Beispiel #1
def callback(data, paramf):
    global dtv, dxv, dyv, tp, xp, yp, qp, ed
    global flag_first, flag_goal_met, flag_end,  n_safe, n_goals
    global x_goal, y_goal, q_goal, t_goal, t_goal_psi, x0, y0, q0, t0, goal_array

    pub = rospy.Publisher('/mallard/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
    twist = Twist()

    q_now = [data.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.orientation.y, data.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.orientation.w]

    # if it's the first run then zero is current position
    if flag_first:
        x0 = data.pose.position.x
        y0 = data.pose.position.y
        q0 = q_now
        x_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 0]
        y_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 1]
        q_goal = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, goal_array[n_goals, 2])

    # if a goal has been met then increment the goal
    if flag_goal_met:
        x0 = goal_array[n_goals, 0]
        y0 = goal_array[n_goals, 1]
        q0 = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, goal_array[n_goals, 2])
        n_goals = n_goals + 1
        x_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 0]
        y_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 1]
        q_goal = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, goal_array[n_goals, 2])

    # work out time it will take to get to new goal, xy and psi
    if flag_first or flag_goal_met:
        t0 = data.header.stamp.secs + data.header.stamp.nsecs * 0.000000001
        dist = math.sqrt(pow((x_goal - x0), 2) + pow((y_goal - y0), 2))
        t_goal = kguseful.safe_div(dist, paramf['vel'])          # avoid zero division stability
        ed = kguseful.err_psi_fun(q0, q_goal)
        t_goal_psi = abs(kguseful.safe_div(ed, paramf['psivel']))
        flag_first = False
        flag_goal_met = False
        rospy.loginfo("t_goal_psi: %s, t_goal: %s", t_goal_psi, t_goal)
        rospy.loginfo("x: %s, y: %s", data.pose.position.x, data.pose.position.y)
        rospy.loginfo("xg: %s, yg: %s", x_goal, y_goal)
        rospy.loginfo("goal number: %s, end goal: %s", n_goals + 1, goal_array.shape[0])

    # build difference history buffers and calculate velocities
    t_now = (data.header.stamp.secs + data.header.stamp.nsecs * 0.000000001) - t0   # time since start of goal
    dtv.appendleft(t_now-tp)                                                        # time difference vector
    dxv.appendleft(data.pose.position.x-xp)                                         # x difference vector
    dyv.appendleft(data.pose.position.y-yp)                                         # y difference vector
    dpsi = kguseful.err_psi_fun(qp, q_now)
    dpsiv.appendleft(dpsi)                                                          # psi difference vector
    xvel = kglocal.vel_fun(list(dxv), list(dtv))                                    # velocity vectors x, y and psi
    yvel = kglocal.vel_fun(list(dyv), list(dtv))
    psivel = kglocal.vel_fun(list(dpsiv), list(dtv))

    # get current desired positions and velocities
    xdes = kglocal.desxy_fun(x_goal, x0, t_goal, t_now)
    ydes = kglocal.desxy_fun(y_goal, y0, t_goal, t_now)
    qdes = kglocal.despsi_fun(q_goal, t_goal_psi, q0, t_now)
    xveldes = kglocal.desvel_fun(x_goal, x0, t_goal, t_now)
    yveldes = kglocal.desvel_fun(y_goal, y0, t_goal, t_now)
    psiveldes = kglocal.desvelpsi_fun(ed, t_goal_psi, t_now, paramf['psivel'])

    #  Get forces in nav frame using PD controller
    xf_nav = kglocal.cont_fun(data.pose.position.x, xdes, xvel, xveldes, paramf['kp'], paramf['kd'], paramf['lim'])
    yf_nav = kglocal.cont_fun(data.pose.position.y, ydes, yvel, yveldes, paramf['kp'], paramf['kd'], paramf['lim'])
    psif_nav = kglocal.contpsi_fun(q_now, qdes, psivel, psiveldes, paramf['kp_psi'], paramf['kd_psi'], paramf['lim_psi'])

    # put xy forces into body frame
    f_body = kguseful.quat_rot([xf_nav, yf_nav, 0], [-q_now[0], -q_now[1], -q_now[2], q_now[3]])

