def get_training_data(file_img, file_mask, r): # create mask input_mask = irtk.imread(file_mask) x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = (input_mask == 0).bbox() background = irtk.zeros(input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8') background[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] = 1 background = nd.morphological_gradient(background, size=7) n = background[z_min + 1:z_max, y_min + 1:y_max, x_min + 1:x_max].sum() z = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[0], size=1.25 * n) y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[1], size=1.25 * n) x = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[2], size=1.25 * n) background[z, y, x] = 1 background[z_min + 1:z_max, y_min + 1:y_max, x_min + 1:x_max] = 0 foreground = (input_mask == 1).astype('uint8') new_mask = irtk.zeros(input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8') new_mask[foreground == 1] = 1 new_mask[background != 0] = 2 img = irtk.imread(file_img, dtype='float32') X = [] Y = [] for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): YX = np.transpose(np.nonzero(foreground[z])) if DEBUG: YX = YX[::10] else: YX = YX[::2] if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue patches = extract_patches2D(img[z], r, YX) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0], patches.shape[1] * patches.shape[2])) print patches.shape, YX.shape X.extend(patches) Y.extend([1] * len(YX)) for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): YX = np.transpose(np.nonzero(background[z])) if DEBUG: YX = YX[::10] else: YX = YX[::2] if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue patches = extract_patches2D(img[z], r, YX) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0], patches.shape[1] * patches.shape[2])) print patches.shape, YX.shape X.extend(patches) Y.extend([0] * len(YX)) return X, Y
def get_center(self, proba): res = irtk.zeros(proba.get_header()) tmp = proba.view(np.ndarray).copy() tmp[self.hard_thresholding(proba) == 0] = 0 if tmp.sum() == 0: return res center = np.array(nd.center_of_mass(tmp), dtype='int') res[center[0], center[1], center[2]] = 1 return res
def get_center( self, proba ): res = irtk.zeros( proba.get_header() ) tmp = proba.view(np.ndarray).copy() tmp[self.hard_thresholding(proba)==0] = 0 if tmp.sum() == 0: return res center = np.array( nd.center_of_mass( tmp ), dtype='int' ) res[center[0],center[1],center[2]] = 1 return res
def edt( img, mask ): if mask.sum() == 0: return irtk.zeros(img.get_header()) voxelSpacing = img.header['pixelSize'][:3][::-1] distanceMap = nd.distance_transform_edt( logical_not(mask), sampling=voxelSpacing) distanceMap -= nd.distance_transform_edt( mask, sampling=voxelSpacing) return irtk.Image(distanceMap,img.get_header())
def create_mask_from_all_masks(f_lists,transformations,ga,resolution=0.75): points = [] for f, t in zip(f_lists,transformations): m = irtk.imread(f,force_neurological=True) points.extend( t.apply(get_corners(m)) ) points = np.array(points,dtype='float64') x_min, y_min, z_min = points.min(axis=0) x_max, y_max, z_max = points.max(axis=0) pixelSize = [resolution, resolution, resolution, 1] orientation = np.eye( 3, dtype='float64' ) origin = [ x_min + (x_max - x_min)/2, y_min + (y_max - y_min)/2, z_min + (z_max - z_min)/2, 0 ] dim = [ (x_max - x_min)/resolution, (y_max - y_min)/resolution, (z_max - z_min)/resolution, 1 ] header = irtk.new_header( pixelSize=pixelSize, orientation=orientation, origin=origin, dim=dim ) mask = irtk.zeros( header, dtype='float32' ) for f, t in zip( f_lists, transformations ): m = irtk.imread(f,force_neurological=True).transform(t, target=mask,interpolation="linear") mask += m irtk.imwrite( "debug_mask1.nii.gz", mask) mask = irtk.Image( nd.gaussian_filter( mask, 0.5 ), mask.get_header() ) irtk.imwrite( "debug_mask2.nii.gz", mask) mask = (mask > 0).bbox(crop=True).astype('uint8') scale = get_CRL(ga)/get_CRL(30.0) template = irtk.imread(f_template,force_neurological=True) template.header['pixelSize'][:3] /= scale template = template.transform(target=mask,interpolation='nearest') mask[template==0] = 0 irtk.imwrite( "debug_template.nii.gz", template) irtk.imwrite( "debug_mask3.nii.gz", mask) return mask
