Beispiel #1
def build_instance_info_for_deploy(task):
    """Build instance_info necessary for deploying to a node."""
    node = task.node
    instance_info = node.instance_info

    image_source = instance_info['image_source']
    if service_utils.is_glance_image(image_source):
        glance = image_service.GlanceImageService(version=2,
        image_info =
        swift_temp_url = glance.swift_temp_url(image_info)
        LOG.debug('Got image info: %(info)s for node %(node)s.', {
            'info': image_info,
            'node': node.uuid
        instance_info['image_url'] = swift_temp_url
        instance_info['image_checksum'] = image_info['checksum']
        instance_info['image_disk_format'] = image_info['disk_format']
        except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                    _LE("Ansible deploy supports only HTTP(S) URLs as "
                        "instance_info['image_source']. Either %s "
                        "is not a valid HTTP(S) URL or "
                        "is not reachable."), image_source)
        instance_info['image_url'] = image_source

    return instance_info
Beispiel #2
def _validate(task):
    """Validate the prerequisites for virtual media based deploy.

    This method validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the
    supplied node contains the required information for this driver.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if any parameters are incorrect
    :raises: MissingParameterValue if some mandatory information
        is missing on the node
    node = task.node
    if 'ilo_deploy_iso' not in node.driver_info:
        raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_(
            "Missing 'ilo_deploy_iso' parameter in node's 'driver_info'."))
    deploy_iso = node.driver_info['ilo_deploy_iso']
    if not service_utils.is_glance_image(deploy_iso):
        except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed:
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
                "Virtual media deploy accepts only Glance images or "
                "HTTP(S) as driver_info['ilo_deploy_iso']. Either '%s' "
                "is not a glance UUID or not a valid HTTP(S) URL or "
                "the given URL is not reachable.") % deploy_iso)
Beispiel #3
    def validate(self, task):
        """Validate the deployment information for the task's node.

        :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
        :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if some information is invalid.
        :raises: MissingParameterValue if 'kernel_id' and 'ramdisk_id' are
            missing in the Glance image or 'kernel' and 'ramdisk' not provided
            in instance_info for non-Glance image.
        node = task.node
        boot_option = deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node)
        boot_iso = node.instance_info.get('ilo_boot_iso')
        if (boot_option == "ramdisk" and boot_iso):
            if not service_utils.is_glance_image(boot_iso):
                except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed:
                    with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                        LOG.error("Virtual media deploy with 'ramdisk' "
                                  "boot_option accepts only Glance images or "
                                  "HTTP(S) URLs as "
                                  "instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']. Either %s "
                                  "is not a valid HTTP(S) URL or is not "
                                  "reachable.", boot_iso)


        if not
Beispiel #4
def build_instance_info_for_deploy(task):
    """Build instance_info necessary for deploying to a node.

    :param task: a TaskManager object containing the node
    :returns: a dictionary containing the properties to be updated
        in instance_info
    :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if image_source is not
        Glance href and is not HTTP(S) URL.
    node = task.node
    instance_info = node.instance_info
    iwdi = node.driver_internal_info.get('is_whole_disk_image')
    image_source = instance_info['image_source']
    if service_utils.is_glance_image(image_source):
        glance = image_service.GlanceImageService(version=2,
        image_info =
        swift_temp_url = glance.swift_temp_url(image_info)
        LOG.debug('Got image info: %(info)s for node %(node)s.', {
            'info': image_info,
            'node': node.uuid
        instance_info['image_url'] = swift_temp_url
        instance_info['image_checksum'] = image_info['checksum']
        instance_info['image_disk_format'] = image_info['disk_format']
        instance_info['image_container_format'] = (
        instance_info['image_tags'] = image_info.get('tags', [])
        instance_info['image_properties'] = image_info['properties']

        if not iwdi:
            instance_info['kernel'] = image_info['properties']['kernel_id']
            instance_info['ramdisk'] = image_info['properties']['ramdisk_id']
        except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                    _LE("Agent deploy supports only HTTP(S) URLs as "
                        "instance_info['image_source']. Either %s "
                        "is not a valid HTTP(S) URL or "
                        "is not reachable."), image_source)
        instance_info['image_url'] = image_source

    if not iwdi:
        instance_info['image_type'] = 'partition'
        i_info = parse_instance_info(node)
        instance_info['image_type'] = 'whole-disk-image'
    return instance_info
Beispiel #5
def _download_http_based_fw_to(self, target_file):
    """HTTP based firmware file downloader

