Beispiel #1
    def advance(self,dt):
        """Move the end effector in a circle, maintaining its orientation

        dt is the time step. 
        model = self.robot_model
        controller = self.robot_controller
        qcur = controller.configToKlampt(controller.commandedPosition())
        # TODO: implement me
        if not controller.isMoving():
            #done with prior motion
            # model.randomizeConfig()
            # q = model.getConfig()
            # duration = 2
            # controller.setPiecewiseLinear([duration],[controller.configFromKlampt(q)])
            #setPosition does an immediate position command
            # self.robot_controller.setPosition(self.robot_controller.configFromKlampt(q))
            pen_axis_ik = ik.fixed_rotation_objective(self.end_effector, local_axis=self.pen_local_axis)
            z_axis_ik = ik.fixed_rotation_objective(self.end_effector, world_axis=[0,0,1])
            next_pos = self.cur_pos(self.time + dt)
            point_ik = ik.objective(self.end_effector, local=self.end_effector.getLocalPosition(self.cur_position), world=next_pos)
            ik.solve([pen_axis_ik, z_axis_ik, point_ik])
            q = model.getConfig()
            controller.setPiecewiseLinear([dt], [controller.configFromKlampt(q)])
            self.time += dt
            self.cur_position = next_pos
            q = self.normalize_config(q, qcur)
Beispiel #2
    def advance(self,dt):
        """The state machine logic of advance() should:

        1. move the pen to an approach point near the start point of path 0
          (The approach point should be lifted `lift_amount` distance away from the plane)
        2. lower the pen to the start point of path 0
        3. trace path 0, keeping the pen's local axis paralle to the plane axis
        4. raise the pen by lift_amount
        5. move in a straight joint space path to an approach point near path 1's start point
        6. ...likewise, repeat steps 1-4 for the remaining paths
        7. move back to qhome along a straight joint space path.

        dt is the time step. 
        model = self.robot_model
        controller = self.robot_controller
        qcur = controller.configToKlampt(controller.commandedPosition())
        #TODO: implement me
        if not controller.isMoving():
            self.wait += 1
            if self.wait < 50:
            self.wait = 0
            #done with prior motion
            # model.randomizeConfig()
            model.setConfig(normalize_config(model.getConfig(),qcur))  #this is needed to handle the funky spin joints
            pen_axis_ik = ik.fixed_rotation_objective(self.end_effector, local_axis=self.pen_local_axis)
            if self.state == "moveinit":
                if self.path_index >= len(self.paths):
                point_ik = ik.objective(self.end_effector, local=self.end_effector.getLocalPosition(self.cur_position), world=self.paths[self.path_index].milestones[0])
                ik.solve([pen_axis_ik, point_ik])
                q = model.getConfig()
                self.state = "writepath"
                self.path_progress += 1
                self.cur_position = self.paths[self.path_index].milestones[0]
            elif self.state == "writepath":
                if self.path_progress < len(self.paths[self.path_index]):
                    point_ik = ik.objective(self.end_effector, local=self.end_effector.getLocalPosition(self.cur_position), world=self.paths[self.path_index].milestones[self.path_progress])
                    ik.solve([pen_axis_ik, point_ik])
                    q = model.getConfig()
                    self.path_progress += 1
                    self.cur_position = self.paths[self.path_index].milestones[0]
                    self.state = "endpath"
            elif self.state == "endpath":
                self.path_progress = 0
                self.state == "moveinit"
                self.path_index += 1
            # duration = 2
            # controller.setPiecewiseLinear([duration],[controller.configFromKlampt(q)])
            #setPosition does an immediate position command
Beispiel #3
 def solve(self, target_loc):
     if isinstance(target_loc, np.ndarray):
         target_loc = list(target_loc.flat)
     if target_loc[0] < 0:
         initial_cfg = self.initial_cfg_left
         initial_cfg = self.initial_cfg_right
     objective = ik.objective(self.grasptarget_link,
                              local=[0, 0, 0],
     flag = ik.solve(objective, iters=1000, tol=1e-4)
     cfg = self.robot.getConfig()[7:14]
     return flag, cfg, initial_cfg[7:14]
 def ik(self, from_config, to_ee_loc, return_flag=False):
     if isinstance(to_ee_loc, np.ndarray):
         to_ee_loc = list(to_ee_loc.flat)
     from_config_full = copy(self.robot.getConfig())
     from_config_full[7:14] = from_config
     objective = ik.objective(self.grasptarget_link,
                              local=[0, 0, 0],
     flag = ik.solve(objective, iters=1000, tol=1e-4)
     cfg = self.robot.getConfig()[7:14]
     if not return_flag:
         return cfg
         return cfg, flag
Beispiel #5
def retract(robot,gripper,amount,local=True):
    """Retracts the robot's gripper by a vector `amount`.

