Beispiel #1
def get_Lw(rho, z, z0=None, Nz=400, mode=1, omega=2 * np.pi / (12.42 * 3600)):
    A function to calculate the wavelength of a specific vertical mode for a specific frequency given stratification conditions.

    z0 is the final depth. Will interpolate there if necessary.


    if z0 is None:
        z0 = max(z)

    Z = -np.linspace(0, 1, Nz) * z0

    dZ = np.abs(Z[1] - Z[0])

    # Interpolate the density profile onto all points
    Fi = interp1d(z, rho, axis=0, fill_value='extrapolate')
    rhoZ = Fi(Z)

    drho_dz = grad_z(rhoZ, Z, axis=0)
    N2 = -GRAV * drho_dz / RHO0

    phi, c = isw.iwave_modes(N2, dZ)

    phi_n = phi[:, mode]
    c_n = c[mode]

    k = omega / c_n

    Lw = 2 * np.pi / k

    return Lw
Beispiel #2
def solve_tg(N2, U, Uzz, dz):
    Use the scipy integration function (Uses Newton method)
    nx = N2.shape[0]
    x = np.linspace(0, nx*dz, nx)
    #B = (c - U)**2.
    Fn = interp1d(x, N2, kind=2)
    Fu = interp1d(x, U, kind=2)
    Fuzz = interp1d(x, Uzz, kind=2)
    def fun(x, y, p):
        uc2 = (Fu(x) - p[0])**2
        #A = Fuzz(x)/(Fu(x) - p[0]) - Fn(x)/uc2
        A = -Fn(x)/uc2
        return np.vstack([y[1],  A * y[0] ])

    def bc(ya, yb, p):
        # BC: y(0) = y(H) = 0 and y'(0) = 0 
        #return np.array([ ya[0], yb[0], ya[1] ])
        # BC: y(0) = y(H) = 0
        return np.array([ ya[0], yb[0], yb[1] ])

    y = np.zeros((2,x.size))

    # Find the initial phase speed without shear
    mode = 0
    phi, cn = iwave_modes(N2, dz)

    y[0,:] = phi[mode,:]

    res_a = solve_bvp(fun, bc, x, y, p=[cn[mode]], tol=1e-10)

    return res_a.sol(x)[0,:]
Beispiel #3
def tgsolve(z, U, N2, mode):
    Taylor-Goldstein equation solver
    status = 0

    dz = np.abs(z[1] - z[0])  # Assume constant spacing

    # Guess the initial conditions from the shear-free solution
    phin, cn = iwave_modes(N2, dz)
    cguess = cn[mode]
    phi_2_guess = 1.05

    # Compute the second derivative
    Uz = np.gradient(U, dz)
    Uzz = np.gradient(Uz, dz)

    # Functions mapping the velocity and N^2 profile to any height
    # (Use interpolation here although we could ascribe an analytic expression)
    Fn = interp1d(z, N2, kind=2, fill_value='extrapolate')
    Fu = interp1d(z, U, kind=2, fill_value='extrapolate')
    Fuzz = interp1d(z, Uzz, kind=2, fill_value='extrapolate')

    ## Optimization step
    phi_2_guess = -0.15
    #soln = least_squares(objective2, [phi_2_guess, cguess], xtol=1e-12,gtol=1e-9,\
    #    #bounds=((-2.2,cguess-cguess*0.25), (2.2, cguess+cguess*0.25)),\
    #    args=(Fn,Fu,Fuzz,z), verbose=0,
    #    diff_step=1e-4,\
    #    method='dogbox')

    soln = root(objective2, [phi_2_guess, cguess], args=(Fn,Fu,Fuzz, z),\
       method='krylov', tol=1e-8)
    #method='hybr', tol=1e-8)

    # Go back and get the optimal profile using the solution
    phi_2, cn = soln['x']
    phiall = odeint(odefun2, [0, phi_2], z, args=(cn, Fn, Fu, Fuzz))
    phi = phiall[:, 0]

