Beispiel #1
    def kappa_predicted(self):
        c_light = 3e5 #km/s
        # Eq. 9 Amara et al.
        constant = ((100. * self.cosmo['h'])**2 * self.cosmo['omega_M_0']) * \
                   (3/2.) * (1/c_light**2)         

        if type(self.zs) is np.ndarray:#This only works if zs is already binned!
            if self.pdf_zs is None:
                self.pdf_zs = np.arange(len(self.d_c)*len(self.d_s)).reshape((len(self.d_c),len(self.d_s)))* 0.0 + 1.0 #DEFAULT Flat Distribution
                self.pdf_zs = np.resize(self.pdf_zs,(len(self.d_c),len(self.d_s)))

            self.pdf_zs /= np.linalg.norm(self.pdf_zs[0,:],ord=1)#normalize probabilities to be used in integral
            self.pdf_zs = np.transpose(self.pdf_zs)
            twod_d_s = np.transpose(np.resize(self.d_s,(len(self.d_c),len(self.d_s))))
            twod_d_c = np.resize(self.d_c,(len(self.d_s),len(self.d_c)))

            integral_2 = (self.pdf_zs*(twod_d_s - twod_d_c) / twod_d_s)
            #integral_2_summed = np.resize([integral_2[x,:].sum() for x in range(len(self.d_s))],len(self.d_c))#do integral
            integral_2_summed = [integral_2[:,x].sum() for x in range(len(self.d_c))]
            integral_1 = ((self.d_c * integral_2_summed) * \
                          (self.delta_d / self.a))[:,np.newaxis][:,np.newaxis]
            integral_1 = ((self.d_c * (self.d_s - self.d_c) / self.d_s) * \
                          (self.delta_d / self.a))[:,np.newaxis][:,np.newaxis]#NOW 3D

        # Smooth the 3d density field and find kappa from that
        self.mask_3d = np.ones(self.delta3d.shape) * self.mask
        xxx, self.delta3d_sm, yyy = convolve_mask_fft(self.delta3d, \
                                        self.mask_3d, self.g_3d, ignore=0.0)
        self.kappa_pred_3d = constant * np.sum(integral_1 * self.delta3d_sm, \
        # Use unsmoothed density field and generate kappa from that. Later
        # smooth the 2D kappa field    
        self.kappa_pred = constant * np.sum(integral_1 * self.delta3d, axis=0)

        xxx, self.kappa_pred, yyy = convolve_mask_fft(self.kappa_pred, 
                                                      self.g_2d, ignore=0.0) 
        self.gamma_p = ku.kappa_to_gamma(self.kappa_pred,self.pixel_scale,dt2=None) 

        #if self.pix_source_z:
        #    print len(integral_pix), self.delta3d.shape, self.kappa_pred.shape
        print integral_1.shape, self.delta3d.shape, self.kappa_pred.shape

        np.savez('kappa_predicted.npz', kappa=self.kappa_pred)
Beispiel #2
    def true_values(self, g_to_k=False, e_sign = [-1, -1], 
                    col_names=['RA', 'DEC', 'z', 'E1', 'E2', 'W', 'SN', 'Re']):
        """g_to_k=True implies that create kappa from gamma, otherwise just 
           read kappa directly from the fits table. e_sign tells what is the 
           correct sign for e1 and e2. col_names tells the column names in
           the fits file. It works only with g_to_k=False. Otherwise use 
           difault name for column from the simulation"""
        if g_to_k:
            sourcefile1 = os.path.split(self.sourcefile)[1].split('.')[0]
            ofile = 'pixelized_%s.npz'%sourcefile1
            ofile, mask = ku.pixelize_shear_CFHT('.', self.sourcefile, \
                          self.pixel_scale, ofile=ofile, \
                          bin_ra=self.raedges, bin_dec=self.decedges,
                          zmin=self.zmin_s, zmax=self.zmax_s,
            f = np.load('pixelized_%s.npz'%sourcefile1)
            epsilon = f['epsilon']
            Nm = f['number']
            dt2 = self.pixel_scale
            dt1 = self.pixel_scale
            self.mask = f['mask']
            xxx, e1, yyy = convolve_mask_fft(epsilon.real, self.mask, 
                                   self.g_2d, ignore=0.50)
            xxx, e2, yyy = convolve_mask_fft(epsilon.imag, self.mask, 
                                   self.g_2d, ignore=0.50)
            xxx, Nm, yyy = convolve_mask_fft(Nm, self.mask, self.g_2d, 
            Nm[Nm == 0] = 1

            epsilon = e_sign[0] * e1 + e_sign[1] * 1j * e2
            epsilon /= Nm

            self.kappa_true = ku.gamma_to_kappa(epsilon, dt1, dt2=dt2).real
            self.gamma1_true = epsilon.real 
            self.gamma2_true = epsilon.imag
            #Reading source catalog to get the shear field
            f =
            d = f[1].data
            header = f[1].header
            z_source = d.field('Z')
            con = (z_source >= self.zmin_s) & (z_source <= self.zmax_s)
            ra_sh = d.field('RA')[con]
            dec_sh = d.field('DEC')[con]
            gamma1_true = d.field('GAMMA1')[con]
            gamma2_true = d.field('GAMMA2')[con]
            z_source = z_source[con]

            N, E = np.histogramdd(np.array([dec_sh, ra_sh]).T,
                   bins=(self.decedges, self.raedges))
            self.mask = N.copy() + 1
            self.mask_lens = N.copy() + 1
            Ng1, E = np.histogramdd(np.array([dec_sh, ra_sh]).T,
                   bins=(self.decedges, self.raedges), weights=gamma1_true)
            Ng2, E = np.histogramdd(np.array([dec_sh, ra_sh]).T,
                   bins=(self.decedges, self.raedges), weights=gamma2_true)#Not sure I understand why the gammas are the weights

            N[N == 0] = 1
            self.mask[self.mask > 0] = 1
            self.mask_lens[self.mask_lens > 0] = 1

            self.gamma1_true = Ng1 / (1. * N)
            self.gamma2_true = Ng2 / (1. * N)

            if 'KAPPA' in header.values(): 
                kappa_true = d.field('KAPPA')[con]
                Nk, E = np.histogramdd(np.array([dec_sh, ra_sh]).T,
                       bins=(self.decedges, self.raedges), weights=kappa_true)

                self.kappa_true = Nk / (1. * N)

                dt2 = self.pixel_scale
                dt1 = self.pixel_scale
                epsilon = e_sign[0] * self.gamma1_true + \
                          e_sign[1] * 1j * self.gamma2_true
                self.kappa_true = ku.gamma_to_kappa(epsilon, dt1, dt2=dt2).real

            #Masked convolution
            xxx, self.kappa_true, yyy = convolve_mask_fft(self.kappa_true, \
                                                self.mask_lens, \
                                                self.g_2d, ignore=0.0)
            xxx, self.gamma1_true, yyy = convolve_mask_fft(self.gamma1_true,\
                                                self.mask, \
                                                self.g_2d, ignore=0.0)
            self.gamma1_true *= e_sign[0]
            xxx, self.gamma2_true, yyy = convolve_mask_fft(self.gamma2_true, \
                                                self.mask, \
                                                self.g_2d, ignore=0.0)
            self.gamma2_true *= e_sign[1]
            self.gamma_true = self.gamma1_true + 1j * self.gamma2_true
            self.gamma_tp = ku.kappa_to_gamma(self.kappa_true,self.pixel_scale,dt2=None)