Beispiel #1
def coverage(args):
    %prog coverage fastafile ctg bedfile1 bedfile2 ..

    Plot coverage from a set of BED files that contain the read mappings. The
    paired read span will be converted to a new bedfile that contain the happy
    mates. ctg is the chr/scf/ctg that you want to plot the histogram on.

    If the bedfiles already contain the clone spans, turn on --spans.
    from jcvi.formats.bed import mates, bedpe

    p = OptionParser(coverage.__doc__)
                 help="Limit ymax [default: %default]")
        help="BED files already contain clone spans [default: %default]")
    opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="8x5")

    if len(args) < 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    fastafile, ctg = args[0:2]
    bedfiles = args[2:]

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile)
    size = sizes.mapping[ctg]

    plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h))
    ax = plt.gca()

    bins = 100  # smooth the curve
    lines = []
    legends = []
    not_covered = []
    yy = .9
    for bedfile, c in zip(bedfiles, "rgbcky"):
        if not opts.spans:
            pf = bedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
            matesfile = pf + ".mates"
            if need_update(bedfile, matesfile):
                matesfile, matesbedfile = mates([bedfile, "--lib"])

            bedspanfile = pf + ".spans.bed"
            if need_update(matesfile, bedspanfile):
                bedpefile, bedspanfile = bedpe(
                    [bedfile, "--span", "--mates={0}".format(matesfile)])
            bedfile = bedspanfile

        bedsum = Bed(bedfile).sum(seqid=ctg)
        notcoveredbases = size - bedsum

        legend = bedfile.split(".")[0]
        msg = "{0}: {1} bp not covered".format(legend,
        print >> sys.stderr, msg
        ax.text(.1, yy, msg, color=c, size=9, transform=ax.transAxes)
        yy -= .08

        cov = Coverage(bedfile, sizes.filename)
        x, y = cov.get_plot_data(ctg, bins=bins)
        line, = ax.plot(x, y, '-', color=c, lw=2, alpha=.5)

    leg = ax.legend(lines, legends, shadow=True, fancybox=True)

    ylabel = "Average depth per {0}Kb".format(size / bins / 1000)
    ax.set_xlim(0, size)
    ax.set_ylim(0, opts.ymax)

    figname = "{0}.{1}.pdf".format(fastafile, ctg)
    savefig(figname, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
Beispiel #2
def coverage(args):
    %prog coverage fastafile ctg bedfile1 bedfile2 ..

    Plot coverage from a set of BED files that contain the read mappings. The
    paired read span will be converted to a new bedfile that contain the happy
    mates. ctg is the chr/scf/ctg that you want to plot the histogram on.

    If the bedfiles already contain the clone spans, turn on --spans.
    from jcvi.formats.bed import mates, bedpe

    p = OptionParser(coverage.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--ymax", default=None, type="int",
                 help="Limit ymax [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--spans", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="BED files already contain clone spans [default: %default]")
    opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="8x5")

    if len(args) < 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    fastafile, ctg = args[0:2]
    bedfiles = args[2:]

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile)
    size = sizes.mapping[ctg]

    plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h))
    ax = plt.gca()

    bins = 100  # smooth the curve
    lines = []
    legends = []
    not_covered = []
    yy = .9
    for bedfile, c in zip(bedfiles, "rgbcky"):
        if not opts.spans:
            pf = bedfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
            matesfile = pf + ".mates"
            if need_update(bedfile, matesfile):
                matesfile, matesbedfile = mates([bedfile, "--lib"])

            bedspanfile = pf + ".spans.bed"
            if need_update(matesfile, bedspanfile):
                bedpefile, bedspanfile = bedpe([bedfile, "--span",
            bedfile = bedspanfile

        bedsum = Bed(bedfile).sum(seqid=ctg)
        notcoveredbases = size - bedsum

        legend = bedfile.split(".")[0]
        msg = "{0}: {1} bp not covered".format(legend, thousands(notcoveredbases))
        print >> sys.stderr, msg
        ax.text(.1, yy, msg, color=c, size=9, transform=ax.transAxes)
        yy -= .08

