Beispiel #1
def sample_pusher_position_and_velocity(T_aug=None):
    low = np.array([-0.16, -0.08])
    high = np.array([-0.15, 0.08])
    q_pusher = random_sample_in_range(low, high)

    q_pusher_3d_homog = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1.0])
    q_pusher_3d_homog[:2] = q_pusher

    # sample pusher velocity
    vel_min = np.array([0.15])
    vel_max = np.array([0.25])
    magnitude = random_sample_in_range(vel_min, vel_max)
    v_pusher_3d = magnitude * np.array([1, 0, 0])

    if T_aug is not None:
        v_pusher_3d = T_aug[:3, :3] @ v_pusher_3d
        q_pusher_3d_homog = T_aug @ q_pusher_3d_homog

    v_pusher = v_pusher_3d[:2]
    q_pusher = q_pusher_3d_homog[:2]

    return {'q_pusher': q_pusher,
            'v_pusher': v_pusher,
def sample_pusher_velocity_3D():
    vel_min = 0.15
    vel_max = 0.25
    magnitude = random_sample_in_range(vel_min, vel_max)

    angle_max = np.deg2rad(30)
    angle_min = -angle_max
    angle = random_sample_in_range(angle_min, angle_max)

    vel_3d = magnitude * np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle), 0])
    return vel_3d
    def sample_T_aug(pos_min, pos_max, yaw_min, yaw_max):

        low = np.array(pos_min, dtype=np.float32)
        high = np.array(pos_max, dtype=np.float32)
        pos = random_sample_in_range(low, high)

        yaw_min = np.array(yaw_min, dtype=np.float32)
        yaw_max = np.array(yaw_max, dtype=np.float32)
        yaw = random_sample_in_range(yaw_min, yaw_max)

        T = np.eye(4)
        T[:3, :3] = transforms3d.euler.euler2mat(0, 0, yaw)
        T[:3, 3] = pos
        return T
def sample_slider_position(T_aug=None):

    # nominal position with box lying on it's side.
    # the side with the recipe for "Colored Sugar" is facing upwards
    pos = np.array([1.56907481e-04, 1.11390697e-06, 5.11972761e-02])
    quat = np.array(
        [7.13518047e-01, -6.69765583e-07, -7.00636851e-01, -6.82079212e-07])
    T_O_slider = transform_utils.transform_from_pose(pos, quat)

    # apply a random yaw to the object
    yaw_min = 0
    yaw_max = 2 * np.pi
    yaw = random_sample_in_range(0, 2 * np.pi)
    quat_yaw = transforms3d.euler.euler2quat(0, 0, yaw)
    T_yaw = transform_utils.transform_from_pose([0, 0, 0], quat_yaw)

    T_O_slider = np.matmul(T_yaw, T_O_slider)

    T_W_slider = None
    if T_aug is not None:
        T_W_slider = T_aug @ T_O_slider
        T_W_slider = T_O_slider

    pose_dict = transform_utils.matrix_to_dict(T_W_slider)

    # note the quat/pos ordering
    q = np.concatenate((pose_dict['quaternion'], pose_dict['position']))

    return q
Beispiel #5
def sample_object_position(T_aug=None, upright=False):

    pos = np.array([0, 0, 0.1])
    quat = None
    if upright:
        quat = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])
        quat = transforms3d.euler.euler2quat(np.deg2rad(90), 0, 0)

    T_O_slider = transform_utils.transform_from_pose(pos, quat)

    # apply a random yaw to the object
    yaw_min = 0
    yaw_max = 2 * np.pi
    yaw = random_sample_in_range(0, 2 * np.pi)
    quat_yaw = transforms3d.euler.euler2quat(0, 0, yaw)
    T_yaw = transform_utils.transform_from_pose([0, 0, 0], quat_yaw)

    T_O_slider = np.matmul(T_yaw, T_O_slider)

    T_W_slider = None
    if T_aug is not None:
        T_W_slider = T_aug @ T_O_slider
        T_W_slider = T_O_slider

    pose_dict = transform_utils.matrix_to_dict(T_W_slider)

    # note the quat/pos ordering
    q = np.concatenate((pose_dict['quaternion'], pose_dict['position']))

    return q
Beispiel #6
def sample_slider_position(T_aug=None):
    # always at the origin basically
    pos = np.array([0, 0, 0.03])

    yaw_min = np.array([0])
    yaw_max = np.array([2 * np.pi])
    yaw = random_sample_in_range(yaw_min, yaw_max)

    quat = transforms3d.euler.euler2quat(0, 0, yaw)

    T_O_slider = transform_utils.transform_from_pose(pos, quat)

    T_W_slider = None
    if T_aug is not None:
        T_W_slider = T_aug @ T_O_slider
        T_W_slider = T_O_slider

    pose_dict = transform_utils.matrix_to_dict(T_W_slider)

    # note the quat/pos orderining
    q = np.concatenate((pose_dict['quaternion'], pose_dict['position']))

    return q