def test_send_request(self):
        """Very high level test.

        Calling methods to insure they do not raise exception.

        client = InspectingClientAsync(, self.port,

        yield client.connect()
        yield client.until_connected()
        yield client.until_synced()
        self.assertEquals(len(client.sensors), 0)

        self.assertEquals(len(client.requests), 0)
        yield client.simple_request('sensor-sampling', '', 'event')
        # Wait for sync and check if the sensor was automaticaly added.
        # Get the sensor object and see if it has data.
        sensor = yield client.future_get_sensor('')
        self.assertEquals(len(client.sensors), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(client.requests), 0)
    def test_send_request(self):
        """Very high level test.

        Calling methods to insure they do not raise exception.

        client = InspectingClientAsync(, self.port,

        yield client.connect()
        yield client.until_connected()
        yield client.until_synced()
        self.assertEquals(len(client.sensors), 0)

        self.assertEquals(len(client.requests), 0)
        yield client.simple_request('sensor-sampling', '', 'event')
        # Wait for sync and check if the sensor was automaticaly added.
        # Get the sensor object and see if it has data.
        sensor = yield client.future_get_sensor('')
        self.assertEquals(len(client.sensors), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(client.requests), 0)
Beispiel #3
    def test_no_memory_leak_after_usage(self):
        client = InspectingClientAsync(, self.port, ioloop=self.io_loop)
        wr = weakref.ref(client)

        yield client.connect()
        yield client.until_synced()
        yield client.until_stopped()

        # clear strong reference and check if object can be garbage collected
        client = None
    def _test_inspect_requests(self, timeout_hints):
        """Test  index creation

        timeout_hints : bool
            Whether or not the server being tested against should privide
            request timeout hints

        Disables :meth:`InspectingClient.inspect_requests` so that inspecting
        does not happen until the test triggers is. Then checks that
        :attr:`InspectingClient._requests_index` is correctly generated

        host, port, server = self._get_server(hints=timeout_hints)
        DUT = InspectingClientAsync(host, port, ioloop=self.io_loop)
        # mock out the state loop so that syncing does not happen automatically
        DUT._state_loop = mock.Mock()
        # Connect to test server
        yield DUT.connect(timeout=1)
        # Now run the method under test
        yield DUT.inspect_requests()
        expected_request_index = self._get_expected_request_index(server)
        self.assertEqual(DUT._requests_index, expected_request_index)
class TestInspectingClientAsyncStateCallback(tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase):
    longMessage = True
    maxDiff = None

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestInspectingClientAsyncStateCallback, self).setUp()
        self.server = DeviceTestServer('', 0)
        start_thread_with_cleanup(self, self.server, start_timeout=1), self.port = self.server.bind_address
        self.state_cb_future = tornado.concurrent.Future()
        self.client = InspectingClientAsync(, self.port,
        # Set a short initial_resync timeout to make resync tests quick
        self.client.initial_resync_timeout = 0.001
        self.done_state_cb_futures = []
        self.cnt_state_cb_futures = collections.defaultdict(tornado.concurrent.Future)

    def _test_state_cb(self, state, model_changes):
        f = self.state_cb_future
        self.state_cb_future = tornado.concurrent.Future()
        num_calls = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        f.set_result((state, model_changes))

    def _check_cb_count(self, expected_count):
        """Let the ioloop run and assert that the callback has been called
        the expected number of times"""
        yield tornado.gen.moment
        self.assertEqual(len(self.done_state_cb_futures), expected_count)

    def test_from_connect(self):
        # Hold back #version-connect informs
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        logger.debug('before starting client, num_calls_before:{}'.format(num_calls_before))


        state, model_changes = yield self.state_cb_future
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=False, synced=False, model_changed=False, data_synced=False))

        state, model_changes = yield self.state_cb_future
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=False, model_changed=False, data_synced=False))
        self.assertIs(model_changes, None)
        # Due to the structure of the state loop the initial state may be sent
        # twice before we get here, and was the case for the initial
        # implementation. Changes made on 2015-01-26 caused it to happen only
        # once, hence + 1. If the implementation changes having + 2 would also
        # be OK. As, indeed, changes made on 2016-11-03 caused again :)
        yield self._check_cb_count(num_calls_before + 2)

