Beispiel #1
def compare_json(shex_url: str, shex_json: str, log: Logger) -> bool:
    Compare the JSON generated from shex_url to the JSON in the target directory
    :param shex_url: URL where we got the ShExC
    :param shex_json: ShExJ equivalent of ShExC
    :param log: Where comparison errors are recorded
    :return: True if they match, false otherwise.  If no match, the offending string is printed
    json_url = shex_url.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".json"
    if ':' in json_url:
        resp = requests.get(json_url)
        if not resp.ok:
            return False
        json_text = resp.text
            with open(json_url) as f:
                json_text =
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f"****> {json_url} not found. Comparison not done ***")
            return True
    d1 = jao_loads(json_text)
    d2 = jao_loads(shex_json)
    if not compare_dicts(as_dict(d1),
                         d2name="actual  ",
        return False
    return True
    def dict_processor(container: JsonObj, resource_type: Optional[str] = None, path: List[str] = None,
                       id_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, in_container: bool = False) -> None:
        Process the elements in container

        :param container: JSON dictionary to be processed
        :param resource_type: type of resource that container appears in
        :param path: Full path from the base resource type to the actual element
        :param id_map: Map from local resource to URI if inside a bundle
        :param in_container: If True then don't tack they type onto the identifier

        # Rule: Whenever we find an embedded resourceType, we assume that we've encountered a brand new resource
        #       Update the passed resource type (example: container is Observation, we're processing the subject node
        #       and the inner resourceType is Patient
        # Note: If there isn't a declared resourceType, it may be able to be extracted from the URL if the URL matches
        #       the predefined FHIR structure
        if hasattr(container, RESOURCETYPE_KEY):
            resource_type = container[RESOURCETYPE_KEY]
            path = [resource_type]

        # If we've got bundle, build an id map to use in the interior
        id_map = bundle_urls(container)            # Note that this will also assign ids to bundle entries

        # Add any contained resources to the contained URL map
        add_contained_urls(container, id_map)

        # Process each of the elements in the dictionary
        # Note: use keys() and re-look up to prevent losing the JsonObj characteristics of the values
        for k in [k for k in as_dict(container).keys() if not k.startswith('_')]:
            if is_choice_element(k):
                map_element(k, container[k], resource_type, [k[VALUE_KEY_LEN:]], container, id_map, in_container)
                map_element(k, container[k], resource_type, path, container, id_map, in_container)

        # Merge any extensions (keys that start with '_') into the base
        #  This happens when either:
        #     A) there is only an extension and no base
        #     B) there is a base, but it isn't a JSON object
        for ext_key in [k for k in as_dict(container).keys() if k.startswith('_')]:
            base_key = ext_key[1:]
            ext_value = container[ext_key]

            if not hasattr(container, base_key):
                container[base_key] = ext_value                 # No base -- move the extension in
            elif not isinstance(container[base_key], JsonObj):
                container[base_key] = to_value(container[base_key])     # Base is not a JSON object
                container[base_key]['extension'] = ext_value['extension'] \
                    if isinstance(ext_value, JsonObj) else ext_value
                container[base_key]['extension'] = ext_value['extension']

            map_element(base_key, ext_value, EXTENSION_RESOURCE_TYPE, [EXTENSION_RESOURCE_TYPE], container, id_map)
Beispiel #3
def compare_json(j1: str, j2: str, log: TextIO) -> bool:
    Compare two JSON representation
    :param j1: first string
    :param j2: second string
    :param log: log file to record differences
    :return: Result of comparison
    d1 = jao_loads(j1)
    d2 = jao_loads(j2)
    return compare_dicts(as_dict(d1), as_dict(d2), file=log)
Beispiel #4
        def check_types(s: SchemaDefinition) -> None:
            output = os.path.join(outputdir, 'schema4.json')
            if not os.path.exists(output):
                with open(output, 'w') as f:
                    f.write(as_json(JsonObj(**{k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v))) for k, v in s.types.items()})))
          "File {output} created - rerun test")

