Beispiel #1
def test_compile(drv, *args):

    # setup mocked stuff
    drv = setup_mock(drv)
    with cuda.CudaFunctions(0) as dev:
        dev.source_mod = Mock()
        dev.source_mod.return_value.get_function.return_value = 'func'

        # call compile
        kernel_string = "__global__ void vector_add()"
        kernel_name = "vector_add"
        kernel_sources = KernelSource(kernel_name, kernel_string, "cuda")
        kernel_instance = KernelInstance(kernel_name, kernel_sources,
                                         kernel_string, [], None, None, dict(),
        func = dev.compile(kernel_instance)

        # verify behavior
        assert dev.source_mod.call_count == 1
        assert dev.current_module is dev.source_mod.return_value
        assert func == 'func'

        assert kernel_string == list(dev.source_mod.mock_calls[0])[1][0]
        optional_args = list(dev.source_mod.mock_calls[0])[2]
        assert optional_args['code'] == 'sm_55'
        assert optional_args['arch'] == 'compute_55'
Beispiel #2
def test_complies_fortran_function_with_module():
    kernel_string = """
    module my_fancy_module
    use iso_c_binding


    function my_test_function() result(time)
        use iso_c_binding
        real (c_float) :: time

        time = 42.0
    end function my_test_function

    end module my_fancy_module
    kernel_name = "my_test_function"
    kernel_sources = KernelSource(kernel_string, "C")
    kernel_instance = KernelInstance(kernel_name, kernel_sources, kernel_string, [], None, None, dict(), [])

    cfunc = CFunctions(compiler="gfortran")
    func = cfunc.compile(kernel_instance)

    result = cfunc.run_kernel(func, [], (), ())

    assert np.isclose(result, 42.0)
Beispiel #3
def test_compile(npct, subprocess):

    kernel_string = "this is a fake C program"
    kernel_name = "blabla"
    kernel_sources = KernelSource(kernel_string, "C")
    kernel_instance = KernelInstance(kernel_name, kernel_sources, kernel_string, [], None, None, dict(), [])

    cfunc = CFunctions()

    f = cfunc.compile(kernel_instance)


    assert len(subprocess.mock_calls) == 6
    assert npct.load_library.called == 1

    args, _ = npct.load_library.call_args_list[0]
    filename = args[0]
    print('filename=' + filename)

    # check if temporary files are cleaned up correctly
    import os.path
    assert not os.path.isfile(filename + ".cu")
    assert not os.path.isfile(filename + ".o")
    assert not os.path.isfile(filename + ".so")
def test_compile():

    kernel_string = """
    __global__ void vector_add(float *c, float *a, float *b, int n) {
        int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
        if (i<n) {
            c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

    kernel_sources = KernelSource(kernel_string, "cuda")
    kernel_instance = KernelInstance("vector_add", kernel_sources,
                                     kernel_string, [], None, None, dict(), [])
    dev = cuda.CudaFunctions(0)
    except Exception as e:"Did not expect any exception:" + str(e))
def test_compile():

    original_kernel = """
    __kernel void sum(__global const float *a_g, __global const float *b_g, __global float *res_g) {
        int gid = get_global_id(0);
        __local float test[shared_size];
        test[0] = a_g[gid];
        res_g[gid] = test[0] + b_g[gid];

    kernel_sources = KernelSource("sum", original_kernel, "opencl")
    kernel_string = original_kernel.replace("shared_size", str(1024))
    kernel_instance = KernelInstance("sum", kernel_sources, kernel_string, [], None, None, dict(), [])

    with opencl.OpenCLFunctions(0) as dev:
        func = dev.compile(kernel_instance)

        assert isinstance(func, pyopencl.Kernel)
Beispiel #6
def test_compile_detects_device_code(npct, subprocess):

    kernel_string = "this code clearly contains device code __global__ kernel(float* arg){ return; }"
    kernel_name = "blabla"
    kernel_sources = KernelSource(kernel_string, "C")
    kernel_instance = KernelInstance(kernel_name, kernel_sources, kernel_string, [], None, None, dict(), [])

    cfunc = CFunctions()



    # assert the filename suffix used for source compilation is .cu
    dot_cu_used = False
    for call in subprocess.check_call.call_args_list:
        args, kwargs = call
        args = args[0]
        if args[0] == 'nvcc' and args[1] == '-c':
            assert args[2][-3:] == '.cu'
            dot_cu_used = True

    assert dot_cu_used