Beispiel #1
class Group(Node):
    def __init__(self, node, path, nxclass="NXCollection", attrs=None, **kw):
        if attrs is None:
            attrs = {}
        Node.__init__(self, parent_node=node, path=path, **kw)
        if path.startswith("/"):
            # absolute path
            self.path = path
            # relative
            self.path = os.path.join(node.path, path)
        self.os_path = node.os_path
        preexisting = os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/")))
        if not preexisting:
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/")))
            attrs['NX_class'] = nxclass.encode('UTF-8')
        self.attrs = JSONBackedDict(os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/"), self._attrs_filename), self.json_encoder)
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<HDZIP group \"" + self.path + "\">"
Beispiel #2
class File(Node):
    def __init__(self, filename, mode="r", timestamp=None, creator=None, compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, attrs={}, os_path=None, **kw):
        if os_path is None:
            fn = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            self.os_path = fn
            self.os_path = os_path
        Node.__init__(self, parent_node=None, path="/", **kw)        
        self.attrs = JSONBackedDict(os.path.join(self.os_path, self._attrs_filename), self.json_encoder)
        self.filename = filename
        self.mode = mode
        self.compression = compression
        file_exists = os.path.exists(filename)
        if file_exists and (mode == "a" or mode == "r"):
        if mode == "a" or mode == "w":
            #os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/")))
            if timestamp is None:
                timestr =
                # If given a time string, check that it is valid
                    timestamp = iso8601.parse_date(timestamp)
                except TypeError:
                timestr = iso8601.format_date(timestamp)
            attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXroot'
            attrs['file_name'] = filename
            attrs['file_time'] = timestr
            attrs['NeXus_version'] = __version__
            if creator is not None:
                attrs['creator'] = creator       
    def flush(self):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<HDZIP file \"%s\" (mode %s)>" % (self.filename, self.mode)
    def close(self):
        # there seems to be only one read-only mode
        if os.path.exists(self.os_path):
            if self.mode != "r":
    def writezip(self):
        make_zipfile(self.filename, os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/")), self.compression)
Beispiel #3
class FieldFile(object):
    _formats = {
        'S': '%s',
        'f': '%.8g',
        'i': '%d',
        'u': '%d',
        'b': '%d'}
    _attrs_suffix = ".attrs"
    def __init__(self, node, path, **kw):
        Create a data object.
        Returns the data set created, or None if the data is empty.


        *node* : File object
            Handle to a File-like object.  This could be a file or a group.

        *path* : string
            Path to the data.  This could be a full path from the root
            of the file, or it can be relative to a group.  Path components
            are separated by '/'.

        *data* : array or string
            If the data is known in advance, then the value can be given on
            creation. Otherwise, use *shape* to give the initial storage
            size and *maxshape* to give the maximum size.

        *units* : string
            Units to display with data.  Required for numeric data.

        *label* : string
            Axis label if data is numeric.  Default for field dataset_name
            is "Dataset name (units)".

        *attrs* : dict
            Additional attributes to be added to the dataset.

        :Storage options:

        *dtype* : numpy.dtype
            Specify the storage type for the data.  The set of datatypes is
            limited only by the HDF-5 format, and its h5py interface.  Usually
            it will be 'int32' or 'float32', though others are possible.
            Data will default to *data.dtype* if *data* is specified, otherwise
            it will default to 'float32'.

        *shape* : [int, ...]
            Specify the initial shape of the storage and fill it with zeros.
            Defaults to [1, ...], or to the shape of the data if *data* is

        *maxshape* : [int, ...]
            Maximum size for each dimension in the dataset.  If any dimension
            is None, then the dataset is resizable in that dimension.
            For a 2-D detector of size (Nx,Ny) with Nt time of flight channels
            use *maxshape=[Nx,Ny,Nt]*.  If the data is to be a series of
            measurements, then add an additional empty dimension at the front,
            giving *maxshape=[None,Nx,Ny,Nt]*.  If *maxshape* is not provided,
            then use *shape*.

        *chunks* : [int, ...]
            Storage block size on disk, which is also the basic compression
            size.  By default *chunks* is set from maxshape, with the
            first unspecified dimension set such that the chunk size is
            greater than nexus.CHUNK_SIZE. :func:`make_chunks` is used
            to determine the default value.

        *compression* : 'none|gzip|szip|lzf' or int
            Dataset compression style.  If not specified, then compression
            defaults to 'szip' for large datasets, otherwise it defaults to
            'none'. Datasets are considered large if each frame in maxshape
            is bigger than CHUNK_SIZE.  Eventmode data, with its small frame
            size but large number of frames, will need to set compression
            explicitly.  If compression is an integer, then use gzip compression
            with that compression level.

        *compression_opts* : ('ec|nn', int)
            szip compression options.

        *shuffle* : boolean
            Reorder the bytes before applying 'gzip' or 'hzf' compression.

        *fletcher32* : boolean
            Enable error detection of the dataset.


