def test_read_simple_file(script='''# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This is a markdown cell """ 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 5 6 "" 7 ################################# # Another markdown cell def f(x): """Sample docstring""" return 4 ''', ): nb = jupytext.reads(script, "py:sphinx") assert nb.cells[0].cell_type == "code" assert nb.cells[0].source == "%matplotlib inline" assert nb.cells[1].cell_type == "markdown" assert nb.cells[1].source == "This is a markdown cell" assert nb.cells[2].cell_type == "code" compare( nb.cells[2].source, """1 + 2 + 3 + 4 5 6""", ) assert nb.cells[3].cell_type == "code" assert nb.cells[3].source == "7" assert nb.cells[4].cell_type == "markdown" assert nb.cells[4].source == "Another markdown cell" assert nb.cells[5].cell_type == "code" assert (nb.cells[5].source == '''def f(x): """Sample docstring""" return 4''') assert len(nb.cells) == 6 script2 = jupytext.writes(nb, "py:sphinx") compare(script2, script)
def test_read_mostly_py_rmd_file(rmd="""--- title: Simple file --- ```{python, echo=TRUE} import numpy as np x = np.arange(0, 2*math.pi, eps) ``` ```{python, echo=TRUE} x = np.arange(0,1,eps) y = np.abs(x)-.5 ``` ```{r} ls() ``` ```{r, results="asis", magic_args="-i x"} cat(stringi::stri_rand_lipsum(3), sep='\n\n') ``` """, ): nb = jupytext.reads(rmd, "Rmd") compare_cells( nb.cells, [ new_raw_cell("---\ntitle: Simple file\n---"), new_code_cell( "import numpy as np\n" "x = np.arange(0, 2*math.pi, eps)", metadata={"echo": True}, ), new_code_cell("x = np.arange(0,1,eps)\ny = np.abs(x)-.5", metadata={"echo": True}), new_code_cell("%%R\nls()"), new_code_cell( "%%R -i x\ncat(stringi::" "stri_rand_lipsum(3), sep='\n\n')", metadata={"results": "asis"}, ), ], compare_ids=False, ) rmd2 = jupytext.writes(nb, "Rmd") rmd2 = re.sub(r"```{r ", "```{r, ", rmd2) rmd2 = re.sub(r"```{python ", "```{python, ", rmd2) compare(rmd2, rmd)
def render(self, name, params): if name == 'task.ipynb': p = Path(name) convert_to = p.suffix[1:] name = str(p.with_suffix('.py')) else: convert_to = None t = self.get_template(name) out = t.render(**params) if convert_to: nb = jupytext.reads(out, fmt='py:light') out = jupytext.writes(nb, fmt=convert_to) return out
def test_notebook_one_blank_line_before_first_markdown_cell( script=""" # This is a markdown cell 1 + 1 """, ): notebook = jupytext.reads(script, "py") script2 = jupytext.writes(notebook, "py") compare(script2, script) assert len(notebook.cells) == 3 for cell in notebook.cells: lines = cell.source.splitlines() if len(lines): assert lines[0] assert lines[-1]
def test_active_tag(text='''# + tags=["active-py"] interpreter = 'python' # + tags=["active-ipynb"] # interpreter = 'ipython' ''', ref=new_notebook(cells=[ new_raw_cell("interpreter = 'python'", metadata={'tags': ['active-py']}), new_code_cell("interpreter = 'ipython'", metadata={'tags': ['active-ipynb']}) ])): nb = jupytext.reads(text, 'py') compare_notebooks(nb, ref) py = jupytext.writes(nb, 'py') compare(py, text)
def test_markdown_cell_with_code_inside_multiline_string_419( text='''```python readme = """ above ```python x = 2 ``` below """ ``` '''): nb = jupytext.reads(text, 'md') compare(jupytext.writes(nb, 'md'), text) assert len(nb.cells) == 1
def test_read_markdown_cell_with_triple_quote_307( script="""# This script test that commented triple quotes ''' # do not impede the correct identification of Markdown cells # Here is Markdown cell number 2 ''' """): notebook = jupytext.reads(script, 'py') assert len(notebook.cells) == 2 assert notebook.cells[0].cell_type == 'markdown' assert notebook.cells[0].source == """This script test that commented triple quotes ''' do not impede the correct identification of Markdown cells""" assert notebook.cells[1].cell_type == 'markdown' assert notebook.cells[1].source == "Here is Markdown cell number 2 '''" script2 = jupytext.writes(notebook, 'py') compare(script2, script)
