Beispiel #1
def test_changes():
    a = {'a': 12, 'b': '34'}
    b = {'a': 1, 'b': '34'}

    changes = get_changes(a, b)
    assert changes == {'a': 1}

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        get_changes(a, {})
Beispiel #2
    def _get_changes(self, persistable):
        changes = {}
        existing = None

        registry = self.type_registry

        if isinstance(persistable, PersistableType):

            if issubclass(persistable, Relationship):
                # not stored in the db; must be static
                return None, {}

            query = """
                OPTIONAL MATCH
                    cls, collect(
            """.format(get_match_clause(persistable, 'cls', registry))

            # don't use self.query since we don't want to convert the py2neo
            # node into an object
            rows = self._execute(query)
            cls_node, attrs = next(rows, (None, None))

            if cls_node is None:
                # have not found the cls
                return None, {}

            existing_cls_attrs = cls_node._properties

            # Make sure we get a clean view of current data.

            new_cls_attrs = registry.object_to_dict(persistable)

            # If any existing keys in "new" are missing in "old", add `None`s.
            # Unlike instance attributes, we just need to remove the properties
            # from the node, which we can achieve by setting the values to None
            for key in set(existing_cls_attrs) - set(new_cls_attrs):
                new_cls_attrs[key] = None
            changes = get_changes(old=existing_cls_attrs, new=new_cls_attrs)

            attrs = set(attrs)

            modified_attrs = {}

            descr = registry.get_descriptor(persistable)
            for name, attr in descr.declared_attributes.items():
                if name not in attrs:
                    modified_attrs[name] = attr

            del_attrs = set(attrs)

            for name in Descriptor(persistable).attributes.keys():

            for name in del_attrs:
                modified_attrs[name] = None

            if modified_attrs:
                changes['attributes'] = modified_attrs

            # we want to return the existing class
            type_id = get_type_id(persistable)
            existing = registry.get_descriptor_by_id(type_id).cls
                query = 'MATCH {} RETURN obj'.format(
                    get_match_clause(persistable, 'obj', registry)
            except NoUniqueAttributeError:
                existing = None
                existing = self.query_single(query)

            if existing is not None:
                existing_props = registry.object_to_dict(existing)
                props = registry.object_to_dict(persistable)

                if existing_props == props:
                    return existing, {}

                changes = get_changes(old=existing_props, new=props)

        return existing, changes
Beispiel #3
    def _get_changes(self, persistable):
        changes = {}
        existing = None
        obj_type = type(persistable)

        registry = self.type_registry

        if isinstance(persistable, PersistableType):
            # this is a class, we need to get it and it's attrs
            idx_name = get_index_name(PersistableType)
            self._conn.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, idx_name)

            type_id = get_type_id(persistable)
            query_args = {
                'type_id': type_id

            query = join_lines(
                'START cls=node:%s(id={type_id})' % idx_name,
                'MATCH attr -[:DECLAREDON*0..]-> cls',
                'RETURN cls, collect('

            # don't use self.query since we don't want to convert the py2neo
            # node into an object
            rows = self._execute(query, **query_args)
            cls_node, attrs = next(rows, (None, None))

            if cls_node is None:
                # have not found the cls
                return None, {}

            existing_cls_attrs = cls_node.get_properties()
            new_cls_attrs = registry.object_to_dict(persistable)

            # If any existing keys in "new" are missing in "old", add `None`s.
            # Unlike instance attributes, we just need to remove the properties
            # from the node, which we can achieve by setting the values to None
            for key in set(existing_cls_attrs) - set(new_cls_attrs):
                new_cls_attrs[key] = None
            changes = get_changes(old=existing_cls_attrs, new=new_cls_attrs)

            attrs = set(attrs)

            modified_attrs = {}

            descr = registry.get_descriptor(persistable)
            for name, attr in descr.declared_attributes.items():
                if name not in attrs:
                    modified_attrs[name] = attr

            del_attrs = set(attrs)

            for name in Descriptor(persistable).attributes.keys():

            for name in del_attrs:
                modified_attrs[name] = None

            if modified_attrs:
                changes['attributes'] = modified_attrs

            # we want to return the existing class
            existing = registry.get_descriptor_by_id(type_id).cls
            existing = self.get(obj_type, **get_attr_filter(persistable,
            if existing is not None:
                existing_props = registry.object_to_dict(existing)
                props = registry.object_to_dict(persistable)

                if isinstance(persistable, Relationship):
                    # if the relationship has endoints, also consider
                    # whether those have changed
                    for rel_attr in ['start', 'end']:
                        new = getattr(persistable, rel_attr, None)
                        if new is None:
                        ex_rel_attr = getattr(existing, rel_attr)
                        ex_rel_identifier = get_attr_filter(ex_rel_attr,
                        if new != ex_rel_identifier:
                            props[rel_attr] = new

                if existing_props == props:
                    return existing, {}

                changes = get_changes(old=existing_props, new=props)

        return existing, changes