def mean_shift_selection( votes, n_points=5000, bandwidth=10, n=10, cutoff=None, debug=False, debug_output="./" ): points = np.argwhere(votes) probas = votes[points[:,0], points[:,1], points[:,2]] points, probas = random_pick(points,probas,n_points) ms = MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth) weights = np.zeros( ms.cluster_centers_.shape[0], dtype='float' ) for i,c in enumerate(ms.cluster_centers_): weights[i] = np.sum(probas[ms.labels_==i]) detection = ms.cluster_centers_[np.argsort(weights)[::-1]] #points = points[np.argsort(weights)[::-1]] #ms.labels_ = ms.labels_[np.argsort(weights)[::-1]] weights = np.sort(weights)[::-1] weights /= weights.max() if debug: print weights.tolist() res = irtk.zeros(votes.get_header(),dtype='int') points = np.array(detection,dtype='int') if points.shape[0] > 30: points = points[:30] print np.arange(1,int(points.shape[0]+1))[::-1] res[points[:,0], points[:,1], points[:,2]] = np.arange(1,int(points.shape[0]+1))#[::-1] irtk.imwrite(debug_output+"/clusters.nii.gz",res) irtk.imwrite(debug_output+"/clusters_centers.nii.gz",irtk.landmarks_to_spheres(res,r=5)) if cutoff is not None: selected = np.sum( weights >= cutoff ) detection = detection[:selected] weights = weights[:selected] else: if len(detection) > n: detection = detection[:n] weights = weights[:n] return detection, weights
def gdt( img, mask, includeEDT=True, l=1.0 ): if mask.sum() == 0: return irtk.zeros(img.get_header()) voxelSpacing = img.header['pixelSize'][:3][::-1] grad = irtk.Image( nd.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(img, 0.5), img.get_header() ) #irtk.imwrite("gradBefore.nii.gz",grad) grad = l*grad.saturate().rescale(0.0,1.0).as3D() #irtk.imwrite("gradAfter.nii.gz",grad) # distanceMap = geodesic_distance_transform( mask, # grad, # numIterations=3, # spacing=voxelSpacing, # includeEDT=includeEDT ) # distanceMap -= geodesic_distance_transform( logical_not(mask), # grad, # numIterations=3, # spacing=voxelSpacing, # includeEDT=includeEDT ) # return irtk.Image(distanceMap,img.get_header()) # distanceMaps = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(_geodesic_distance_transform)( m, # grad, # numIterations=3, # spacing=voxelSpacing, # includeEDT=includeEDT ) # for m in [mask, # logical_not(mask)] # ) # res = irtk.Image(distanceMaps[0]-distanceMaps[1],img.get_header()) res = irtk.Image( _geodesic_distance_transform( mask, grad, numIterations=3, spacing=voxelSpacing, includeEDT=includeEDT ), img.get_header() ).as3D() return res
def get_training_data_regression( img, seg ): seg = irtk.imread( seg, dtype='int32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.imread( img, dtype='int32', force_neurological=True ) #u0,v0,w0 = get_orientation_training(seg) brain_center, heart_center, left_lung, right_lung = get_centers(seg) grad = irtk.Image(nd.gaussian_gradient_magnitude( img, 0.5 ), img.get_header()) blurred_img = nd.gaussian_filter(img,0.5) gradZ = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=0 ).astype('float32') gradY = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=1 ).astype('float32') gradX = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=2 ).astype('float32') new_seg = irtk.zeros( seg.get_header() ) new_seg[seg==3] = 1 # lung 1 new_seg[seg==4] = 1 # lung 2 new_seg[seg==5] = 2 # heart new_seg[seg==8] = 3 # liver seg = new_seg center1 = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 1).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') center2 = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 2).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') center3 = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 3).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') sat = integral_image(img) sat_grad = integral_image(grad) m = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype='uint8') m[brain_center[0], brain_center[1], brain_center[2]] = 1 X = [] Y = [] for l in range(1,nb_labels): coords = np.argwhere(seg==l) coords = coords[np.random.randint( 0, coords.shape[0], args.n_samples)].astype('int32') if args.not_centered: x1 = get_block_comparisons_cpp( sat, coords, offsets1, sizes1, offsets2, sizes2,n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) x2 = get_block_comparisons_cpp( sat_grad, coords, offsets3, sizes3, offsets4, sizes4, n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) x_grad1 = get_grad( coords.astype('int32'), offsets5.astype('int32'), gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32') ) x_grad2 = get_grad( coords.astype('int32'), offsets6.astype('int32'), gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32') ) else: # u = np.tile(u0,(coords.shape[0],1)) # v = np.tile(v0,(coords.shape[0],1)) # w = np.tile(w0,(coords.shape[0],1)) u,v,w = get_orientation_training_jitter( brain_center, heart_center, left_lung, right_lung, coords.shape[0], brain_jitter=args.brain_jitter, heart_jitter=args.heart_jitter, lung_jitter=args.lung_jitter ) x1 = get_block_comparisons_cpp_uvw( sat, coords, w,v,u, offsets1, sizes1, offsets2, sizes2,n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) x2 = get_block_comparisons_cpp_uvw( sat_grad, coords, w,v,u, offsets3, sizes3, offsets4, sizes4, n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) x3 = get_grad_comparisons_cpp_uvw( gradZ, gradY, gradX, coords, offsets5, offsets6, w,v,u, n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) # x_grad1 = get_grad_uvw( coords.astype('int32'), offsets5.astype('int32'), # gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32'), # w.astype('float32'), v.astype('float32'), u.astype('float32') ) # x_grad2 = get_grad_uvw( coords.astype('int32'), offsets6.astype('int32'), # gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32'), # w.astype('float32'), v.astype('float32'), u.astype('float32') ) #x = np.concatenate( ( x1, x2, x_grad1 > x_grad2 ), axis=1 ) x = np.concatenate( ( x1, x2, x3 ), axis=1 ) if l == 1: y = center1[np.newaxis,...] - coords.astype('float32') if not args.not_centered: y = np.concatenate( ( (y*w).