def enterprise_record_raw_1_function(conn, start, end): ''' 规则:看字段转换表内内容 把enterprise_record_raw记录转换转入自己表中的其他字段(轻度数据提取) ''' tableName = 'enterprise_record_raw_1' cursor = conn.cursor() cursor2 = conn.cursor() qSql = "select id, eid, enterprise_name, content from " + tableName + ' where id >='+str(start)+' and id <='+str(end) cursor.execute(qSql) print "start extract data in "+str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) count = 0 while 1: record = cursor.fetchone() if not record or record[0]>end: continue count += 1 id = record[0] eid = record[1] content = record[3].strip() # print id # print eid clist = content.split('r_obj = t_obj.add_record(true);\n') print '企业名称:'+ record[2]+', eid:'+str(eid)+', id:'+str(id) tmp = clist[0].split(':') publisher = tmp[0].split(',')[-1].strip() print publisher try: category = tmp[1].split(',')[0].strip() print category except: continue if len(clist)<2: recs = clist[0] else: recs = ''.join(clist[1].split(', false);')) tmp = recs.split('\n') for i in range(len(tmp)): tt = tmp[i].split(',') del tt[0] tmp[i] = ''.join(tt) records = ';'.join(tmp) records = jTool.clearX(['(', ')', 'true'], records).strip() print records print '*'*30 tmpDic = {} tmpDic['publisher'] = publisher tmpDic['category'] = category tmpDic['records'] = records where = ' where id = '+str(id) jTool.updateData(cursor2, where, tableName, tmpDic) tmpDic = {} conn.commit() print "complete extract "+str(count)+" records in "+str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) cursor2.close() cursor.close() conn.close() return True
def mainLoop(start, end): proxyList = jTool.getProxy('proxy.txt') pcount = len(proxyList)-1 head = ['Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Charset:GBK,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3', 'Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate,sdch', 'Accept-Language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.8', 'Cache-Control:max-age=0', 'Connection:keep-alive', 'Cookie:ASP.NET_SessionId=t3isah45gu5kb4454qyxkhzy; lzstat_uv=6061202253430616218|2529639; lzstat_ss=953382219_1_1373621147_2529639; _gscu_374314293=7359234405sddy11; _gscs_374314293=73592344d74zfy11|pv:3; _gscbrs_374314293=1; ECStaticSession=ECS81', '', 'Pragma:no-cache', 'Cookie:_gscu_374314293=73631708ff8h1y17; lzstat_uv=106813037832225946|2529639; ECStaticSession=ECS80; ASP.NET_SessionId=5dhxxl45gr4d0aexnf1uiu55; _gscbrs_374314293=1; lzstat_ss=815622537_1_1374448570_2529639; _gscs_374314293=t74419759zee6a318|pv:2', 'Origin:', 'Referer:', 'User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36' ] conn = jTool.initCursor('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'rawData') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor2 = conn.cursor() while start<=end: sql = 'select * from base_page_list where id = '+str(start)+' and status = 0 limit 1' cursor.execute(sql) record = cursor.fetchone() if not record and start<=end: start += 1 continue corpName = record[1] rowID = record[3] print corpName+', '+str(start) rt = None count = 1 while not rt and count<=2: # print count proxy = str(proxyList[random.randint(0, pcount)]).strip() # print proxy rt = getPageField(conn, proxy, head, str(start), rowID, corpName) # print rt count += 1 if rt: print 'id'+str(start)+' ok' jTool.updateData(cursor2, ' where id = '+str(start)+' ', 'base_page_list', {'status': '1'}) continue start += 1 conn.commit() cursor.close() cursor2.close() conn.close()
def crawlGetUrl(conn, param, proxy): ''' 以get方式获得企业基本信息并添加到enterprise_raw表 ''' cursor = conn.cursor() cursor2 = conn.cursor() cursor4 = conn.cursor() recordExists = jTool.notExsitsRecord(cursor4, 'enterprise_raw', 'eid', param['id']) cursor4.close() if recordExists: # print param['ename']+'基本信息已存在,eid'+str(param['eid']) jTool.updateData(cursor, ' where id = '+str(param['iid'])+' limit 1', 'item_url_task', {'status': '1'}) cursor.close() conn.commit() return {'logic': True, 'rtData': recordExists} if not recordExists: # print 'get url:'+param['url']+', '+param['ename'].strip()+',id:'+param['id']+', proxy:'+proxy content = jTool.getContentByProxy(proxy, param['url']) if not content: print '获取基本信息页面内容为空或失败' return {'logic': False, 'rtData': {'type': 'getPageError', 'postPage': ' '}} recEntBaseDic = None if content: try: recEntBaseDic = getEntBase(content) except Exception, e: print '解析企业基本信息页面失败', __name__, e return {'logic': False, 'rtData': {'type': 'parsePageBaseError', 'postPage': ' '}} if not recEntBaseDic: return {'logic': False, 'rtData': {'type': 'parsePageBaseError', 'postPage': ' '}} recEntBaseDic['url'] = param['url'] recEntBaseDic['eid'] = param['id'] recEntBaseDic['postContent'] = ' ' recEntBaseDic['enterprise_name'] = param['ename'].strip('') recEntBaseDic['ctime'] = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) insertId = None try: jTool.insertData(cursor2, 'enterprise_raw', recEntBaseDic) insertId = conn.insert_id() conn.commit() print str(param['id'])+' Insert enterprise baseinfo successfully in ' + str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) jTool.updateData(cursor, ' where id = '+str(param['iid'])+' limit 1', 'item_url_task', {'status': '1'}) return {'logic': True, 'rtData': insertId} except Exception, e: print 'Fail to insert baseinfo record '+ ', id is '+str(param['id'])+', proxy:'+proxy, __name__, e print recEntBaseDic return {'logic': False, 'rtData': {'type': 'insertPageError', 'postPage': ' '}}
