot)
    return irnf.M(jones, basis_rot)
Beispiel #3
def transform_basis(nside, jones, z0_cza, R_z0):
    At zenith in the local frame the 'x' feed is aligned with 'theta' and
    the 'y' feed is aligned with 'phi'
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    # Rb is the rotation relating the E-field basis coordinate frame to the local horizontal zenith.
    # (specific to this instrument response simulation data)
    Rb = np.array([[0, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]])

    fR = np.einsum('ab,bc->ac', Rb, R_z0)  # matrix product of two rotations

    tb, pb = irf.rotate_sphr_coords(fR, cza, ra)

    cza_v = irf.t_hat_cart(cza, ra)
    ra_v = irf.p_hat_cart(cza, ra)

    tb_v = irf.t_hat_cart(tb, pb)

    fRcza_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, cza_v)
    fRra_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, ra_v)

    cosX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRcza_v, tb_v)
    sinX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRra_v, tb_v)

    basis_rot = np.array([[cosX, sinX], [-sinX, cosX]])
    basis_rot = np.transpose(basis_rot, (2, 0, 1))

    return irnf.M(jones, basis_rot)
def transform_basis(nside, jones, z0_cza, R_z0):
    At zenith in the local frame the 'x' feed is aligned with 'theta' and
    the 'y' feed is aligned with 'phi'
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    # Rb is the rotation relating the E-field basis coordinate frame to the local horizontal zenith.
    # (specific to this instrument response simulation data)
    Rb = np.array([

    fR = np.einsum('ab,bc->ac', Rb, R_z0) # matrix product of two rotations

    tb, pb = irf.rotate_sphr_coords(fR, cza, ra)

    cza_v = irf.t_hat_cart(cza, ra)
    ra_v = irf.p_hat_cart(cza, ra)

    tb_v = irf.t_hat_cart(tb, pb)

    fRcza_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, cza_v)
    fRra_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', fR, ra_v)

    cosX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRcza_v, tb_v)
    sinX = np.einsum('a...,a...', fRra_v, tb_v)

    basis_rot = np.array([[cosX, sinX],[-sinX, cosX]])
    basis_rot = np.transpose(basis_rot,(2,0,1))

    return irnf.M(jones, basis_rot)
def make_jones(freq):
    if freq in range(90, 221):
        raise ValueError('Frequency is not available.')

    nside = 512  # make this as large as possible to minimize singularity effects at zenith
    ## nside 512 seems to work well enough using the "neighbours of neighbours" patch
    ## of the zenith singularity in the ra/cza basis.
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    t, p = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    g1 = ecomp(csvname(freq, 'G', 'X'), csvname(freq, 'P', 'X'))
    g2 = ecomp(csvname(freq, 'G', 'Y'), csvname(freq, 'P', 'Y'))

    I = (abs(g1)**2. + abs(g2)**2.)

    norm = np.sqrt(np.amax(I, axis=0))

    #    g1 /= norm
    #    g2 /= norm

    rhm = irf.rotate_healpix_map

    Rb = np.array([[0, 0, -1], [0, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]])

    Et_b = udgrade(g1.real, nside) + 1j * udgrade(g1.imag, nside)
    Ep_b = udgrade(g2.real, nside) + 1j * udgrade(g2.imag, nside)

    tb, pb = irf.rotate_sphr_coords(Rb, t, p)

    tb_v = irf.t_hat_cart(tb, pb)
    pb_v = irf.p_hat_cart(tb, pb)

    t_v = irf.t_hat_cart(t, p)
    p_v = irf.p_hat_cart(t, p)

    Rb_tb_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', Rb, tb_v)
    Rb_pb_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', Rb, pb_v)

    cosX = np.einsum('a...,a...', Rb_tb_v, t_v)
    sinX = np.einsum('a...,a...', Rb_pb_v, t_v)

