async def prefix(self, ctx, pref:str=None): """Change Killua's prefix with this command. If you forgot your prefix, mentioning is always a prefix as well""" guild = Guild( if and pref: guild.change_prefix(pref) return await ctx.send(f'Successfully changed server prefix to `{pref}`!', allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none()) elif is False and pref: return await ctx.send('You need `administrator` permissions to change the server prefix!') await ctx.send(f'The current server prefix is `{guild.prefix}`', allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none())
async def daily(self, ctx): """Claim your daily Jenny with this command!""" now = datetime.utcnow() user = User( min = 50 max = 100 if user.is_premium: min *= 2 max *= 2 if ctx.guild and Guild( min *= 2 max *= 2 daily = randint(min, max) if user.is_entitled_to_double_jenny: daily *= 2 if str(user.daily_cooldown) < str(now): user.claim_daily() user.add_jenny(daily) await ctx.send( f'You claimed your {daily} daily Jenny and hold now on to {user.jenny}' ) else: cooldown = f"<t:{int(user.daily_cooldown.timestamp())}:R>" await ctx.send( f'You can claim your daily Jenny the next time in {cooldown}')
async def on_guild_join(self, guild): #Changing the status await self.client.update_presence() Guild.add_default( general = find(lambda x: == 'general', guild.text_channels) if general and general.permissions_for( prefix = Guild( embed = discord.Embed.from_dict({ 'title': 'Hello {}!'.format(, 'description': f'Hi, my name is Killua, thank you for choosing me! \n\nTo get some info about me, use `{prefix}info`\n\nTo change the server prefix, use `{prefix}prefix <new prefix>` (you need administrator perms for that\n\nFor more commands, use `{prefix}help` to see every command\n\nPlease consider leaving feeback with `{prefix}fb` as this helps me improve Killua', 'color': 0x1400ff }) await general.send(embed=embed) await self._post_guild_count()
async def tag(self, ctx): if not Guild( view = discord.ui.View() view.add_item( discord.ui.Button(style=discord.ButtonStyle.grey, label="Premium", url="")) await ctx.send( "This command group is currently only a premium feature. To enable your guild to use it, become a Patreon!", file=PatreonBanner.file(), view=view) raise commands.CheckFailure # I raise this error because it is the only one I ignore in the error handler. Hacky but whatever
async def guild(self, ctx): """Displays infos about the current guild""" top = self._lb(ctx, limit=1) guild = Guild( badges = ' '.join([GUILD_BADGES[b] for b in guild.badges]) embed = discord.Embed.from_dict({ "title": f"Information about {}", "fields": [{ "name": "Owner", "value": str(ctx.guild.owner) }, { "name": "Killua Badges", "value": (badges if len(badges) > 0 else "No badges") }, { "name": "Combined Jenny", "value": top["points"] }, { "name": "Richest Member", "value": f'{top["top"][0]["name"]} with {top["top"][0]["points"]} jenny' }, { "name": "Server created at", "value": self.client.convert_to_timestamp( }, { "name": "Members", "value": ctx.guild.member_count }], "description": str(, "thumbnail": { "url": str(ctx.guild.icon.url) }, "color": 0x1400ff }) await self.client.send_message(ctx, embed=embed)
async def on_guild_remove(self, guild): #Changing Killua's status await self.client.update_presence() Guild( await self._post_guild_count()
async def update_guild_cache(self, data) -> None: """Makes sure the local cache is up to date with the db""" guild = Guild( guild.prefix = data.prefix guild.commands = {v for k, v in data.commands.items()}