Beispiel #1
 def set_debuglink(self, debug_transport):
     self.debug = DebugLink(debug_transport)
Beispiel #2
class DebugLinkMixin(object):
    # This class implements automatic responses
    # and other functionality for unit tests
    # for various callbacks, created in order
    # to automatically pass unit tests.
    # This mixing should be used only for purposes
    # of unit testing, because it will fail to work
    # without special DebugLink interface provided
    # by the device.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DebugLinkMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.debug = None
        self.in_with_statement = 0
        self.button_wait = 0
        self.screenshot_id = 0

        # Always press Yes and provide correct pin
        self.setup_debuglink(True, True)
        # Do not expect any specific response from device
        self.expected_responses = None

        # Use blank passphrase

    def close(self):
        super(DebugLinkMixin, self).close()
        if self.debug:

    def set_debuglink(self, debug_transport):
        self.debug = DebugLink(debug_transport)

    def set_buttonwait(self, secs):
        self.button_wait = secs

    def __enter__(self):
        # For usage in with/expected_responses
        self.in_with_statement += 1
        return self

    def __exit__(self, _type, value, traceback):
        self.in_with_statement -= 1

        if _type != None:
            # Another exception raised
            return False

        # return isinstance(value, TypeError)
        # Evaluate missed responses in 'with' statement
        if self.expected_responses != None and len(self.expected_responses):
            raise Exception("Some of expected responses didn't come from device: %s" % \
                    [ pprint(x) for x in self.expected_responses ])

        # Cleanup
        self.expected_responses = None
        return False

    def set_expected_responses(self, expected):
        if not self.in_with_statement:
            raise Exception("Must be called inside 'with' statement")
        self.expected_responses = expected

    def setup_debuglink(self, button, pin_correct):
        self.button = button  # True -> YES button, False -> NO button
        self.pin_correct = pin_correct

    def set_passphrase(self, passphrase):
        self.passphrase = unicode(str(bytearray(Mnemonic.normalize_string(passphrase), 'utf-8')), 'utf-8')

    def set_mnemonic(self, mnemonic):
        self.mnemonic = unicode(str(bytearray(Mnemonic.normalize_string(mnemonic), 'utf-8')), 'utf-8').split(' ')

    def call_raw(self, msg):

        if SCREENSHOT and self.debug:
            layout = self.debug.read_layout()
            im ="RGB", (128, 64))
            pix = im.load()
            for x in range(128):
                for y in range(64):
                    rx, ry = 127 - x, 63 - y
                    if (ord(layout[rx + (ry / 8) * 128]) & (1 << (ry % 8))) > 0:
                        pix[x, y] = (255, 255, 255)
  'scr%05d.png' % self.screenshot_id)
            self.screenshot_id += 1

        resp = super(DebugLinkMixin, self).call_raw(msg)
        return resp
    def _check_request(self, msg):
        if self.expected_responses != None:
                expected = self.expected_responses.pop(0)
            except IndexError:
                raise CallException(types.Failure_Other,
                        "Got %s, but no message has been expected" % pprint(msg))

            if msg.__class__ != expected.__class__:
                raise CallException(types.Failure_Other,
                            "Expected %s, got %s" % (pprint(expected), pprint(msg)))

            fields = expected.ListFields()  # only filled (including extensions)
            for field, value in fields:
                if not msg.HasField( or getattr(msg, != value:
                    raise CallException(types.Failure_Other,
                            "Expected %s, got %s" % (pprint(expected), pprint(msg)))
    def callback_ButtonRequest(self, msg):
        log("ButtonRequest code: " + get_buttonrequest_value(msg.code))

        log("Pressing button " + str(self.button))
        if self.button_wait:
            log("Waiting %d seconds " % self.button_wait)
        return proto.ButtonAck()

    def callback_PinMatrixRequest(self, msg):
        if self.pin_correct:
            pin = self.debug.read_pin_encoded()
            pin = '444222'
        return proto.PinMatrixAck(pin=pin)

    def callback_PassphraseRequest(self, msg):
        log("Provided passphrase: '%s'" % self.passphrase)
        return proto.PassphraseAck(passphrase=self.passphrase)

    def callback_WordRequest(self, msg):
        (word, pos) = self.debug.read_recovery_word()
        if word != '':
            return proto.WordAck(word=word)
        if pos != 0:
            return proto.WordAck(word=self.mnemonic[pos - 1])

        raise Exception("Unexpected call")