    It downloads the file (url) to temporary location (file location).
    Original firmware file location (url) is expected in the format
    :param target_file: destination file for downloading the original firmware
    :raises: ImageDownloadFailed, on failure to download the original file.
    src_file = self.parsed_url.geturl()
    with open(target_file, 'wb') as fd:
        image_service.HttpImageService().download(src_file, fd)
Beispiel #6
    def validate_image_url(url, secret=False):
        """Validates image URL through the HEAD request.

        :param url: URL to be validated
        :param secret: if URL is secret (e.g. swift temp url),
            it will not be shown in logs.
            image_service.HttpImageService().validate_href(url, secret)
        except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed as e:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                LOG.error(_LE("Agent deploy supports only HTTP(S) URLs as "
                              "instance_info['image_source'] or swift "
                              "temporary URL. Either the specified URL is not "
                              "a valid HTTP(S) URL or is not reachable "
                              "for node %(node)s. Error: %(msg)s"),
                          {'node': node.uuid, 'msg': e})
Beispiel #7
    def validate(self, task):
        """Validate the deployment information for the task's node.

        This method validates whether the 'driver_info' and/or 'instance_info'
        properties of the task's node contains the required information for
        this interface to function.

        :param task: A TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
        :raises: InvalidParameterValue on malformed parameter(s)
        :raises: MissingParameterValue on missing parameter(s)
        node = task.node
        boot_option = deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node)
            boot_mode = ilo_common.get_current_boot_mode(task.node)
        except exception.IloOperationError:
            error = _("Validation for 'ilo-uefi-https' boot interface failed. "
                      "Could not determine current boot mode for node "
                      "%(node)s.") % node.uuid
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(error)

        if boot_mode.lower() != 'uefi':
            error = _("Validation for 'ilo-uefi-https' boot interface failed. "
                      "The node is required to be in 'UEFI' boot mode.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(error)

        boot_iso = node.instance_info.get('ilo_boot_iso')
        if (boot_option == "ramdisk" and boot_iso):
            if not service_utils.is_glance_image(boot_iso):
                except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed:
                    with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                        LOG.error("UEFI-HTTPS boot with 'ramdisk' "
                                  "boot_option accepts only Glance images or "
                                  "HTTPS URLs as "
                                  "instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']. Either %s "
                                  "is not a valid HTTPS URL or is not "
                                  "reachable.", boot_iso)


Beispiel #8
def _create_rootfs_link(task):
    """Create Swift temp url for deployment root FS."""
    rootfs = _get_boot_files(task.node)['deploy_squashfs']

    if service_utils.is_glance_image(rootfs):
        glance = image_service.GlanceImageService(version=2,
        image_info =
        temp_url = glance.swift_temp_url(image_info)
        temp_url += '&filename=/root.squashfs'
        return temp_url

    except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed:
        with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                _LE("Agent deploy supports only HTTP URLs as "
                    "driver_info['deploy_squashfs']. Either %s "
                    "is not a valid HTTP URL or "
                    "is not reachable."), rootfs)
    return rootfs
Beispiel #9
def _get_boot_iso(task, root_uuid):
    """This method returns a boot ISO to boot the node.

