Beispiel #1
def handle_new_oembed_details(embed_data):
    updates the twitter's data w/ the embed data

    source = embed_data.get("oembed_source").strip()
    tweet_id = embed_data.get("tweet_id")

    assert tweet_id, "Can only handle tweets"
    assert embed_data.get("html"), "Need HTML for embedding"
    assert source, "Need to know where this came from"

    print "new oembed details: %s %s" % (source, len(embed_data))

    # store all the data we received
    key = keys.tweet_embed_data(source, tweet_id)
    r = rc.hmset(key, embed_data)

    # we are giving preference to embedly data,
    # so also update the tweet's data w/ the embedly html
    if source == "embedly":
        print "embedly found, updating tweet data"
        key = keys.tweet_data(tweet_id)
        r = rc.hset(key, "embed_html", embed_data.get("html"))

    # fire event that oembed has been saved"new_oembed_details_saved", embed_data)

    return True
Beispiel #2
def handle_new_tweet(tweet_data):
    updates / adds tweet data to DB

    assert tweet_data.get("id"), "Tweet Must have ID"
    assert tweet_data.get("search_string"), "Tweet must have search string"

    # check for this tweet already being tracked
    set_key = keys.tweet_search_set(tweet_data.get("search_string"))
    tweet_id = tweet_data.get("id")
    found = rc.zrank(set_key, tweet_id)
    print "set key: %s" % set_key
    print "found: %s" % found

    if not found:

        # set main hash
        key = keys.tweet_data(tweet_data.get("id"))
        rc.hmset(key, tweet_data)

        # add to our weighted set
        # keep the value as the id and the weight
        print "adding: %s" % tweet_id
        rc.zadd(set_key, tweet_id, tweet_id)

        # fire event that tweet was added to db"new_tweet_saved", tweet_data)

        return True

    return False