Beispiel #1
def is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
    DIRS = rules.DIRS
    direction, stepx, stepy = rk_step(None, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty)
    if(direction == DIRS['undefined']):
        return False

    color = Match.color_of_piece(piece)

    pin_dir = rules.pin_dir(match, srcx, srcy)

    if(direction == DIRS['north'] or direction == DIRS['south']):
        if(pin_dir != DIRS['north'] and pin_dir != DIRS['south'] and pin_dir != DIRS['undefined']):
            return False
    elif(direction == DIRS['east'] or direction == DIRS['west']):
        if(pin_dir != DIRS['east'] and pin_dir != DIRS['west'] and pin_dir != DIRS['undefined']):
            return False

    x = srcx + stepx
    y = srcy + stepy
    while(x >= 0 and x <= 7 and y >= 0 and y <= 7):
        field = match.readfield(x, y)
        if(x == dstx and y == dsty):
            if(Match.color_of_piece(field) == color):
                return False
                return True
        elif(field != Match.PIECES['blk']):
            return False

        x += stepx
        y += stepy

    return False
Beispiel #2
def is_lg_castling_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
    color = Match.color_of_piece(piece)

    opp_color = Match.REVERSED_COLORS[color]

    for i in range(1, 3, 1):
        fieldx = srcx - i
        field = match.readfield(fieldx, srcy)
        if(field != Match.PIECES['blk']):
            return False

    if(color == Match.COLORS['white']):
        if(match.wKg_first_movecnt != 0 or match.wRk_a1_first_movecnt != 0):
            return False
        if(match.bKg_first_movecnt != 0 or match.bRk_a8_first_movecnt != 0):
            return False

    king = match.readfield(srcx, srcy)
    match.writefield(srcx, srcy, Match.PIECES['blk'])
    for i in range(0, -3, -1):
        castlingx = srcx + i
        attacked = rules.attacked(match, castlingx, srcy, opp_color)
        if(attacked == True):
            match.writefield(srcx, srcy, king)
            return False

    match.writefield(srcx, srcy, king)
    return True
Beispiel #3
def is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
    DIRS = rules.DIRS

    color = Match.color_of_piece(piece)

    opp_color = Match.REVERSED_COLORS[color]

    direction = kg_dir(srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty)
    if(direction == DIRS['sh-castling']):
        return is_sh_castling_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece)
    if(direction == DIRS['lg-castling']):
        return is_lg_castling_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece)
    if(direction == DIRS['undefined']):
        return False

    king = match.readfield(srcx, srcy)
    captured = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
    match.writefield(srcx, srcy, Match.PIECES['blk'])
    match.writefield(dstx, dsty, king)
    attacked = rules.attacked(match, dstx, dsty, opp_color)
    match.writefield(srcx, srcy, king)
    match.writefield(dstx, dsty, captured)
    if(attacked == True):
        return False

    field = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
    if(match.color_of_piece(field) == color):
        return False

    return True
Beispiel #4
def is_move_color_ok_OLD(piece, count):
    color = Match.color_of_piece(piece)
    if count % 2 == 0 and color == Match.COLORS["white"]:
        return True
    elif count % 2 == 1 and color == Match.COLORS["black"]:
        return True
        return False
Beispiel #5
def pin_dir(match, scrx, srcy):
    piece = match.readfield(scrx, srcy)
    color = Match.color_of_piece(piece)
    if color == Match.COLORS["white"]:
        kgx = match.wKg_x
        kgy = match.wKg_y
        kgx = match.bKg_x
        kgy = match.bKg_y

    direction, stepx, stepy = rook.rk_step(None, scrx, srcy, kgx, kgy)
    if direction != DIRS["undefined"]:
        dstx, dsty = search(match, scrx, srcy, stepx, stepy)
        if dstx != UNDEF_X:
            piece = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
            if (color == Match.COLORS["white"] and piece == Match.PIECES["wKg"]) or (
                color == Match.COLORS["black"] and piece == Match.PIECES["bKg"]
                reverse_dir = REVERSE_DIRS[direction]
                reverse_dir, stepx, stepy = rook.rk_step(reverse_dir, None, None, None, None)
                dstx, dsty = search(match, scrx, srcy, stepx, stepy)
                if dstx != UNDEF_X:
                    piece = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
                    if color == Match.COLORS["white"]:
                        if piece == Match.PIECES["bQu"] or piece == Match.PIECES["bRk"]:
                            return direction
                            return DIRS["undefined"]
                        if piece == Match.PIECES["wQu"] or piece == Match.PIECES["wRk"]:
                            return direction
                            return DIRS["undefined"]

