Beispiel #1
def _get_job_or_404(job_id):
    job = Job.get_by_id(int(job_id))
    current_user = users.get_current_user() # only job owner or admin can edit, check or delete the job
    if job and job.owned_by(current_user, users.is_current_user_admin()):
        return job
        raise Http404
Beispiel #2
def show(request, job_id):
    job = Job.get_by_id(int(job_id)) 
    if not job:
        raise Http404
    if not job.is_published: # only job owner or admin can view unpublished jobs
        if not job.owned_by(users.get_current_user(), users.is_current_user_admin()):
            raise Http404
    return _custom_render_to_response('show_job.html', {'job': job, 'title': job.title})