            with open(output) as f:
                expected = as_dict(load(f))
            self.assertEqual(expected, {k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v))) for k, v in s.types.items()})
            s.types = None
Beispiel #5
    def test_element_slots(self):
        """ Test all element slots and their inheritence """
        schema = SchemaLoader(env.input_path('resolver3.yaml')).resolve()
        x = {
            k: v
            for k, v in as_dict(schema.slots['s1']).items()
            if v is not None and v != []
        outfile = env.expected_path('resolver3.json')
        if not os.path.exists(outfile):
            with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
        with open(outfile) as f:
            expected = as_dict(load(f))

        self.assertEqual(expected, x)
    def make_dict(obj):
        transforms an nmdc object into a dict
        if obj == None:
            return  # make sure the object has a value

        ## check if obj can convert to dict
        if not hasattr(obj, "_as_dict"):
            return obj

        # temp_dict = jsonasobj.as_dict(obj) # convert obj dict
        temp_dict = {}
        obj_dict = {}

        ## include only valid values in lists and dicts
        for key, val in jsonasobj.as_dict(obj).items():
            # print('key:', key, '\n', ' val:', val, '\n')
            if type({}) == type(val):  # check values in dict
                temp_dict[key] = {k: v for k, v in val.items() if is_value(v)}
            elif type([]) == type(val):  # check values in list
                temp_dict[key] = [
                    element for element in val if is_value(element)
                temp_dict[key] = val

        ## check for {} or [] that may resulted from prevous loop
        for key, val in temp_dict.items():
            if is_value(val):
                obj_dict[key] = val

        return obj_dict
def from_value(v: Any) -> Any:
    """ Extract the actual value from v noting that it may have already been transformed using to_value

        Note: This assumes that we aren't going to find a "value" in native FHIR JSON.  If this turns out not
              to be the case, we should probably use a safe token (say, "V") during the processing and then
              transform it as a final step.
    return v[VALUE_KEY] if isinstance(v, JsonObj) and VALUE_KEY in as_dict(v) else v
        def check_types(s: SchemaDefinition) -> None:
            output = env.expected_path('schema4.json')
            if not os.path.exists(output):
                with open(output, 'w') as f:
                                    k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v)))
                                    for k, v in s.types.items()

            with open(output) as f:
                expected = as_dict(load(f))
                {k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v)))
                 for k, v in s.types.items()})
            s.types = None
Beispiel #9
 def check_types(s: SchemaDefinition) -> None:
         'integer': {'base': 'int',
                     'from_schema': '',
                     'name': 'integer'},
         'string': {'base': 'str',
                    'from_schema': '',
                    'name': 'string'}},
                      {k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v))) for k, v in s.types.items()})
     s.types = None
Beispiel #10
 def get_element(self, name):
     element = as_dict(self.bmt.get_element(name))
     # This value is not Json serializable, so we're removing it for now.
     if 'local_names' in element:
         del element['local_names']
     if 'slot_usage' in element:
         del element['slot_usage']
     #Annotations are also not JSON serializable.  The current structure is:
     # 'annotations': annotations={'biolink:canonical_predicate':
     # Annotation(tag='biolink:canonical_predicate', value='True', extensions={}, annotations={})}
     # And we want to turn that into "Tag":"Value"
     if 'annotations' in element:
         for k,v in element['annotations'].items():
             element[v['tag']] = v['value']
         del element['annotations']
     return element
Beispiel #11
 def test_element_slots(self):
     """ Test all element slots and their inheritence """
     schema = SchemaLoader(os.path.join(datadir,
     x = {
         k: v
         for k, v in as_dict(schema.slots['s1']).items()
         if v is not None and v != []
             'alt_descriptions': {},
             'comments': ["I'm a little comment"],
             'this is s1 it is good',
             'examples': [{
                 'description': 'an example',
                 'value': 'test: foo'
             }, {
                 'description': None,
                 'value': 17
             'in_subset': ['subset1', 'subset 2'],
             'local_names': {},
             ['Pay attention here', 'Something might be happening'],
             'see_also': ['', 'ex:e2'],
         }, x)
Beispiel #12
    def type_last(self, obj: JsonObj) -> JsonObj:
        """ Move the type identifiers to the end of the object for print purposes """
        def _tl_list(v: List) -> List:
            return [
                self.type_last(e) if isinstance(e, JsonObj) else
                _tl_list(e) if isinstance(e, list) else e for e in v
                if e is not None

