def resolution_check_update(self, instance, x, y):
		Properties that I found:
		0. I notice that in retina display the actual height and width in pixel is actually a multiple of the window.size (?)
		1. Moving the window to an external display doesn't change the output of get_system_size().
		2. Rescaling the window changes system.size instantly.
		3. on_resize gets triggered on both resizing the screen and switching displays.
		4. During initization, self.height and self.width gives 1600, 1200, but x, y give correct sizes.
		5. The self.height and self.width values only get set AFTER we finish resizing the window and confirm the size.
		6. Looking through the code I discovered that there is this x,y that return from on_resize, which seems to be the instanteous size that get updated faster than height,width
		 get_system_size = Window._get_system_size()
		 selfheightwidth = [int(self.width), int(self.height)]
		 print(f'Get_System_size: {get_system_size},  SelfHW: {selfheightwidth},  System_size: {Window.system_size}, X:{x}, Y:{y}')

        # Initialize the values when it first launches
        if self.window_size_safe == [0, 0]:
            self.window_size_safe = Window._get_system_size()
            self.window_pixel_dim_safe = [x, y]
            print(f'Saved the initiated size_safe: {self.window_size_safe}')

        # Check whether the resize is caused by switching monitors or resizing
        if Window._get_system_size() == self.window_size_safe:
            print(f'Window moved to another display: {Window.size}')
            window_current_pixel_dim = [x, y]

            # Check if the window pixel dimensions suddenly changes (in my retina display it is 2x less when move to external)
            if self.window_pixel_dim_safe == multiply_list(
                    window_current_pixel_dim, 2):
                print('Resizing font for External Display')
                self.base_font_scale_fac = 0.5
                self.display_num = 1

            # Check if the window pixel dimensions suddenly changes (in my retina display it is 2x more when move to retina)
            elif self.window_pixel_dim_safe == multiply_list(
                    window_current_pixel_dim, 0.5):
                print('Resizing font for Retina Display')
                self.base_font_scale_fac = 1
                self.display_num = 0

            # Update the font_size, x,y change should be identical
            scale_fac = window_current_pixel_dim[
                0] / self.window_pixel_dim_safe[0]
            self.fin_font_scale_fac = self.fin_font_scale_fac * scale_fac

            # Save it to base_font for font resizing when window size changes (This is wrong, will make the font not resizeable after switching display)
            #self.base_font_size = self.test_font_size

            # Saved the current window pixel dimensions
            self.window_pixel_dim_safe = window_current_pixel_dim

            window_current_pixel_dim = [x, y]
            print(f'Window being resized: {Window.size}')
            # Update the font size (Enlarge font size after window resize)
            # Idea from here:
            if self.display_num == 0:
                scale_fac_display = 2
            elif self.display_num == 1:
                scale_fac_display = 1
            scale_fac = min(
                window_current_pixel_dim[0] /
                (scale_fac_display * self.window_width_min),
                window_current_pixel_dim[1] /
                (scale_fac_display * self.window_height_min))
            self.fin_font_scale_fac = self.base_font_scale_fac * scale_fac
            print(f'Scale fac {scale_fac}')
            self.window_pixel_dim_safe = window_current_pixel_dim
            self.window_size_safe = Window._get_system_size()