        cov = Coverage(bedfile, sizes.filename)
        x, y = cov.get_plot_data(ctg, bins=bins)
        line, = ax.plot(x, y, '-', color=c, lw=2, alpha=.5)

    leg = ax.legend(lines, legends, shadow=True, fancybox=True)

    ylabel = "Average depth per {0}Kb".format(size / bins / 1000)
    ax.set_xlim(0, size)
    ax.set_ylim(0, opts.ymax)

    figname ="{0}.{1}.pdf".format(fastafile, ctg)
    savefig(figname, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
Beispiel #3
def qc(args):
    %prog qc prefix

    Expects data files including:
    1. `prefix.bedpe` draws Bezier curve between paired reads
    2. `prefix.sizes` draws length of the contig/scaffold
    3. `prefix.gaps.bed` mark the position of the gaps in sequence
    4. `prefix.bed.coverage` plots the base coverage
    5. `prefix.pairs.bed.coverage` plots the clone coverage

    See assembly.coverage.posmap() for the generation of these files.
    from import Bezier

    p = OptionParser(qc.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:

    prefix, = args
    scf = prefix

    # All these files *must* be present in the current folder
    bedpefile = prefix + ".bedpe"
    fastafile = prefix + ".fasta"
    sizesfile = prefix + ".sizes"
    gapsbedfile = prefix + ".gaps.bed"
    bedfile = prefix + ".bed"
    bedpefile = prefix + ".bedpe"
    pairsbedfile = prefix + ".pairs.bed"

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile).mapping
    size = sizes[scf]

    fig = plt.figure(1, (8, 5))
    root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])

    # the scaffold
    root.add_patch(Rectangle((.1, .15), .8, .03, fc='k'))

    # basecoverage and matecoverage
    ax = fig.add_axes([.1, .45, .8, .45])

    bins = 200  # Smooth the curve
    basecoverage = Coverage(bedfile, sizesfile)
    matecoverage = Coverage(pairsbedfile, sizesfile)

    x, y = basecoverage.get_plot_data(scf, bins=bins)
    baseline, = ax.plot(x, y, 'g-')
    x, y = matecoverage.get_plot_data(scf, bins=bins)
    mateline, = ax.plot(x, y, 'r-')
    legends = ("Base coverage", "Mate coverage")
    leg = ax.legend((baseline, mateline), legends, shadow=True, fancybox=True)
    ax.set_xlim(0, size)

    # draw the read pairs
    fp = open(bedpefile)
    pairs = []
    for row in fp:
        scf, astart, aend, scf, bstart, bend, clonename = row.split()
        astart, bstart = int(astart), int(bstart)
        aend, bend = int(aend), int(bend)
        start = min(astart, bstart) + 1
        end = max(aend, bend)
        pairs.append((start, end))

    bpratio = .8 / size
    cutoff = 1000  # inserts smaller than this are not plotted
    # this convert from base => x-coordinate
    pos = lambda x: (.1 + x * bpratio)
    ypos = .15 + .03
    for start, end in pairs:
        dist = end - start

        if dist < cutoff:

        dist = min(dist, 10000)
        # 10Kb == .25 canvas height
        height = .25 * dist / 10000
        xstart = pos(start)
        xend = pos(end)
        p0 = (xstart, ypos)
        p1 = (xstart, ypos + height)
        p2 = (xend, ypos + height)
        p3 = (xend, ypos)
        Bezier(root, p0, p1, p2, p3)

    # gaps on the scaffold
    fp = open(gapsbedfile)
    for row in fp:
        b = BedLine(row)
        start, end = b.start, b.end
        xstart = pos(start)
        xend = pos(end)
        root.add_patch(Rectangle((xstart, .15), xend - xstart, .03, fc='w'))

    root.text(.5, .1, scf, color='b', ha="center")
    warn_msg = "Only the inserts > {0}bp are shown".format(cutoff)
    root.text(.5, .1, scf, color='b', ha="center")
    root.text(.5, .05, warn_msg, color='gray', ha="center")
    # clean up and output
    root.set_xlim(0, 1)
    root.set_ylim(0, 1)

    figname = prefix + ".pdf"
    savefig(figname, dpi=300)
Beispiel #4
def qc(args):
    %prog qc prefix