def test_split_on_header(markdown="""A paragraph # H1 Header ## H2 Header Another paragraph """): fmt = {'extension': '.md', 'split_at_heading': True} nb = jupytext.reads(markdown, fmt) assert nb.cells[0].source == 'A paragraph' assert nb.cells[1].source == '# H1 Header' assert nb.cells[2].source == '## H2 Header\n\nAnother paragraph' assert len(nb.cells) == 3 markdown2 = jupytext.writes(nb, fmt) compare(markdown, markdown2)
def test_notebook_with_magic_and_bash_cells(script="""# This is a test for issue #181 # %load_ext line_profiler # !head -4 data/president_heights.csv """): notebook = jupytext.reads(script, 'py') for cell in notebook.cells: lines = cell.source.splitlines() assert lines[0] assert lines[-1] assert not cell.metadata, cell.source script2 = jupytext.writes(notebook, 'py') compare(script2, script)
def test_read_cell_with_metadata( script="""# %% a code cell with parameters {"tags": ["parameters"]} a = 3 """, ): nb = jupytext.reads(script, "py:percent") assert len(nb.cells) == 1 assert nb.cells[0].cell_type == "code" assert nb.cells[0].source == "a = 3" assert nb.cells[0].metadata == { "title": "a code cell with parameters", "tags": ["parameters"], } script2 = jupytext.writes(nb, "py:percent") compare(script2, script)
def saveAsScript(fileName): if not isJupyterNotebook(): return fileName = fixPath(fileName) notebook_path = this_notebook() if notebook_path is None: print( 'Can\'t find notebook file. Do you use non standard connection to jupyter server? Save this file as script in main menu' ) return with open(notebook_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: notebook =, as_version=4) script = jupytext.writes(notebook, ext='.py', fmt='py') script_path = fileName if script_path[-3:] != '.py': script_path += '.py' with open(script_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(script)
def test_round_trip_python_with_js_cell_no_cell_metadata(): notebook = new_notebook(cells=[ new_code_cell('''import notebook.nbextensions notebook.nbextensions.install_nbextension('jupytext.js', user=True)'''), new_code_cell('''%%javascript Jupyter.utils.load_extensions('jupytext')''') ], metadata={ 'jupytext': { 'notebook_metadata_filter': '-all', 'cell_metadata_filter': '-all' } }) text = jupytext.writes(notebook, 'py') notebook2 = jupytext.reads(text, 'py') compare_notebooks(notebook, notebook2)
def test_docstring_with_quadruple_quote(nb=new_notebook(cells=[ new_code_cell('''def fun_1(df): """" docstring starting with 4 double quotes and ending with 3 """ return df'''), new_code_cell('''def fun_2(df): """ docstring """ return df'''), ])): """Reproduces""" py = jupytext.writes(nb, "py:percent") nb2 = jupytext.reads(py, "py") compare_notebooks(nb2, nb)
def test_split_on_header(markdown="""A paragraph # H1 Header ## H2 Header Another paragraph """, ): fmt = {"extension": ".md", "split_at_heading": True} nb = jupytext.reads(markdown, fmt) assert nb.cells[0].source == "A paragraph" assert nb.cells[1].source == "# H1 Header" assert nb.cells[2].source == "## H2 Header\n\nAnother paragraph" assert len(nb.cells) == 3 markdown2 = jupytext.writes(nb, fmt) compare(markdown2, markdown)
def test_markdown_cell_with_metadata_json( markdown="""<!-- #region {"key": "value"} --> A long markdown cell <!-- #endregion --> """, ): nb = jupytext.reads(markdown, "md") compare( nb.cells[0], new_markdown_cell(source="A long\n\n\nmarkdown cell", metadata={"key": "value"}), ) markdown2 = jupytext.writes(nb, "md") compare(markdown2, markdown)