        rval = JsonObj()
        for k in as_dict(obj).keys():
            v = obj[k]
            if v is not None and k not in ('type', '_context'):
                rval[k] = _tl_list(v) if isinstance(
                    v, list) else self.type_last(v) if isinstance(
                        v, JsonObj) else v

        if 'type' in obj and obj.type:
            rval.type = obj.type
        return rval
def adjust_urls(fhir_json: Any, outer_url: Optional[str] = "") -> None:
    Traverse the structure adding relative URL's to inner structures
    :param fhir_json:
    :param outer_url: Containing URL
    outer_url = outer_url.rsplit('#')[0]    # Remove any fragment ids - they won't next
    if isinstance(fhir_json, JsonObj):
        if hasattr(fhir_json, '@id'):
            container_id = getattr(fhir_json, '@id')
            if str(container_id).startswith('#'):
                container_id = outer_url + container_id
                fhir_json['@id'] = container_id
            outer_url = container_id
        for k in as_dict(fhir_json).keys():
            adjust_urls(fhir_json[k], outer_url)
    elif isinstance(fhir_json, list):
        for e in fhir_json:
            adjust_urls(e, outer_url)
    def dict_processor(d: JsonObj, resource_type: str, resource_type_set: Set[str], full_url: Optional[str] = None) \
            -> None:
        Process the elements in dictionary d:
        1) Ignore keys that begin with "@" - this is already JSON information
        2) Add index numbers to lists
        3) Recursively process values of type object
        4) Convert any elements that are not one of "nodeRole", "index", "id" and "div" to objects
        5) Merge

        :param d: dictionary to be processed
        :param resource_type: unedited resource type
        :param resource_type_set: set of all resource types in the model
        :param full_url: official ID of the resource from the containing fullURL
        :return: List of resourceTypes referenced by the resource
        def gen_reference(do: JsonObj) -> JsonObj:
            Return the object of a fhir:link based on the reference in d
            :param do: object containing the reference
            :return: link and optional type element
            # TODO: find the official regular expression for the type node.  For the moment we make the (incorrect)
            #       assumption that the type is everything that preceeds the first slash
            if "://" not in do.reference and not do.reference.startswith('/'):
                if hasattr(do, 'type'):
                    typ = do.type
                    typ = do.reference.split('/', 1)[0]
                link = '../' + do.reference
                link = do.reference
                typ = getattr(do, 'type', None)
            rval = JsonObj(**{"@id": link})
            if typ:
                rval['@type'] = "fhir:" + typ
            return rval

        # Normalize all the elements in d.
        #  We realize the keys as a list up front to prevent messing with our own updates

        # full_url is set if we're an embedded resource that has a full_url
        inner_type = getattr(d, 'resourceType', None)
        if inner_type:
            resource_type = inner_type
            if full_url:
                d['@id'] = full_url
        # If this has a resource type, it overrides what was passed in
        for k in list(as_dict(d).keys()):
            v = d[k]
            if k.startswith('@'):  # Ignore JSON-LD components
            elif isinstance(v, JsonObj):  # Inner object -- process recursively
                dict_processor(v, resource_type, resource_type_set,
                               getattr(d, 'fullUrl', None))
            elif isinstance(v, list):  # Add ordering to the list
                d[k] = list_processor(k, v, resource_type_set)
            elif k == "id":  # Internal ids are relative to the document
                if not full_url:
                    d['@id'] = \
                        ('#' if not inner_type and not v.startswith('#') else (resource_type + '/')) + v
                d[k] = to_value(v)
            elif k == "reference":  # Link to another document
                if not hasattr(d, 'link'):
                    d["fhir:link"] = gen_reference(d)
                d[k] = to_value(v)
            elif k == "resourceType" and not (v.startswith('fhir:')):
                d[k] = 'fhir:' + v
            elif k not in ["nodeRole", "index",
                           "div"]:  # Convert most other nodes to value entries
                d[k] = to_value(v)
            if k == 'coding':
                [add_type_arc(n) for n in v]

