def __init__(self, port, request_handler):
     Initialize and start an HTTP server.
     Uses a native HTTP server implementation, in this case
     @param port:            The port on which the server should listen.
     @type port:             int
     @param request_handler: The request handler class from our generic code.
     @type request_handler:  Any class with a 'handle()' method that can take a
                             RestxHttpRequest. In our case, this is normally the
                             RequestDispatcher class.
     self.request_handler = request_handler
     self.__native_server = HttpServer.create(InetSocketAddress(port), 5)
     self.__native_server.createContext(settings.DOCUMENT_ROOT if settings.DOCUMENT_ROOT != "" else "/", __HttpHandler(request_handler))
     log("Listening for HTTP requests on port %d..." % port)
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, port, request_handler):
     Initialize and start an HTTP server.
     Uses a native HTTP server implementation, in this case
     @param port:            The port on which the server should listen.
     @type port:             int
     @param request_handler: The request handler class from our generic code.
     @type request_handler:  Any class with a 'handle()' method that can take a
                             RestxHttpRequest. In our case, this is normally the
                             RequestDispatcher class.
     self.request_handler = request_handler
     self.__native_server = HttpServer.create(InetSocketAddress(port), 5)
         settings.DOCUMENT_ROOT if settings.DOCUMENT_ROOT != "" else "/",
     log("Listening for HTTP requests on port %d..." % port)
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.changeUpdate = AsyncEventBus("HighLight", Executors.newCachedThreadPool())
Beispiel #4
# Sets the maximum number of jobs queued for parallel execution before
# starting linear execution of new jobs
if System.getProperty("sython.linear_limit") is None:
    if TRACE:
        SF_LINEAR_LIMIT   = 1024
        SF_LINEAR_LIMIT   = 1024*1024
    SF_LINEAR_LIMIT = int(System.getProperty("sython.linear_limit"))

# Maximum recursion depth of stealing
SF_MAX_STEAL          = 64

# A thread pool used for the executors 
SF_POOL    = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()

# A set of tasks which might be available for stealing. Use a concurrent set so
# that it shares information between threads in a stable and relatively 
# efficient way. Note that a task being in this set does not guarantee it is
# not being executed. A locking flag on the 'superFuture' task management
# objects disambiguates this to prevent double execution. 
SF_PENDING   = Collections.newSetFromMap(ConcurrentHashMap(SF_MAX_CONCURRENT*128,0.75,SF_MAX_CONCURRENT+1))

# All parallel jobs get a job number which is globally unique
# and increasing. This is used for logging and cycle checking
# and any other house keeping which requires a unique id across
# jobs.
SF_JOB_NUMB  = AtomicLong()

# Tracks how many threads are waiting for other threads