Beispiel #1
class PapersBlock(StructBlock):
    see_all_offset = IntegerBlock(default=8,
                                  help_text='Show "See all" after x entries.')
    papers = ListBlock(PaperBlock)

    class Meta:
        icon = 'fa fa-file-text'
        template = 'blocks/outcomes_block.html'
Beispiel #2
class ImpactModelsBlock(StructBlock):
    description = RichTextBlock()
    rows_per_page = IntegerBlock(default=20, min_value=1, required=True)

    def get_context(self, value, parent_context=None):
        context = super(ImpactModelsBlock, self).get_context(value, parent_context=parent_context)

        bims = BaseImpactModel.objects.select_related('sector').prefetch_related('impact_model', 'impact_model_owner', 'impact_model_owner__user')
        bims = bims.filter(impact_model__public=True).distinct().order_by('name')

        # Filter und Suchfelder
        context['tableid'] = 'selectortable'
        context['searchfield'] = {'value': ''}
        sector_options = [{'value': x} for x in bims.values_list('sector__name', flat=True).distinct().order_by('sector')]
        simulation_round_options = [{'value': x} for x in bims.exclude(impact_model__simulation_round__isnull=True).values_list('impact_model__simulation_round__name', flat=True).distinct().order_by('impact_model__simulation_round')]
        context['selectors'] = [
            {'colnumber': '2', 'all_value': 'All simulation rounds', 'options': simulation_round_options, 'name': 'simulation_round'},
            {'colnumber': '3', 'all_value': 'All sectors', 'options': sector_options, 'name': 'sector'},
        # Tabelle
        context['id'] = 'selectortable'
        context['head'] = {
            'cols': [{'text': 'Model'}, {'text': 'Simulation round'}, {'text': 'Sector'}, {'text': 'Contact person'}, {'text': 'Email'}]
        rows_per_page = value.get('rows_per_page')
        numpages = math.ceil(bims.count() / rows_per_page)
        context['pagination'] = {
            'rowsperpage': (rows_per_page),
            'numberofpages': numpages,  # number of pages with current filters
            'pagenumbers': [{'number': i + 1, 'invisible': False} for i in range(numpages)],
            'activepage': 1,  # set to something between 1 and numberofpages
        context['norowvisible'] = False  # true when no row is visible

        context['body'] = {'rows': []}
        for i, bmodel in enumerate(bims):
            simulation_rounds = bmodel.impact_model.filter(public=True).values_list('simulation_round__name', flat=True)
            values = [["<a href='details/{}/'>{}</a>".format(bmodel, bmodel)], simulation_rounds, [bmodel.sector]]
            values += [["{}<br/>".format(x) for x in bmodel.impact_model_owner.all()]]
            values += [["<a href='mailto:{}'>{}</a><br/>".format(x) for x in bmodel.impact_model_owner.all()]]
            row = {
                'invisible': i >= rows_per_page,
                'cols': [{'texts': x} for x in values],
            context['body']['rows'] += [row]

        return context

    class Meta:
        icon = 'fa fa-database'
        template = 'blocks/impact_models_block.html'
Beispiel #3
class InputDataBlock(StructBlock):
    row_limit = IntegerBlock(default=10, min_value=1, max_value=30, label='Input Data Row Limit')

    def get_context(self, value, parent_context=None):
        context = super(InputDataBlock, self).get_context(value, parent_context=parent_context)

        context['head'] = {'cols': [{'text': 'Data set'}, {'text': 'Protocol relation'}, {'text': 'Data type'}, {'text': 'Simulation round'}, {'text': 'Description'}]}
        context['body'] = {'rows': []}

        inputdata = InputData.objects.all()
        row_limit = value.get('row_limit')
        numpages = math.ceil(inputdata.count() / row_limit)