    direction, stepx, stepy = bishop.bp_step(None, scrx, srcy, kgx, kgy)
    if direction != DIRS["undefined"]:
        dstx, dsty = search(match, scrx, srcy, stepx, stepy)
        if dstx != UNDEF_X:
            piece = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
            if (color == Match.COLORS["white"] and piece == Match.PIECES["wKg"]) or (
                color == Match.COLORS["black"] and piece == Match.PIECES["bKg"]
                reverse_dir = REVERSE_DIRS[direction]
                reverse_dir, stepx, stepy = bishop.bp_step(reverse_dir, None, None, None, None)
                dstx, dsty = search(match, scrx, srcy, stepx, stepy)
                if dstx != UNDEF_X:
                    piece = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
                    if color == Match.COLORS["white"]:
                        if piece == Match.PIECES["bQu"] or piece == Match.PIECES["bBp"]:
                            return direction
                            return DIRS["undefined"]
                        if piece == Match.PIECES["wQu"] or piece == Match.PIECES["wBp"]:
                            return direction
                            return DIRS["undefined"]
    return DIRS["undefined"]
Beispiel #6
def evaluate_contacts(match):
    supported_whites = 0
    attacked_whites = 0
    supported_blacks = 0
    attacked_blacks = 0
    color = match.next_color()

    for y in range(0, 8, 1):
        for x in range(0, 8, 1):
            piece = match.readfield(x, y)
            if(Match.color_of_piece(piece) == Match.COLORS['undefined']):
            elif(Match.color_of_piece(piece) == Match.COLORS['white']):
                supported_whites += rules.count_attacks(match, x, y, Match.COLORS['white'])
                attacked_whites += rules.count_attacks(match, x, y, Match.COLORS['black'])
                supported_blacks += rules.count_attacks(match, x, y, Match.COLORS['black'])
                attacked_blacks += rules.count_attacks(match, x, y, Match.COLORS['white'])

    return (supported_whites - attacked_whites) - (supported_blacks - attacked_blacks)
Beispiel #7
def evaluate_developments(match):
    developed_whites = 0
    developed_blacks = 0

    for y in range(0, 8, 1):
        for x in range(0, 8, 1):
            piece = match.readfield(x, y)
            if(Match.color_of_piece(piece) == Match.COLORS['undefined']):
            elif(Match.color_of_piece(piece) == Match.COLORS['white']):
                if(piece == Match.PIECES['wKn']):
                    if(y > 0):
                        developed_whites += 3
                elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wBp']):
                    if(y > 0):
                        developed_whites += 2
                elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wQu']):
                    if(y > 0):
                        developed_whites += 1
                elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wKg']):
                    if(y == 0 and (x == 6 or x == 2)):
                        developed_whites += 2
                if(piece == Match.PIECES['bKn']):
                    if(y < 7):
                        developed_blacks -= 3
                elif(piece == Match.PIECES['bBp']):
                    if(y < 7):
                        developed_blacks -= 2
                elif(piece == Match.PIECES['bQu']):
                    if(y < 7):
                        developed_blacks -= 1
                elif(piece == Match.PIECES['bKg']):
                    if(y == 7 and (x == 6 or x == 2)):
                        developed_blacks -= 2

    return developed_whites + developed_blacks
Beispiel #8
def is_move_valid(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, prom_piece):
    # print(" counts " + str(match.wKg_first_movecnt) + " " + str(match.wRk_h1_first_movecnt)  + " " + str(match.wRk_a1_first_movecnt))
    # print(" counts " + str(match.bKg_first_movecnt) + " " + str(match.bRk_h8_first_movecnt)  + " " + str(match.bRk_a8_first_movecnt))
    # print("-------------------------------------------")
    if not is_move_inbounds(srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty):
        return False, ERROR_CODES["out-of-bounds"]

    piece = match.readfield(srcx, srcy)

    if match.next_color() != Match.color_of_piece(piece):
        return False, ERROR_CODES["wrong-color"]

    if piece != Match.PIECES["wKg"] and piece != Match.PIECES["bKg"]:
        if is_king_after_move_attacked(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty):
            return False, ERROR_CODES["king-error"]