        # Now let the server send #version-connect informs
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        # We're expecting two calls hard on each other's heels, so lets wait for them
        yield self.cnt_state_cb_futures[num_calls_before + 2]
        # We expected two status callbacks, and no more after
        yield self._check_cb_count(num_calls_before + 2)
        state, model_changes = yield self.done_state_cb_futures[-2]
        state2, model_changes2 = yield self.done_state_cb_futures[-1]
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=False, model_changed=True, data_synced=True))
        # Check that the expected model changes came from the callback
        self.assertEqual(state2, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=True, model_changed=False, data_synced=True))
        self.assertEqual(model_changes2, None)

    def _test_expected_model_changes(self, model_changes):
        # Check that the model_changes reflect the sensors and requests of the
        # test sever (self.server)
        server_sensors = self.server._sensors.keys()
        server_requests = self.server._request_handlers.keys()
        self.assertEqual(model_changes, dict(
            sensors=dict(added=set(server_sensors), removed=set()),
            requests=dict(added=set(server_requests), removed=set())))

    def test_reconnect(self):
        yield self.client.until_synced()
        yield tornado.gen.moment   # Make sure the ioloop is 'caught up'

        # cause a disconnection and check that the callback is called
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        state, model_changes = yield self.state_cb_future
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=False, synced=False, model_changed=False, data_synced=False))
        self.assertIs(model_changes, None)
        yield self._check_cb_count(num_calls_before + 1)

    def _test_inspection_error(self, break_var, break_message):
        # Test that the client retries if there is an error in the inspection
        # process
        setattr(self.server, break_var, break_message)

        # Wait for the client to be connected
        yield self.client.until_connected()
        # Wait for the state loop to send another update or 2
        yield self.state_cb_future
        state, _ = yield self.state_cb_future
        # Check that data is still not synced

        # Now fix the inspection request, client should sync up.
        setattr(self.server, break_var, False)
        # Check that the server's sensors and request are reflected in the model
        # changes.
        changes_state = inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=False, model_changed=True, data_synced=True)
        yield self.client.until_state(changes_state)
        state, model_changes = self.done_state_cb_futures[-1].result()
        assert state == changes_state
        yield self.client.until_synced()

    def test_help_inspection_error(self):
        yield self._test_inspection_error('break_help', 'Help is broken')

    def test_sensor_list_inspection_error(self):
        yield self._test_inspection_error(
            'break_sensor_list', 'Sensor-list is broken')
class TestInspectingClientAsyncStateCallback(tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestInspectingClientAsyncStateCallback, self).setUp()
        self.server = DeviceTestServer('', 0)
        start_thread_with_cleanup(self, self.server, start_timeout=1), self.port = self.server.bind_address
        self.state_cb_future = tornado.concurrent.Future()
        self.client = InspectingClientAsync(, self.port,
        self.done_state_cb_futures = []
        self.cnt_state_cb_futures = collections.defaultdict(tornado.concurrent.Future)

    def _test_state_cb(self, state, model_changes):
        f = self.state_cb_future
        self.state_cb_future = tornado.concurrent.Future()
        num_calls = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        f.set_result((state, model_changes))

    def _check_no_cb(self, no_expected):
        """Let the ioloop run and assert that the callback was not called"""
        yield tornado.gen.moment
        self.assertEqual(len(self.done_state_cb_futures), no_expected)

    def test_from_connect(self):
        # Hold back #version-connect informs
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        logger.debug('before starting client, num_calls_before:{}'.format(num_calls_before))


        state, model_changes = yield self.state_cb_future
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=False, model_changed=False, data_synced=False))
        self.assertIs(model_changes, None)
        # Due to the structure of the state loop the initial state may be sent twice
        # before we get her, and was the case for the initial implementation. Changes made
        # on 2015-01-26 caused it to happy only once, hence + 1. If the implementation
        # changes having + 2 would also be OK.
        yield self._check_no_cb(num_calls_before + 1)

        # Now let the server send #version-connect informs
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        # We're expecting two calls hard on each other's heels, so lets wait for them
        yield self.cnt_state_cb_futures[num_calls_before + 2]
        # We expected two status callbacks, and no more after
        yield self._check_no_cb(num_calls_before + 2)
        state, model_changes = yield self.done_state_cb_futures[-2]
        state2, model_changes2 = yield self.done_state_cb_futures[-1]
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=False, model_changed=True, data_synced=True))
        server_sensors = self.server._sensors.keys()
        server_requests = self.server._request_handlers.keys()
        self.assertEqual(model_changes, dict(
            sensors=dict(added=set(server_sensors), removed=set()),
            requests=dict(added=set(server_requests), removed=set())))
        self.assertEqual(state2, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=True, model_changed=False, data_synced=True))
        self.assertEqual(model_changes2, None)

    def test_reconnect(self):
        yield self.client.until_synced()
        yield tornado.gen.moment   # Make sure the ioloop is 'caught up'