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis], (y*v).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis], (y*u).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis] ), axis=1 ) elif l == 2: y = center2[np.newaxis,...] - coords.astype('float32') if not args.not_centered: y = np.concatenate( ( (y*w).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis], (y*v).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis], (y*u).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis] ), axis=1 ) else: y = center3[np.newaxis,...] - coords.astype('float32') if not args.not_centered: y = np.concatenate( ( (y*w).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis], (y*v).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis], (y*u).sum(axis=1)[...,np.newaxis] ), axis=1 ) X.append(x) Y.append(y) return X,Y
#!/usr/bin/python import irtk import scipy.ndimage as nd import numpy as np from skimage import morphology left_lung = irtk.imread("left_lung_prior.nii.gz",force_neurological=False) right_lung = irtk.imread("right_lung_prior.nii.gz",force_neurological=False) liver = irtk.imread("liver_prior.nii.gz",force_neurological=False) average = irtk.imread("/vol/medic02/users/kpk09/gitlab/fetus-detector/body-detector/notebooks/tmp/new_average_heart_center.nii.gz",force_neurological=False) seg = irtk.imread("/vol/medic02/users/kpk09/gitlab/fetus-detector/body-detector/notebooks/tmp/seg_template.nii.gz",force_neurological=False) res = irtk.zeros(average.get_header(),dtype='int32') heart_center = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 5).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') heart = np.argwhere( (seg == 5).view(np.ndarray) ).astype('float32') r_heart = np.linalg.norm(heart_center-heart,axis=1).mean() ball = irtk.Image( morphology.ball(r_heart) ) ball.header['origin'] = np.array([0,0,0],dtype='float64') ball2 = ball.transform(target=liver) res[ball2>0] = 5 brain_center = np.array(nd.center_of_mass( (seg == 2).view(np.ndarray) ), dtype='float32') brain = np.argwhere( (seg == 2).view(np.ndarray) ).astype('float32') r_brain = np.linalg.norm(brain_center-brain,axis=1).mean()
def mask_image( file_img, file_mask, ga, r, neigh, output_dir ): img = irtk.imread( file_img, dtype='float32' ) input_mask = irtk.imread( file_mask ) print "predicting..." res = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='float32' ) res2 = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='float32' ) res3 = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='float32' ) res4 = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) mask = irtk.ones( input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) mask[input_mask == 2] = 0 for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): print z YX = np.transpose( np.nonzero( mask[z] ) ) if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue # this slice does not intersect the box patches = extract_patches2D( img[z], r, YX ) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0],patches.shape[1]*patches.shape[2]) ) predictions = neigh.predict_proba(patches)[:,1] res[z,YX[:,0],YX[:,1]] = predictions x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = mask.bbox() proba = res[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] if args.mass: BV = get_BV( ) box_volume = (z_max-z_min)*img.header['pixelSize'][2]*(y_max-y_min)*img.header['pixelSize'][1]*(x_max-x_min)*img.header['pixelSize'][0] ratio = float(BV) / float(box_volume) print "ratio", ratio q0,q1 = mquantiles( proba.flatten(), prob=[0.5*(1.0-ratio), 1.0-0.5*ratio] ) print "threshold", q0,q1 #threshold = max(0.5,threshold) # labels = res[z_min:z_max+1, # y_min:y_max+1, # x_min:x_max+1] > threshold #res = 1 / (np.exp(-(res-threshold)/(res.max()-res.min()))) res[res<q0] = q0 res[res>q1] = q1 res -= res.min() res /= res.max() labels = res[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] > 0.5 proba = res[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] cropped_img = img[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] if args.do_3D: labels = irtk.crf( cropped_img, labels, proba, l=args.l, sigma=get_noiseXY(cropped_img), sigmaZ=get_noiseZ(cropped_img) ) # elif args.do_patchZ: # labels = irtk.crf_patchZ( cropped_img, # labels, # proba, # l=10.0 ) # else: # for z in xrange(z_min,z_max+1): # labels[z] = irtk.crf( cropped_img[z], # labels[z], # proba[z], # l=1.0 ) print "MAX LABEL:", labels.max() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/bare_"+os.path.basename(file_img), labels ) tmp = irtk.zeros( img.