    # Normalize the profile
    idx = np.where(np.abs(phi) == np.abs(phi).max())[0][0]
    phi /= phi[idx]

    #print phi[0], phi[-1]
    if np.abs(phi[-1]) > 1e-6:
        print('Warning: Convergence Issue with TG-solver')
        status = -1

    return phi, cn, status
Beispiel #4
    def calc_vkdv_params(self, Nz, Nx):
        # Initialise arrays
        Phi = np.zeros((Nz, Nx))
        Cn = np.zeros((Nx, ))
        Alpha = np.zeros((Nx, ))
        Beta = np.zeros((Nx, ))
        Q = np.zeros((Nx, ))
        r20 = np.zeros((Nx, ))

        # Loop through and compute the eigenfunctions etc at each point
        if self.verbose:
            print('Calculating eigenfunctions...')
        phi0, cn0 = isw.iwave_modes(self.N2[:, 0], self.dZ[0])
        phi0 = phi0[:, self.mode]
        phi0 = phi0 / np.abs(phi0).max()
        phi0 *= np.sign(phi0.sum())

        print_n = self.Nsubset * (Nx // self.Nsubset) // (100 /

        for ii in range(0, Nx, self.Nsubset):

            if (ii % (print_n) == 0) and self.verbose:
                print('%3.1f %% complete...' %
                      (self.print_freq * ii / print_n))

            #phi, cn = iwave_modes_sparse(N2[:,ii], dZ[ii], h[ii])
            #phi, cn = isw.iwave_modes(self.N2[:,ii], self.dZ[ii], h[ii])
            phi, cn = isw.iwave_modes(self.N2[:, ii], self.dZ[ii])

            # Extract the mode of interest
            phi_1 = phi[:, self.mode]
            c1 = cn[self.mode]

            # Normalize so the max(phi)=1
            phi_1 = phi_1 / np.abs(phi_1).max()
            phi_1 *= np.sign(phi_1.sum())

            # Work out if we need to flip the sign (only really matters for higher modes)
            dphi0 = phi0[1] - phi0[0]
            dphi1 = phi_1[1] - phi_1[0]
            if np.sign(dphi1) != np.sign(dphi0):
                phi_1 *= -1

            Cn[ii] = c1
            Phi[:, ii] = phi_1

            if self.ekdv:
                # Compute cubic nonlinearity on the subsetted grid then interpolate
                r20[ii] = isw.calc_r20(phi_1, c1, self.N2[:, ii], self.dZ[ii])

        # Interpolate all of the variables back onto the regular grid
        x = self.x
        idx = list(range(0, Nx, self.Nsubset))
        interpm = 'cubic'
        F = interp1d(x[idx], Cn[idx], kind=interpm, fill_value='extrapolate')
        Cn = F(x)

        F = interp1d(x[idx],
                     Phi[:, idx],
        Phi = F(x)

        if self.ekdv:
            F = interp1d(x[idx],
            r20 = F(x)

        for ii in range(self.Nx):
            phi_1 = Phi[:, ii]
            c1 = Cn[ii]
            Alpha[ii] = calc_alpha(phi_1, c1, self.dZ[ii])
            Beta[ii] = calc_beta(phi_1, c1, self.dZ[ii])
            #Q[ii] = calc_Qamp(phi_1, c1, self.dZ[ii])
            Q[ii] = calc_Qamp_H97(phi_1, Phi[:,0],\
                c1, Cn[0], self.dZ[ii], self.dZ[0])

        return Phi, Cn, Alpha, Beta, Q, r20
Beispiel #5
def calc_nliw_params(infile, zmin, dz, mode=0, samples=500):

    h5file = "%s_beta-samples-array-all-data.h5" % infile
    csvfile = "%s.csv" % infile

    nparams = 6

    # Load the data
    data = load_density_h5(h5file, samples)

    # Load the input data from the csv file (this is currently not saved by the stan/r output)
    rho = read_density_csv(csvfile)
    time = rho.time.values

    nparam, nt, ntrace = data[:].shape

    zout = np.arange(0, zmin, -dz)

    # Calculate c and alpha
    #samples = ntrace
    alpha_ens = np.zeros((nt, samples))
    c_ens = np.zeros((nt, samples))

    rand_loc = np.random.randint(0, samples, samples)

    for tstep in tqdm(range(0, nt)):
        #if (tstep%20==0):
        #    print('%d of %d...'%(tstep,nt))
        for ii in range(samples):

            #elif nparams == 6:
            rhotmp = double_tanh(data[:, tstep, rand_loc[ii]], zout)

