Beispiel #1
def _callback_fun(callback, strip_calls, *in_vals, **params):
    with new_master(CallbackTrace) as master:
        master.callback = callback  # NOTE: Is this OK?
        master.strip_calls = strip_calls
        out_vals = yield (master, ) + in_vals, params
        del master
    yield out_vals
Beispiel #2
def _interpret_fun(fun: lu.WrappedFun,
                   in_vals: Sequence[TfValOrUnit]) -> Sequence[TfValOrUnit]:
    with core.new_master(TensorFlowTrace) as master:
        fun = _interpret_subtrace(fun, master)
        out_vals: Sequence[TfValOrUnit] = fun.call_wrapped(*in_vals)
        del master
    return out_vals
Beispiel #3
def jet_fun(primals, series):
  with core.new_master(JetTrace) as master:
    out_primals, out_terms = yield (master, primals, series), {}
    del master
  out_terms = [tree_map(lambda x: onp.zeros_like(x, dtype=onp.result_type(out_primals[0])), series[0])
               if s is zero_series else s for s in out_terms]
  yield out_primals, out_terms
Beispiel #4
def jet_fun(order, primals, series):
    with core.new_master(JetTrace) as master:
        master.order = order
        out_primals, out_terms = yield (master, primals, series), {}
        del master
    out_terms = [[np.zeros_like(p)] * order if s is zero_series else s
                 for p, s in zip(out_primals, out_terms)]
    yield out_primals, out_terms
Beispiel #5
def apply_transform(net_params, inputs):
    with jc.new_master(ApplyTrace) as master:
        trace = ApplyTrace(master, jc.cur_sublevel())
        ans = yield map(partial(ApplyTracer, trace, net_params), inputs), {}
        out_tracer = trace.full_raise(ans)
        out_val = out_tracer.val
        del master, out_tracer
    yield out_val
Beispiel #6
def jet_transform(primals, series):
  with core.new_master(JetTrace) as master:
    trace = JetTrace(master, core.cur_sublevel())
    in_tracers = map(partial(JetTracer, trace), primals, series)
    ans = yield in_tracers, {}
    out_tracers = map(trace.full_raise, ans)
    out_primals, out_terms = unzip2((t.primal, t.terms) for t in out_tracers)
  yield out_primals, out_terms
Beispiel #7
 def inner():
     flat_inputs, in_tree = tree_util.tree_flatten(inputs)
     flat_fun, out_tree = api_util.flatten_fun_nokwargs(
         self._wrapped_fun, in_tree)
     with jc.new_master(ApplyTrace) as master:
         flat_fun = ApplyTrace._apply_subtrace(
             flat_fun, master, WrapHashably(params))
         flat_outputs = flat_fun.call_wrapped(*inputs)
         del master
     return tree_util.tree_unflatten(out_tree(), flat_outputs)
Beispiel #8
 def wrapped(plants, *args, **kwargs):
     fun = lu.wrap_init(f, kwargs)
     flat_args, in_tree = tree_util.tree_flatten(args)
     flat_fun, out_tree = api_util.flatten_fun_nokwargs(fun, in_tree)
     all_args, all_tree = tree_util.tree_flatten((plants, flat_args))
     with jax_core.new_master(HarvestTrace) as master:
         flat_fun = harvest_function(flat_fun, master, settings, all_tree)
         out_flat, reaped = flat_fun.call_wrapped(all_args)
         del master
     out = tree_util.tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat)
     return out, reaped
Beispiel #9
def doubling_transform(*args):
    with core.new_master(DoublingTrace) as master:
        trace = DoublingTrace(master, core.cur_sublevel())
        in_tracers = [DoublingTracer(trace, head, tail) for head, tail in args]
        outputs = yield in_tracers, {}
        if isinstance(outputs, Sequence):
            out_tracers = map(trace.full_raise, outputs)
            result = [(x.head, x.tail) for x in out_tracers]
            out_tracer = trace.full_raise(outputs)
            result = (out_tracer.head, out_tracer.tail)
    yield result
Beispiel #10
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        """Callable returned by unzip."""
        with jax_core.new_master(UnzipTrace) as master:
            # Preparing args to be traced
            trace = UnzipTrace(master, jax_core.cur_sublevel())
            fun = lu.wrap_init(f, kwargs)
            avals = tree_util.tree_map(trace_util.get_shaped_aval, args)
            flat_avals, flat_keys, in_tree = (flatten_args_into_keys(
                avals, key_args))
            flat_pvals = [pe.PartialVal.unknown(aval) for aval in flat_avals]
            flat_fun, out_tree = api_util.flatten_fun_nokwargs(fun, in_tree)

            # Trace to jaxpr
            settings = UnzipSettings(tag, False)
            fun = unzip_to_init_apply_subjaxprs(flat_fun, trace, settings)  # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
            success, results = fun.call_wrapped(flat_keys, flat_pvals)
            if not success:
                raise ValueError('Variables do not cut dependence graph.')
            init_out, apply_out, _, metadata = results
            init_jaxpr, init_consts, init_env = init_out
            assert not init_env

            apply_jaxpr, apply_consts, apply_env = apply_out
            assert not apply_env

            names, variable_tree, _ = metadata
            out_tree = out_tree()

            # Final functions
            def init(*args):
                flat_args, _ = tree_util.tree_flatten(args)
                flat_params = jax_core.eval_jaxpr(init_jaxpr, init_consts,
                flat_variables = tree_util.tree_unflatten(
                    variable_tree, flat_params)
                return {
                    name: var
                    for name, var in safe_zip(names, flat_variables)

            def apply(params, *args):
                flat_variables, _ = tree_util.tree_flatten(
                    [params[name] for name in names])
                flat_args, _ = tree_util.tree_flatten(args)
                out = jax_core.eval_jaxpr(apply_jaxpr, apply_consts,
                                          *(flat_variables + flat_args))
                return tree_util.tree_unflatten(out_tree, out)

            del master
        return init, apply
Beispiel #11
def _init_transform(key, *inputs):
    """Transforms a flattened `parametrized` function
    into its corresponding `init_parameters` function."""
    init_trace = _top_trace(filter_type=InitTrace)
    with new_master(InitTrace) as master:
        global_parameters_dict = init_trace.state.global_parameters_dict if init_trace else {}
        random_state = init_trace.state.random_state if init_trace else RandomState(
        master.state = InitTraceState(random_state, global_parameters_dict)
        trace = InitTrace(master, cur_sublevel())
        outs = yield map(trace.full_raise, inputs), {}
        outs = trace.lower_all(outs)
        parameters_dict = master.state.parameters_dict
        del master
    yield outs, parameters_dict
Beispiel #12
 def _apply(self, parameters, *inputs, key):
     flat_inputs, in_tree = tree_flatten(inputs)
     flat_fun, out_tree = flatten_fun_nokwargs(self._wrapped_fun, in_tree)
     apply_trace = _top_trace(filter_type=ApplyTrace)
     with new_master(ApplyTrace) as master:
         global_parameters_by_primitive = apply_trace.state.global_parameters_by_primitive \
             if apply_trace else {}
         random_state = apply_trace.state.random_state if apply_trace else RandomState(
         master.state = ApplyTraceState(random_state, parameters,
         flat_outputs = _apply_transform(flat_fun,
         del master
     return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), flat_outputs)
Beispiel #13
def jet_fun(primals, series):
    with core.new_master(JetTrace) as master:
        out_primals, out_terms = yield (master, primals, series), {}
        del master
    yield out_primals, out_terms