Beispiel #1
    def _parse_from_text(self, principal, realm=None):
        parse individual principal name components from the string
        representation of the principal. This is done in three steps:
            1.) split the string at the unescaped '@'
            2.) unescape any leftover '\@' sequences
            3.) split the primary at the unescaped '/'
            4.) unescape leftover '\/'
        :param principal: unicode representation of the principal name
        :param realm: if not None, this realm name will be used instead of the
            one parsed from `principal`

        :returns: tuple containing the principal name components and realm
        principal_name, parsed_realm = parse_princ_name_and_realm(
            principal, realm=realm)

        (principal_name,) = unescape_seq(u'@', principal_name)

        if parsed_realm is not None:
            (parsed_realm,) = unescape_seq(u'@', parsed_realm)

        name_components = split_principal_name(principal_name)
        name_components = unescape_seq(u'/', *name_components)

        return name_components, parsed_realm
Beispiel #2
def unquote_directive_value(value, quote_char):
    """Unquote a directive value
    :param value: string to unquote
    :param quote_char: character to strip. All escaped occurences of
        `quote_char` will be uncescaped during processing
    :returns: processed value
    unescaped_value = "".join(unescape_seq(quote_char, value))
    if (unescaped_value.startswith(quote_char) and
        return unescaped_value[1:-1]

    return unescaped_value
Beispiel #3
def unquote_directive_value(value, quote_char):
    """Unquote a directive value
    :param value: string to unquote
    :param quote_char: character to strip. All escaped occurences of
        `quote_char` will be uncescaped during processing
    :returns: processed value
    unescaped_value = "".join(unescape_seq(quote_char, value))
    if (unescaped_value.startswith(quote_char)
            and unescaped_value.endswith(quote_char)):
        return unescaped_value[1:-1]

    return unescaped_value