Beispiel #1
    def test_dhZ(self):
        from ecdsa.keys import SigningKey   # VerifyingKey
        from ecdsa.curves import NIST521p

        # Party V(recepient) declares a satic key pair
        curve = NIST521p
        v_stc = SigningKey.generate(curve=curve)

        # and advertise to Party U(Sender) ( U <--(pub key)-- V)
        v_pub = v_stc.get_verifying_key()
        self.assertEqual(v_pub.curve, curve)

        # Party U provides a ephemeral key
        u_epk = SigningKey.generate(curve=v_pub.curve)

        from jose.jwa import ec
        # Compute ECDH as shared secret
        # This shared secret itself is NOT have to be exchanged.
        shared_secret_u = ec.ecdsa_dhZ(v_pub, u_epk)

        # Party V recive Epemeral Public Key ( U --(pub key)--> V)
        v_epk = u_epk.get_verifying_key()

        # Party V compute
        shared_secret_v = ec.ecdsa_dhZ(v_epk, v_stc)

        # Secrete Agreeed!
        self.assertEqual(shared_secret_u, shared_secret_v)
Beispiel #2
    def test_ecdh_check(self):

        v_stc_material = {
            "kty": "EC",
            "crv": "P-256",
            "x": "gI0GAILBdu7T53akrFmMyGcsF3n5dO7MmwNBHKW5SV0",
            "y": "SLW_xSffzlPWrHEVI30DHM_4egVwt3NQqeUD7nMFpps",
            "d": "0_NxaRPUMQoAJt50Gz8YiTr8gRTwyEaCumd-MToTmIo"

        u_epk_material = {
            "kty": "EC",
            "crv": "P-256",
            "x": "weNJy2HscCSM6AEDTDg04biOvhFhyyWvOHQfeF_PxMQ",
            "y": "e8lnCO-AlStT-NJVX-crhB7QRYhiix03illJOVAOyck",
            "d": "VEmDZpDXXK8p8N0Cndsxs924q6nS1RXFASRl6BfUqdw"

        import re

        def _to_pub(km):
            return (
                int("P-(\d+)$", km['crv']).group(1)),

        def _to_pri(km):
            return (
                int("P-(\d+)$", km['crv']).group(1)),

        pub_tuple = _to_pub(v_stc_material)
        pri_tuple = _to_pri(v_stc_material)

        import pydoc
        curve = pydoc.locate('ecdsa.curves.NIST{0}p'.format(pub_tuple[0]))

        from ecdsa import (
            SigningKey, VerifyingKey,
            ellipticcurve as ec)

        x, y = pub_tuple[1]
        v_pub = VerifyingKey.from_public_point(
            ec.Point(curve.curve, x, y, curve.order),

        v_stc = SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(pri_tuple[1], curve)

        # Party U provides a ephemeral key
        pub_tuple = _to_pub(u_epk_material)
        pri_tuple = _to_pri(u_epk_material)

        x, y = pub_tuple[1]
        u_epk = SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(pri_tuple[1], curve)

        from import ecdsa_dhZ

        # Party U compute
        shared_secret_u = ecdsa_dhZ(v_pub, u_epk)

        print("Aggreement:", base64.long_to_b64(shared_secret_u))

        from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
        from math import ceil

        block_size = int(ceil(pub_tuple[0] / 8.0))
        # bit number(512 )  / 8 -> octets

        Zu = long_to_bytes(shared_secret_u, block_size)

        Z_jwa = [158, 86, 217, 29, 129, 113, 53,
                 211, 114, 131, 66, 131, 191, 132,
                 38, 156, 251, 49, 110, 163, 218,
                 128, 106, 72, 246, 218, 167, 121,
                 140, 254, 144, 196]

        self.assertEqual(_ilist(Zu), Z_jwa)

        # Other Information used in Concat KDF
        # AlgorithmID || PartyUInfo || PartyVInfo || SuppPubInfo
        from struct import pack

        def _otherInfo(alg, pu, pv, klen):
            return b('').join([
                pack("!I", len(alg)),
                pack("!I", len(pu)),
                pack("!I", len(pv)),
                pack("!I", klen),

        oi_u = _otherInfo(
            16 * 8,     # A128GCM

        oi_jwa = [
            0, 0, 0, 7,
            65, 49, 50, 56, 71, 67, 77,
            0, 0, 0, 5,
            65, 108, 105, 99, 101,
            0, 0, 0, 3,
            66, 111, 98,
            0, 0, 0, 128]

        print(">>>>>>>", type(oi_u))
        print("<<<<<<<", oi_u)
        self.assertEqual(_ilist(oi_u), oi_jwa)

        # Coccat KDF : NIST defines SHA256
        from Crypto.Hash import SHA256

        def _ConcatKDF(Z, dkLen, otherInfo,

            def _src(counter_bytes):
                return b("").join([counter_bytes, Z, otherInfo])

            from math import ceil
            from struct import pack

            dkm = b''   # Derived Key Material
            counter = 0
            klen = int(ceil(dkLen / 8.0))
            while len(dkm) < klen:
                counter += 1
                counter_b = pack("!I", counter)
                dkm +=

            return dkm[:klen]

        _derived_key_u = _ConcatKDF(Zu, 16 * 8, oi_u)

        # Party V recive Epemeral Public Key
        v_epk = u_epk.get_verifying_key()
        Zv = long_to_bytes(ecdsa_dhZ(v_epk, v_stc), block_size)

        _derived_key_v = _ConcatKDF(Zv, 16 * 8, oi_u)

        self.assertEqual(_derived_key_u, _derived_key_v)

        kd_jwa = [
            86, 170, 141, 234, 248, 35, 109, 32,
            92, 34, 40, 205, 113, 167, 16, 26]

        self.assertEqual(_ilist(_derived_key_u), kd_jwa)
