Beispiel #1
def test_reporter_file(tmp_path):
    r = Reporter()

    # Path to a temporary file
    p = tmp_path / 'foo.txt'

    # File can be added to the Reporter before it is created, because the file
    # is not read until/unless required
    k1 = r.add_file(p)

    # File has the expected key
    assert k1 == 'file:foo.txt'

    # Add some contents to the file
    p.write_text('Hello, world!')

    # The file's contents can be read through the Reporter
    assert r.get('file:foo.txt') == 'Hello, world!'

    # Write the report to file
    p2 = tmp_path / 'bar.txt'
    r.write('file:foo.txt', p2)

    # The Reporter produces the expected output file
    assert p2.read_text() == 'Hello, world!'
Beispiel #2
def test_file_formats(test_data_path, tmp_path):
    r = Reporter()

    expected = as_quantity(pd.read_csv(test_data_path / 'report-input0.csv',
                                       index_col=['i', 'j'])['value'],

    # CSV file is automatically parsed to xr.DataArray
    p1 = test_data_path / 'report-input0.csv'
    k = r.add_file(p1, units=pint.Unit('km'))
    assert_qty_equal(r.get(k), expected)

    # Dimensions can be specified
    p2 = test_data_path / 'report-input1.csv'
    k2 = r.add_file(p2, dims=dict(i='i', j_dim='j'))
    assert_qty_equal(r.get(k), r.get(k2))

    # Units are loaded from a column
    assert r.get(k2).attrs['_unit'] == pint.Unit('km')

    # Specifying units that do not match file contents → ComputationError
    r.add_file(p2, key='bad', dims=dict(i='i', j_dim='j'), units='kg')
    with pytest.raises(ComputationError):

    # Write to CSV
    p3 = tmp_path / 'report-output.csv'
    r.write(k, p3)

    # Output is identical to input file, except for order
    assert (sorted(p1.read_text().split('\n')) == sorted(

    # Write to Excel
    p4 = tmp_path / 'report-output.xlsx'
    r.write(k, p4)
Beispiel #3
def test_reporting_file_formats(test_data_path, tmp_path):
    r = Reporter()

    expected = xr.DataArray.from_series(
        pd.read_csv(test_data_path / 'report-input.csv',
                    index_col=['i', 'j'])['value'])

    # CSV file is automatically parsed to xr.DataArray
    p1 = test_data_path / 'report-input.csv'
    k = r.add_file(p1)
    assert_xr_equal(r.get(k), expected)

    # Write to CSV
    p2 = tmp_path / 'report-output.csv'
    r.write(k, p2)

    # Output is identical to input file, except for order
    assert (sorted(p1.read_text().split('\n')) == sorted(

    # Write to Excel
    p3 = tmp_path / 'report-output.xlsx'
    r.write(k, p3)