Beispiel #1
def encrypt_mode2(plaintext, start_position):
    current_disk1 = DISK1   # this disk is fixed but used for on-the-fly index change so it's relatively turning
    current_disk2 = setstr(DISK2, start_position) # let's turn the disk to the right index
    ciphertext = str()
    for char in plaintext:
        encoded_char = switch_alphabet(current_disk1, current_disk2, char)
        ciphertext += encoded_char
        if char in NUMBERS:
            current_disk2 = setstr(current_disk2, encoded_char)
    return ciphertext
Beispiel #2
def decrypt_mode2(plaintext, start_position):
    current_disk1 = DISK1
    current_disk2 = setstr(DISK2, start_position)
    ciphertext = str()
    for char in plaintext:
        decoded_char = switch_alphabet(current_disk2, current_disk1, char)
        if decoded_char in NUMBERS:
            current_disk2 = setstr(current_disk2, char)
            ciphertext += decoded_char
    return ciphertext
Beispiel #3
def decrypt_mode1(ciphertext, start_position):
    plaintext = str()
    current_disk1 = DISK1
    current_disk2 = setstr(DISK2, start_position) # let's turn the disk to the right index
    for char in ciphertext:
        if char in DISK1:
            current_disk1 = setstr(DISK1, char)
            decoded_char = switch_alphabet(current_disk2, current_disk1, char)
            if decoded_char not in NUMBERS: # numbers are discarded during decryption
                plaintext += decoded_char
    return plaintext
Beispiel #4
def encrypt_mode1(plaintext, start_position, change_index=None):
# in this mode, at anytime, the position can be changed
# when it happens, output the outer disk's character that is aligned with the inner disk's starting position

    current_disk1 = DISK1   # this disk is fixed but used for on-the-fly index change so it's relatively turning
    current_disk2 = setstr(DISK2, start_position) # let's turn the disk to the right index

    ciphertext = str()
    for i, char in enumerate(plaintext):
        if char in DISK1:
            ciphertext += switch_alphabet(current_disk1, current_disk2, char)
        if change_index and i % change_index == change_index - 1: # time to change position
            new_position = current_disk1[randrange(len(current_disk2))]
            ciphertext += new_position

            current_disk1 = setstr(current_disk1, new_position)
    return ciphertext
Beispiel #5
assert getbinstr(0) == "0"
assert getbinstr(8) == "1000"

assert countmissing(0, 8) == 0
assert countmissing(3, 8) == 5
assert countmissing(8, 8) == 0

assert insert_string("abcd", 2, "1") == "ab1cd"

assert zip([1, 2], [0]) == [(1, 0)]
assert zip_extend([1, 2], [0], 0) == [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
assert zip_extend([0], [1, 2], 0) == [(1, 0), (2, 0)]

assert rorstr("abc") == "cab"
assert [rorstr("abc", i) for i in range(4)] == ['abc', 'cab', 'bca', 'abc']

assert setstr("abcde","d") == "deabc"

assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "0", 4))    == ['0001', '0000', '01__']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "00", 4))   == ['0001', '0000', '001_']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "000", 4))  == ['0001', '0000', '0001', 'extr']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "0000", 4)) == ['0001', '0000', '0000', '1___']

assert hex2bin("0123456789ABCDEF") == "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF"

assert "0123456789ABCDEF" == bin2hex("\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF")

assert list(struct.unpack(">16L", ASCII[:64])) == as_words(ASCII[:64], 512, 32, True)

Beispiel #6
assert getbinstr(8) == "1000"

assert countmissing(0, 8) == 0
assert countmissing(3, 8) == 5
assert countmissing(8, 8) == 0

assert insert_string("abcd", 2, "1") == "ab1cd"

assert zip([1, 2], [0]) == [(1, 0)]
assert zip_extend([1, 2], [0], 0) == [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
assert zip_extend([0], [1, 2], 0) == [(1, 0), (2, 0)]

assert rorstr("abc") == "cab"
assert [rorstr("abc", i) for i in range(4)] == ['abc', 'cab', 'bca', 'abc']

assert setstr("abcde", "d") == "deabc"

assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "0",
                          4)) == ['0001', '0000', '01__']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "00",
                          4)) == ['0001', '0000', '001_']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "000",
                          4)) == ['0001', '0000', '0001', 'extr']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "0000",
                          4)) == ['0001', '0000', '0000', '1___']

assert hex2bin("0123456789ABCDEF") == "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF"

assert "0123456789ABCDEF" == bin2hex("\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF")

assert list(struct.unpack(">16L",