Beispiel #1
async def _internal_cap_handler(conn: 'IrcProtocol', message: 'Message'):
    caplist = []
    if len(message.parameters) > 2:
        caplist = CapList.parse(message.parameters[-1])

    if message.parameters[1] == 'LS':
        for cap in caplist:
            if in conn.cap_handlers:
                conn.server.caps[] = (cap, None)

        if message.parameters[2] != '*':
            for cap in conn.server.caps:
                conn.send("CAP REQ :{}".format(cap))
            if not conn.server.caps:
                    "CAP END"
                )  # We haven't request any CAPs, send a CAP END to end negotiation

    elif message.parameters[1] in ('ACK', 'NAK'):
        enabled = message.parameters[1] == 'ACK'
        for cap in caplist:
            current = conn.server.caps[][0]
            conn.server.caps[] = (current, enabled)
            if enabled:
                handlers = filter(None, conn.cap_handlers[])
                await asyncio.gather(*[func(conn, cap) for func in handlers])
        if all(val[1] is not None for val in conn.server.caps.values()):
            conn.send("CAP END")
    elif message.parameters[1] == 'LIST':
        if conn.logger:
  "Current Capabilities: %s", caplist)
    elif message.parameters[1] == 'NEW':
        if conn.logger:
  "New capabilities advertised: %s", caplist)
        for cap in caplist:
            if in conn.cap_handlers:
                conn.server.caps[] = (cap, None)

        if message.parameters[2] != '*':
            for cap in conn.server.caps:
                conn.send("CAP REQ :{}".format(cap))
    elif message.parameters[1] == 'DEL':
        if conn.logger:
  "Capabilities removed: %s", caplist)
        for cap in caplist:
            current = conn.server.caps[][0]
            conn.server.caps[] = (current, False)
Beispiel #2
def send_cap_ls(conn):
    conn.cmd("CAP", "LS", "302")
    conn.memory.setdefault("available_caps", CapList()).clear()
    conn.memory.setdefault("cap_queue", {}).clear()
Beispiel #3
async def on_cap(irc_paramlist, event):
    args = {}
    if len(irc_paramlist) > 2:
        args["caplist"] = CapList.parse(irc_paramlist[-1])

    await _launch_handler(irc_paramlist[1], event, **args)
Beispiel #4
 def test_ne_str(self, caps, text):
     """Test not-equals strings"""
     b = CapList(caps) != text
     assert not b
     b1 = text != CapList(caps)
     assert not b1
Beispiel #5
 def test_eq_str(self, caps, text):
     """Test equals strings"""
     assert CapList(caps) == text
     assert text == CapList(caps)
Beispiel #6
 def test_ne_list(self, caps):
     """Test not-equals list"""
     b = CapList(caps) != caps
     assert not b
     b1 = caps != CapList(caps)
     assert not b1
Beispiel #7
 def test_eq_list(self, caps):
     """Test equals list"""
     assert CapList(caps) == caps
     assert caps == CapList(caps)
Beispiel #8
class TestCapList:
    """Test parsing a list of CAPs"""

                "blah blah-blah cap-1 test-cap=value-data",
                    ("blah", None),
                    ("blah-blah", None),
                    ("cap-1", None),
                    ("test-cap", "value-data"),
                "blah blah-blah cap-1 test-cap=value-data ",
                    ("blah", None),
                    ("blah-blah", None),
                    ("cap-1", None),
                    ("test-cap", "value-data"),
                ":blah blah-blah cap-1 test-cap=value-data",
                    ("blah", None),
                    ("blah-blah", None),
                    ("cap-1", None),
                    ("test-cap", "value-data"),
                ":blah blah-blah cap-1 test-cap=value-data ",
                    ("blah", None),
                    ("blah-blah", None),
                    ("cap-1", None),
                    ("test-cap", "value-data"),
    def test_parse(self, text, expected):
        """Test string parsing"""
        parsed = CapList.parse(text)
        assert len(parsed) == len(expected)
        for (name, value), actual in zip(expected, parsed):
            assert == name
            assert actual.value == value

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("caps", [[], [Cap("a"), Cap("b", "c")]])
    def test_eq_list(self, caps):
        """Test equals list"""
        assert CapList(caps) == caps
        assert caps == CapList(caps)

            [Cap("a"), Cap("b", "c")],
    def test_ne_list(self, caps):
        """Test not-equals list"""
        b = CapList(caps) != caps
        assert not b
        b1 = caps != CapList(caps)
        assert not b1