    if local=True, amount is given in local coordinates.  Otherwise, its given in
    world coordinates.
    if not isinstance(gripper,(int,str)):
        gripper = gripper.base_link
    link =
    Tcur = link.getTransform()
    if local:
        amount = so3.apply(Tcur[0],amount)
    obj = ik.objective(link,R=Tcur[0],t=vectorops.add(Tcur[1],amount))
    res = ik.solve(obj)
    if not res:
        return None
    return robot.getConfig()
Beispiel #6
 def solve(self, target_loc):
     if isinstance(target_loc, np.ndarray):
         target_loc = list(target_loc.flat)
     if target_loc[0] < 0:
         initial_cfg = self.initial_cfg_left
         initial_cfg = self.initial_cfg_right
     # return True, self.robot.getConfig()[7:14]
     objective = ik.objective(self.grasptarget_link,
                              local=[0, 0, 0],
     flag = ik.solve(objective, iters=1000, tol=1e-4)
     cfg = self.robot.getConfig()[7:14]
     # collisions = list(self.collider.robotSelfCollisions(self.robot))
     # print(f'get {len(collisions)} collisions')
     # for c1, c2 in collisions:
     # 	print('collisions', c1.getName(), c2.getName())
     return flag, cfg, initial_cfg[7:14]
Beispiel #7
 def configSolver(self, robot, catch_location):
     solve for all the possibilities and find the one with lowest cost compare with the current config
     # Pre-calculated waiting and prepare configs
     if tuple(catch_location) in PRE_CAL_CONFIG.keys():
         return [PRE_CAL_CONFIG[tuple(catch_location)], 0.0]
     current_config = robot.getConfig()
     opt_sol = [current_config, float('inf')]
     # norm solver
     for link_idx in range(4, robot.numLinks() - 1):
         cur_end_link =
         for link_pos in [0.02 * mul for mul in range(1)]:
             cur_goal = ik.objective(cur_end_link,
                                     local=[(link_pos, 0, 0)],
             if ik.solve(cur_goal):
                 cur_sol = robot.getConfig()
                 cur_dist = robot.distance(cur_sol, current_config)
                 if cur_dist < opt_sol[1]:
                     opt_sol[0], opt_sol[1] = cur_sol, cur_dist
     return opt_sol
Beispiel #8
def ik_solve(target_position, first_time=False):
    left_ee_link =
    left_active_dofs = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

    ee_local_pos = [0, 0, 0]
    h = 0.1
    local = [ee_local_pos, vectorops.madd(ee_local_pos, (1, 0, 0), -h)]
    world = [target_position, vectorops.madd(target_position, (0, 0, 1), h)]
    goal = ik.objective(left_ee_link, local=local, world=world)

    if first_time:
        solved = ik.solve_global(goal,
        solved = ik.solve(goal, activeDofs=left_active_dofs)

    if solved:
        print("solve success")
        return True
        print("Solve unsuccessful")
        return False
Beispiel #9
def getTorque(t,q,dq):
    """ TODO: implement me
    Returns a 4-element torque vector given the current time t, the configuration q, and the joint velocities dq to drive
    the robot so that it traces out the desired curves.

    Recommended order of operations:
    1. Monitor and update the current status and stroke
    2. Update the stroke_progress, making sure to perform smooth interpolating trajectories
    3. Determine a desired configuration given current state using IK
    4. Send qdes, dqdes to PID controller
    global robot,status,current_stroke,current_stroke_progress,stroke_list, pid_integrators, interp, prevTarget, interpIncrement
    qdes = [0,0,0,0]
    dqdes = [0,0,0,0]
    link =

    if (status == "pen up") :
        print "PEN UP"
        penHeight = 0.05
    elif (status == "pen up moving") :
        print "PEN UP MOVING"
        penHeight = 0.05
    elif (status == "pen down") :
        print "PEN DOWN"
        penHeight = -0.002
    else :
        print status
        penHeight = -0.002

    if (current_stroke == len(stroke_list)):
        status == "done"
        penHeight = 0.2
        target = (0, 0)
    else :
        target = stroke_list[current_stroke][current_stroke_progress]

    if (status == "move") :
        print "want to interp: ", interp
        r1 = prevTarget[0] + interp * (target[0] - prevTarget[0])
        r2 = prevTarget[1] + interp * (target[1] - prevTarget[1])
        target = (r1,r2)
        print target
    wc = []
    wc2 = []

    obj = ik.objective(link,local= [[0,0,0],[0,0,-1]], world=[wc, wc2])
    res = ik.solve(obj)
    qdes = robot.getConfig()