    Et = Et_b * cosX + Ep_b * sinX
    Ep = -Et_b * sinX + Ep_b * cosX

    Ext = Et
    Exp = Ep
    ## This assumes that Et and Ep are the components of a dipole oriented
    ## along the X axis, and we want to obtain the components of the same
    ## dipole if it was oriented along Y.
    ## In the current basis, this is done by a scalar rotation of the theta and phi
    ## components by 90 degrees about the Z axis.
    Eyt = arm(Et.real) + 1j * arm(Et.imag)
    Eyp = arm(Ep.real) + 1j * arm(Ep.imag)

    jones_c = np.array([[Ext, Exp], [Eyt, Eyp]]).transpose(2, 0, 1)

    # jones_a = np.array([[rhm(Ext,Rb), rhm(Exp,Rb)],[rhm(Eyt,Rb),rhm(Eyp,Rb)]]).transpose(2,0,1)
    # basis_rot = np.array([[cosX,-sinX],[sinX,cosX]]).transpose(2,0,1)
    # jones_b = np.einsum('...ab,...bc->', jones_a, basis_rot)
    # Ext_b, Exp_b, Eyt_b, Eyp_b = [rhm(jones_b[:,i,j],Rb) for i in range(2) for j in range(2)]
    # jones_c = np.array([[Ext_b,Exp_b],[Eyt_b,Eyp_b]]).transpose(2,0,1)

    return jones_c
def make_jones(freq):
    if freq in range(90,221):
        raise ValueError('Frequency is not available.')

    nside = 512 # make this as large as possible to minimize singularity effects at zenith
    ## nside 512 seems to work well enough using the "neighbours of neighbours" patch
    ## of the zenith singularity in the ra/cza basis.
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    t,p = hp.pix2ang(nside,hpxidx)

    g1 = ecomp(csvname(freq,'G','X'),csvname(freq,'P','X'))
    g2 = ecomp(csvname(freq,'G','Y'),csvname(freq,'P','Y'))

    I = (abs(g1)**2. + abs(g2)**2.)

    norm = np.sqrt(np.amax(I, axis=0))

    g1 /= norm
    g2 /= norm

    rhm = irf.rotate_healpix_map

    Rb = np.array([

    Et_b = udgrade(g1.real, nside) + 1j * udgrade(g1.imag, nside)
    Ep_b = udgrade(g2.real, nside) + 1j * udgrade(g2.imag, nside)

    tb,pb = irf.rotate_sphr_coords(Rb, t, p)

    tb_v = irf.t_hat_cart(tb,pb)
    pb_v = irf.p_hat_cart(tb,pb)

    t_v = irf.t_hat_cart(t,p)
    p_v = irf.p_hat_cart(t,p)

    Rb_tb_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', Rb, tb_v)
    Rb_pb_v = np.einsum('ab...,b...->a...', Rb, pb_v)

    cosX = np.einsum('a...,a...', Rb_tb_v,t_v)
    sinX = np.einsum('a...,a...', Rb_pb_v,t_v)

    Et = Et_b * cosX + Ep_b * sinX
    Ep = -Et_b * sinX + Ep_b * cosX

    Ext = Et
    Exp = Ep
    ## This assumes that Et and Ep are the components of a dipole oriented
    ## along the X axis, and we want to obtain the components of the same
    ## dipole if it was oriented along Y.
    ## In the current basis, this is done by a scalar rotation of the theta and phi
    ## components by 90 degrees about the Z axis.
    Eyt = arm(Et.real) + 1j*arm(Et.imag)
    Eyp = arm(Ep.real) + 1j*arm(Ep.imag)

    jones_c = np.array([[Ext,Exp],[Eyt,Eyp]]).transpose(2,0,1)

    # jones_a = np.array([[rhm(Ext,Rb), rhm(Exp,Rb)],[rhm(Eyt,Rb),rhm(Eyp,Rb)]]).transpose(2,0,1)
    # basis_rot = np.array([[cosX,-sinX],[sinX,cosX]]).transpose(2,0,1)
    # jones_b = np.einsum('...ab,...bc->', jones_a, basis_rot)
    # Ext_b, Exp_b, Eyt_b, Eyp_b = [rhm(jones_b[:,i,j],Rb) for i in range(2) for j in range(2)]
    # jones_c = np.array([[Ext_b,Exp_b],[Eyt_b,Eyp_b]]).transpose(2,0,1)

    return jones_c