            ([], ""),
            ([Cap("a"), Cap("b", "c")], "a b=c"),
            ([Cap("a"), Cap("b", "c")], "a b=c "),
    def test_eq_str(self, caps, text):
        """Test equals strings"""
        assert CapList(caps) == text
        assert text == CapList(caps)

            ([], ""),
            ([Cap("a"), Cap("b", "c")], "a b=c"),
            ([Cap("a"), Cap("b", "c")], "a b=c "),
    def test_ne_str(self, caps, text):
        """Test not-equals strings"""
        b = CapList(caps) != text
        assert not b
        b1 = text != CapList(caps)
        assert not b1

            (CapList(), None),
            (CapList(), 0),
    def test_no_cmp(self, obj, other):
        """Test not-equals"""
        assert obj != other
        assert other != obj

        assert not obj == other
        assert not other == obj

            (CapList([Cap("foo")]), "foo"),
            (CapList([Cap("foo"), Cap("bar")]), "foo bar"),
            (CapList([Cap("foo"), Cap("bar=baz")]), "foo bar=baz"),
    def test_str(self, obj, text):
        """Test string conversion"""
        assert str(obj) == text
        assert text == str(obj)
Beispiel #9
class TestCapList:
                             [("blah blah-blah cap-1 test-cap=value-data",
                               (("blah", None), ("blah-blah", None),
                                ("cap-1", None), ("test-cap", "value-data"))),
                              ("blah blah-blah cap-1 test-cap=value-data ",
                               (("blah", None), ("blah-blah", None),
                                ("cap-1", None), ("test-cap", "value-data"))),
                              (":blah blah-blah cap-1 test-cap=value-data",
                               (("blah", None), ("blah-blah", None),
                                ("cap-1", None), ("test-cap", "value-data"))),
                              (":blah blah-blah cap-1 test-cap=value-data ",
                               (("blah", None), ("blah-blah", None),
                                ("cap-1", None), ("test-cap", "value-data"))),
    def test_parse(self, text, expected):
        parsed = CapList.parse(text)
        assert len(parsed) == len(expected)
        for (name, value), actual in zip(expected, parsed):
            assert == name
            assert actual.value == value

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('caps', [[], [Cap('a'), Cap('b', 'c')]])
    def test_eq_list(self, caps):
        assert CapList(caps) == caps
        assert caps == CapList(caps)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('caps', [
        [Cap('a'), Cap('b', 'c')],
    def test_ne_list(self, caps):
        assert not (CapList(caps) != caps)
        assert not (caps != CapList(caps))

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('caps,text', [
        ([], ''),
        ([Cap('a'), Cap('b', 'c')], 'a b=c'),
        ([Cap('a'), Cap('b', 'c')], 'a b=c '),
    def test_eq_str(self, caps, text):
        assert CapList(caps) == text
        assert text == CapList(caps)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('caps,text', [
        ([], ''),
        ([Cap('a'), Cap('b', 'c')], 'a b=c'),
        ([Cap('a'), Cap('b', 'c')], 'a b=c '),
    def test_ne_str(self, caps, text):
        assert not (CapList(caps) != text)
        assert not (text != CapList(caps))

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('obj,other', [
        (CapList(), None),
        (CapList(), 0),
    def test_no_cmp(self, obj, other):
        assert obj != other
        assert other != obj

        assert not (obj == other)
        assert not (other == obj)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('obj,text', [
        (CapList([Cap('foo')]), 'foo'),
        (CapList([Cap('foo'), Cap('bar')]), 'foo bar'),
        (CapList([Cap('foo'), Cap('bar=baz')]), 'foo bar=baz'),
    def test_str(self, obj, text):
        assert str(obj) == text
        assert text == str(obj)
Beispiel #10
 def test_ne_str(self, caps, text):
     assert not (CapList(caps) != text)
     assert not (text != CapList(caps))
Beispiel #11
 def test_eq_str(self, caps, text):
     assert CapList(caps) == text
     assert text == CapList(caps)
Beispiel #12
 def test_ne_list(self, caps):
     assert not (CapList(caps) != caps)
     assert not (caps != CapList(caps))
Beispiel #13
 def test_eq_list(self, caps):
     assert CapList(caps) == caps
     assert caps == CapList(caps)
Beispiel #14
 def test_parse(self, text, expected):
     parsed = CapList.parse(text)
     assert len(parsed) == len(expected)
     for (name, value), actual in zip(expected, parsed):
         assert == name
         assert actual.value == value