        # Merge any extensions (keys that start with '_') into the base
        for k in [k for k in as_dict(d).keys() if k.startswith('_')]:
            base_k = k[1:]
            if not hasattr(d, base_k) or not isinstance(d[base_k], JsonObj):
                d[base_k] = JsonObj()
                for kp, vp in as_dict(d[k]).items():
                    if kp in d[base_k]:
                            f"Extension element {kp} is already in the base for {k}"
                        d[base_k][kp] = vp
            del (d[k])
 def from_value(v: Any) -> Any:
     return v[VALUE_TAG] if isinstance(
         v, JsonObj) and VALUE_TAG in as_dict(v) else v
    def dict_processor(dobj: JsonObj, raw_resource_type: str, inside: Optional[bool] = False) -> None:
        Process the elements in dictionary d:
        1) Ignore keys that begin with "@" - this is already JSON information
        2) Duplicate lists creating one ordered, one not
        3) Recursively process values of type 'object'
        5) Add a mapping to merge '_' elements

        :param dobj: dictionary to be processed
        :param raw_resource_type: unedited resource type
        :param inside: indicator of a recursive call
        def gen_reference(rd: JsonObj) -> List[JsonObj]:
            Return the object of a fhir:link based on the reference in d
            :param rd: object containing the reference
            :return: link and optional type element
            # TODO: find the official regular expression for the type node.  For the moment we make the (incorrect)
            #       assumption that the type is everything that preceeds the first slash
            if "://" not in rd.reference and not rd.reference.startswith('/'):
                if hasattr(rd, 'type'):
                    typ = rd.type
                    typ = rd.reference.split('/', 1)[0]
                link = '../' + rd.reference
                link = rd.reference
                typ = getattr(rd, 'type', None)
            #   "subject": [{"@id": "../Patient/foo1",
            #             "@type": "fhir:Patient" },
            #             {"reference": "Patient/f001",
            #             "display": "P. van de Heuvel"}]
            ref = JsonObj(**{"@id": link})
            if typ:
                ref['@type'] = "fhir:" + typ
            return [ref, rd]

        # Normalize all the elements in d.
        #  We realize the keys as a list up front to prevent messing with our own updates
        for k in list(as_dict(dobj).keys()):
            v = dobj[k]
            if k.startswith('@'):               # Ignore JSON-LD components
            elif isinstance(v, JsonObj):        # Inner object -- process recursively
                dict_processor(v, raw_resource_type, True)
                if hasattr(v, 'reference'):
                    dobj[k] = gen_reference(v)
            elif isinstance(v, list):           # Add ordering to the list
                dobj[k] = list_processor(k, v)
            elif k == "id":                     # Internal ids are relative to the document
                dobj['@id'] = ('#' if inside and not v.startswith('#') else (raw_resource_type + '/')) + v
                dobj[k] = to_value(v)
            elif k == "resourceType" and not(v.startswith('fhir:')):
                dobj[k] = 'fhir:' + v
            elif k not in ["nodeRole", "index", "div"]:    # Convert most other nodes to value entries
                dobj[k] = to_value(v)
            if k == 'coding':
                [add_type_arc(n) for n in v]

        underscore_nodes.update([k for k in as_dict(dobj).keys() if k.startswith('_')])