# postContent =cursor.fetchone() # cursor.close() # try: # if len(postContent[0])>10: ## print '企业细节记录已存在,跳过' # return {'logic': True} # except: # pass # print 'post url:'+str(param['basePostUrlip'])+', '+param['ename'].strip()+',id:'+param['id']+', proxy:'+proxy try: contentRecord = jTool.getContentByProxy(proxy, str(param['basePostUrlip']), post_data_dic) except Exception, e: print '页面未包含详细记录或获取失败', __name__, e return {'logic': False, 'rtData': {'type': 'postContentError', 'postContent': ' '}} try: contentRecord = cutContent(contentRecord) print ' Get post content OK' if len(contentRecord)>10: jTool.updateData(cursor1, ' where id = '+str(param['iid']), 'enterprise_raw', {'status': '2','postContent': str(contentRecord).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')}) conn.commit() cursor1.close() print ' Save postContent OK' return {'logic': True} else: print 'POST得到页面非企业详细记录页面' return {'logic': False, 'rtData': {'type': 'parsepostContentError', 'postContent': contentRecord}} except Exception, e: print '获取页面详细记录失败', __name__, e return {'logic': False, 'rtData': {'type': 'parsepostContentError', 'postContent': contentRecord}}
def crawlUrl(conn, param, proxy): ''' 访问url并获得企业基本信息和信用记录并入库 ''' cursor2 = conn.cursor() cursor4 = conn.cursor() cursor5 = conn.cursor() cursor6 = conn.cursor() recordExists = jTool.notExsitsRecord(cursor4, 'enterprise_raw', 'eid', param['id']) cursor4.close() if recordExists: print '企业'+param['ename']+'基本信息已存在,直接尝试获取记录信息 \npage url:'+param['url'] if not recordExists: print 'get url:'+param['url']+', '+param['ename'].strip()+',id:'+param['id'] content = jTool.getContentByProxy(proxy, param['url']) # jTool.logit(str(content), 'errorPage.txt') if not content: print '获取基本信息页面内容为空或失败' jTool.logError('\nGet page content fail, method:get, ename:'+param['ename']+',id:'+param['id']+',url:'+ param['url']) return False recEntBaseDic = None if content: try: recEntBaseDic = getEntBase(content) except: print '解析企业基本信息页面失败' jTool.logError('\nParse page content fail, method:get, ename:'+param['ename']+',id:'+param['id']+',url:'+ param['url']) return False if not recEntBaseDic: return False recEntBaseDic['url'] = param['url'] recEntBaseDic['eid'] = param['id'] recEntBaseDic['postContent'] = ' ' recEntBaseDic['enterprise_name'] = param['ename'].strip('') recEntBaseDic['ctime'] = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) try: jTool.insertData(cursor2, 'enterprise_raw', recEntBaseDic) conn.commit() print ' Insert enterprise baseinfo successfully in ' + str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) except: print 'Fail to insert record '+ ', id is '+str(param['id']) jTool.logError('Fail to insert record on '+ 'url is '+param['url']+', id is '+str(id)) return False dataSupplier = "法院记录/工商记录/国税记录/质监记录/经信记录/安监记录/统计记录/环保记录/民政记录/司法记录/劳动记录/建设记录/国土记录/交通记录/发改记录/信息产业/科技记录/农业记录/林业记录/海洋渔业/物价记录/食品药品/文化记录/出版记录/广电记录/公安记录/外贸记录/外汇记录/海关记录/检验检疫/人防记录/证监记录/银监记录/保监记录/金融记录/其他记录/行业协会/机构评级/社会中介/阿里巴巴/企业自报/投诉记录/异议记录" post_data_dic = {'corpName': param['ename'], 'creditID': param['id'], 'dataSupplier': dataSupplier, 'isAllInfo': 'False', 'organizeCode': '', 'returnFunction': 'parent.putDatasAndLoad'} recEntDetailDic = {} recEntDetailDic['url'] = param['url'] recEntDetailDic['eid'] = param['id'] recEntDetailDic['enterprise_name'] = param['ename'].strip() recEntDetailDic['records'] = ' ' recEntDetailDic['ctime'] = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) contentRecord = None jTool.getField(cursor6, 'enterprise_raw', 'postContent', ' where eid = '+str(param['id'])) postContent =cursor6.fetchone() cursor6.close() if len(postContent[0])>10: print '企业细节记录已存在,跳过' return True print 'post url:'+str(param['basePostUrlip'])+', '+param['ename'].strip()+',id:'+param['id'] try: contentRecord = jTool.getContentByProxy(proxy, str(param['basePostUrlip']), post_data_dic) except: print '页面未包含详细记录或获取失败' jTool.logError('\nPost get None, ename:'+param['ename'].strip()+',id:'+param['id']+',url:'+ param['url']) return True try: contentRecord = cutContent(contentRecord) print 'Get post content OK' jTool.logit(str(contentRecord), 'errorContent.log') if contentRecord: jTool.updateData(cursor5, ' where eid = '+param['id'], 'enterprise_raw', {'postContent': str(contentRecord).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')}) cursor5.close() else: print 'POST得到页面非企业详细记录页面' jTool.logError('\nPage content error, method:post, ename:'+param['ename']+', id:'+param['id']+',url:'+ param['url']+', proxy:'+proxy) return True except: print '解析页面详细记录失败' jTool.logError('\nParse page content fail, method:post, ename:'+param['ename']+', id:'+param['id']+',url:'+ param['url']+', proxy:'+proxy) return False print 'Fetch and insert successfully in ' + str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) return True