    if piece == Match.PIECES["wPw"] or piece == Match.PIECES["bPw"]:
        if not pawn.is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece, prom_piece):
            return False, ERROR_CODES["pawn-error"]
            return True, ERROR_CODES["none"]
    elif piece == Match.PIECES["wRk"] or piece == Match.PIECES["bRk"]:
        if not rook.is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
            return False, ERROR_CODES["rook-error"]
            return True, ERROR_CODES["none"]
    elif piece == Match.PIECES["wKn"] or piece == Match.PIECES["bKn"]:
        if not knight.is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
            return False, ERROR_CODES["knight-error"]
            return True, ERROR_CODES["none"]
    elif piece == Match.PIECES["wBp"] or piece == Match.PIECES["bBp"]:
        if not bishop.is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
            return False, ERROR_CODES["bishop-error"]
            return True, ERROR_CODES["none"]
    elif piece == Match.PIECES["wQu"] or piece == Match.PIECES["bQu"]:
        if not queen.is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
            return False, ERROR_CODES["queen-error"]
            return True, ERROR_CODES["none"]
    elif piece == Match.PIECES["wKg"] or piece == Match.PIECES["bKg"]:
        if not king.is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
            return False, ERROR_CODES["king-error"]
            return True, ERROR_CODES["none"]
        return False, ERROR_CODES["general-error"]
Beispiel #9
def is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece, prom_piece):
    DIRS = rules.DIRS
    direction = pw_dir(srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece)
    if(direction == DIRS['undefined']):
        return False

    pin_dir = rules.pin_dir(match, srcx, srcy)

    if(direction == DIRS['north'] or direction == DIRS['south'] or direction == DIRS['2north'] 
        or direction == DIRS['2south']):
        if(pin_dir != DIRS['north'] and pin_dir != DIRS['south'] and pin_dir != DIRS['undefined']):
            return False
    elif(direction == DIRS['north-west'] or direction == DIRS['south-east']):
        if(pin_dir != DIRS['north-west'] and pin_dir != DIRS['south-east'] and pin_dir != DIRS['undefined']):
            return False
    elif(direction == DIRS['north-east'] or direction == DIRS['south-west']):
        if(pin_dir != DIRS['north-east'] and pin_dir != DIRS['south-west'] and pin_dir != DIRS['undefined']):
            return False

    dstpiece = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
    dstcolor = Match.color_of_piece(dstpiece)
    if(direction == DIRS['north'] or direction == DIRS['south']):
        if(dstpiece != Match.PIECES['blk']):
            return False
    elif(direction == DIRS['2north']):
        midpiece = match.readfield(dstx, srcy + 1)
        if(midpiece != Match.PIECES['blk'] or dstpiece != Match.PIECES['blk']):
            return False
    elif(direction == DIRS['2south']):
        midpiece = match.readfield(dstx, srcy - 1)
        if(midpiece != Match.PIECES['blk'] or dstpiece != Match.PIECES['blk']):
            return False
    if(direction == DIRS['north-west'] or direction == DIRS['north-east']):
        if(dstcolor != Match.COLORS['black']):
            return is_white_ep_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty)
    elif(direction == DIRS['south-east'] or direction == DIRS['south-west']):
        if(dstcolor != Match.COLORS['white']):
            return is_black_ep_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty)

    if(piece == Match.PIECES['wPw'] and dsty == 7 and not (prom_piece == Match.PIECES['wQu'] or
       prom_piece == Match.PIECES['wRk'] or prom_piece == Match.PIECES['wBp'] or prom_piece == Match.PIECES['wKn'])):
        return False
    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['bPw'] and dsty == 0 and not (prom_piece == Match.PIECES['bQu'] or 
         prom_piece == Match.PIECES['bRk'] or prom_piece == Match.PIECES['bBp'] or prom_piece == Match.PIECES['bKn'])):
        return False

    return True
Beispiel #10
def evaluate_piece_moves(match, srcx, srcy):
    color = match.next_color()
    piece = match.readfield(srcx, srcy)
    movecnt = 0

    if(Match.color_of_piece(piece) != color):
        return movecnt
    if(piece == Match.PIECES['wQu'] or piece == Match.PIECES['bQu']):
        dirs = [ [0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0], [1, 1], [-1, -1], [-1, 1], [1, -1] ]
        dircnt = 8
        stepcnt = 7
        value = 2
    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wRk'] or piece == Match.PIECES['bRk']):
        dirs = [ [0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0] ]
        dircnt = 4
        stepcnt = 7
        value = 4
    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wBp'] or piece == Match.PIECES['bBp']):
        dirs = [ [1, 1], [-1, -1], [-1, 1], [1, -1] ]
        dircnt = 4
        stepcnt = 7
        value = 6
    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wKn'] or piece == Match.PIECES['bKn']):
        dirs =  [ [1, 2], [2, 1], [2, -1], [1, -2], [-1, -2], [-2, -1], [-2, 1], [-1, 2] ]
        dircnt = 8
        stepcnt = 1
        value = 6
        return movecnt

