Beispiel #1
def apply_dephasing(number_of_spins, alpha, B):
    takes number of spins, alpha, and the magnetic field and returns the
    FM hamiltonian along with its ground state and the dephased ground state
    calc = ising_calculator_FM(number_of_spins, alpha, B)
    H = calc.get_H()
    energy,groundstate = H.groundstate()
    dm_groundstate = ket2dm(groundstate)
    dephased = do_dephasing_dm(dm_groundstate, number_of_spins)
    return H, dm_groundstate, dephased
def calculate_and_save():
    quant = state_quantifier(number_of_spins)
    ground_states = []
    for i,B in enumerate(B_list):
        print i
        calc = ising_calculator_FM(number_of_spins, alpha, B)
        H = calc.get_H()
        energy,groundstate = H.groundstate()
    sx,sy,sz = quant.get_reduced_dms(ground_states, spin = 0)'magnetization_array_one_spin_{}'.format(number_of_spins), (B_list,sx,sy,sz))
Beispiel #3
def calculate_and_save():
    magnetization_array = np.empty_like(B_list)
    quant = state_quantifier(number_of_spins)
    for i,B in enumerate(B_list):
        print i
        calc = ising_calculator_FM(number_of_spins, alpha, B)
        H = calc.get_H()
        energy,groundstate = H.groundstate()
        m = quant.absolute_magnetization_x(groundstate)
        magnetization_array[i] = m'magnetization_array_{}'.format(number_of_spins), magnetization_array)
def calculate_and_save():
    quant = state_quantifier(number_of_spins)
    ground_states = []
    for i, B in enumerate(B_list):
        print i
        calc = ising_calculator_FM(number_of_spins, alpha, B)
        H = calc.get_H()
        energy, groundstate = H.groundstate()
    sx, sy, sz = quant.get_reduced_dms(ground_states, spin=0)'magnetization_array_one_spin_{}'.format(number_of_spins),
            (B_list, sx, sy, sz))
Beispiel #5
def apply_dephasing(number_of_spins, alpha, B,fm_str = 'AFM',kT = 0.0):
    takes number of spins, alpha, and the magnetic field and returns the
    hamiltonian along with its ground state and the dephased ground state
    choose fm_str = 'FM' for ferromagnetic interaction, and 'AFM' for anti-ferromagnetic 
    if fm_str == 'FM':
        calc = ising_calculator_FM(number_of_spins, alpha, B)
    elif fm_str == 'AFM':
        calc = ising_calculator_AFM(number_of_spins, alpha, B)
    H = calc.get_H()
    if kT == 0.0:
        energy,groundstate = H.groundstate()
        dm_groundstate = ket2dm(groundstate)
        Hdata =
        arr_mp = mp.matrix(-Hdata /kT)
        exp_mp = mp.expm(arr_mp)
        trace = np.array(exp_mp.tolist()).trace()
        normalized_mp = exp_mp / trace
        normalized_np = np.array(normalized_mp.tolist(), dtype = np.complex)
        dm_groundstate = Qobj(normalized_np, dims = 2 * [number_of_spins*[2]])
    dephased = do_dephasing_dm(dm_groundstate, number_of_spins)
    return H, dm_groundstate, dephased
#constructing a list of operators sx_list and sy_list where
#the operator sx_list[i] applies sigma_x on the ith particle and 
#identity to the rest
sx_list = []
sy_list = []
for n in range(N):
    op_list = []
    for m in range(N):
    op_list[n] = sx
    op_list[n] = sy

calc = ising_calculator_FM(number_of_spins, alpha, B)
H = calc.get_H() 
# energy,state = H.groundstate()
# print 'groundstate energy', energy
# print 'groundstate expectation', expect(sx_list[0], state)
# print 'groundstate expectation', expect(sx_list[1], state)
# print 'groundstate expectation', expect(sx_list[2], state)
# print state[0:10]
# print state.dag() * H * state
# print expect(H, state)
# print state[0:10]
# print state.norm()
# print expect(sx_list[3] , state)

energies, states = H.eigenstates()
print energies[0:2]