def test_cell_metadata_filter_is_updated(): text = """--- jupyter: jupytext: cell_metadata_filter: -all --- ```{r cache=FALSE} 1+1 ``` """ nb = reads(text, "Rmd") assert nb.metadata["jupytext"]["cell_metadata_filter"] == "cache,-all" text2 = writes(nb, "Rmd") assert text.splitlines()[-3:] == text2.splitlines()[-3:]
def test_multiple_empty_cells(): nb = new_notebook( cells=[new_code_cell(), new_code_cell(), new_code_cell()], metadata={"jupytext": {"notebook_metadata_filter": "-all"}}, ) text = jupytext.writes(nb, "py:percent") expected = """# %% # %% # %% """ compare(text, expected) nb2 = jupytext.reads(text, "py:percent") nb2.metadata = nb.metadata compare_notebooks(nb2, nb)
def test_hide_code_tag( no_jupytext_version_number, nb=new_notebook( metadata={"jupytext": { "main_language": "matlab" }}, cells=[new_code_cell("1 + 1", metadata={"tags": ["hide_code"]})], ), text="""% + tags=["hide_code"] 1 + 1 """, ): text2 = jupytext.writes(nb, "m") compare(text2, text) nb2 = jupytext.reads(text, "m") compare_notebooks(nb2, nb)
def test_cell_metadata_filter_is_updated(): text = """--- jupyter: jupytext: cell_metadata_filter: -all --- ```{r cache=FALSE} 1+1 ``` """ nb = reads(text, 'Rmd') assert nb.metadata['jupytext']['cell_metadata_filter'] == 'cache,-all' text2 = writes(nb, 'Rmd') assert text.splitlines()[-3:] == text2.splitlines()[-3:]
def test_multiline_comments_format_option(): text = '''# %% [markdown] """ a long cell """ ''' nb = new_notebook( cells=[new_markdown_cell("a\nlong\ncell")], metadata={ "jupytext": {"cell_markers": '"""', "notebook_metadata_filter": "-all"} }, ) py = jupytext.writes(nb, "py:percent") compare(py, text)
def test_notebook_blank_lines(script="""# + # This is a comment # followed by two variables a = 3 b = 4 # - # New cell is a variable c = 5 # + # Now we have two functions def f(x): return x + x def g(x): return x + x + x # - # A commented block that is two lines away # from previous cell # A function again def h(x): return x + 1 # variable d = 6 """, ): notebook = jupytext.reads(script, "py") assert len(notebook.cells) >= 6 for cell in notebook.cells: lines = cell.source.splitlines() if len(lines) != 1: assert lines[0], cell.source assert lines[-1], cell.source script2 = jupytext.writes(notebook, "py") compare(script2, script)
def test_markdown_cell_with_code_inside_multiline_string_419( text='''```python readme = """ above ```python x = 2 ``` below """ ``` ''', ): """A code cell containing triple backticks is converted to a code cell encapsulated with four backticks""" nb = jupytext.reads(text, "md") compare(jupytext.writes(nb, "md"), "`" + text[:-1] + "`\n") assert len(nb.cells) == 1
def test_read_prev_function( pynb="""def test_read_cell_explicit_start_end(pynb=''' import pandas as pd # + def data(): return pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 1]}) data() '''): nb = jupytext.reads(pynb, 'py') pynb2 = jupytext.writes(nb, 'py') compare(pynb2, pynb) """, ): nb = jupytext.reads(pynb, "py") pynb2 = jupytext.writes(nb, "py") compare(pynb2, pynb)
def test_inactive_cell_using_tag( text="""```python tags=["active-md"] # This becomes a raw cell in Jupyter ``` """, expected=new_notebook( cells=[ new_raw_cell( "# This becomes a raw cell in Jupyter", metadata={"tags": ["active-md"]} ) ] ), ): nb = jupytext.reads(text, "md") compare_notebooks(nb, expected) text2 = jupytext.writes(nb, "md") compare(text2, text)