    # put forces into twist structure and publish
    twist.linear.x = f_body[0]
    twist.linear.y = f_body[1]
    twist.angular.z = -psif_nav             # minus is a fix to account for wrong direction on el_mal
    if n_safe > paramf['nv'] + 5:           # stop output while deque buffers are filling
        pub.publish(twist)                  # publish twist command
    n_safe = n_safe + 1

    # if goal is met then move to next goal
    if abs(x_goal - data.pose.position.x) <= paramf['goal_tol']:
        if abs(y_goal - data.pose.position.y) <= paramf['goal_tol']:
            e_psi = kguseful.err_psi_fun(q_now, q_goal)
            if abs(e_psi) <= paramf['goal_tol_psi']:
                if goal_array.shape[0] != n_goals + 1:      # if there are more goals
                    print 'goal met'
                    flag_goal_met = True  # set flag to move to next goal
                if goal_array.shape[0] == n_goals + 1:  # if there are more goals
                    print 'final goal met - holding position'

    # change current to previous values
    tp = t_now
    xp = data.pose.position.x
    yp = data.pose.position.y
    qp = q_now
Beispiel #2
def callback(data, paramf):
    global dtv, dxv, dyv, tp, xp, yp, qp, ed
    global flag_first, flag_goal_met, flag_end, n_safe, n_goals
    global x_goal, y_goal, q_goal, t_goal, t_goal_psi, x0, y0, q0, t0, goal_array
    global flag_obstacle_close, flag_obstacle_prev, fobs, t_stall

    # ------------------
    # if no goal positions exist in goal_array, then exit this callback by using return
    # no further computation is undertaken
    if len(goal_array) == 0:
    # ------------------

    # pub = rospy.Publisher('/mallard/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
    twist = Twist()

    q_now = [
        data.pose.orientation.x, data.pose.orientation.y,
        data.pose.orientation.z, data.pose.orientation.w

    ##### code added for obstacle avoidance
    global param_obs, lidar_data

    if lidar_data is not None:
        flag_obstacle_close, fobs = detect_obstacle(lidar_data, param_obs)
        # rospy.loginfo("obstacle avoidance forces: %s", fobs)
        # rospy.loginfo("obstacle close flag: %s", flag_obstacle_close)

        flag_obstacle_close = False
        fobs = (0, 0)
    # Force obstacle avoidance to be null
    # ---------------------------------
    # Remove these two lines to use obstacle avoidance
    # flag_obstacle_close = False
    fobs = (0, 0)
    # ----------------------------------

    # if it's the first run then zero is current position
    if flag_first:
        x0 = data.pose.position.x
        y0 = data.pose.position.y
        q0 = q_now
        x_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 0]
        y_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 1]
        q_goal = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, goal_array[n_goals, 2])

    # if a obstacle is to close flag is set
    if flag_obstacle_close != flag_obstacle_prev:
        if flag_obstacle_close:
            t_stall = data.header.stamp.secs
            x0 = data.pose.position.x + 1e-9
            y0 = data.pose.position.y + 1e-9
            q0 = q_now
            x_goal = data.pose.position.x
            y_goal = data.pose.position.y
            q_goal = q_now
            print 'STOPPING!'
            t_stall = data.header.stamp.secs - t_stall
            x0 = data.pose.position.x
            y0 = data.pose.position.y
            q0 = q_now
            x_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 0]
            y_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 1]
            q_goal = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, goal_array[n_goals, 2])
            print 'RESUMING'

    # if a goal has been met then increment the goal
    if flag_goal_met and not flag_obstacle_close:
        x0 = goal_array[n_goals, 0]
        y0 = goal_array[n_goals, 1]
        q0 = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, goal_array[n_goals, 2])
        n_goals = n_goals + 1
        x_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 0]
        y_goal = goal_array[n_goals, 1]
        q_goal = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, goal_array[n_goals, 2])

    # work out time it will take to get to new goal, xy and psi
    if flag_first or flag_goal_met:
        t0 = data.header.stamp.secs + data.header.stamp.nsecs * 0.000000001
        dist = math.sqrt(pow((x_goal - x0), 2) + pow((y_goal - y0), 2))
        t_goal = kguseful.safe_div(
            dist, paramf['vel'])  # avoid zero division stability
        ed = kguseful.err_psi_fun(q0, q_goal)
        t_goal_psi = abs(kguseful.safe_div(ed, paramf['psivel']))
        flag_first = False
        flag_goal_met = False
        rospy.loginfo("t_goal_psi: %s, t_goal: %s", t_goal_psi, t_goal)
        rospy.loginfo("x: %s, y: %s", data.pose.position.x,
        rospy.loginfo("xg: %s, yg: %s", x_goal, y_goal)
        rospy.loginfo("goal number: %s, end goal: %s", n_goals + 1,

    # build difference history buffers and calculate velocities
    t_now = (data.header.stamp.secs + data.header.stamp.nsecs *
             0.000000001) - t0  # time since start of goal

    dtv.appendleft(t_now - tp)  # time difference vector
    dxv.appendleft(data.pose.position.x - xp)  # x difference vector
    dyv.appendleft(data.pose.position.y - yp)  # y difference vector
    dpsi = kguseful.err_psi_fun(qp, q_now)
    dpsiv.appendleft(dpsi)  # psi difference vector
    xvel = kglocal.vel_fun(list(dxv),
                           list(dtv))  # velocity vectors x, y and psi
    yvel = kglocal.vel_fun(list(dyv), list(dtv))
    psivel = kglocal.vel_fun(list(dpsiv), list(dtv))

    # get current desired positions and velocities
    xdes = kglocal.desxy_fun(x_goal, x0, t_goal, t_now)
    ydes = kglocal.desxy_fun(y_goal, y0, t_goal, t_now)
    qdes = kglocal.despsi_fun(q_goal, t_goal_psi, q0, t_now)
    xveldes = kglocal.desvel_fun(x_goal, x0, t_goal, t_now)
    yveldes = kglocal.desvel_fun(y_goal, y0, t_goal, t_now)
    psiveldes = kglocal.desvelpsi_fun(ed, t_goal_psi, t_now, paramf['psivel'])

    #  Get forces in nav frame using PD controller
    xf_nav = kglocal.cont_fun(data.pose.position.x, xdes, xvel, xveldes,
                              paramf['kp'], paramf['kd'], paramf['lim'])
    yf_nav = kglocal.cont_fun(data.pose.position.y, ydes, yvel, yveldes,
                              paramf['kp'], paramf['kd'], paramf['lim'])
    psif_nav = kglocal.contpsi_fun(q_now, qdes, psivel, psiveldes,
                                   paramf['kp_psi'], paramf['kd_psi'],

    # put xy forces into body frame
    f_body = kguseful.quat_rot([xf_nav, yf_nav, 0],
                               [-q_now[0], -q_now[1], -q_now[2], q_now[3]])

    # print flag_obstacle_close, np.round(fobs,4)

    # put forces into twist structure and publish
    twist.linear.x = f_body[0] + fobs[0]
    twist.linear.y = f_body[1] + fobs[1]
    twist.angular.z = -psif_nav  # minus is a fix to account for wrong direction on el_mal
    if n_safe > paramf['nv'] + 5:  # stop output while deque buffers are filling
        pub.publish(twist)  # publish twist command
    n_safe = n_safe + 1

    # if goal is met then move to next goal
    if not flag_obstacle_close:
        if abs(x_goal - data.pose.position.x) <= paramf['goal_tol']:
            if abs(y_goal - data.pose.position.y) <= paramf['goal_tol']:
                e_psi = kguseful.err_psi_fun(q_now, q_goal)
                if abs(e_psi) <= paramf['goal_tol_psi']:
                    if goal_array.shape[
                            0] != n_goals + 1:  # if there are more goals
                        print 'goal met'
                        flag_goal_met = True  # set flag to move to next goal
                    if goal_array.shape[
                            0] == n_goals + 1:  # if there are more goals
                        print 'final goal met - holding position'

    # change current to previous values
    tp = t_now
    xp = data.pose.position.x
    yp = data.pose.position.y
    qp = q_now
    flag_obstacle_prev = flag_obstacle_close