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) tmp[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] = labels ( min_x_bare, min_y_bare, min_z_bare, max_x_bare, max_y_bare, max_z_bare ) = tmp.bbox() if not args.no_cleaning: # clean by fitting ellipses enlarged of 10% for z in xrange(labels.shape[0]): edges = nd.morphological_gradient( labels[z] > 0,size=5 ) points = np.transpose(edges.nonzero())[:,::-1] if len(points) == 0: continue points = np.array(map(lambda x:[x],points),dtype='int32') ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(points) cv2.ellipse( labels[z], (ellipse[0], (1.1*ellipse[1][0],1.1*ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]) , 1, -1 ) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/seg_"+os.path.basename(file_img), labels ) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/res_"+os.path.basename(file_img), res ) # re-read the image in case we processed it img = irtk.imread( file_img, dtype='float32' ) cropped_img = img[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] cropped_img[labels==0] = -1 masked = cropped_img.bbox(crop=True) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/masked_"+os.path.basename(file_img), masked ) # re-read the image in case we processed it img = irtk.imread( file_img, dtype='float32' ) x0 = min_x_bare + (max_x_bare - min_x_bare) / 2 y0 = min_y_bare + (max_y_bare - min_y_bare) / 2 ofd = get_OFD(ga)/img.header['pixelSize'][0] cropped_img = img[min_z_bare:max_z_bare+1, max(0,int(round(y0-ofd/2))):min(img.shape[1],int(round(y0+ofd/2+1))), max(0,int(round(x0-ofd/2))):min(img.shape[2],int(round(x0+ofd/2+1)))].copy() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/very_large_"+os.path.basename(file_img), cropped_img ) cropped_proba = res[min_z_bare:max_z_bare+1, max(0,int(round(y0-ofd/2))):min(img.shape[1],int(round(y0+ofd/2+1))), max(0,int(round(x0-ofd/2))):min(img.shape[2],int(round(x0+ofd/2+1)))].copy() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/proba_"+os.path.basename(file_img), cropped_proba )
def get_training_data( file_img, file_mask, r ): # create mask input_mask = irtk.imread( file_mask ) x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = (input_mask == 0).bbox() background = irtk.zeros( input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) background[z_min:z_max+1, y_min:y_max+1, x_min:x_max+1] = 1 background = nd.morphological_gradient( background, size=7) n = background[z_min+1:z_max, y_min+1:y_max, x_min+1:x_max].sum() z = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[0],size=1.25*n) y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[1],size=1.25*n) x = np.random.randint(low=0, high=input_mask.shape[2],size=1.25*n) background[z,y,x] = 1 background[z_min+1:z_max, y_min+1:y_max, x_min+1:x_max] = 0 foreground = (input_mask == 1).astype('uint8') new_mask = irtk.zeros( input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) new_mask[foreground == 1] = 1 new_mask[background != 0] = 2 img = irtk.imread( file_img, dtype='float32' ) X = [] Y = [] for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): YX = np.transpose( np.nonzero( foreground[z] ) ) if DEBUG: YX = YX[::10] else: YX = YX[::2] if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue patches = extract_patches2D( img[z], r, YX ) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0],patches.shape[1]*patches.shape[2]) ) print patches.shape, YX.shape X.extend( patches ) Y.extend( [1]*len(YX) ) for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): YX = np.transpose( np.nonzero( background[z] ) ) if DEBUG: YX = YX[::10] else: YX = YX[::2] if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue patches = extract_patches2D( img[z], r, YX ) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0],patches.shape[1]*patches.shape[2]) ) print patches.shape, YX.shape X.extend( patches ) Y.extend( [0]*len(YX) ) return X, Y
