def lockable_resources(registry, xml_parent, data):
    """yaml: lockable-resources
    Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Lockable Resources Plugin

    :arg str resources: List of required resources, space separated.
        (required, mutual exclusive with label)
    :arg str label: If you have created a pool of resources, i.e. a label,
        you can take it into use here. The build will select the resource(s)
        from the pool that includes all resources sharing the given label.
        (required, mutual exclusive with resources)
    :arg str var-name: Name for the Jenkins variable to store the reserved
        resources in. Leave empty to disable. (default '')
    :arg int number: Number of resources to request, empty value or 0 means
        all. This is useful, if you have a pool of similar resources,
        from which you want one or more to be reserved. (default 0)
    :arg str match-script: Groovy script to reserve resource based on its
        properties. Leave empty to disable. (default None)
    :arg bool groovy-sandbox: Execute the provided match-script in Groovy
        sandbox. Leave empty to disable. (default False)


    .. literalinclude::
       :language: yaml

    .. literalinclude::
       :language: yaml

    .. literalinclude::
       :language: yaml

    .. literalinclude::
       :language: yaml
    lockable_resources = XML.SubElement(
    if data.get('resources') and data.get('label'):
        raise AttributeConflictError('resources', ('label',))
    mapping = [
        ('resources', 'resourceNames', ''),
        ('var-name', 'resourceNamesVar', ''),
        ('number', 'resourceNumber', 0),
        ('label', 'labelName', ''),
        lockable_resources, data, mapping, fail_required=True)
    secure_groovy_script = XML.SubElement(lockable_resources,
    mapping = [
        ('match-script', 'script', None),
        ('groovy-sandbox', 'sandbox', False),
    helpers.convert_mapping_to_xml(secure_groovy_script, data, mapping,
Beispiel #2
def lockable_resources(registry, xml_parent, data):
    """yaml: lockable-resources
    Requires the Jenkins :jenkins-wiki:`Lockable Resources Plugin

    :arg str resources: List of required resources, space separated.
        (required, mutual exclusive with label)
    :arg str label: If you have created a pool of resources, i.e. a label,
        you can take it into use here. The build will select the resource(s)
        from the pool that includes all resources sharing the given label.
        (required, mutual exclusive with resources)
    :arg str var-name: Name for the Jenkins variable to store the reserved
        resources in. Leave empty to disable. (default '')
    :arg int number: Number of resources to request, empty value or 0 means
        all. This is useful, if you have a pool of similar resources,
        from which you want one or more to be reserved. (default 0)


    .. literalinclude::
       :language: yaml

    .. literalinclude::
       :language: yaml

    .. literalinclude::
       :language: yaml
    lockable_resources = XML.SubElement(
    if data.get('resources') and data.get('label'):
        raise AttributeConflictError('resources', ('label',))
        lockable_resources, 'resourceNames').text = data.get('resources', '')
        lockable_resources, 'resourceNamesVar').text = data.get('var-name', '')
        lockable_resources, 'resourceNumber').text = str(data.get('number', 0))
        lockable_resources, 'labelName').text = data.get('label', '')