    It chooses one of the three options in the order as below:
    1. Does nothing if 'ilo_boot_iso' is present in node's instance_info and
       'boot_iso_created_in_web_server' is not set in 'driver_internal_info'.
    2. Image deployed has a meta-property 'boot_iso' in Glance. This should
       refer to the UUID of the boot_iso which exists in Glance.
    3. Generates a boot ISO on the fly using kernel and ramdisk mentioned in
       the image deployed. It uploads the generated boot ISO to Swift.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
    :param root_uuid: the uuid of the root partition.
    :returns: boot ISO URL. Should be either of below:
        * A Swift object - It should be of format 'swift:<object-name>'. It is
          assumed that the image object is present in
        * A Glance image - It should be format 'glance://<glance-image-uuid>'
          or just <glance-image-uuid>;
        * An HTTP URL.
        On error finding the boot iso, it returns None.
    :raises: MissingParameterValue, if any of the required parameters are
        missing in the node's driver_info or instance_info.
    :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if any of the parameters have invalid
        value in the node's driver_info or instance_info.
    :raises: SwiftOperationError, if operation with Swift fails.
    :raises: ImageCreationFailed, if creation of boot ISO failed.
    :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if ilo_boot_iso is not
        HTTP(S) URL.
    LOG.debug("Trying to get a boot ISO to boot the baremetal node")

    # Option 1 - Check if user has provided ilo_boot_iso in node's
    # instance_info
    driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
    boot_iso_created_in_web_server = (

    if (task.node.instance_info.get('ilo_boot_iso')
            and not boot_iso_created_in_web_server):
        LOG.debug("Using ilo_boot_iso provided in node's instance_info")
        boot_iso = task.node.instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']
        if not service_utils.is_glance_image(boot_iso):
            except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed:
                with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                    LOG.error("Virtual media deploy accepts only Glance "
                              "images or HTTP(S) URLs as "
                              "instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']. Either %s "
                              "is not a valid HTTP(S) URL or is "
                              "not reachable.", boot_iso)

        return task.node.instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']

    # Option 2 - Check if user has provided a boot_iso in Glance. If boot_iso
    # is a supported non-glance href execution will proceed to option 3.
    deploy_info = _parse_deploy_info(task.node)

    image_href = deploy_info['image_source']
    image_properties = (
            task.context, image_href, ['boot_iso', 'kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']))

    boot_iso_uuid = image_properties.get('boot_iso')
    kernel_href = (task.node.instance_info.get('kernel')
                   or image_properties.get('kernel_id'))
    ramdisk_href = (task.node.instance_info.get('ramdisk')
                    or image_properties.get('ramdisk_id'))

    if boot_iso_uuid:
        LOG.debug("Found boot_iso %s in Glance", boot_iso_uuid)
        return boot_iso_uuid

    if not kernel_href or not ramdisk_href:
        LOG.error("Unable to find kernel or ramdisk for "
                  "image %(image)s to generate boot ISO for %(node)s",
                  {'image': image_href, 'node': task.node.uuid})

    # NOTE(rameshg87): Functionality to share the boot ISOs created for
    # similar instances (instances with same deployed image) is
    # not implemented as of now. Creation/Deletion of such a shared boot ISO
    # will require synchronisation across conductor nodes for the shared boot
    # ISO.  Such a synchronisation mechanism doesn't exist in ironic as of now.

    # Option 3 - Create boot_iso from kernel/ramdisk, upload to Swift
    # or web server and provide its name.
    deploy_iso_uuid = deploy_info['ilo_deploy_iso']
    boot_mode = boot_mode_utils.get_boot_mode_for_deploy(task.node)
    boot_iso_object_name = _get_boot_iso_object_name(task.node)
    kernel_params = ""
    if deploy_utils.get_boot_option(task.node) == "ramdisk":
        i_info = task.node.instance_info
        kernel_params = "root=/dev/ram0 text "
        kernel_params += i_info.get("ramdisk_kernel_arguments", "")
        kernel_params = CONF.pxe.pxe_append_params
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=CONF.tempdir) as fileobj:
        boot_iso_tmp_file =
        images.create_boot_iso(task.context, boot_iso_tmp_file,
                               kernel_href, ramdisk_href,
                               deploy_iso_uuid, root_uuid,
                               kernel_params, boot_mode)

        if CONF.ilo.use_web_server_for_images:
            boot_iso_url = (
            driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
            driver_internal_info['boot_iso_created_in_web_server'] = True
            task.node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
            LOG.debug("Created boot_iso %(boot_iso)s for node %(node)s",
                      {'boot_iso': boot_iso_url, 'node': task.node.uuid})
            return boot_iso_url
            container = CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container
            swift_api = swift.SwiftAPI()
            swift_api.create_object(container, boot_iso_object_name,

            LOG.debug("Created boot_iso %s in Swift", boot_iso_object_name)
            return 'swift:%s' % boot_iso_object_name
Beispiel #10
def _get_boot_iso(task, root_uuid):
    """This method returns a boot ISO to boot the node.