def mask_image(file_img, file_mask, ga, r, neigh, output_dir): img = irtk.imread(file_img, dtype='float32') input_mask = irtk.imread(file_mask) print "predicting..." res = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='float32') res2 = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='float32') res3 = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='float32') res4 = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='uint8') mask = irtk.ones(input_mask.get_header(), dtype='uint8') mask[input_mask == 2] = 0 for z in xrange(img.shape[0]): print z YX = np.transpose(np.nonzero(mask[z])) if YX.shape[0] == 0: continue # this slice does not intersect the box patches = extract_patches2D(img[z], r, YX) patches = np.reshape( patches, (patches.shape[0], patches.shape[1] * patches.shape[2])) predictions = neigh.predict_proba(patches)[:, 1] res[z, YX[:, 0], YX[:, 1]] = predictions x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max = mask.bbox() proba = res[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] if args.mass: BV = get_BV( box_volume = (z_max - z_min) * img.header['pixelSize'][2] * ( y_max - y_min) * img.header['pixelSize'][1] * ( x_max - x_min) * img.header['pixelSize'][0] ratio = float(BV) / float(box_volume) print "ratio", ratio q0, q1 = mquantiles(proba.flatten(), prob=[0.5 * (1.0 - ratio), 1.0 - 0.5 * ratio]) print "threshold", q0, q1 #threshold = max(0.5,threshold) # labels = res[z_min:z_max+1, # y_min:y_max+1, # x_min:x_max+1] > threshold #res = 1 / (np.exp(-(res-threshold)/(res.max()-res.min()))) res[res < q0] = q0 res[res > q1] = q1 res -= res.min() res /= res.max() labels = res[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] > 0.5 proba = res[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] cropped_img = img[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] if args.do_3D: labels = irtk.crf(cropped_img, labels, proba, l=args.l, sigma=get_noiseXY(cropped_img), sigmaZ=get_noiseZ(cropped_img)) # elif args.do_patchZ: # labels = irtk.crf_patchZ( cropped_img, # labels, # proba, # l=10.0 ) # else: # for z in xrange(z_min,z_max+1): # labels[z] = irtk.crf( cropped_img[z], # labels[z], # proba[z], # l=1.0 ) print "MAX LABEL:", labels.max() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/bare_" + os.path.basename(file_img), labels) tmp = irtk.zeros(img.get_header(), dtype='uint8') tmp[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] = labels (min_x_bare, min_y_bare, min_z_bare, max_x_bare, max_y_bare, max_z_bare) = tmp.bbox() if not args.no_cleaning: # clean by fitting ellipses enlarged of 10% for z in xrange(labels.shape[0]): edges = nd.morphological_gradient(labels[z] > 0, size=5) points = np.transpose(edges.nonzero())[:, ::-1] if len(points) == 0: continue points = np.array(map(lambda x: [x], points), dtype='int32') ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(points) cv2.ellipse( labels[z], (ellipse[0], (1.1 * ellipse[1][0], 1.1 * ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]), 1, -1) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/seg_" + os.path.basename(file_img), labels) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/res_" + os.path.basename(file_img), res) # re-read the image in case we processed it img = irtk.imread(file_img, dtype='float32') cropped_img = img[z_min:z_max + 1, y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] cropped_img[labels == 0] = -1 masked = cropped_img.bbox(crop=True) irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/masked_" + os.path.basename(file_img), masked) # re-read the image in case we processed it img = irtk.imread(file_img, dtype='float32') x0 = min_x_bare + (max_x_bare - min_x_bare) / 2 y0 = min_y_bare + (max_y_bare - min_y_bare) / 2 ofd = get_OFD(ga) / img.header['pixelSize'][0] cropped_img = img[min_z_bare:max_z_bare + 1, max(0, int(round(y0 - ofd / 2)) ):min(img.shape[1], int(round(y0 + ofd / 2 + 1))), max(0, int(round(x0 - ofd / 2)) ):min(img.shape[2], int(round(x0 + ofd / 2 + 1)))].copy() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/very_large_" + os.path.basename(file_img), cropped_img) cropped_proba = res[min_z_bare:max_z_bare + 1, max(0, int(round(y0 - ofd / 2)) ):min(img.shape[1], int(round(y0 + ofd / 2 + 1))), max(0, int(round(x0 - ofd / 2)) ):min(img.shape[2], int(round(x0 + ofd / 2 + 1)))].copy() irtk.imwrite(output_dir + "/proba_" + os.path.basename(file_img), cropped_proba)
region[:,1] *= NEW_SAMPLING region[:,2] *= img.header['pixelSize'][2] detections.append((center, region)) return detections detections = convert_input(image_regions) print detections (center, u, ofd), inliers = ransac_ellipses( detections, ga, nb_iterations=1000, model="box", return_indices=True ) print "initial mask" mask = irtk.zeros(img.resample2D(NEW_SAMPLING, interpolation='nearest').get_header(), dtype='uint8') for i in inliers: (x,y,z), c = image_regions[i] mask[z,c[:,1],c[:,0]] = 1 mask = mask.resample2D(img.header['pixelSize'][0], interpolation='nearest' ) # ellipse mask ellipse_mask = irtk.zeros(img.resample2D(NEW_SAMPLING, interpolation='nearest').get_header(), dtype='uint8') for i in inliers: (x,y,z), c = image_regions[i] ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(np.reshape(c, (c.shape[0],1,2) ).astype('int32')) tmp_img = np.zeros( (ellipse_mask.shape[1],ellipse_mask.shape[2]), dtype='uint8' ) cv2.ellipse( tmp_img, (ellipse[0],