            N2 = -9.81 / 1000 * np.gradient(rhotmp, -dz)

            phi, cn = isw.iwave_modes(N2, dz)

            phi_1 = phi[:, mode]
            phi_1 = phi_1 / np.abs(phi_1).max()
            phi_1 *= np.sign(phi_1.sum())

            alpha = isw.calc_alpha(phi_1, cn[mode], N2, dz)

            alpha_ens[tstep, ii] = alpha
            c_ens[tstep, ii] = cn[mode]
            #mykdv = kdv.KdV(rhotmp,zout)

    # Export to an xarray data set
    # Create an xray dataset with the output
    dims2 = (
    dims3 = ('params', 'time', 'ensemble')

    #time = rho.time.values
    #time = range(nt)
    coords2 = {'time': time, 'ensemble': range(samples)}
    coords3 = {
        'time': time,
        'ensemble': range(samples),
        'params': range(nparams)

    cn_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    alpha_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    beta_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    dsout = xr.Dataset({
        'cn': cn_da,
        'alpha': alpha_da,
        'beta': beta_da,
        'rho': rho

    return dsout
def calc_nliw_params(h5file, depthtxt, dz, mode=0, samples=None):

    # Lload the data
    data, time, rho, depth, rho_std, z_std, rho_mu = load_density_h5(h5file)
    nparams, nt, ntrace = data[:].shape

    # Calculate c and alpha
    if samples is None:
        samples = ntrace

    alpha_ens = np.zeros((nt, samples))
    c_ens = np.zeros((nt, samples))
    alpha_mu_ens = np.zeros((nt, samples))
    c_mu_ens = np.zeros((nt, samples))

    # Depth file paramaters
    x = depthtxt[:, 0]
    zmins = -depthtxt[:, 1]
    L = x[-1]
    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    nx = x.shape[0]

    rand_loc = np.random.randint(0, ntrace, samples)
    beta_out = np.zeros((nparams, nt, samples))

    for tstep in tqdm(range(0, nt)):
        #if (tstep%20==0):
        #    print('%d of %d...'%(tstep,nt))

        print(tstep, nt, nx)
        for ii in tqdm(range(samples)):

            alpha_mu = 0
            cn_mu = 0
            for kk in range(nx):
                zmin = zmins[kk]
                zout = np.arange(0, zmin, -dz)

                if nparams == 4:
                    rhotmp = single_tanh(data[:, tstep, rand_loc[ii]],
                                         zout / z_std)
                elif nparams == 6:
                    rhotmp = double_tanh(data[:, tstep, rand_loc[ii]],
                                         zout / z_std)
                elif nparams == 7:
                    rhotmp = double_tanh_7(data[:, tstep, rand_loc[ii]],
                                           zout / z_std)

                beta_out[:, tstep, ii] = data[:, tstep, rand_loc[ii]]

                # Need to scale rho

                rhotmp = rhotmp * rho_std + rho_mu

                N2 = -9.81 / 1000 * np.gradient(rhotmp, -dz)

                phi, cn = isw.iwave_modes(N2, dz)

                phi_1 = phi[:, mode]
                phi_1 = phi_1 / np.abs(phi_1).max()
                phi_1 *= np.sign(phi_1.sum())

                alpha = isw.calc_alpha(phi_1, cn[mode], N2, dz)

                alpha_mu += alpha * dx
                cn_mu += cn[mode] * dx

                # Always leave the last value as alpha and cn
                alpha_ens[tstep, ii] = alpha
                c_ens[tstep, ii] = cn[mode]

            alpha_mu_ens[tstep, ii] = alpha_mu / L
            c_mu_ens[tstep, ii] = cn_mu / L

            #mykdv = kdv.KdV(rhotmp,zout)

    # Export to an xarray data set
    # Create an xray dataset with the output
    dims2 = (
    #dims2a = ('time','depth',)
    dims3 = ('params', 'time', 'ensemble')

    #time = rho.time.values
    #time = range(nt)
    coords2 = {'time': time, 'ensemble': range(samples)}
    #coords2a = {'time':time, 'depth':depth[:,0]}
    coords3 = {
        'time': time,
        'ensemble': range(samples),
        'params': range(nparams)