    Expects data files including:
    1. `prefix.bedpe` draws Bezier curve between paired reads
    2. `prefix.sizes` draws length of the contig/scaffold
    3. `prefix.gaps.bed` mark the position of the gaps in sequence
    4. `prefix.bed.coverage` plots the base coverage
    5. `prefix.pairs.bed.coverage` plots the clone coverage

    See assembly.coverage.posmap() for the generation of these files.
    from import Bezier

    p = OptionParser(qc.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:

    prefix, = args
    scf = prefix

    # All these files *must* be present in the current folder
    bedpefile = prefix + ".bedpe"
    fastafile = prefix + ".fasta"
    sizesfile = prefix + ".sizes"
    gapsbedfile = prefix + ".gaps.bed"
    bedfile = prefix + ".bed"
    bedpefile = prefix + ".bedpe"
    pairsbedfile = prefix + ".pairs.bed"

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile).mapping
    size = sizes[scf]

    fig = plt.figure(1, (8, 5))
    root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])

    # the scaffold
    root.add_patch(Rectangle((.1, .15), .8, .03, fc='k'))

    # basecoverage and matecoverage
    ax = fig.add_axes([.1, .45, .8, .45])

    bins = 200  # Smooth the curve
    basecoverage = Coverage(bedfile, sizesfile)
    matecoverage = Coverage(pairsbedfile, sizesfile)

    x, y = basecoverage.get_plot_data(scf, bins=bins)
    baseline, = ax.plot(x, y, 'g-')
    x, y = matecoverage.get_plot_data(scf, bins=bins)
    mateline, = ax.plot(x, y, 'r-')
    legends = ("Base coverage", "Mate coverage")
    leg = ax.legend((baseline, mateline), legends, shadow=True, fancybox=True)
    ax.set_xlim(0, size)

    # draw the read pairs
    fp = open(bedpefile)
    pairs = []
    for row in fp:
        scf, astart, aend, scf, bstart, bend, clonename = row.split()
        astart, bstart = int(astart), int(bstart)
        aend, bend = int(aend), int(bend)
        start = min(astart, bstart) + 1
        end = max(aend, bend)
        pairs.append((start, end))

    bpratio = .8 / size
    cutoff = 1000  # inserts smaller than this are not plotted
    # this convert from base => x-coordinate
    pos = lambda x: (.1 + x * bpratio)
    ypos = .15 + .03
    for start, end in pairs:
        dist = end - start

        if dist < cutoff:

        dist = min(dist, 10000)
        # 10Kb == .25 canvas height
        height = .25 * dist / 10000
        xstart = pos(start)
        xend = pos(end)
        p0 = (xstart, ypos)
        p1 = (xstart, ypos + height)
        p2 = (xend, ypos + height)
        p3 = (xend, ypos)
        Bezier(root, p0, p1, p2, p3)

    # gaps on the scaffold
    fp = open(gapsbedfile)
    for row in fp:
        b = BedLine(row)
        start, end = b.start, b.end
        xstart = pos(start)
        xend = pos(end)
        root.add_patch(Rectangle((xstart, .15), xend - xstart, .03, fc='w'))

    root.text(.5, .1, scf, color='b', ha="center")
    warn_msg = "Only the inserts > {0}bp are shown".format(cutoff)
    root.text(.5, .1, scf, color='b', ha="center")
    root.text(.5, .05, warn_msg, color='gray', ha="center")
    # clean up and output
    root.set_xlim(0, 1)
    root.set_ylim(0, 1)

    figname = prefix + ".pdf"
    savefig(figname, dpi=300)