start = time() detector = heartdetector.HeartDetector(name=args.forest) detector.load() if not args.time: print detector if not os.path.exists("predictions/" + args.patient_id): os.makedirs("predictions/" + args.patient_id) all_frames = sorted(glob("denoised/" + args.patient_id + "_frame*.nii.gz")) tmp = irtk.imread(all_frames[0]) mask = irtk.zeros(tmp.get_header(), dtype='float32') for f in all_frames: if "_seg" in f: continue mask += irtk.imread(f) mask = (mask > 0).astype('uint8') # if args.frame is not None: # all_frames = [all_frames[args.frame]] # elif not args.all: # ED,ES = get_ED_ES(args.patient_id) # all_frames = [all_frames[ED],all_frames[ES]] for f in all_frames: if "_seg" in f:
start = time() detector = heartdetector.HeartDetector( name=args.forest ) detector.load() if not args.time: print detector if not os.path.exists("predictions/"+args.patient_id): os.makedirs("predictions/"+args.patient_id) all_frames = sorted(glob("denoised/"+args.patient_id+"_frame*.nii.gz")) tmp = irtk.imread(all_frames[0]) mask = irtk.zeros(tmp.get_header(),dtype='float32') for f in all_frames: if "_seg" in f: continue mask += irtk.imread(f) mask = (mask > 0).astype('uint8') # if args.frame is not None: # all_frames = [all_frames[args.frame]] # elif not args.all: # ED,ES = get_ED_ES(args.patient_id) # all_frames = [all_frames[ED],all_frames[ES]] for f in all_frames: if "_seg" in f:
def get_training_data_classification( img, seg, label_name ): seg = irtk.imread( seg, dtype='int32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.imread( img, dtype='int32', force_neurological=True ) #u0,v0,w0 = get_orientation_training(seg) brain_center, heart_center, left_lung, right_lung = get_centers(seg) grad = irtk.Image(nd.gaussian_gradient_magnitude( img, 0.5 ), img.get_header()) blurred_img = nd.gaussian_filter(img,0.5) gradZ = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=0 ).astype('float32') gradY = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=1 ).astype('float32') gradX = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=2 ).astype('float32') new_seg = irtk.zeros( seg.get_header() ) if label_name == "lungs": new_seg[seg==3] = 1 # lung 1 new_seg[seg==4] = 1 # lung 2 elif label_name == "heart": new_seg[seg==5] = 1 # heart elif label_name == "liver": new_seg[seg==8] = 1 # liver seg = new_seg sat = integral_image(img) sat_grad = integral_image(grad) m = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype='uint8') m[brain_center[0], brain_center[1], brain_center[2]] = 1 narrow_band = nd.distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(m)) if args.narrow_band: narrow_band[narrow_band<30] = 0 narrow_band[narrow_band>120] = 0 narrow_band[img==0] = 0 X = [] Y = [] for l in range(2): coords = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(narrow_band>0,seg==l)) if l==0: coords = coords[np.random.randint( 0, coords.shape[0], int(args.factor_background*args.n_samples))].astype('int32') else: coords = coords[np.random.randint( 0, coords.shape[0], args.n_samples)].astype('int32') if args.not_centered: x1 = get_block_comparisons_cpp( sat, coords, offsets1, sizes1, offsets2, sizes2, n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) x2 = get_block_comparisons_cpp( sat_grad, coords, offsets3, sizes3, offsets4, sizes4, n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) x_grad1 = get_grad( coords.astype('int32'), offsets5.astype('int32'), gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32')) x_grad2 = get_grad( coords.astype('int32'), offsets6.astype('int32'), gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32')) else: if l == 0: u,v,w = get_random_orientation(coords.shape[0]) else: # u = np.tile(u0,(coords.shape[0],1)) # v = np.tile(v0,(coords.shape[0],1)) # w = np.tile(w0,(coords.shape[0],1)) u,v,w = get_orientation_training_jitter( brain_center, heart_center, left_lung, right_lung, coords.shape[0], brain_jitter=args.brain_jitter, heart_jitter=args.heart_jitter, lung_jitter=args.lung_jitter ) x1 = get_block_comparisons_cpp_uvw( sat, coords, w,v,u, offsets1, sizes1, offsets2, sizes2, n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) x2 = get_block_comparisons_cpp_uvw( sat_grad, coords, w,v,u, offsets3, sizes3, offsets4, sizes4, n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) x3 = get_grad_comparisons_cpp_uvw( gradZ, gradY, gradX, coords, offsets5, offsets6, w,v,u, n_jobs=args.n_jobs ) # x_grad1 = get_grad_uvw( coords.astype('int32'), offsets5.astype('int32'), # gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32'), # w.astype('float32'), v.astype('float32'), u.astype('float32') ) # x_grad2 = get_grad_uvw( coords.astype('int32'), offsets6.astype('int32'), # gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32'), # w.astype('float32'), v.astype('float32'), u.astype('float32') ) R = np.linalg.norm( coords - brain_center, axis=1 ) #x = np.concatenate( ( x1, x2, x_grad1 > x_grad2, R[...,np.newaxis] ), axis=1 ) x = np.concatenate( ( x1, x2, x3, R[...,np.newaxis] ), axis=1 ) y = seg[coords[:,0], coords[:,1], coords[:,2]] X.extend(x) Y.extend(y) return (X,Y)