    for j in range(dircnt):
        stepx = dirs[j][0]
        stepy = dirs[j][1]
        dstx = srcx
        dsty = srcy
        for i in range(stepcnt):
            dstx += stepx
            dsty += stepy
            flag,errcode = rules.is_move_valid(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, Match.PIECES['blk'])
                movecnt += value
            elif(errcode == rules.ERROR_CODES['out-of-bounds']):

    return (movecnt // 10)
Beispiel #11
def is_move_available(match):
    color = match.next_color()
    for y1 in range(8):
        for x1 in range(8):
            piece = match.readfield(x1, y1)
            if color == Match.color_of_piece(piece):
                if color == Match.COLORS["white"]:
                    prom_piece = Match.PIECES["wQu"]
                    prom_piece = Match.PIECES["bQu"]

                for y2 in range(8):
                    for x2 in range(8):
                        flag = is_move_valid(match, x1, y1, x2, y2, prom_piece)[0]
                        if flag:
                            return True
    return False
Beispiel #12
def is_king_after_move_attacked(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty):
    piece = match.readfield(srcx, srcy)
    match.writefield(srcx, srcy, Match.PIECES["blk"])
    dstpiece = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
    match.writefield(dstx, dsty, piece)

    color = Match.color_of_piece(piece)

    if color == Match.COLORS["white"]:
        flag = attacked(match, match.wKg_x, match.wKg_y, Match.COLORS["black"])
        flag = attacked(match, match.bKg_x, match.bKg_y, Match.COLORS["white"])

    match.writefield(dstx, dsty, dstpiece)
    match.writefield(srcx, srcy, piece)

    return flag
Beispiel #13
def is_move_ok(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, piece):
    DIRS = rules.DIRS
    direction = kn_dir(srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty)
    if(direction == DIRS['undefined']):
        return False

    color = Match.color_of_piece(piece)

    pin_dir = rules.pin_dir(match, srcx, srcy)

    if(pin_dir != DIRS['undefined']):
        return False

    field = match.readfield(dstx, dsty)
    if(match.color_of_piece(field) == color):
        return False

    return True
Beispiel #14
    def generate_move(self):
        gmove = GenMove()
        color = self.match.next_color()

            if(self.steps == None):
                piece = self.match.readfield(self.board_x, self.board_y)
                if(piece == Match.PIECES['blk'] or color != Match.color_of_piece(piece)):
                        return False, gmove
                    if(piece == Match.PIECES['wPw']):
                        if(self.board_y < 6):
                            self.steps = WPW_STEPS
                            self.dir_idx = 0
                            self.max_dir = 4
                            self.step_idx = 0
                            self.max_step = 1
                            self.steps = WPROM_STEPS
                            self.dir_idx = 0
                            self.max_dir = 3
                            self.step_idx = 0
                            self.max_step = 4
                    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['bPw']):
                        if(self.board_y > 1):
                            self.steps = BPW_STEPS
                            self.dir_idx = 0
                            self.max_dir = 4
                            self.step_idx = 0
                            self.max_step = 1
                            self.steps = BPROM_STEPS
                            self.dir_idx = 0
                            self.max_dir = 3
                            self.step_idx = 0
                            self.max_step = 4
                    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wRk'] or piece == Match.PIECES['bRk']):
                        self.steps = RK_STEPS
                        self.dir_idx = 0
                        self.max_dir = 4
                        self.step_idx = 0
                        self.max_step = 7
                    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wBp'] or piece == Match.PIECES['bBp']):
                        self.steps = BP_STEPS
                        self.dir_idx = 0
                        self.max_dir = 4
                        self.step_idx = 0
                        self.max_step = 7
                    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wKn'] or piece == Match.PIECES['bKn']):
                        self.steps = KN_STEPS
                        self.dir_idx = 0
                        self.max_dir = 8
                        self.step_idx = 0
                        self.max_step = 1
                    elif(piece == Match.PIECES['wQu'] or piece == Match.PIECES['bQu']):
                        self.steps = QU_STEPS
                        self.dir_idx = 0
                        self.max_dir = 8
                        self.step_idx = 0
                        self.max_step = 7
                        self.steps = KG_STEPS
                        self.dir_idx = 0
                        self.max_dir = 10
                        self.step_idx = 0
                        self.max_step = 1
            stepx, stepy, prom_piece = self.read_steps()
            dstx = self.board_x + stepx
            dsty = self.board_y + stepy
            flag, errmsg = rules.is_move_valid(self.match, self.board_x, self.board_y, dstx, dsty, prom_piece)
                gmove = GenMove(self.board_x, self.board_y, dstx, dsty, prom_piece)
                return True, gmove
                if(errmsg == rules.ERROR_CODES['king-error']):
                    if(self.rotate_dir() == False):
                        return False, gmove
        return False, gmove