## Set up pygame

screen, spot = initialize_kelpy(dimensions=(1920,1200))
if use_tobii_sim:
	#create a tobii simulator
	tobii_controller = TobiiSimController(screen)

	#create an actual tobii controller
	tobii_controller = TobiiController(screen)

	# code for when it's actually hooked up to the eye tracker

	#store tobii data in this file
	tobii_controller.set_data_file(data_folder + subject + '_' + session + '_' + session_time + '.tsv')

	#activate the first tobii eyetracker that was found

OFF_SOUTH = (spot.south)
LID_SPOT1 = (((screen.get_width()/5) * 1)+20, (screen.get_height()/5)*3 )
LID_SPOT2 = (((screen.get_width()/5) * 4)+20, (screen.get_height()/5)*3 )
left_lid_MOVE = (((screen.get_width()/5) * 1)+20, ((screen.get_height()/6)-50)*3 )
right_lid_MOVE = (((screen.get_width()/5) * 4)+20, ((screen.get_height()/6)-50)*3 )

def present_trial(objects, probabilities, trial,i, writer):
    start_time = time()
Beispiel #2
OFF_LEFT = (spot.west)

## setup and activate tobii

# this creates a TobiiController that calls the actual Tobii SDK code
#tobii_controller = TobiiController(screen)
tobii_controller = TobiiSimController(screen)

# this searches for the tobii eyetracker that is connected.
# It times out based on the given amount of seconds (the default is 1,000 seconds) and exits this program

#set the name of the data file that will output all of the Tobii data
#activate the first tobii eyetracker that was found

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Run a single trial
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~	

def present_trial(imagepath):
	This is the main function used to run this demo. It is fed an imagepath and uses this to create a CommandableImageSprite offscreen. This Sprite is later moved onto the screen, where it hangs out until it is clicked.

	## Images here are commandable sprites, so we can tell them what to do using Q below
	img = TobiiSprite( screen, spot.center, imagepath, tobii_controller, scale=IMAGE_SCALE)