    #rho = xr.DataArray(rho.T,
    #    coords=coords2a,
    #    dims=dims2a,
    #    attrs={'long_name':'', 'units':''},
    #    )

    cn_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    alpha_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    cn_mu_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    alpha_mu_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    beta_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    dsout = xr.Dataset({'cn':cn_da, 'alpha':alpha_da, 'beta':beta_da,\
        'cn_mu':cn_mu_da, 'alpha_mu':alpha_mu_da,})

    return dsout
Beispiel #7
def calc_nliw_params(h5file, zmin, dz, mode=0):

    # Lload the data
    #data,time, rho, depth, rho_std, z_std, rho_mu = load_density_h5(h5file)
    data, time, rho_std, z_std, rho_mu = load_density_h5(h5file)
    nparams, nt, ntrace = data[:].shape

    zout = np.arange(0, zmin, -dz)

    # Calculate c and alpha
    samples = ntrace
    alpha_ens = np.zeros((nt, samples))
    c_ens = np.zeros((nt, samples))

    rand_loc = np.random.randint(0, ntrace, samples)

    for tstep in tqdm(range(0, nt)):
        #if (tstep%20==0):
        #    print('%d of %d...'%(tstep,nt))
        for ii in range(samples):

            if nparams == 4:
                rhotmp = single_tanh(data[:, tstep, rand_loc[ii]],
                                     zout / z_std)
            elif nparams == 6:
                rhotmp = double_tanh(data[:, tstep, rand_loc[ii]],
                                     zout / z_std)
            elif nparams == 7:
                rhotmp = double_tanh_7(data[:, tstep, rand_loc[ii]],
                                       zout / z_std)

            # Need to scale rho

            rhotmp = rhotmp * rho_std + rho_mu

            N2 = -9.81 / 1000 * np.gradient(rhotmp, -dz)

            phi, cn = isw.iwave_modes(N2, dz)

            phi_1 = phi[:, mode]
            phi_1 = phi_1 / np.abs(phi_1).max()
            phi_1 *= np.sign(phi_1.sum())

            alpha = isw.calc_alpha(phi_1, cn[mode], N2, dz)

            alpha_ens[tstep, ii] = alpha
            c_ens[tstep, ii] = cn[mode]
            #mykdv = kdv.KdV(rhotmp,zout)

    # Export to an xarray data set
    # Create an xray dataset with the output
    dims2 = (
    #dims2a = ('time','depth',)
    dims3 = ('params', 'time', 'ensemble')

    #time = rho.time.values
    #time = range(nt)
    coords2 = {'time': time, 'ensemble': range(ntrace)}
    #coords2a = {'time':time, 'depth':depth[:,0]}
    coords3 = {
        'time': time,
        'ensemble': range(ntrace),
        'params': range(nparams)

    #rho = xr.DataArray(rho.T,
    #    coords=coords2a,
    #    dims=dims2a,
    #    attrs={'long_name':'', 'units':''},
    #    )

    cn_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    alpha_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    beta_da = xr.DataArray(
            'long_name': '',
            'units': ''

    dsout = xr.Dataset({
        'cn': cn_da,
        'alpha': alpha_da,
        'beta': beta_da,

    return dsout
Beispiel #8
Fuzz = interp1d(z, Uzz, kind=2, fill_value='extrapolate')
def odefun2(phi, y, c):

    phi1, phi2 = phi
    dphi1 = phi2
    uc2 = (c - Fu(y))**2
    #A = Fuzz(x)/(Fu(x) - p[0]) - Fn(x)/uc2
    dphi2 = -Fn(y)/uc2 * phi1

    return [dphi1, dphi2]

# Guess initial conditions
phi_1 = 0.
mode = 0
phin, cn = iwave_modes(N2, dz)

cguess = cn[mode]
#soln = odeint(odefun, [phi_1, phi_2], z, args=(1.59,))

def objective(args):
    u2_0, cn = args
    dspan = np.linspace(0, d)
    U = odeint(odefun2, [phi_1, u2_0], dspan, args=(cn,))
    u1 = U[:,0]
    u2 = U[:,1]
    # Ensure the top bc is zero
    return u1[-1]#, u2[-1]

soln = least_squares(objective, [1.05, cguess], xtol=1e-12, \