    It chooses one of the three options in the order as below:
    1. Does nothing if 'ilo_boot_iso' is present in node's instance_info and
       'boot_iso_created_in_web_server' is not set in 'driver_internal_info'.
    2. Image deployed has a meta-property 'boot_iso' in Glance. This should
       refer to the UUID of the boot_iso which exists in Glance.
    3. Generates a boot ISO on the fly using kernel and ramdisk mentioned in
       the image deployed. It uploads the generated boot ISO to Swift.

    :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
    :param root_uuid: the uuid of the root partition.
    :returns: boot ISO URL. Should be either of below:
        * A Swift object - It should be of format 'swift:<object-name>'. It is
          assumed that the image object is present in
        * A Glance image - It should be format 'glance://<glance-image-uuid>'
          or just <glance-image-uuid>;
        * An HTTP URL.
        On error finding the boot iso, it returns None.
    :raises: MissingParameterValue, if any of the required parameters are
        missing in the node's driver_info or instance_info.
    :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if any of the parameters have invalid
        value in the node's driver_info or instance_info.
    :raises: SwiftOperationError, if operation with Swift fails.
    :raises: ImageCreationFailed, if creation of boot ISO failed.
    :raises: exception.ImageRefValidationFailed if ilo_boot_iso is not
        HTTP(S) URL.
    LOG.debug("Trying to get a boot ISO to boot the baremetal node")

    # Option 1 - Check if user has provided ilo_boot_iso in node's
    # instance_info
    driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
    boot_iso_created_in_web_server = (

    if (task.node.instance_info.get('ilo_boot_iso')
            and not boot_iso_created_in_web_server):
        LOG.debug("Using ilo_boot_iso provided in node's instance_info")
        boot_iso = task.node.instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']
        if not service_utils.is_glance_image(boot_iso):
            except exception.ImageRefValidationFailed:
                with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                        "Virtual media deploy accepts only Glance "
                        "images or HTTP(S) URLs as "
                        "instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']. Either %s "
                        "is not a valid HTTP(S) URL or is "
                        "not reachable.", boot_iso)

        return task.node.instance_info['ilo_boot_iso']

    # Option 2 - Check if user has provided a boot_iso in Glance. If boot_iso
    # is a supported non-glance href execution will proceed to option 3.
    deploy_info = _parse_deploy_info(task.node)

    image_href = deploy_info['image_source']
    image_properties = (images.get_image_properties(
        task.context, image_href, ['boot_iso', 'kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']))

    boot_iso_uuid = image_properties.get('boot_iso')
    kernel_href = (task.node.instance_info.get('kernel')
                   or image_properties.get('kernel_id'))
    ramdisk_href = (task.node.instance_info.get('ramdisk')
                    or image_properties.get('ramdisk_id'))

    if boot_iso_uuid:
        LOG.debug("Found boot_iso %s in Glance", boot_iso_uuid)
        return boot_iso_uuid

    # NOTE(rameshg87): Functionality to share the boot ISOs created for
    # similar instances (instances with same deployed image) is
    # not implemented as of now. Creation/Deletion of such a shared boot ISO
    # will require synchronisation across conductor nodes for the shared boot
    # ISO.  Such a synchronisation mechanism doesn't exist in ironic as of now.

    # Option 3 - Create boot_iso from kernel/ramdisk, upload to Swift
    # or web server and provide its name.
    deploy_iso_uuid = deploy_info['ilo_deploy_iso']

    use_web_server = CONF.ilo.use_web_server_for_images
    container = CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container

    return virtual_media_base.prepare_iso_image(
Beispiel #11
 def setUp(self):
     super(HttpImageServiceTestCase, self).setUp()
     self.service = image_service.HttpImageService()
     self.href = ''