Beispiel #1
    def testSetItemOverlap(self):
        """Ensure insertion fails if key overlaps with existing key."""
        with tf.Graph().as_default():
            lp_dict = layer_collection.LayerParametersDict()

            x = tf.constant(0)
            y = tf.constant(0)
            lp_dict[x] = 'value'

            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                lp_dict[(x, y)] = 'value'

            # Ensure 'y' wasn't inserted.
            self.assertTrue(x in lp_dict)
            self.assertFalse(y in lp_dict)
Beispiel #2
    def testSetItem(self):
        """Ensure insertion, contains, retrieval works for supported key types."""
        with tf.Graph().as_default():
            lp_dict = layer_collection.LayerParametersDict()

            x = tf.constant(0)
            y0 = tf.constant(0)
            y1 = tf.constant(0)
            z0 = tf.constant(0)
            z1 = tf.constant(0)
            keys = [x, (y0, y1), [z0, z1]]
            for key in keys:
                lp_dict[key] = key

            for key in keys:
                self.assertTrue(key in lp_dict)
                self.assertEqual(lp_dict[key], key)