img_downsampled = img.resample(img.header['pixelSize']* #coords2 = np.argwhere(img_downsampled>0).astype('int32') coords2 = np.argwhere(narrow_band_downsampled>0).astype('int32') coords = img.WorldToImage(img_downsampled.ImageToWorld(coords2[:,::-1]))[:,::-1].astype('int32') header = img_downsampled.get_header() else: #coords = np.argwhere(img>0).astype('int32') coords = np.argwhere(narrow_band>0).astype('int32') header = img.get_header() if args.chunk_size > len(coords)/2: args.chunk_size = len(coords)/2 print "chunk size too large, setting it to", args.chunk_size header['dim'][3] = nb_labels proba = irtk.zeros(header,dtype='float32') u,v0,w0 = get_orientation(args.brain_center,coords,args.brain_jitter) # If the location of the brain is unknown, # we can try random orientations if args.random: u,v0,w0 = get_random_orientation(coords.shape[0]) best_proba = irtk.zeros(header,dtype='float32') min_proba = irtk.zeros(header,dtype='float32') if best_proba[ 0, coords2[:,0], coords2[:,1], coords2[:,2]] = np.finfo('float32').max
def run( o_size, d_size): offsets1 = np.random.randint( -o_size, o_size+1, size=(n_tests,3) ).astype('int32') sizes1 = np.random.randint( 0, d_size+1, size=(n_tests,1) ).astype('int32') offsets2 = np.random.randint( -o_size, o_size+1, size=(n_tests,3) ).astype('int32') sizes2 = np.random.randint( 0, d_size+1, size=(n_tests,1) ).astype('int32') offsets3 = np.random.randint( -o_size, o_size+1, size=(n_tests,3) ).astype('int32') sizes3 = np.random.randint( 0, d_size+1, size=(n_tests,1) ).astype('int32') offsets4 = np.random.randint( -o_size, o_size+1, size=(n_tests,3) ).astype('int32') sizes4 = np.random.randint( 0, d_size+1, size=(n_tests,1) ).astype('int32') offsets5 = np.random.randint( -o_size, o_size+1, size=(n_tests/3,3) ).astype('int32') offsets6 = np.random.randint( -o_size, o_size+1, size=(n_tests/3,3) ).astype('int32') # we use only squares for rotation invariance sizes1 = np.tile(sizes1,(1,3)) sizes2 = np.tile(sizes2,(1,3)) sizes3 = np.tile(sizes3,(1,3)) sizes4 = np.tile(sizes4,(1,3)) X_train = [] Y_train = [] X_test = [] Y_test = [] n = 0 for f in all_files: n += 1 patient_id = os.path.basename(f)[:-len("_img.nii.gz")] img = irtk.imread( f, dtype='int32', force_neurological=True ) seg = irtk.imread( myfolder + "/" + patient_id + "_seg.nii.gz", dtype='int32', force_neurological=True ) brain_center, heart_center, left_lung, right_lung = get_centers(seg) grad = irtk.Image(nd.gaussian_gradient_magnitude( img, 0.5 ), img.get_header()) blurred_img = nd.gaussian_filter(img,0.5) gradZ = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=0 ) gradY = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=1 ) gradX = nd.sobel( blurred_img, axis=2 ) new_seg = irtk.zeros( seg.get_header() ) new_seg[seg==5] = 1 # heart seg = new_seg sat = integral_image(img) sat_grad = integral_image(grad) m = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype='uint8') m[brain_center[0], brain_center[1], brain_center[2]] = 1 narrow_band = nd.distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(m)) narrow_band[narrow_band<30] = 0 narrow_band[narrow_band>120] = 0 narrow_band[img==0] = 0 X = [] Y = [] for l in range(2): coords = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(narrow_band>0,seg==l)) if l==0: coords = coords[np.random.randint( 0, coords.shape[0], n_samples)].astype('int32') else: coords = coords[np.random.randint( 0, coords.shape[0], n_samples)].astype('int32') if l == 0: u,v,w = get_random_orientation(coords.shape[0]) else: u,v,w = get_orientation_training_jitter( brain_center, heart_center, left_lung, right_lung, coords.shape[0], brain_jitter=10, heart_jitter=5, lung_jitter=5 ) x1 = get_block_comparisons_cpp_uvw( sat, coords, w,v,u, offsets1, sizes1, offsets2, sizes2, n_jobs=10 ) x2 = get_block_comparisons_cpp_uvw( sat_grad, coords, w,v,u, offsets3, sizes3, offsets4, sizes4, n_jobs=10 ) x_grad1 = get_grad_uvw( coords.astype('int32'), offsets5.astype('int32'), gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32'), w.astype('float32'), v.astype('float32'), u.astype('float32') ) x_grad2 = get_grad_uvw( coords.astype('int32'), offsets6.astype('int32'), gradZ.astype('float32'), gradY.astype('float32'), gradX.astype('float32'), w.astype('float32'), v.astype('float32'), u.astype('float32') ) x = np.concatenate( ( x1, x2, x_grad1 > x_grad2 ), axis=1 ) #x = np.concatenate( ( x1, x2 ), axis=1 ) y = seg[coords[:,0], coords[:,1], coords[:,2]] if n < 30: X_train.extend(x) Y_train.extend(y) else: X_test.extend(x) Y_test.extend(y) print "train:",len(X_train),len(Y_train) forest = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=100, oob_score=True, n_jobs=10 )#,min_samples_leaf=10),Y_train) oob_score = forest.oob_score_ print "test:",len(X_test),len(Y_test) test_score = forest.score( X_test, Y_test) print [oob_score,test_score,o_size,d_size] return [oob_score,test_score,o_size,d_size]