        for i, idata in enumerate(inputdata):
            link = "<a href='details/{}'>{}</a>".format(idata)
            context['body']['rows'] += [{
                'cols': [
                    {'texts': [link]},
                    {'texts': [idata.get_protocol_relation_display()]},
                    {'texts': [idata.data_type]},
                    {'texts': [ for sr in idata.simulation_round.all()]},
                    {'texts': [urlize(idata.description)]}], 'invisible': i >= row_limit
        context['pagination'] = {
            'rowsperpage': row_limit,
            'numberofpages': numpages,  # number of pages with current filters
            'pagenumbers': [{'number': i + 1, 'invisible': False} for i in range(numpages)],
            'activepage': 1,  # set to something between 1 and numberofpages
        context['id'] = 'selectorable'
        context['tableid'] = 'selectorable'
        context['searchfield'] = {'value': ''}

        data_type_options = [{'value': str(x)} for x in inputdata.values_list('data_type__name', flat=True).distinct().order_by('data_type__name')]
        protocol_relation_options = [{'value': x[1]} for x in InputData.PROTOCOL_RELATION_CHOICES]
        simulation_round_options = [{'value': x} for x in inputdata.exclude(simulation_round__isnull=True).values_list('simulation_round__name', flat=True).distinct().order_by('simulation_round')]
        context['selectors'] = [
            {'colnumber': '2', 'all_value': 'All protocol relations', 'options': protocol_relation_options, 'name': 'protocol_relation'},
            {'colnumber': '3', 'all_value': 'All data types', 'options': data_type_options, 'name': 'data_type'},
            {'colnumber': '4', 'all_value': 'All simulation rounds', 'options': simulation_round_options, 'name': 'simulation_round'},
        return context

    class Meta:
        icon = 'fa fa-database'
        template = 'blocks/input_data_block.html'
Beispiel #4
class OutputDataBlock(StructBlock):
    rows_per_page = IntegerBlock(default=20, min_value=1, required=True)

    def get_context(self, value, parent_context=None):
        context = super(OutputDataBlock, self).get_context(value, parent_context=parent_context)
        context['title'] = 'Overview'

        context['head'] = {'cols': [{'text': 'Sector'}, {'text': 'Model'}, {'text': 'Simulation rounds'}, {'text': 'Experiments'},
                                    {'text': 'Climate drivers'}, {'text': 'Date'}]}
        context['body'] = {
            'rows': [],
        # The linking of the impact model should be refactored using the reverse_subpage of the page model.
        # This is not possible at the moment because of circular import issues.
        outputdata = OutputData.objects.order_by('-date', 'model__base_model__sector', 'model')
        for i, odat in enumerate(outputdata):
            drivers = [ for x in odat.drivers.all()]
            context['body']['rows'] += [{
                'invisible': i >= value.get('rows_per_page'),
                'cols': [
                    {'texts': [odat.model.base_model.sector]},
                    {'texts': ["<a href='/impactmodels/details/%s/#tab_%s'>%s</a>" % (, odat.model.simulation_round.slug, if odat.model else '']},
                    {'texts': [odat.model.simulation_round]},
                    {'texts': [odat.experiments]},
                    {'texts': drivers},
                    {'texts': []}
        numpages = math.ceil(outputdata.count() / value.get('rows_per_page'))
        context['pagination'] = {
            'rowsperpage': (value.get('rows_per_page')),
            'numberofpages': numpages,  # number of pages with current filters
            'pagenumbers': [{'number': i + 1, 'invisible': False} for i in range(numpages)],
            'activepage': 1,  # set to something between 1 and numberofpages
        context['id'] = 'selectorable'
        context['tableid'] = 'selectorable'
        context['searchfield'] = {'value': ''}
        return context

    class Meta:
        icon = 'fa fa-database'
        template = 'blocks/output_data_block.html'
Beispiel #5
class TwitterBlock(StructBlock):
    username = CharBlock(required=True)
    count = IntegerBlock(default=20)