        *dataset* : file-backed data object
            Reference to the created dataset.
        self.root_node = node.root_node
        self.os_path = node.os_path
        if not path.startswith("/"):
            # relative path:
            path = os.path.join(node.path, path)
        self.path = path
        preexisting = os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/")))
        self.attrs_path = self.path + self._attrs_suffix
        self.attrs = JSONBackedDict(os.path.join(self.os_path, self.attrs_path.lstrip("/")))
        if preexisting:
            data = kw.pop('data', numpy.array([]))
            attrs = kw.pop('attrs', {})
            attrs.setdefault('description', kw.setdefault('description', None))
            attrs.setdefault('dtype', kw.setdefault('dtype', None))
            attrs.setdefault('units', kw.setdefault('units', None))
            attrs.setdefault('label', kw.setdefault('label', None))
            attrs.setdefault('binary', kw.setdefault('binary', False))
            attrs['byteorder'] = sys.byteorder
            self.attrs.encoder = kw.setdefault('encoder', None)
            if attrs['dtype'] is None:
                raise TypeError("dtype missing when creating %s" % (path,))
            if data is not None:
                if numpy.isscalar(data): data = [data]
                data = numpy.asarray(data, dtype=attrs['dtype'])
                self.value = data
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<HDZIP field \"%s\" %s \"%s\">" % (, str(self.attrs['shape']), self.attrs['dtype'])
    def __getitem__(self, slice_def):
        return self.value.__getitem__(slice_def)
    def __setitem__(self, slice_def, newvalue):
        intermediate = self.value
        intermediate[slice_def] = newvalue
        self.value = intermediate 
    # promote a few attrs items to python object attributes:
    def shape(self):
        return self.attrs.get('shape', None)
    def dtype(self):
        return self.attrs.get('dtype', None)
    def name(self):
        return self.path
    def parent(self):
        return self.root_node[os.path.dirname(]
    def value(self):
        attrs = self.attrs
        target = os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/"))
        with builtin_open(target, 'rb') as infile:
            if attrs.get('binary', False) == True:
                d = numpy.fromfile(infile, dtype=attrs['format'])
                if os.path.getsize(target) == 1:
                    # empty entry: only contains \n
                    # this is only possible with empty string being written.
                    d = numpy.array([''], dtype=numpy.dtype(str(attrs['format'])))
                    d = numpy.loadtxt(infile, dtype=numpy.dtype(str(attrs['format'])))
        if 'shape' in attrs:
            d = d.reshape(attrs['shape'])
        return d              
    def value(self, data):
        attrs = self.attrs
        if hasattr(data, 'shape'): attrs['shape'] = data.shape
        elif hasattr(data, '__len__'): attrs['shape'] = [data.__len__()]
        if hasattr(data, 'dtype'): 
            formatstr = '<' if attrs['byteorder'] == 'little' else '>'
            formatstr += data.dtype.char
            formatstr += "%d" % (data.dtype.itemsize,)
            attrs['format'] = formatstr            
            attrs['dtype'] =
        self._write_data(data, 'w')
    def _write_data(self, data, mode='w'):
        target = os.path.join(self.os_path, self.path.lstrip("/"))
        # enforce binary if dims > 2: no way to write text file like this!
        if data.ndim > 2: 
            self.attrs['binary'] = True        
        if self.attrs.get('binary', False) == True:
            with builtin_open(target, mode + "b") as outfile:                           
            with builtin_open(target, mode) as outfile:
                if data.dtype.kind == 'S':
                    kind = data.dtype.kind
                    # escape carriage returns and tabs
                    data = numpy.char.replace(data, '\t', r'\t').astype(kind)
                    data = numpy.char.replace(data, '\r', r'\r').astype(kind)
                    data = numpy.char.replace(data, '\n', r'\n').astype(kind)
                numpy.savetxt(outfile, data, delimiter='\t', fmt=self._formats[data.dtype.kind])
    def append(self, data, coerce_dtype=True):
        # add to the data...
        # can only append along the first axis, e.g. if shape is (3,4)
        # it becomes (4,4), if it is (3,4,5) it becomes (4,4,5)
        attrs = self.attrs
        if (list(data.shape) != list(attrs.get('shape', [])[1:])):
            raise Exception("invalid shape to append: %r can't append to %r for %s (%r)" % (data.shape, attrs.get('shape', "No shape"),, data))
        if data.dtype != attrs['dtype']:
            if coerce_dtype == False:
                raise Exception("dtypes do not match, and coerce is set to False")
                data = data.astype(attrs['dtype'])
        new_shape = list(attrs['shape'])
        new_shape[0] += 1
        attrs['shape'] = new_shape
        self._write_data(data, mode='a')
    def extend(self, data, coerce_dtype=True):
        attrs = self.attrs
        if (list(data.shape[1:]) != list(attrs.get('shape', [])[1:])):
            raise Exception("invalid shape to append")
        #if data.dtype != attrs['dtype']:
        #    if coerce_dtype == False:
        #        raise Exception("dtypes do not match, and coerce is set to False")
        #    else:
        #        data = data.astype(attrs['dtype'])
        new_shape = list(attrs['shape'])
        new_shape[0] += data.shape[0]
        attrs['shape'] = new_shape
        self._write_data(data, "a")