Beispiel #1
class IssueManager:

    ## The constructor
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param jiraURL The url of the JIRA instance
    # @param jiraUser The user name to use
    # @param jiraPassword The user password to use
    def __init__(self, jiraURL, jiraUser, jiraPassword):
        self.__jiraUser = jiraUser
        self.__jiraPassword = jiraPassword
        self.__jiraURL = jiraURL

    ## Create the connection
    # @param self Teh object pointer
    def startSession(self):
        #now make the connection
        options = {'server': self.__jiraURL, 'verify': False}
        self.__jira = JIRA(options,
                           basic_auth=(self.__jiraUser, self.__jiraPassword))
        self.__greenhopper = GreenHopper(options,

    ## Kill the jira connection
    # @param self The object pointer
    def killSession(self):

    ## Add the epic link to an issue
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param issue The issue ID
    # @param epic The epic ID
    def attachEpic(self, issue, epic):
        #attach the epic
        self.__greenhopper.add_issues_to_epic(epic, [issue])

    ## Create an issue set by calling the createIssue and createSubtask methods
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param project The project to add the issue to
    # @param name The summary of the issue
    # @param priority The priority of the issue
    # @param product The software product the requirement belongs to (e.g. Device, Apollo, Cloud)
    # @param components The components to add to the issues
    # @returns A dictionary of issues that were created
    def createIssueSet(self, project, name, priority, product, components):
        #dictionary to store jira issues
        issues = {}

        #set up the description
        description = '<h3>User Experience</h3><h3>Acceptance Criteria</h3><ul><li></li></ul>'

        #if we list more than one product that set the product flag to multiple
        productLabel = product

        if (';' in product):
            productLabel = 'Multiple'

        #create the parent issue
        parentID = self.createIssue(project, name, description, 'Story',
                                    priority, productLabel, components)
        issues[parentID] = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (parentID, 'Story', name)

        #create the tasks for development and testing depending on the product
        for specificProduct in product.split(';'):
            issue1 = self.createIssue(
                project, 'Implementation (%s): %s' % (specificProduct, name),
                '', 'Implement', priority, productLabel, components)
            issues[issue1] = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (issue1, 'Implement', name)
            issue2 = self.createIssue(
                'Create Unit Tests (%s): %s' % (specificProduct, name), '',
                'Unit Test', priority, productLabel, components)
            issues[issue2] = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (issue2, 'Unit Test', name)
            issue3 = self.createIssue(
                project, 'Verification (%s): %s' % (specificProduct, name), '',
                'Verification Test', priority, productLabel, components)
            issues[issue3] = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (issue3, 'Verification Test', name)

            #create the links
            self.linkIssues(parentID, issue1, 'Develop')
            self.linkIssues(parentID, issue2, 'Verify')
            self.linkIssues(parentID, issue3, 'Verify')

        #print the ids
        return (parentID, issues)

    ## Create a new issue
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param project The project to add the issue to
    # @param summary The summary of the issue
    # @param description The description of the issue
    # @param issueType The type of the issue
    # @param priority The priority of the issue
    # @param product The software product the requirement belongs to (e.g. Device, Apollo, Cloud)
    # @param components The components to add to the issue
    # @returns The JIRA issue identifier
    def createIssue(self, project, summary, description, issueType, priority,
                    product, components):
        #create an issue by setting up the dictionary
        issueDict = {
            'project': {
                'key': project
            'priority': {
                'name': priority
            'summary': summary,
            'description': description,
            'issuetype': {
                'name': issueType
            'labels': ['AddedViaAPI'],
            'customfield_11100': {
                'value': product

        #add the components if there are any
        if (not components == ''):
            issueDict['components'] = self.addComponents(components)

        #now create the issue
        print issueDict
        newIssue = self.__jira.create_issue(fields=issueDict)

        #return the id
        return (newIssue.key)

    ## Create a new epic
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param project The project to add the issue to
    # @param summary The summary of the issue
    # @param description The description of the issue
    # @param issueType The type of the issue
    # @param priority The priority of the issue
    # @param product The software product the requirement belongs to (e.g. Device, Apollo, Cloud)
    # @param components The components to add to the issue
    # @returns The JIRA issue identifier
    def createEpic(self, project, summary, description, issueType, priority,
                   product, components):
        #create an issue by setting up the dictionary
        issueDict = {
            'project': {
                'key': project
            'priority': {
                'name': priority
            'summary': summary,
            'description': description,
            'issuetype': {
                'name': issueType
            'labels': ['AddedViaAPI'],
            'customfield_11100': {
                'value': product
            'customfield_10401': summary

        #add the components if there are any
        if (not components == ''):
            issueDict['components'] = self.addComponents(components)

        #now create the issue
        print issueDict
        newIssue = self.__greenhopper.create_issue(fields=issueDict)

        #return the id
        return (newIssue.key)

    ## Create a subtask issue
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param project The project to add the issue to
    # @param summary The summary of the issue
    # @param description The description of the issue
    # @param issueType The type of the issue
    # @param priority The priority of the issue
    # @param product The software product the requirement belongs to (e.g. Device, Apollo, Cloud)
    # @param components The components to add to the task
    # @returns The JIRA issue identifier
    def createSubtask(self, project, parentID, summary, description, issueType,
                      priority, product, components):
        #create an issue by setting up the dictionary
        issueDict = {
            'parent': {
                'id': parentID
            'project': {
                'key': project
            'priority': {
                'name': priority
            'summary': summary,
            'description': description,
            'issuetype': {
                'name': issueType
            'labels': ['AddedViaAPI'],
            'customfield_11100': {
                'value': product

        #add the components if there are any
        if (not components == ''):
            issueDict['components'] = self.addComponents(components)

        #now create the issue
        print issueDict
        newIssue = self.__jira.create_issue(fields=issueDict)

        #return the id
        return (newIssue.key)

    ## Link two issues
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param jiraID1 The JIRA id of the first issue
    # @param jiraID2 The JIRA id of the second issue
    # @param linkType The type of connect
    def linkIssues(self, jiraID1, jiraID2, linkType):
        #now link the two issues
        print "Linking %s and %s" % (jiraID1, jiraID2)

    ## Create an array from a ";"-separated list, used for populating components
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param componentString The string to be parsed
    # @returns The array of components
    def addComponents(self, componentString):
        tokens = componentString.split(';')
        components = []

        #populate the array
        for token in tokens:
            components.append({'name': token})

        return (components)
Beispiel #2
class IssueManager:

    ## The constructor
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param jiraURL The url of the JIRA instance
    # @param jiraUser The user name to use
    # @param jiraPassword The user password to use
    def __init__(self, jiraURL, jiraUser, jiraPassword):
        self.__jiraUser = jiraUser
        self.__jiraPassword = jiraPassword
        self.__jiraURL = jiraURL

    ## Create the connection
    # @param self Teh object pointer
    def startSession(self):
        #now make the connection
        options = {
        self.__jira = JIRA(options, basic_auth=(self.__jiraUser, self.__jiraPassword))
        self.__greenhopper = GreenHopper(options, basic_auth=(self.__jiraUser, self.__jiraPassword))

    ## Kill the jira connection
    # @param self The object pointer
    def killSession(self):

    ## Add the epic link to an issue
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param issue The issue ID
    # @param epic The epic ID
    def attachEpic(self, issue, epic):
        #attach the epic
        self.__greenhopper.add_issues_to_epic(epic, [issue])

    ## Create an issue set by calling the createIssue and createSubtask methods
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param project The project to add the issue to
    # @param name The summary of the issue
    # @param priority The priority of the issue
    # @param product The software product the requirement belongs to (e.g. Device, Apollo, Cloud)
    # @param components The components to add to the issues
    # @param version The fix version
    # @returns A dictionary of issues that were created
    def createIssueSet(self, project, name, priority, product, components, version):
        #dictionary to store jira issues
        issues = {}

        #set up the description
        description = '<h3>User Experience</h3><h3>Acceptance Criteria</h3><ul><li></li></ul>'

        #if we list more than one product that set the product flag to multiple
        productLabel = product

        if(';' in product):
             productLabel = 'Multiple'

        #create the parent issue
        parentID = self.createIssue(project, name, description, 'Story', priority, productLabel, components, version)
        issues[parentID] = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (parentID, 'Story', name)

        #create the tasks for development and testing depending on the product
        for specificProduct in product.split(';'):
            issue1 = self.createIssue(project, 'Implementation (%s): %s' % (specificProduct, name), '', 'Implement', priority, productLabel, components, version)
            issues[issue1] = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (issue1, 'Implement', name)
            issue2 = self.createIssue(project, 'Create Unit Tests (%s): %s' % (specificProduct, name), '', 'Unit Test', priority, productLabel, components, version)
            issues[issue2] = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (issue2, 'Unit Test', name)
            issue3 = self.createIssue(project, 'Verification (%s): %s' % (specificProduct, name), '', 'Verification Test', priority, productLabel, components, version)
            issues[issue3] = '%s\t%s\t%s' % (issue3, 'Verification Test', name)

            #create the links
            self.linkIssues(parentID, issue1, 'Develop')
            self.linkIssues(parentID, issue2, 'Verify')
            self.linkIssues(parentID, issue3, 'Verify')

        #print the ids
        return(parentID, issues)

    ## Create a new issue
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param project The project to add the issue to
    # @param summary The summary of the issue
    # @param description The description of the issue
    # @param issueType The type of the issue
    # @param priority The priority of the issue
    # @param product The software product the requirement belongs to (e.g. Device, Apollo, Cloud)
    # @param components The components to add to the issue
    # @param version The fix version
    # @returns The JIRA issue identifier
    def createIssue(self, project, summary, description, issueType, priority, product, components, version):
        #create an issue by setting up the dictionary
        issueDict = {
            #'assignee': {'name':'Unassigned'},
            'project': {'key':project},
            'priority' : {'name':priority},
            'summary': summary,
            'description': description,
            'issuetype' : {'name':issueType},
            'customfield_11100': {'value':product}

        #if it is a story type then we want ot add a label for acceptance criteria too
        if issueType == 'Story':

        #add the components if there are any
        if(not components == ''):
            issueDict['components'] = self.addComponents(components)

        #now create the issue
        print issueDict
        newIssue = self.__jira.create_issue(fields=issueDict)

        #return the id

    ## Create a new epic
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param project The project to add the issue to
    # @param summary The summary of the issue
    # @param description The description of the issue
    # @param issueType The type of the issue
    # @param priority The priority of the issue
    # @param product The software product the requirement belongs to (e.g. Device, Apollo, Cloud)
    # @param components The components to add to the issue
    # @param version The fix version
    # @returns The JIRA issue identifier
    def createEpic(self, project, summary, description, issueType, priority, product, components, version):
        #create an issue by setting up the dictionary
        issueDict = {
            #'project': {'key':project},
            'priority' : {'name':priority},
            'summary': summary,
            'description': description,
            'issuetype' : {'name':issueType},
            'customfield_11100': {'value':product},
            'customfield_10401': summary

        #add the components if there are any
        if(not components == ''):
            issueDict['components'] = self.addComponents(components)

        #now create the issue
        print issueDict
        newIssue = self.__greenhopper.create_issue(fields=issueDict)

        #return the id

    ## Create a subtask issue
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param project The project to add the issue to
    # @param summary The summary of the issue
    # @param description The description of the issue
    # @param issueType The type of the issue
    # @param priority The priority of the issue
    # @param product The software product the requirement belongs to (e.g. Device, Apollo, Cloud)
    # @param components The components to add to the task
    # @param version The fixVersion
    # @returns The JIRA issue identifier
    def createSubtask(self, project, parentID, summary, description, issueType, priority, product, components):
        #create an issue by setting up the dictionary
        issueDict = {
            'project': {'key':project},
            'priority' : {'name':priority},
            'summary': summary,
            'description': description,
            'issuetype' : {'name':issueType},
            'customfield_11100': {'value':product}

        #add the components if there are any
        if(not components == ''):
            issueDict['components'] = self.addComponents(components)

        #now create the issue
        print issueDict
        newIssue = self.__jira.create_issue(fields=issueDict)

        #return the id

    ## Link two issues
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param jiraID1 The JIRA id of the first issue
    # @param jiraID2 The JIRA id of the second issue
    # @param linkType The type of connect
    def linkIssues(self, jiraID1, jiraID2, linkType):
        #now link the two issues
        print "Linking %s and %s" % (jiraID1, jiraID2)
        self.__jira.create_issue_link(type=linkType, inwardIssue=jiraID2, outwardIssue=jiraID1)

    ## Create an array from a ";"-separated list, used for populating components
    # @param self The object pointer
    # @param componentString The string to be parsed
    # @returns The array of components
    def addComponents(self, componentString):
        tokens = componentString.split(';')
        components = []

        #populate the array
        for token in tokens:
            components.append( {'name':token} )