output_folder=output_dir ) print "Fit box with RANSAC" center, selection = ransac_ellipses( detected_centers, detected_regions, img_resampled, ga, nb_iterations=1000, debug=args.debug) selected_centers = detected_centers[selection] selected_regions = detected_regions[selection] print "initial mask" mask = irtk.zeros(img_resampled.get_header(), dtype='uint8') # ellipse mask ellipse_mask = irtk.zeros(img_resampled.get_header(), dtype='uint8') for c,r in zip(selected_centers,selected_regions): mask[c[0],r[:,1],r[:,0]] = 1 ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(np.reshape(r, (r.shape[0],1,2) ).astype('int32')) tmp_img = np.zeros( (ellipse_mask.shape[1],ellipse_mask.shape[2]), dtype='uint8' ) cv2.ellipse( tmp_img, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0],ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]) , 1, thickness=-1) ellipse_mask[c[0]][tmp_img > 0] = 1 mask[ellipse_mask == 1] = 1
detections.append((center, region)) return detections detections = convert_input(image_regions) print detections (center, u, ofd), inliers = ransac_ellipses(detections, ga, nb_iterations=1000, model="box", return_indices=True) print "initial mask" mask = irtk.zeros(img.resample2D(NEW_SAMPLING, interpolation='nearest').get_header(), dtype='uint8') for i in inliers: (x, y, z), c = image_regions[i] mask[z, c[:, 1], c[:, 0]] = 1 mask = mask.resample2D(img.header['pixelSize'][0], interpolation='nearest') # ellipse mask ellipse_mask = irtk.zeros(img.resample2D(NEW_SAMPLING, interpolation='nearest').get_header(), dtype='uint8') for i in inliers: (x, y, z), c = image_regions[i]
import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='' ) parser.add_argument( '--seg', type=str, required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--img', type=str, required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--output', type=str, required=True ) parser.add_argument( '--narrow_band', type=int, default=5 ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action="store_true", default=False ) args = parser.parse_args() seg = irtk.imread( args.seg, dtype='int32', force_neurological=True ) img = irtk.imread( args.img, dtype='float32', force_neurological=True ).rescale(0,1000) res = irtk.zeros( seg.get_header(), dtype='uint8' ) ball = morphology.ball( args.narrow_band ) nb_labels = 5 # for i in range(1,5): # tmp_seg = (seg==i).astype('int32') # # crop # x_min,y_min,z_min,x_max,y_max,z_max = (tmp_seg).bbox() # mask = tmp_seg[max(0,z_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(seg.shape[0],z_max+2*args.narrow_band+1), # max(0,y_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(seg.shape[1],y_max+2*args.narrow_band+1), # max(0,x_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(seg.shape[2],x_max+2*args.narrow_band+1)] # tmp_img = img[max(0,z_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(img.shape[0],z_max+2*args.narrow_band+1), # max(0,y_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(img.shape[1],y_max+2*args.narrow_band+1), # max(0,x_min-2*args.narrow_band):min(img.shape[2],x_max+2*args.narrow_band+1)]
#coords2 = np.argwhere(img_downsampled>0).astype('int32') coords2 = np.argwhere(narrow_band_downsampled>0).astype('int32') coords = img.WorldToImage(img_downsampled.ImageToWorld(coords2[:,::-1]))[:,::-1].astype('int32') header = img_downsampled.get_header() else: #coords = np.argwhere(img>0).astype('int32') coords = np.argwhere(narrow_band>0).astype('int32') header = img.get_header() if args.chunk_size > len(coords)/2: args.chunk_size = len(coords)/2 if args.verbose: print "chunk size too large, setting it to", args.chunk_size header['dim'][3] = nb_labels proba = irtk.zeros(header,dtype='float32') if args.aligned: u = np.zeros((coords.shape[0],3),dtype='float32') u[:,2] = 1 # heart to brain v0 = np.zeros((coords.shape[0],3),dtype='float32') v0[:,1] = 1 # left to right # w0 = np.zeros((coords.shape[0],3),dtype='float32') # w0[:,0] = -1 # np.cross(u,v) w0 = np.cross(u,v0) args.theta = 360 elif args.random: # If the location of the brain is unknown, # we can try random orientations u,v0,w0 = get_random_orientation(coords.shape[0]) else: