Beispiel #1
def test_format_wrap():
    xml = """<body>
        It's a long way to Tipperary,
        It's a long way to go.
        It's a long way to Tipperary
        To the sweetest girl I know.
    format = Format(wrap=True)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith(
        "<body> "
        "It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to go. "
        "It's a long way to\nTipperary To the sweetest girl I know. "
    format = Format(wrap=80)
    s2 = serialize(xml, format)
    format = Format(wrap=32)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith("<body> It's a long way to Tipperary,\n"
                      "It's a long way to go. It's a\n"
                      "long way to Tipperary To the\n"
                      "sweetest girl I know. </body>")
    xml = '<html>%s</html>' % xml
    format = Format(wrap=32, indent=True, min_level=0)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith("\t<body> It's a long way to\n"
                      "\t\tTipperary, It's\n\t\ta long way to\n"
                      "\t\tgo. It's a long\n\t\tway to Tipperary\n"
                      "\t\tTo the sweetest\n\t\tgirl I know.\n"
Beispiel #2
def test_format_strip():
    format_strip = Format(strip=True)
    format_lstrip = Format(lstrip=True)
    format_rstrip = Format(rstrip=True)
    format_lrstrip = Format(lstrip=True, rstrip=True)
    assert repr(format_strip) != repr(format_lstrip)
    assert repr(format_strip) != repr(format_rstrip)
    assert repr(format_strip) == repr(format_lrstrip)
    s = serialize(xml1, format_strip)
    assert s.endswith('<p>Hello, World</p>')
    s2 = serialize(xml1, format=format_lrstrip)
    assert s2 == s
    s = serialize(xml1, format_lstrip)
    assert s.endswith('<p>Hello, World \n \t </p>')
    s = serialize(xml1, format_rstrip)
    assert s.endswith('<p> \t \n \t Hello, World</p>')
    xml = '<body><p> \t </p><p> \n </p><p>n n</p><p>\t \t</p></body>'
    for format in (format_strip, format_lstrip, format_rstrip):
        s = serialize(xml, format, 'xml')
        assert s.endswith('<body><p /><p /><p>n n</p><p /></body>')
    s = serialize(xml1, format_strip, 'xml')
    assert s.endswith('<p>Hello, World</p>')
    s = serialize(xml1, format_strip, 'xhtml')
    assert s.endswith('<p>Hello, World</p>')
    s = serialize(xml1, format_strip)
    assert s.endswith('<p>Hello, World</p>')
    s = serialize(xml1, format_strip, 'HTML')
    assert s.endswith('<P>Hello, World</P>')
    s = serialize(xml1, format_strip, 'plain')
    assert s == 'Hello, World'
Beispiel #3
def test_custom_quotes():
    xml = """<html><body>
    <p>"Hello" --- 'World'</p>
    <p>That's all, folks...</p>
    format = Format(educate=True,
                    dquotes=['<<', '>>'],
    xml_strange = """<html><body>
    <p>&lt;&lt;Hello&gt;&gt; ~ {World}</p>
    <p>That`s all, folks++</p>
    assert serialize(xml, format) == serialize(xml_strange)
    format = Format(educate=True,
    xml_german = """<html><body>
    <p>&bdquo;Hello&ldquo; &ndash; &sbquo;World&lsquo;</p>
    <p>That's all, folks&mdash;</p>
    assert serialize(xml, format) == serialize(xml_german)
Beispiel #4
def test_format_simple_whitespace():
    format = Format(simple_whitespace=True)
    assert repr(format) != repr(Format())
    s = serialize(xml1, format)
    assert s.endswith('<p>\nHello, World\n</p>')
    s = serialize(xml2, format)
    assert s.endswith('<p> Hello, World </p>')
    s = serialize(xml3, format)
    assert s.endswith('<p>\nHello,\nWorld\n</p>')
Beispiel #5
def test_format_with_clean_whitespace():
    clean_whitespace = Format.clean_whitespace
    format = Format(clean_whitespace)
    assert repr(format) != repr(Format())
    s = serialize(xml1, format)
    assert s.endswith('<p>Hello, World</p>')
    s = serialize(xml2, format)
    assert s.endswith('<p>Hello, World</p>')
    s = serialize(xml3, format)
    assert s.endswith('<p>Hello,\nWorld</p>')
Beispiel #6
def test_format_simple_newlines():
    format = Format(simple_newlines=True)
    format2 = Format(no_empty_lines=True)
    assert repr(format) != repr(Format())
    assert repr(format) == repr(format2)
    s = serialize(xml1, format)
    assert s.endswith(xml1)
    s = serialize(xml2, format)
    assert s.endswith(xml2)
    s = serialize(xml3, format)
    assert s.endswith('<p>\nHello, \n\tWorld\n</p>')
Beispiel #7
def test_nbsp():
    """Check that &nbsp; is rendered correctly."""
    xml = '<p>Dr.&nbsp;Snuggles</p>'
    t = kid.Template(source=xml)
    for output in 'xml', 'html', 'xhtml':
        format = Format()
        r = t.serialize(output=output, format=format, encoding='ascii')
        assert r.endswith(xml.replace('&nbsp;', '&#160;'))
        format = Format(entity_map=True)
        r = t.serialize(output=output, format=format, encoding='ascii')
        assert r.endswith(xml)
        format = Format(entity_map={u'\xa0': ' Mooney '})
        r = t.serialize(output=output, format=format, encoding='ascii')
        assert r.endswith(xml.replace('&nbsp;', ' Mooney '))
Beispiel #8
def test_wrap_lines():
    wrap = Format(wrap=80).wrap_lines
    s = 'Hello, World!'
    assert wrap(s) == s
    assert wrap(s, 13) == s
    assert wrap(s, 12) == 'Hello,\nWorld!'
    assert wrap(s, 6) == 'Hello,\nWorld!'
    assert wrap(s, 0) == 'Hello,\nWorld!'
    assert wrap(s, 13, 1) == 'Hello,\nWorld!'
    s = ' 1234567890'
    assert wrap(s * 9) == s * 7 + s.replace(' ', '\n') + s
    assert wrap(s * 9, 80) == wrap(s * 9)
    assert wrap(s * 9, 40) != wrap(s * 9)
    assert wrap(s * 9, 20) == s + 8 * s.replace(' ', '\n')
    assert wrap(s * 9, 21) != wrap(s * 9, 20)
    assert wrap(s * 9, 11) == wrap(s * 9, 20)
    assert wrap(s * 9, 10) == '\n' + wrap(s * 9, 20).lstrip()
    assert wrap(s * 9, 0) == wrap(s * 9, 10)
    s = 'a ab abc'
    assert wrap(s) == s
    assert wrap(s, 8) == s
    assert wrap(s, 7) == 'a ab\nabc'
    assert wrap(s, 6) == wrap(s, 7)
    assert wrap(s, 5) == wrap(s, 7)
    assert wrap(s, 4) == wrap(s, 7)
    assert wrap(s, 3) == 'a\nab\nabc'
    assert wrap(s, 2) == wrap(s, 3)
    assert wrap(s, 1) == wrap(s, 3)
    assert wrap(s, 0) == wrap(s, 3)
    assert wrap(s, 4, 1) == wrap(s, 3)
    assert wrap(s, 80, 79) == 'a\nab abc'
    assert wrap(s, 80, 80) == '\n' + s
Beispiel #9
def test_format_custom():
    strip = Format.strip
    xml = """<body>
            Sometimes you need to be British to understand Monty Python.
    f1 = lambda s: s.replace('Monty ', '')
    f2 = lambda s: s.replace('British', 'Dutch')
    format = Format(strip, f1, f2)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith("<body>Sometimes "
                      "you need to be Dutch to understand Python.</body>")
    format = Format(f2, f1, strip)
    s2 = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s2 == s
    format = Format(f1, f2)
    s2 = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s2 != s
    f3 = lambda s: s.replace('Dutch', 'a Python')
    f4 = lambda s: s.replace('Monty', 'a')
    format = Format(strip, f4, f1, f2, f3)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith("<body>Sometimes "
                      "you need to be a Python to understand a Python.</body>")
    format = Format(strip, f4, f1, f2, f3, wrap=10)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith("<body>Sometimes\nyou need\nto be a\nPython to\n"
                      "understand\na Python.</body>")
    xml = '<b>kId\t</b>'
    f = lambda s: s.capitalize()
    assert serialize(xml, Format(f), 'plain') == 'Kid\t'
    f = lambda s: s.lower()
    assert serialize(xml, Format(f, rstrip=True), 'plain') == 'kid'
Beispiel #10
def test_noformat_tags():
    """Check that the content of some tags is not formatted."""
    format = Format(lambda s: s.lower())
    xml = '<%s>Hello, World!</%s>'
    format_tags = 'address div h1 p quote span'.split()
    noformat_tags = 'code kbd math pre script textarea'.split()
    for tag in format_tags + noformat_tags:
        x = xml % (tag, tag)
        s = serialize(x, format)
        if tag in format_tags:
            x = x.lower()
        assert s.endswith(x)
Beispiel #11
def test_educate_quotes():
    educate_quotes = Format().educate_quotes
    assert (educate_quotes("'Hello' \"World\"") ==
            u"\u2018Hello\u2019 \u201cWorld\u201d")
    assert (educate_quotes("'Hello', \"World\"!") ==
            u"\u2018Hello\u2019, \u201cWorld\u201d!")
    assert (educate_quotes("'Hello,' \"World!\"") ==
            u"\u2018Hello,\u2019 \u201cWorld!\u201d")
    assert (educate_quotes("('Hello World')") == u"(\u2018Hello World\u2019)")
    assert (educate_quotes("'(Hello World)'") == u"\u2018(Hello World)\u2019")
    assert (educate_quotes('"Isn\'t this fun?"') ==
            u"\u201cIsn\u2019t this fun?\u201d")
    assert (educate_quotes("The 70's and '80s weren't fun.") ==
            u"The 70\u2019s and \u201980s weren\u2019t fun.")
Beispiel #12
def test_format_strip_lines():
    format_strip_lines = Format(strip_lines=True)
    format_lstrip_lines = Format(lstrip_lines=True)
    format_rstrip_lines = Format(rstrip_lines=True)
    format_lrstrip_lines = Format(lstrip_lines=True, rstrip_lines=True)
    assert repr(format_strip_lines) != repr(format_lstrip_lines)
    assert repr(format_strip_lines) != repr(format_rstrip_lines)
    assert repr(format_strip_lines) == repr(format_lrstrip_lines)
    s = serialize(xml1, format_strip_lines)
    assert s.endswith('<p>\nHello, World\n</p>')
    s2 = serialize(xml1, format_lrstrip_lines)
    assert s2 == s
    s = serialize(xml1, format_lstrip_lines)
    assert s.endswith('<p>\nHello, World \n</p>')
    s = serialize(xml1, format_rstrip_lines)
    assert s.endswith('<p>\n \t Hello, World\n</p>')
    xml = '<body><p> \t </p><p> \nn\n\t\n </p><p>\t \t</p></body>'
    for format in (format_strip_lines, format_lrstrip_lines,
                   format_lstrip_lines, format_rstrip_lines):
        s = serialize(xml, format, 'xml')
        assert s.endswith('<body><p /><p>\nn\n\n</p><p /></body>')
    s = serialize(xml1, format_strip_lines, 'plain')
    assert s == '\nHello, World\n'
Beispiel #13
def test_intent_lines():
    indent = Format(indent='\t').indent_lines
    assert indent(string1, '') == ' \t \nHello, World \n'
    assert indent(string2, '') == string2
    assert indent(string3, '') == '\n\n\nHello, \n\nWorld\n\n'
    assert indent(string1) == ' \t \n\tHello, World \n\t'
    assert indent(string2) == string2
    assert indent(string3) == '\n\t\n\t\n\tHello, \n\t\n\tWorld\n\t\n\t'
    assert indent(string1) == indent(string1, '\t')
    assert indent(string2) == indent(string2, '\t')
    assert indent(string3) == indent(string3, '\t')
    assert indent(string1, '*') == ' \t \n*Hello, World \n*'
    assert indent(string2, '*') == string2
    assert indent(string3, ' ') == '\n \n \n Hello, \n \n World\n \n '
    assert indent('\nprint "Hello"', ' 10 ') == '\n 10 print "Hello"'
def test_doctype_and_injection():
    serializer = HTMLSerializer(encoding='utf-8', transpose=True)
    serializer.doctype = doctypes['html-strict']
    serializer.inject_type = True
    source = "<html><head /></html>"
    t = kid.Template(source)
    t.serializer = serializer
    from kid.format import Format
    format = Format(no_empty_lines=True)
    rslt = t.serialize(format=format)
    rslt = rslt.replace('\n', '')
    expected = (
        '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"'
        ' "">'
        '<META CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8" HTTP-EQUIV="content-type">'
    assert rslt == expected
    serializer = HTMLSerializer(encoding='ascii', transpose=False)
    serializer.doctype = None
    serializer.inject_type = True
    source = ('<html><head>'
              '<meta content="Reiner Wahnsinn" name="author"/>'
              '<meta content="nonsense" http-equiv="content-type"/>'
              '<meta content="garbage" name="keywords"/>'
              '</head><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>')
    t = kid.Template(source)
    t.serializer = serializer
    rslt = t.serialize()
    expected = source.replace('/>', '>')
    assert rslt == expected
    source = source.replace('content-type', 'garbage-type')
    t = kid.Template(source)
    t.serializer = serializer
    rslt = t.serialize()
    rslt = rslt.replace('\n', '')
    expected = source.replace('/>', '>').replace(
        '<title>', '<meta content="text/html; charset=ascii"'
        ' http-equiv="content-type"><title>')
    assert rslt == expected
Beispiel #15
def test_educate_backticks():
    educate_backticks = Format().educate_backticks
    assert (educate_backticks("`Hello' ``World\"") ==
            u"\u2018Hello\u2019 \u201cWorld\u201d")
Beispiel #16
def test_educate_dashes():
    educate_dashes = Format().educate_dashes
    assert educate_dashes("Hello--World") == u"Hello\u2013World"
    assert educate_dashes("Hello---World") == u"Hello\u2014World"
    assert educate_dashes("----") == "----"
Beispiel #17
def test_educate_ellipses():
    educate_ellipses = Format().educate_ellipses
    assert educate_ellipses(
        "Hello... World. . .") == u"Hello\u2026 World\u2026"
    assert educate_ellipses("..... --- . . . . .") == "..... --- . . . . ."
Beispiel #18
def test_stupefy():
    stupefy = Format().stupefy
    assert (stupefy(u"\u2018Hello\u2019\u2014\u201cWorld\u201d\u2026") ==
Beispiel #19
def test_format_indent():
    xml = ('<html><body><h1>Hello, World</h1><div>'
           '<p>Hello, <b>Kids</b>!</p></div></body></html>')
    format = Format(indent=True)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith(
        '<html>\n<body>\n\t<h1>Hello, World</h1>\n\t<div>\n'
        '\t\t<p>Hello, <b>Kids</b>!</p>\n\t</div>\n</body>\n</html>')
    format = Format(indent='')
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith('<html>\n<body>\n<h1>Hello, World</h1>\n<div>\n'
                      '<p>Hello, <b>Kids</b>!</p>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>')
    format = Format(indent='   ')
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith(
        '<html>\n<body>\n   <h1>Hello, World</h1>\n   <div>\n'
        '      <p>Hello, <b>Kids</b>!</p>\n   </div>\n</body>\n</html>')
    format = Format(indent=2)
    s2 = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s2 != s
    format = Format(indent=3)
    s3 = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s3 == s
    xml = ('<html><body><h1> Hello </h1></body></html>')
    format = Format(indent=True, min_level=0)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith(
        '<html>\n\t<body>\n\t\t<h1> Hello </h1>\n\t</body>\n</html>')
    format = Format(indent=True, min_level=3)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith('<html>\n<body>\n<h1> Hello </h1>\n</body>\n</html>')
    format = Format(indent=True, max_level=2)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith('<html>\n<body>\n\t<h1> Hello </h1>\n</body>\n</html>')
    format = Format(indent=True, min_level=0, max_level=1)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith(
        '<html>\n\t<body>\n\t<h1> Hello </h1>\n\t</body>\n</html>')
    xml = '<html><body><pre><div><h1>Hello</h1></div></pre></body></html>'
    format = Format(indent=True)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert s.endswith('<html>\n<body>\n\t<pre><div><h1>Hello'
    s = serialize(xml, format, 'xml')
    assert s.endswith('<html>\n<body>\n\t<pre>\n\t\t<div>\n\t\t\t'
    s = serialize(xml, format, 'plain')
    assert '\n\t\t\tHello\n' in s
    xml = '<p><em>Hello</em> wonderful <em>World</em>.</p>'
    format = Format(indent=True)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert xml in s
    xml = ("""<body py:strip="" xmlns:py="">
        <ul><li py:for="s in ('Hello', 'World')" py:content="s" /></ul></body>"""
    format = Format(indent=True, min_level=0, no_empty_lines=True)
    s = serialize(xml, format)
    assert '<ul>\n\t<li>Hello</li>\n\t<li>World</li>\n</ul>' in s