    # help_text='You will find username and widget_id @')
    # widget_id = CharBlock(required=True)
    # tweet_limit = CharBlock(required=True, max_length=2)

    def get_context(self, value, parent_context=None):
        context = super(TwitterBlock,
                        self).get_context(value, parent_context=parent_context)
        twitte = TwitterTimeline(count=(value.get('count')))
        context['timeline'] = twitte.get_timeline(value.get('username'))
        context['username'] = value.get(
            'username')  #context['timeline'][0]['screen_name']
        return context

    class Meta:
        icon = 'fa fa-twitter'
        template = 'widgets/twitter.html'
Beispiel #6
class OutputDataBlock(StructBlock):
    rows_per_page = IntegerBlock(default=20, min_value=1, required=True)

    def get_context(self, value, parent_context=None):
        context = super(OutputDataBlock,
                        self).get_context(value, parent_context=parent_context)
        context['title'] = 'Overview'

        context['head'] = {
            'cols': [{
                'text': 'Sector'
            }, {
                'text': 'Model'
            }, {
                'text': 'Simulation Rounds'
            }, {
                'text': 'Experiments'
            }, {
                'text': 'Climate Drivers'
            }, {
                'text': 'Date'
        context['body'] = {
            'rows': [],

        outputdata = OutputData.objects.order_by('-date', 'sector', 'model')
        for i, odat in enumerate(outputdata):
            drivers = [ for x in odat.drivers.all()]
            context['body']['rows'] += [{
                i >= value.get('rows_per_page'),
                'cols': [{
                    'texts': [odat.sector]
                }, {
                    [ if odat.model else '']
                }, {
                    'texts': [ for sr in odat.simulation_round.all()]
                }, {
                    'texts': [odat.experiments]
                }, {
                    'texts': drivers
                }, {
                    'texts': []
        numpages = math.ceil(outputdata.count() / value.get('rows_per_page'))
        context['pagination'] = {
            'rowsperpage': (value.get('rows_per_page')),
            numpages,  # number of pages with current filters
            'pagenumbers': [{
                'number': i + 1,
                'invisible': False
            } for i in range(numpages)],
            1,  # set to something between 1 and numberofpages
        context['id'] = 'selectorable'
        context['tableid'] = 'selectorable'
        context['searchfield'] = {'value': ''}
        return context

    class Meta:
        icon = 'fa fa-database'
        template = 'blocks/output_data_block.html'
Beispiel #7
class InputDataBlock(StructBlock):
    row_limit = IntegerBlock(default=10,
                             label='Input Data Row Limit')

    def get_context(self, value, parent_context=None):
        context = super(InputDataBlock,
                        self).get_context(value, parent_context=parent_context)

        context['head'] = {
            'cols': [{
                'text': 'Data Set'
            }, {
                'text': 'Data Type'
            }, {
                'text': 'Simulation round'
            }, {
                'text': 'Description'
        context['body'] = {'rows': []}

        inputdata = InputData.objects.all()
        row_limit = value.get('row_limit')
        numpages = math.ceil(inputdata.count() / row_limit)

        for i, idata in enumerate(inputdata):
            link = "<a href='details/{}'>{}</a>".format(idata)
            context['body']['rows'] += [{
                'cols': [{
                    'texts': [link]
                }, {
                    'texts': [idata.data_type]
                }, {
                    'texts': [ for sr in idata.simulation_round.all()]
                }, {
                    'texts': [urlize(idata.description)]
                i >= row_limit
        context['pagination'] = {
            numpages,  # number of pages with current filters
            'pagenumbers': [{
                'number': i + 1,
                'invisible': False
            } for i in range(numpages)],
            1,  # set to something between 1 and numberofpages
        context['id'] = 'selectorable'
        context['tableid'] = 'selectorable'
        context['searchfield'] = {'value': ''}
        return context

    class Meta:
        icon = 'fa fa-database'
        template = 'blocks/input_data_block.html'