    kP = [10,5,2,50]
    kI = [0,0,0,0]
    kD = [8,1.5,0.1,5]
    allWithin = True
    for i in range(len(q)):
        acceptableRange = 0.01
        if (status == "moving" and interp <0.8) :
            acceptableRange = 0.05
        if (status == "moving" and interp >0.8) :
            acceptableRange = 0.001
        if (math.fabs(q[i] - qdes[i]) > acceptableRange):
            allWithin = False
    if allWithin:
        print "ALL WITHIN"
        if (status == "done") :
            print "do nothing"
        elif (status == "pen up") :
            interp = 0
            status = "pen up moving"
            current_stroke_progress = 0;
            current_stroke = current_stroke + 1
        elif (status == "pen up moving") :
            status = "pen down"
        elif (status == "pen down") :
            interp = interpIncrement
            status = "move"
            prevTarget = target
            print "prevTarget: ", prevTarget
            current_stroke_progress = current_stroke_progress + 1
        elif (status == "move"):
            if interp < 1 - interpIncrement + interpIncrement/2:
                interp = interp + interpIncrement
                pid_integrators = [0,0,0,0]
                if (current_stroke_progress == len(stroke_list[current_stroke]) -1):
                    print "END OF LIST"
                    print current_stroke_progress
                    status = "pen up"
                else :
                    print "KEEP GOING"
                    interp = interpIncrement
                    prevTarget = target
                    print "prevTarget: ", prevTarget
                    print current_stroke_progress
                    current_stroke_progress = current_stroke_progress+1
    return getPIDTorqueAndAdvance(q,dq,qdes,dqdes,kP,kI,kD,pid_integrators,dt)
Beispiel #10
def getTorque(t,q,dq):
    """ TODO: implement me
    Returns a 4-element torque vector given the current time t, the configuration q, and the joint velocities dq to drive
    the robot so that it traces out the desired curves.

    Recommended order of operations:
    1. Monitor and update the current status and stroke
    2. Update the stroke_progress, making sure to perform smooth interpolating trajectories
    3. Determine a desired configuration given current state using IK
    4. Send qdes, dqdes to PID controller
    global robot,status,current_stroke,current_stroke_progress,stroke_list, pid_integrators, interp, prevTarget, interpIncrement, t_up
    qdes = [0,0,0,0]
    dqdes = [0,0,0,0]
    link =

    penDrawHeight = -0.001
    if (status == "pen up") :
        penHeight = 0.005
    elif (status == "pen up moving") :
        penHeight = 0.005
    elif (status == "pen down") :
        #penHeight = -0.002
        penHeight = penDrawHeight
    elif (status == "done") :
        penHeight = 0.005
    else :
        #penHeight = -0.002
        penHeight = penDrawHeight
    if (current_stroke == len(stroke_list)):
        status == "done"
        penHeight = 0.2
        target = prevTarget
    else :
        target = stroke_list[current_stroke][current_stroke_progress]

    if (status == "move") :
        if interp > 0.9:
            delta = 0.08
            interp  = 1 + delta
        r1 = prevTarget[0] + interp * (target[0] - prevTarget[0])
        r2 = prevTarget[1] + interp * (target[1] - prevTarget[1])
        target = (r1,r2)

    wc = []
    wc2 = []

    # IK Solver
    obj = ik.objective(link,local= [[0,0,0],[0,0,-1]], world=[wc, wc2])
    res = ik.solve(obj)
    qdes = robot.getConfig()

    kP = [20,8,1,20]
    kI = [0.05,0.01,0,0]
    kD = [8,1.5,0.1,5]

    allWithin = True
    for i in range(len(q)):
        acceptableRange = 0.002
        if (status == "move" and interp <0.75) :
            acceptableRange = 0.01
        if (status == "move" and interp >0.75) :
            acceptableRange = 0.001
        if (math.fabs(q[i] - qdes[i]) > acceptableRange):
            allWithin = False
    if allWithin:
        if (status == "done") :
            status = "done"
        elif (status == "pen up") :
            interp = 0
            status = "pen up moving"
            current_stroke_progress = 0;
            current_stroke = current_stroke + 1
        elif (status == "pen up moving") :
            status = "pen down"
        elif (status == "pen down") :
            interp = interpIncrement
            status = "move"
            prevTarget = target
            current_stroke_progress = current_stroke_progress + 1
        elif (status == "move"):
            if interp < (1 -.05):
                interp = interp + interpIncrement
                pid_integrators = [0,0,0,0]
                if (current_stroke_progress == len(stroke_list[current_stroke]) -1):
                    t_up = t
                    status = "pen up"
                    if (current_stroke == len(stroke_list)-1) :
                        status = "done"
                else :
                    interp = interpIncrement
                    prevTarget = target
                    current_stroke_progress = current_stroke_progress+1
    return getPIDTorqueAndAdvance(q,dq,qdes,dqdes,kP,kI,kD,pid_integrators,dt)