        # cause a disconnection and check that the callback is called
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        state, model_changes = yield self.state_cb_future
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=False, synced=False, model_changed=False, data_synced=False))
        self.assertIs(model_changes, None)
        yield self._check_no_cb(num_calls_before + 1)
class TestInspectingClientAsyncStateCallback(tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase):
    longMessage = True
    maxDiff = None

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestInspectingClientAsyncStateCallback, self).setUp()
        self.server = DeviceTestServer('', 0)
        start_thread_with_cleanup(self, self.server, start_timeout=1), self.port = self.server.bind_address
        self.state_cb_future = tornado.concurrent.Future()
        self.client = InspectingClientAsync(, self.port,
        # Set a short initial_resync timeout to make resync tests quick
        self.client.initial_resync_timeout = 0.001
        self.done_state_cb_futures = []
        self.cnt_state_cb_futures = collections.defaultdict(tornado.concurrent.Future)

    def _test_state_cb(self, state, model_changes):
        f = self.state_cb_future
        self.state_cb_future = tornado.concurrent.Future()
        num_calls = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        f.set_result((state, model_changes))

    def _check_cb_count(self, expected_count):
        """Let the ioloop run and assert that the callback has been called
        the expected number of times"""
        yield tornado.gen.moment
        self.assertEqual(len(self.done_state_cb_futures), expected_count)

    def test_from_connect(self):
        # Hold back #version-connect informs
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        logger.debug('before starting client, num_calls_before:{}'.format(num_calls_before))


        state, model_changes = yield self.state_cb_future
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=False, synced=False, model_changed=False, data_synced=False))

        state, model_changes = yield self.state_cb_future
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=False, model_changed=False, data_synced=False))
        self.assertIs(model_changes, None)
        # Due to the structure of the state loop the initial state may be sent
        # twice before we get here, and was the case for the initial
        # implementation. Changes made on 2015-01-26 caused it to happen only
        # once, hence + 1. If the implementation changes having + 2 would also
        # be OK. As, indeed, changes made on 2016-11-03 caused again :)
        yield self._check_cb_count(num_calls_before + 2)

        # Now let the server send #version-connect informs
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        # We're expecting two calls hard on each other's heels, so lets wait for them
        yield self.cnt_state_cb_futures[num_calls_before + 2]
        # We expected two status callbacks, and no more after
        yield self._check_cb_count(num_calls_before + 2)
        state, model_changes = yield self.done_state_cb_futures[-2]
        state2, model_changes2 = yield self.done_state_cb_futures[-1]
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=False, model_changed=True, data_synced=True))
        # Check that the expected model changes came from the callback
        self.assertEqual(state2, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=True, model_changed=False, data_synced=True))
        self.assertEqual(model_changes2, None)

    def _test_expected_model_changes(self, model_changes):
        # Check that the model_changes reflect the sensors and requests of the
        # test sever (self.server)
        server_sensors = self.server._sensors.keys()
        server_requests = self.server._request_handlers.keys()
        self.assertEqual(model_changes, dict(
            sensors=dict(added=set(server_sensors), removed=set()),
            requests=dict(added=set(server_requests), removed=set())))

    def test_reconnect(self):
        yield self.client.until_synced()
        yield tornado.gen.moment   # Make sure the ioloop is 'caught up'

        # cause a disconnection and check that the callback is called
        num_calls_before = len(self.done_state_cb_futures)
        state, model_changes = yield self.state_cb_future
        self.assertEqual(state, inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=False, synced=False, model_changed=False, data_synced=False))
        self.assertIs(model_changes, None)
        yield self._check_cb_count(num_calls_before + 1)

    def _test_inspection_error(self, break_var, break_message):
        # Test that the client retries if there is an error in the inspection
        # process
        setattr(self.server, break_var, break_message)

        # Wait for the client to be connected
        yield self.client.until_connected()
        # Wait for the state loop to send another update or 2
        yield self.state_cb_future
        state, _ = yield self.state_cb_future
        # Check that data is still not synced

        # Now fix the inspection request, client should sync up.
        setattr(self.server, break_var, False)
        # Check that the server's sensors and request are reflected in the model
        # changes.
        changes_state = inspecting_client.InspectingClientStateType(
            connected=True, synced=False, model_changed=True, data_synced=True)
        yield self.client.until_state(changes_state)
        state, model_changes = self.done_state_cb_futures[-1].result()
        assert state == changes_state
        yield self.client.until_synced()

    def test_help_inspection_error(self):
        yield self._test_inspection_error('break_help', 'Help is broken')

    def test_sensor_list_inspection_error(self):
        yield self._test_inspection_error(
            'break_sensor_list', 'Sensor-list is broken')