Beispiel #1
import MySQLdb
import keys

# SQL db config
host = keys.getSetting('SQL','host')
user = keys.getSetting('SQL','user')
passwd = keys.getSetting('SQL','passwd')
dbid = keys.getSetting('SQL','dbid')

# Open the db connection, open a new cursor object. Commits must be made manually
# by calling commit() below.
db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host,user=user,passwd=passwd,db=dbid)
cursor = db.cursor()

# Adds a twitter user to the sql db. Requires id and screen_name attributes
def addUser(user):
    sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO users (id,screen_name) VALUES (%s,%s)"

# Get all id and screen_names from the database. Used for updating klout score
def getUsers():
    cursor.execute("SELECT id,screen_name FROM users")
    return cursor.fetchall()

# Add tweet content to the db. Since tweepy gives us back the creator's info, we
# can add the to this table without requiring a user object. Also included are
# Tweet id, tweet text, and retweet_count from the tweepy object.
def addTweet(content):
    sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO tweets (id,user_id,text,retweets) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)"
    cursor.execute(sql,(,,content.text.encode('ascii', 'ignore'),content.retweet_count))
Beispiel #2
import dbop
import keys
import tweepy
import datetime
import time

# Set authentication info for twitter OAuth
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(keys.getSetting('Twitter','consumer_key'), keys.getSetting('Twitter','consumer_secret'))
auth.set_access_token(keys.getSetting('Twitter','access_key'), keys.getSetting('Twitter','access_secret'))

# Grab all members from the twitter team list, and the last 90 tweets from each.
# Add the users and tweets to the db as we get them.
# (80 tweets * 1250 users = 100k tweets. 90 tweets each accounts for users with
# lower usage

# TODO: I'd like this to be a little more flexible, allow external config for the list
# we're accessing, how many tweets we grab from each user and separate user/tweet
# processes, if practical
def getTweets():
    timeout = None
    api = tweepy.API(auth)
    # TODO: query the db for user & tweet max values and make sure we don't
    # query for anything we don't need to.
    cursor = tweepy.Cursor(api.list_members, 'twitter', 'team')
    timeout = + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 15)
    for page in cursor.pages():
        print cursor.iterator.count
        pageDone = False
        while not pageDone:
                for item in page:
Beispiel #3
import keys
from klout import *
import dbop

# Set the Klout auth key
klout = Klout(keys.getSetting('Klout', 'key'),secure=True)

# Grab scores for each klout user currently in the sql db. Sets -1 for
# scores that are unavailable
def updateScores():
    users = dbop.getUsers()
    for user in users:
            id = klout.identity.klout(screenName=user[1]).get('id')
            score = klout.user.score(kloutId=id).get('score')
            dbop.updateKloutScore(user[0], score)
            print user[1]
        # TODO: expand the error handling a bit to register a difference between
        # unavailable klout score and other problems such as auth failure or
        # service interruption
            dbop.updateKloutScore(user[0], -1)