def test_multiline_comments_format_option(): text = '''# %% [markdown] """ a long cell """ ''' nb = new_notebook(cells=[new_markdown_cell("a\nlong\ncell")], metadata={ 'jupytext': { 'cell_markers': '"""', 'notebook_metadata_filter': '-all' } }) py = jupytext.writes(nb, 'py:percent') compare(py, text)
def test_read_simple_file(script="""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This is a markdown cell ''' 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 5 6 '' 7 ################################# # Another markdown cell def f(x): '''Sample docstring''' return 4 """): nb = jupytext.reads(script, ext='.py', format_name='sphinx') assert nb.cells[0].cell_type == 'code' assert nb.cells[0].source == '%matplotlib inline' assert nb.cells[1].cell_type == 'markdown' assert nb.cells[1].source == 'This is a markdown cell' assert nb.cells[2].cell_type == 'code' compare(nb.cells[2].source, '''1 + 2 + 3 + 4 5 6''') assert nb.cells[3].cell_type == 'markdown' assert nb.cells[3].source == '' assert nb.cells[4].cell_type == 'code' assert nb.cells[4].source == '7' assert nb.cells[5].cell_type == 'markdown' assert nb.cells[5].source == 'Another markdown cell' assert nb.cells[6].cell_type == 'code' assert nb.cells[6].source == """def f(x): '''Sample docstring''' return 4""" assert len(nb.cells) == 7 script2 = jupytext.writes(nb, ext='.py', format_name='sphinx') compare(script, script2)
def test_questions_in_unmarked_cells_are_not_uncommented_297( text="""# This cell has no explicit marker # question? 1 + 2 """, nb=new_notebook(cells=[ new_code_cell( "# This cell has no explicit marker\n# question?\n1 + 2", metadata={"comment_questions": False}, ) ]), ): nb2 = jupytext.reads(text, "py") compare_notebooks(nb2, nb) text2 = jupytext.writes(nb2, "py") compare(text2, text)
def test_pep8_bis(): text = """# This is a markdown cell # a code cell def f(x): return x + 1 # And another markdown cell # Separated from f by just one line # As there is no code here """ nb = reads(text, "py") for cell in nb.cells: assert not cell.metadata text2 = writes(nb, "py") compare(text2, text)
def convert_notebook_files(nb_files, nb_dest, test_round_trip=False, preserve_outputs=True): """ Export R markdown notebooks, python or R scripts, or Jupyter notebooks, to the opposite format :param nb_files: one or more notebooks files :param nb_dest: destination file, extension ('.py') or format ('py') :param test_round_trip: should round trip conversion be tested? :param preserve_outputs: preserve the current outputs of .ipynb file when possible :return: """ if len(nb_files) > 1 and nb_dest not in NOTEBOOK_EXTENSIONS: raise ValueError("Converting multiple files requires " "that destination be one of '{}'".format( "', '".join(NOTEBOOK_EXTENSIONS))) for nb_file in nb_files: file, current_ext = os.path.splitext(nb_file) if current_ext not in NOTEBOOK_EXTENSIONS: raise TypeError('File {} is not a notebook'.format(nb_file)) notebook = readf(nb_file) dest, dest_ext = os.path.splitext(nb_dest) if not dest_ext: dest = file if nb_dest in NOTEBOOK_EXTENSIONS: dest_ext = nb_dest else: dest_ext = '.' + nb_dest if dest_ext not in NOTEBOOK_EXTENSIONS: raise TypeError( 'Destination extension {} is not a notebook'.format(dest_ext)) if test_round_trip: test_round_trip_conversion(notebook, dest_ext, preserve_outputs) if '.' in nb_dest: save_notebook_as(notebook, nb_file, dest + dest_ext, preserve_outputs) elif not test_round_trip: print(writes(notebook, ext=dest_ext))
def test_inactive_cell( text="""```python active="md" # This becomes a raw cell in Jupyter ``` """, expected=new_notebook( cells=[ new_raw_cell( "# This becomes a raw cell in Jupyter", metadata={"active": "md"} ) ] ), ): nb = jupytext.reads(text, "md") compare_notebooks(nb, expected) text2 = jupytext.writes(nb, "md") compare(text2, text)